Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Daily Bleed 6.29

An open door, an utter deed of love,
Transforming day's evil darkness;
but We found extended hell & fog Upon the earth,
& within the head
A rotting bog of lean huge graves.

— Kenneth Patchen, "Let Us Have Madness"

Daily Bleed in full,


Radical critic of the politics of everyday life.

Russia: ST. PETER'S DAY. Celebration of the "Funeral of Kostrama":
Bonfires kindled; maiden chosen to be carried in procession
& to reign over games & dancing.



1840 -- Mikhail Bakunin leaves Russia to study philosophy in Berlin.

1886 -- US: Harlem photographer James VanDerZee lives.
Daily Bleed Saint, 1998; Knockout Harlem photographer, roustabout.
Photographic subjects include Marcus Garvey, Madame C.J. Walker,
Daddy Grace & many others.

1900 -- France: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry lives (1900-1944).
French aviator & writer, real life hero who looked at
adventure & danger with a poet's eyes.

1916 -- Sir Roger Casement is convicted
of treason & sentenced to death, UK.

Daily Bleed Saint, September 1
Gay, Irish patriot, martyr, protester of First World
terror inflicted on Third World colonials.

A patriot to the Irish, a traitor to the English, & a footnote
in the history of homosexuality & of "the war to end all wars".

1918 -- US: Because of Emma Goldman's anti-war activities,
Federal agents raid the apartment of Emma's associate M. Eleanor
Fitzgerald, seizing mailing lists & other relevant material.

1919 -- Australia: Striking meat-workers in Townsville, Qld., clash
with police; nine people are wounded in an exchange of gunshots.

1919 -- US: Slim Pickens lives to die.

Slim Fast?

"I can no longer sit back & allow Communist infiltration,
Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion, & the
International Communist conspiracy to sap & impurify all
of our precious bodily fluids... "

— General Jack Ripper

1924 -- Poet Cid Corman lives.

"A hint or tint of
music — as if the silence
were being turned on."

1936 -- US: Jesus Pallares, founder of the 8,000-member coal
miners union, Liga Obrera de Habla Esanola, is deported as a
so-called "undesirable alien."

1940 -- Individualistic Swiss artist Paul Klee dies.

Swiss graphic artist & painter.

"Art does not reproduce the visible. Art makes visible".

1941 -- US: Stokely Carmichael (1941-1998) lives, Port of Spain,
Trinidad. Emigrated to the United States. In 1960, Carmichael formed
the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).

1954 -- Guatemala: Democratically elected Beloved & Respected
Comrade Leader President Guzman successfully overthrown by a
CIA-sponsored "revolution."

Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles announces the coup successfully block a
Soviet plot to establish a "nesting place" in the Americas.

The new military junta orders the arrest of all Communists.

1964 -- Jazz great Eric Dolphy dies, Berlin.

"Eric Dolphy was a saint — in every way, not just his playing."

— Charles Mingus

Daily Bleed Saint 2003-2005
Unique instrumental voice, also the link between Coltrane,
Mingus & the European avant-garde.

1967 -- Israel: Barricades are removed, re-unifying Jerusalem. Yup.

1972 -- Graham Young is sentenced to life for poisoning fellow workers
with thallium; police are not suspicious until one reads Agatha Christie's
The Pale Horse, which describes this method.

1987 -- Train Stops: Songster Elizabeth Cotten dies.

1990 -- 93 nations agree to halt production
of ozone-destroying chemicals. Yup. Yup.

1991 -- Henri Lefebvre
Every day no more

French social critic.

Lefebvre was a signatory to the Proclamation of the 121
This declaration supported insubordination during the war of Algeria

September 6, 1960: 121 writers, academics & artists publish their
support (in "Truth-Freedom", No 4, September-October 1960; this
number was seized & its staff accused of provoking soldiers to

The signatories face severe sanctions...Simone de Beauvoir, André Breton,
Daniel Guérin, Henri Lefebvre, Jehan Mayoux, et al ...

1996 -- Alanis Morrissette, Eric Clapton, Ron Woods, Bob Dylan
& the Who perform for 150,000 at a charity concert in London's
Hyde Park...without crutches even!


"How does it become a man to behave toward this American government

I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it....

Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for
a just man is also a prison."

— Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience


— Auntie anti-rotting bogs 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Amazon Down

Currently, every listing for Amazon's website is showing as "not available". Strange, very strange. The end of the world? New marketing strategy? Stay tuned (unless of course we all see a bright flash and the world ends; in that case: tata, so long and thanks for all the fish)


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Daily Bleed 6.27.10

He labored hard & failed at last,
His sails too weak to bear the blast,
The raging tempests tore away
& sent his beating bark astray.
But what cared he
For wind or sea!
He said, "The tempest will be short,
My bark will come to port."
He saw through every cloud a gleam ­­
He had his dream.

— Paul Laurence Dunbar, from "He Had His Dream"

Web page what runneth over:



Writer & activist editor of "Mother Earth," exile, she knew
innumerable jailings, revolutions, love affairs. The most
dangerous woman in America.

Provence, France: FESTIVAL OF THE THRASQUE. The man-eating
monster charges down city streets, snapping at people.



1605 -- In Valladolid, Spain, Cervantes & his poverty-stricken
family are arrested & charged with complicity in the death of a
nobleman (exonerated a few days later).

1869 -- Anarchist rebel, feminist & anti-militarist Emma Goldman
lives, Kaunas, Lithuania.

1880 -- Deaf, mute, blind socialist Helen Keller, lives (1880-
1968), Tuscumbia, Alabama. American author, activist, socialist.
Wrote fluently about her life: The World I Live In; The Song of
the Stone Wall

1905 -- "Wobblies" (Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)),
a radical union, founding convention begins, Brand's Hall, in
Chicago, Illinois.

1907 -- Emma Goldman back in New York City
in time to celebrate her 38th birthday.

1917 -- Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman act as independent
counsel in their conspiracy trial; Goldman denies charge that she
stated, "We believe in violence & we will use violence" at the
May 18 meeting.

After a brief jury deliberation, they are both
found guilty & given the maximum sentence — two years in prison &
$10,000 fine. Judge Julius Mayer recommends their deportation as
undesirable aliens. Goldman's plea to have sentencing deferred is
denied; Goldman taken to Jefferson City, Mo., & Berkman to
Atlanta, Ga., to begin their sentences.

1918 -- Emma Goldman spends her birthday in agonizing
pain, induced by strain from her prison work.

1919 -- Emma Goldman celebrates her 50th birthday in prison.
Especially touched that William Shatoff sends her a bouquet
of flowers from Russia.

1925 -- Emma Goldman, on her birthday, marries James Colton, an
elderly anarchist friend & trade unionist from Wales, in order to
obtain British citizenship & the right to travel & speak more widely.

1928 -- Because F. Scott Fitzgerald is too awestruck by James
Joyce to approach him, bookstore (Shakespeare & Co.) owners
Sylvia Beach & Adrienne Monnier invite the two & Lucie & Andra
Chamson to dinner.

1929 -- Emma Goldman takes time out of a busy writing schedule
to celebrate her 60th birthday with Berkman & visiting American
friends Ben & Ida Capes.

1934 -- Emma Goldman celebrates her 65th birthday in Toronto
with a party attended by 40 friends.

1936 -- Emma Goldman celebrates her 67th birthday with visiting
American anarchist & benefactor Michael Cohn & his family. Too
ill to celebrate with her, Alexander Berkman telephones in the

1939 -- Emma Goldman's 70th birthday is marked in Toronto
with a celebration that elicits cables from friends, comrades,
& labor organizations around the world.

1941 -- Richard Wright awarded the Spingarn Medal, for the power
of his books Uncle Tom's Children & Native Son in depicting "the
effects of proscription, segregation & denial of opportunities on
the American Negro."

1948 -- Australia: Coal workers strike until mid-August
when the government calls out the troops to suppress it.

1950 -- Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Truman orders
US air & naval units to South Korea, which was invaded by North
Korea. He also announces the dispatch of a 35-man military
mission to the newly formed state of Vietnam, to teach the use of
US weapons. Apparently they see light at the end of the tunnel
& send back bad advice:

send more.

1954 -- CIA-sponsored rebels complete their overthrow of the elected
government of Guatemala.

When we butchered your son, boys
When we butchered your son
Have a stick of our gum, boys
Have a stick of our bubble-gum
We own half the world, oh say can you see
The name for our profits is democracy
So, like it or not, you will have to be free
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

— Phil Ochs

1960 -- Pierre Monatte (1881-1960) dies. A central figure
of the French anarcho-syndicalist movement. Influenced by Emile
Pouget, friends with Albert Camus, & a former Communist
Party member, he fought the Stalinist influence & reformist
positions of the trade unions.

1967 -- "Show me a man who lives alone & has a perpetually dirty
kitchen, & 5 times out of 9 I'll show you an exceptional man."

— Charles Bukowski, 6-27-67, over 19th bottle of beer.

as the knife stopped spinning
the answer came:
you're going to have to
save yourself.
still smiling,
a: he lit a
b: he poured
c: gave the blade

1969 -- New York City police storm into the Stonewall, a Greenwich
Village gay bar. They're expecting a routine raid. But many young
men are emboldened by recent race rebellions & escalating
resistance to the Vietnam War.

They feel it's time to take direct action. In less than an hour,
the police harassment at the Stonewall ignites a full-scale riot.
The battle raged in the surrounding neighborhood for nearly
a week. Within a month, organizations spring up across the
country to resist similar oppression & to support the
Stonewall rioters. The modern lesbian
& gay rights movement has begun.

The basis of future Gay Pride Days.

1973 -- Ida Mett dies. Member of the "Dielo Truda" group from 1925
to 1928. Russian anarchist, married to Nicholas Lazarevitch,
who helped her gather documentation for her book, The Kronstadt
Uprising 1921

1986 -- World Court rules US support for Nicaraguan "contras"
violates international law.

1997 -- US: Speakeasy Cafe, Seattle Hempfest
Benefit, with Artis the Spoon Man, songster Jim Page,
et al.

2008 -- Germany: Bavarian man torches his 1995 BMW outside Frankfurt's
convention center to protest skyrocketing gas prices. Police consider charging
him with violating German environmental laws.


"[Anarchism is the] philosophy of a new social order based on
liberty unrestricted by man-made law; the theory that all forms
of government rest on violence, & are therefore wrong &
harmful, as well as unnecessary."

— Emma Goldman

— @nti-copyRite 1997-8666 or thereabouts

Friday, June 25, 2010

Daily Bleed for 6.25

it plunges into the red flesh of the soil
it plunges into the blaxing flesh of the sky
my negritude riddles with holes
the dense affliction of its worthy patience.

— Aimé Césaire, excerpt,
"Cahier d'un retour au pays natal"
(Return to My Native Land)

Daily Bleed,



British novelist, anarchist journalist, anti-Stalinist.

Spain: FIESTA OF STANA OROSIA. Pilgrims climb to murdered
maiden's mountain sanctuary where the saint's head is displayed,
picnic, sing, dance, drink, fight & make love.



1178 -- Five Canterbury monks report something exploding on the Moon.

1694 -- Viagra? London contracts for the erection
of the first British lamp-posts.

1822 -- German phantasist ETA Hoffman dies, Berlin.

Daily Bleed Saint 2002-2005
German phantasist, visionary, proto-surrealist.

1825 - Capture of Bob Forbes, leader of Maroons
(blacks resisting slavery) in Virginia.

Gone to Croatan: Origins of North American Dropout Culture
— Ron Sakolsky & SaintMeister James Koehnline, editors:

Lost history viewed through cracks in the
cartographies of control, including "tri-racial
isolate" communities, buccaneers, "white Indians",
black Islamic movements, the Maroons of the
Great Dismal Swamp, the Métis nation, scandalous
eugenics theories, rural "hippie" communes, & many
other aspects of North American autonomous cultures.
A festschrift honoring historian Hugo Lemming Bey of
the Moorish Science Temple.

1852 - Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi lives, Reus, Spain.

1856 - German ego-philosopher-anarchist Max Stirner dies, Berlin.
A left Hegelian with Karl Marx & others, gone bad. Wrote The Ego
& Its Own

1857 - Baudelaire's volume of poems Les Fleurs du Mal is
published. He & his publishers are prosecuted for offending
public morals.

1867 -- Lucien Smith patents barbed wire. Rhymes with Empire:
First used for military defense by US occupation forces in Cuba in 1898.

1876 -- Got Reservations?: Lakota, Cheyenne & Arapahoe, resisting
the authority of the US government efforts to herd them onto
"reservations", kill Red-baiting General Richard Armstrong
Custer & wipe-out his troops at Little Big Horn, Montana.
Euphemistically called "Custer's Last Stand".

1878 -- US: Despite mass protests, Ezra Heywood gets two years
hard labor for advocating free love / sexual emancipation as part of
women's rights in the US. Individualist anarchist "arrested" by
prude Anthony Comstock. Released on 19 December, & Beloved &
Respected Comrade Leader President Hayes issued a pardon the
following day.

1893 - Haymarket Martyrs' Monument is dedicated. Erected by the
Pioneer Aid & Support Association, an organization begun by the
anarchist Lucy Parsons, Albert's widow.

It features a woman as Justice placing a crown
of laurels on the brow of a fallen worker, while
preparing to draw a sword.

Sculptor Albert Weinert's design was inspired by
a verse from the French anthem, the "Marseillaise",
which the five anarchists sang before their hanging.

On the front of the monument are the last words
of August Spies:

"The day will come..."

On this day thousands of workers & visitors
to the World's Columbian Exposition marched to a
train station & rode to the cemetery. Floral tributes
were sent by several nations. Speeches were made
in English, German, Polish & Bohemian, & an orchestra
played the Marseillaise.

Every year on the Sunday closest to May 4,
& the anniversary of Black Friday, November 11th, labor
organizations come to this monument to pay tribute —
though most are loathe to recall or
avoid mention that the martyrs were anarchists.

"The day will come when our silence
will be more powerful than the voices
you are throttling today."

— August Spies

1894 - Eugene Debs leads strike of American Railway Union.

1903 - Modern prognosticator George Orwell lives, as Eric Blair,
Motihari, Bengal, India.

The biting satire of Communist ideology, The Animal
, followed his horrendous experiences with the Stalinists,
especially in the Spanish Revolution (see his Homage to
). Then came his anti-utopian Nineteen Eighty-Four.

'All animals are equal,
but some animals are more equal than others.'

1913 -- Martinique: Anti-colonialist surrealist poet Aime Cesaire
lives, Basse-Pointe.

"I am talking of millions of men who have been
skillfully injected with fear, inferiority complexes,
trepidation, servility, despair, abasement."

Discours sur le colonialisme

1921 -- Czechoslovakia: The word "robot" enters the world's
languages when Karel Capek's play "R.U.R." (Rossum's Universal
Robots) premieres. Even the robots won't put up with lousy work &
crummier wages, & rebel.

1937 -- José Martins Fontes dies. Portuguese doctor, lecturer,
poet, anarchist, militant activist in Brazil.

1940 -- Earl Robinson's "Ballad for Americans" premiers, NY Philharmonic.

1952 - Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges publishes Otras

1955 -- France: Pierre Morain, militant of the F.C.L. (Fédération
Communiste Libertaire) arrested. Sentenced to prison for one year.
Pro-Algerian revolution, the FCL's paper "Le Libertaire" was seized
seven times between 1954 & 1956. The five editors of the paper were
repeatedly prosecuted by the Ministry of the Interior. Criminalization
& surveillance of FCL activists led to it's dissolution in 1956.

1961 -- Iraq announces that Kuwait is a part of Iraq (Kuwait disagrees).
US marches in on it's moral horse to save the day, right?

1962 -- U.S. Supreme Court rules official prayers unconstitutional
in public schools.

1967 -- "Summer of Love": 75,000 - 100,000 in Hashbury. Also, on
or about this day, author Ken Kesey is sentenced to 6 months in jail.

"You are either on the bus or you're not on the bus."

Kesey formed the 'Merrie Pranksters', bought an old school bus, &
toured America & Mexico with his friends. Their exploits were
immortalized in Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1973).

1968 -- Got Civilization?: Pan-American Health Organization
reports that Central American Indians have a worse diet than the
pre-Columbian Mayans.

1968 -- In response to the passage of an anti-gay ordinance in
Miami, 240,000 people march in San Francisco in the first large-
scale version of that city's annual Gay Freedom Day Parade.

1968 -- US: Red, White & Rue? Congress makes it a crime
to desecrate the Merican flag.

1972 -- US: Help, I'm A Republican!? Martha Mitchell phones
a reporter, claiming to be a political prisoner.

1984 - French philosopher Michel Foucault dies, of AIDS, Paris.

1986 -- US: House reverses itself, approves aid to Nicaraguan contra
terrorists. & here you thought the American government was always
in reverse.

1990 "I am freer than anybody else. I am free to choose the
parents I want, the country I want, the age I want."

— author B. Traven,
according to Mrs Lujan (his widow),
"New York Times," June 25, 1990

2002 -- European Court of Justice rules that if cheese does not come
from Parma, it can't be Parmesan cheese. Daily Bleed rules if Blue
Cheese does not come from the (Blue) Moon it cannot be Blue Cheese.


"No daring is required to protest against a great injustice."

— Emma Goldman

— anti-copyRite 1997,3541,7762,1921,2010,punt

Daily Bleed for June 25th

it plunges into the red flesh of the soil
            it plunges into the blaxing flesh of the sky
            my negritude riddles with holes
            the dense affliction of its worthy patience.

            — Aimé Césaire, excerpt,
              "Cahier d'un retour au pays natal"
             (Return to My Native Land)JUNE 25

British novelist, anarchist journalist, anti-Stalinist.

Spain: FIESTA OF STANA OROSIA. Pilgrims climb to murdered
maiden's mountain sanctuary where the saint's head is displayed,
picnic, sing, dance, drink, fight & make love.



1178 -- Five Canterbury monks report something exploding on the Moon.

1694 -- Viagra? London contracts for the erection
of the first British lamp-posts.

1822 -- German phantasist ETA Hoffman dies, Berlin.

  Daily Bleed Saint 2002-2005
  German phantasist, visionary, proto-surrealist.

1825 - Capture of Bob Forbes, leader of Maroons
(blacks resisting slavery) in Virginia.

Gone to Croatan: Origins of North American Dropout Culture
  — Ron Sakolsky & SaintMeister James Koehnline, editors:

    Lost history viewed through cracks in the
    cartographies of control, including "tri-racial
    isolate" communities, buccaneers, "white Indians",
    black Islamic movements, the Maroons of the
    Great Dismal Swamp, the Métis nation, scandalous
    eugenics theories, rural "hippie" communes, &  many
    other aspects of North American autonomous cultures.
    A festschrift honoring historian Hugo Lemming Bey of
    the Moorish Science Temple.

1852 - Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi lives, Reus, Spain.

1856 - German ego-philosopher-anarchist Max Stirner dies, Berlin.
A left Hegelian with Karl Marx & others, gone bad. Wrote The Ego
& Its Own

1857 - Baudelaire's volume of poems Les Fleurs du Mal is
published. He & his publishers are prosecuted for offending
public morals.

1867 -- Lucien Smith patents barbed wire. Rhymes with Empire:
First used for military defense by US occupation forces in Cuba in 1898.

1876 -- Got Reservations?: Lakota, Cheyenne & Arapahoe, resisting
the authority of the US government efforts to herd them onto
"reservations", kill Red-baiting General Richard Armstrong
Custer & wipe-out his troops at Little Big Horn, Montana.
Euphemistically called "Custer's Last Stand".

1878 -- US:  Despite mass protests, Ezra Heywood gets two years
hard labor for advocating free love / sexual emancipation as part of
women's rights in the US. Individualist anarchist "arrested" by
prude Anthony Comstock. Released on 19 December, & Beloved &
Respected Comrade Leader President Hayes issued a pardon the
following day.

1893 - Haymarket Martyrs' Monument is dedicated. Erected by the
Pioneer Aid & Support Association, an organization begun by the
anarchist Lucy Parsons, Albert's widow.

    It features a woman as Justice placing a crown
    of laurels on the brow of a fallen worker, while
    preparing to draw a sword.

    Sculptor Albert Weinert's design was inspired by
    a verse from the French anthem, the "Marseillaise",
    which the five anarchists sang before their hanging.

On the front of the monument are the last words
of August Spies:

    "The day will come..."

    On this day thousands of workers & visitors
    to the World's Columbian Exposition marched to a
    train station & rode to the cemetery. Floral tributes
    were sent by several nations. Speeches were made
    in English, German, Polish & Bohemian, & an orchestra
    played the Marseillaise.

    Every year on the Sunday closest to May 4,
    & the anniversary of Black Friday, November 11th, labor
    organizations come to this monument to pay tribute —
    though most are loathe to recall or
    avoid mention that the martyrs were anarchists.

    "The day will come when our silence
    will be more powerful than the voices
    you are throttling today."

                        — August Spies

1894 - Eugene Debs leads strike of American Railway Union.

1903 - Modern prognosticator George Orwell lives, as Eric Blair,
Motihari, Bengal, India.

 The biting satire of Communist ideology, The Animal
, followed his horrendous experiences with the Stalinists,
 especially in the Spanish Revolution (see his Homage to
). Then came his anti-utopian Nineteen Eighty-Four.

    'All animals are equal,
    but some animals are more equal than others.'

1913 -- Martinique: Anti-colonialist surrealist poet Aime Cesaire
lives,  Basse-Pointe.

             "I am talking of millions of men who have been
             skillfully injected with fear, inferiority complexes,
             trepidation, servility, despair, abasement."

                             — Discours sur le colonialisme
1921 -- Czechoslovakia: The word "robot" enters the world's
languages when Karel Capek's play "R.U.R." (Rossum's Universal
Robots) premieres. Even the robots won't put up with lousy work &
crummier wages, & rebel.

1937 -- José Martins Fontes dies. Portuguese doctor, lecturer,
poet, anarchist, militant activist in Brazil.

1940 -- Earl Robinson's "Ballad for Americans" premiers, NY Philharmonic.

1952 - Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges publishes Otras

1955 -- France: Pierre Morain, militant of the F.C.L. (Fédération
Communiste Libertaire) arrested. Sentenced to prison for one year.
Pro-Algerian revolution, the FCL's paper "Le Libertaire" was seized
seven times between 1954 & 1956. The five editors of the paper were
repeatedly prosecuted by the Ministry of the Interior. Criminalization
& surveillance of FCL activists led to it's dissolution in 1956.

1961 -- Iraq announces that Kuwait is a part of Iraq (Kuwait disagrees).
US marches in on it's moral horse to save the day, right?

1962 -- U.S. Supreme Court rules official prayers unconstitutional
in public schools.

1967 -- "Summer of Love": 75,000 - 100,000 in Hashbury. Also, on
or about this day, author Ken Kesey is sentenced to 6 months in jail.

    "You are either on the bus or you're not on the bus."

Kesey formed the 'Merrie Pranksters', bought an old school bus, &
toured America & Mexico with his friends. Their exploits were
immortalized in Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1973).

1968 -- Got Civilization?: Pan-American Health Organization
reports that Central American Indians have a worse diet than the
pre-Columbian Mayans.

1968 -- In response to the passage of an anti-gay ordinance in
Miami, 240,000 people march in San Francisco in the first large-
scale version of that city's annual Gay Freedom Day Parade.

1968 -- US: Red, White & Rue? Congress makes it a crime
to desecrate the Merican flag.

1972 -- US: Help, I'm A Republican!? Martha Mitchell phones
a reporter, claiming to be a political prisoner.

1984 - French philosopher Michel Foucault dies, of AIDS, Paris.

1986 -- US: House reverses itself, approves aid to Nicaraguan contra
terrorists. & here you thought the American government was always
in reverse.

1990         "I am freer than anybody else. I am free to choose the
                 parents I want, the country I want, the age I want."

                  — author B. Traven,
                  according to Mrs Lujan (his widow),
                  "New York Times," June 25, 1990

2002 -- European Court of Justice rules that if cheese does not come
from Parma, it can't be Parmesan cheese. Daily Bleed rules if Blue
Cheese does not come from the (Blue) Moon it cannot be Blue Cheese.


    "No daring is required to protest against a great injustice."

                          — Emma Goldman

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Daily Bleed for 6.23.2010

I've come this far to freedom
And I won't turn back.
I'm changing to the highway
From my old dirt track.
I'm coming and I'm going
And I'm stretching and I'm growing
And I'll reap what I've been sowing
Or my skin's not black;
I've prayed and slaved and waited
And I've sung my song.
You've slashed me and you've treed me
And you've everything but freed me,
But in time you'll know you need me
And it won't be long.

— a student in the Mississippi Freedom Schools, 1964

Full Bleed:



Martyred Freedom Riders, early youth culture heroes.

MIDSUMMER'S EVE: Everyone into the woods at night; stay
up all night, sing, dance, make love, worship the sun god in fire
symbols, greet the rising sun.

Fairies speak in human tongues on this night; the flower of
happiness blooms. Gather flowers & boughs. Large wheels
bound with straw are set burning & rolled down hills, etc.

celebrated until a soldier displayed the finger of John the
Baptist in the 16th century. Bonfires & romancing continues,
& a "dragon" still lights fires.

New Orleans: Major Annual VOODOO CEREMONIES, since 1820, with
ceremonies since the 1850's held at Lake Pontchartrain.


1848 -- Beginning of Paris Uprising, known as the "June Days".
Lasts until the 26th.

1883 -- France: Louise Michel gets six years for plundering the
donut shops.

1884 -- José Martins Fontes lives. Brazilian doctor, lecturer,
poet, anarchist, militant activist in São Paulo & Rio de Janeiro.

1889 - Anna Akhmatova lives (1889-1966), Ukraine.
One of the greatest Russian poets, member of the
Acmeist group.

Entered a period of silence when her ex-husband,
poet Nikolay Gumilyov, was executed. After
Uncle Joe's death she was slowly rehabilitated.

1914 -- US: Charles Moyer wishes he had stayed
home...during a contentious meeting in Butte, Montana,
the Miner's Union Hall is demolished with dynamite.

1916 - Cabaret Voltaire shut down by public outcry.

In the same narrow alley, where the Cabaret Voltaire played,
lived a certain Mister Uljanow aka Lenin. Authorities were much
more suspicious about the chaotic dadaists
than of the reserved Russian scholar ...

1925 -- China: British warship fires on Hong Kong harbor strikers.

1937 -- Following the Communist suppression of the anarchists &
the P.O.U.M., in which he served during the Spanish Civil War &
Revolution, George Orwell flees Spain with his wife.

The end of the war on April 1, 1939, did not end the
killings. Franco systematically slaughtered some 200,000
of his opponents ... in a carnage of genocidal proportions
that was meant to physically uproot the living source of
the revolution...

[I]t was a vindictive counterrevolution that had its only
parallel, given the population & size of Spain, in Stalin's one-
sided civil war against the Soviet people.

1947 - US: Anti-worker Taft-Hartley Act passed by the Senate,
overriding Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President
Truman's veto. The Act greatly weakened the power of labor
unions in collective bargaining.

1958 -- Boris Vian (1920-1958) dies of a heart attack while
at a preview screening of a film version of his 1947 novel,
J'irai cracher sur vos tombes (I'll spit on your graves).

His last words were "what is this shit..."

(Bleedster Mantra!!)

Vehemently anti-militarist & pacifist, an extremely gifted writer
& jazz musician, & author of the song "Le déserteur"
(a classic French chanson).

1963 -- Nicaragua: Sandinista Colonel Santos Lopez attacks
& occupies the towns of Raiti & Walaquistán on the Coco river.

There is no moment but the fall of the sun.
The day is day & the night, night, but the dusk is
hour of agony & frightful solitude; & the Sandinistas
are not nothing still, or almost nothing.

1964 -- US: Freedom Riders Chaney, Goodman & Schwerner murdered,
by KKK near Philadelphia, Mississippi. No liberty bell here.

1967 -- US: Police battle with 10,000 anti-war protesters greeting
the Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President in Los Angeles.

1970 -- Japan: On the 11th day of protests against a new U.S.-Japan
defense treaty, more than 750,000 protesters take to the streets in
numerous cities.

1970 -- US: 100 women invade Conference on "Profit Possibilities
in Childcare".

1970 -- US: KnowYourABCs? FBI cuts off liaison with NSA,
DIA, SS, IRS & US military "intelligence". Next up CNN?

1971 -- Louis Lecoin dies. French antimilitarist, pacifist,
anarchist. Signatory to the "Manifesto Against the War", signed
by 35 anarchists, including Errico Malatesta, Domela Nieuwenhuis,
Alexander Berkman, Emma Goldman, Alexander Schapiro, etc.,
opposing WWI.

"One does not create human society on
mounds of corpses."

— Louis Lecoin

1972 -- US: Life magazine publishes photos of South Vietnamese
children running from napalm. (How to Win Friends & Influence People?)

1972 -- New Zealand yacht Grant Davidson, attempting to enter
a nuclear test site, is rammed by French Navy, Mururoa, South Pacific.

1984 -- Bad Kitty?: 2,000 protest against arrival of nuclear
warship USS Kittyhawk in Fremantle, Australia.

1990 -- Fly in the Ointment?: Fly-fisher Norman Maclean dies.
Firefighter, fly-fisher, scholar, storyteller.

A storyteller, unlike the historian, must follow compassion
wherever it leads him. He must be able to accompany his
characters, even into smoke & fire, & bear witness to what
they thought & felt even when they themselves no longer knew.

1995 - CBS News anchor, Dan Rather, joins R.E.M. onstage during a
soundcheck to perform "What's The Frequency, Kenneth?" referring
to a bizarre incident years before when Rather was beaten up by
thugs demanding the answer to the question. Asked to join the
tour, Dan demurred; "I'd rather not".

2001 -- Mexico: In the Hen House? Demonstrators take to the streets
in Mexico City wearing only towels & sheets. They are protesting the
government purchases of towels costing $433 apiece & $4,000 sheets
for the mansion of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Presidente
Vincente Fox.

2003 -- Canada: Three Grannies blockade against the Working
Forest — Weyerhaeuser's logging halted yet again in the Upper
Walbran Valley. Protesting the company's liquidation of
ancient rainforests...ancient Grandmothers next??


"When will I learn? The answers to life's problems
aren't at the bottom of a bottle — they're on TV!"

— Homer Simpson.


— @nti-copyRite 1099 or thereabouts

Monday, June 21, 2010

Daily Bleed for 6.21.2010

Today's Bleed in full,


Radical illustrator, socially committed visual artist.

AIMLESS WANDERING DAY. Just another day on the job?


1732 -- New World: Martha Washington lives. Minded the hemp
crops while George was away.

1783 -- Duck'n Cover?: US Congress, threatened by a mob
of disgruntled soldiers, flees from Philadelphia ...

1788 -- US: Constitution goes into effect. Gives liberal &
conservative politicians something to violate.

1877 -- US: Dance, Molly, Dance: "Pennsylvania's Day With the Rope,"
10 (or 11?) "Molly Maguire" coal miners hanged by the "state" for the
crime of attempting to organize workers.

A private police force arrested the alleged defenders,
& private attorneys for the coal companies
prosecuted them.

The state provided only the courtroom & the

1882 -- US: Socialist, anarchist
sympathizer, illustrator Rockwell Kent
lives, Tarrytown, New York.

1903 -- England: In London, anarchists organize a
massive demonstration to protest the Russian pogrom
in Kishineff.

Held on a Sunday, it was the largest demonstration
by Jewish workers London had ever seen.

See Rudolf Rocker, The London Years

1905 -- France: Jean-Paul Sartre lives (1905-1980). French
novelist, playwright, existentialist philosopher & literary critic.

1912 -- Mary McCarthy lives (1912-1989), Seattle, Washington.
American writer/theater critic.

1914 -- Anarchist, artist & bus conductor Arthur Moyse, lives.

1918 -- Edward Abramowski (1868-1918) dies. Polish
libertarian socialist & cooperativist, psychologist &
ethician, author, founder of Polish Socialist Party.

1920 -- Police shoot 14 Wobblies (IWW; Industrial
Workers of the World) during a clash in Butte, Montana.

1921 -- Judy Holliday lives, New York City.
"Dumb Blonde" makes idiots of the
Senate Internal Security Subcommittee.

1937 -- Spain: Andrés Nin, leader of the POUM,
is murdered by Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader
Uncle Joe's Russian agents. Anyone left of the North Pole
is susceptible to his largess...

1937 -- US: Youngstown Riots & Poland Avenue Riot
(Ohio Steel Strike of 1937).

If you happened to have a Pennsylvania
license, you were particularly suspected
because, as every cop and official in
Youngstown will tell you, Pennsylvania has

1943 -- Federal troops put down race riot
in Detroit, 30 citizens die.

Government attempt to strip William Schneiderman, a
communist, of his citizenship is overturned by the
US Supreme Court.

1956 -- Playwright Arthur Miller, appearing before the House
Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), refuses to
betray his left-wing associates or his principles.

He will appear again in 1957 & be convicted for
contempt, which is overturned on appeal in 1958.
John Steinbeck eloquently defended Miller in the
June 1957 "Esquire."

1960 -- US: Nobel laureate Linus Pauling defies Congress by refusing
to name signers of petitions calling for total halt of nuclear weapons

1966 -- Summer Haight Ashbury: Shops opening, dances
every weekend, HIP merchants, Diggers.

Morning Star Ranch, owned by Lou Gottlieb of the Limelighters,
along with Ramon Sender, open the land (32 acres) to anyone who
wants to live there.

A Bleedster who seems to be in the know about the First Day of
Summer & New Buffalo writes us...

1967 -- Solstice party in Golden Gate Park: an estimated
30-50,000 boogie.

1989 -- Supreme Court rules it is @-ok to burn de US flag
as a political expression. Ironically the American Legion & Boy
Scouts have been burning thousands of them
every year.

1997 -- US: 100,000 march in solidarity with striking
newspaper labor workers in Detroit.

2001 -- Songster John Lee Hooker dies.

Blues man. Hooker was one of America's greats.
Among his best known works are "Boom Boom" &
"I'm in the Mood."


Finds tongues in trees,
books in the running brooks,
Sermons in stones & good
in everything.

— @anti-copyRite, no Rites Reserved, 200, 300, 666, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Daily Bleed for 6.19.2010

"Dear Miss Lonelyhearts,

I am in such pain I don't know what to do
sometimes I think I will kill myself my kidneys
hurt so much...."

— Nathaniel West, Miss Lonelyhearts




Iranian theorist of the interface of Marxism & Islam.

Berkshire, England: Election of the "MORRIS MAYOR".

Residents elect a Morris dancer who is carried through
town on a flower-trimmed rocking chair, preceded by an
ox-head on a long pole, with stops at every tavern to
refill the Mayor's chalice.





1816 -- Staying up all night to tell ghost stories with his wife &
Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley suddenly becomes hysterical & runs
shrieking from the room.

1865 -- US: Slaves declared free in state of Texass. Now
celebrated each year nationally, mostly by people of color,
as the holiday "Juneteenth."

1886 -- US: Kangaroo trial of eight anarchists for the Haymarket
bombing begins, Chicago.

1888 -- Korea: US Marines begin fighting in Seoul, Korea (-June 30).
Got to "protect" them pesky "US interests".

1891 -- Anti-fascist collage artist Helmut Herzfeld (John
Heartfield) lives, Berlin.
Daily Bleed Saint 2006-2008

1898 -- Shell Game?: Guam is shelled by the U.S.S. Charleston.

The Island's Spanish governor, unaware his country
is now at war with the US, apologizes that a lack of
ammunition renders him unable to return the salute.

1902 -- USA: Paterson, New Jersey labor strike.

1909 -- Osamu Dazai lives (1909-1948). Japanese novelist, literary
voice of his generation after WWII. Joined the communist movement
briefly. Friends with writer Masuji Ibuse. The tone of his postwar
works reflect emotional crisis & suicidal thoughts. In 1948 Dazai
drowned himself & left behind the unfinished novel Goodbye.

1912 -- Alleged eight-hour work-day adopted for US government workers.
By the end of the 20th century American workers are putting in more hours
at work than most other countries in the world.

1914 -- Mexico: Anarchist Zapatistas ratify the Plan de Ayala against
Beloved & Respected comrade Leader Pres. Huerta; meanwhile Pancho
Villa & his forces arrive at Calera to begin the siege of Zacatecas.

1914 -- Portugal: Luísa Adão lives (1914-1999). Nurse & an anarchist,
& life-long companion (from the age of 16) of Acácio Tomás de Aquino,
a militant anarcho-trade unionist.

1923 -- The "Seattle Times" fires reporter E.B. White, 24; White
goes on to gain fame as an essayist & children's book author.

1934 -- A Cool Million by Nathanael West is published.

"I was very very very influenced by Nathaniel
West for a while..."

— Philip K. Dick

1938 -- Canada: Bloody Sunday; RCMP & Vancouver police attack
unemployed workers at post office in Vancouver, brutally ejecting them.

1947 -- Salman Rushdie lives. Anglo-Indian novelist. Described as a
magic realist like such authors as Peter Carey, Angela Carter, E.L.
Doctorow, John Fowles, Mark Helprin or Emma Tennant.

Condemned to death by Iranian Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini on February 14, 1989 after
publishing Satanic Verses. This "fatwa" has
not been canceled. Continues to write, but keeps
a low profile to avoid assassins.

1953 -- Despite widespread international protest & compelling
evidence of their innocence, Julius & Ethel Rosenberg
electrocuted for alleged sale of atomic secrets to Russians,
Sing-Sing Prison, Ossining, NY. The first native-born Americans
to die for supposedly committing espionage in peacetime.

1953 -- US: Bodies of aliens are reportedly recovered from a UFO,
Laredo, Texass. Perhaps one of the Little Grey Guys can be resuscitated,
given the name "George" & made President of the US by the Supreme Court?

1963 -- Valentina Tereshkova, first woman in space returns to
Earth. Declares zero-g sex is

"socialism at it's purest, with no one on top."

1963 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader JFK orders
NSC to proceed with top-secret sabotage program in Cuba.

1964 -- Carol Doda dances in a Rudi Gernreich topless bathing suit
in The Condor nightclub, North Beach, San Francisco.

1965 -- Australia: Hundreds respond to newspaper advertisement
placed by 144 draft resisters.

1967 -- US: Boxing great Muhammad Ali convicted for refusing
induction in US Army. Stripped of his World(sic) Boxing title.

1968 -- Brazil: Violent protests in Rio de Janeiro against
alienating culture; confrontations with police result in 22 injuries.

1968 -- US: Over 50,000 demonstrators participate in the Poor
People's Campaign Solidarity Day March in Washington, D.C.

1981 -- Senya Fleshin (alternate spellings, Fléchine, Fleshine)
dies in Cuernavaca, Mexico, a few months after the death of his
lifelong companion Mollie Steimer.

1982 -- 1,000 islanders occupy key islands in protest against
French nuclear tests, Kwajalein Atoll, South Pacific.

1987 -- Ben & Jerry Ice Cream & the Grateful Dead's Jerry Garcia
announce a new ice-cream flavor, Cherry Garcia.

1988 -- Haitian civilian government overthrown by US-backed
military coup.

1988 -- Germany: Separate But Equal? Michael Jackson plays a
concert for East Berliners, with the Berlin Wall in between
(to protect them from untoward advances).

1998 -- Much Older & Wiser Now?: Baby Zeno makes the Big Time,
Brussels, Belgium. Youngest subscriber to the Daily Bleed.
Oh, how time flies...

1999 -- Christine? Author Stephen King is hit & seriously
injured by a van.

2000 -- Snake Eyes? Germany: Court rules parents cannot give
a child 13 first names.


The Rosenbergs...

Most horrifying of the FBI's role is portrayed
in their final questioning of Julius just before
his execution when they asked,

"Was your wife cognizant of your activities?"

Ethel was about to be executed as a full-fledged
partner in Julius' crime. They doubt her participation
now, only minutes before her execution?

Many saw the trial as a mockery & an attempt to scare
Americans sympathetic to the Communist Party. During
the trial the need to connect communism with the charge
of espionage was done excessively, the prosecutors using
primitive bias as substitute proof for motive. President
Eisenhower argued:

"The executions were necessary to refute the known
convictions of Communist leaders all over the world
that free governments ... are notoriously weak & fearful
& that consequently subversion & other kinds of activity
can be conducted against them with no real fear of
dire punishment."


— @nti-copyRite 9010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Daily Bleed for 6.17.2010

The day recounts itself backwards.
At the bus-stop this morning
I was thinking how simple it sometimes actually is
just to set things in motion

— Peter Didsbury, "The Seventeenth of June"

Web upheaval, in full:

Text excerpts:


Playwright, the original Nuyorican poet.


Iceland: REPUBLIC DAY. (Where the beer is always on ice)


"Every animal knows, & humans are no
exception, that when there is a
stampede you must join in or get out
of the way. Try to stop it, & you will
be crushed."

Rhizomatic Radio & the Great Stampede, by Ron Sakolsky
Seizing the Airwaves, edited by Sakolsky


1838 -- US: On or about today, the first Cherokee Indians begin Trail
of Tears — 1,200 mile forced march to Oklahoma.

Gold was discovered on their territory. 4000 Cherokees
die when 17,000 of them are forced west by Beloved &
Respected Comrade Leader President Jackson's Indian
Removal bill, the culmination of his efforts to exterminate them.

(Jackson was also a notorious land speculator, slave trader
& bribe-artist.)

Evacuation was carried out, during the winter of 1838-9, by
federal troops commanded by General Winfield Scott (replacing
a commander who resigned, refusing to carry out Jackson's orders).
Along the way, 10% of the tribe was wiped out by disease, fatigue,
& exposure.

1867 -- Henry Lawson lives, Grenfell, Australia. Sheep
shearer. Wrote short stories & ballad-like verse. Noted for
realistic portrayals of bush life, based on his wanderings.

The ghost of a pause in the shed's rough heart,
& lower is bowed each head,
then nothing is heard save a whispered word,
& the roar of the shearing shed.

1876 -- US: Encampment of Lakota & Cheyenne led by Crazy Horse
attacked by, & subsequently routes, US army soldiers.

1876 -- Italy: Bologna trial ends, after three months' duration.

Endless months of preliminary arrest had been followed by a
series of monster trials, (Florence, Perguia, Leghorn, Massa
Carrara, etc). But the Marches & the Abruzzi (Aquila) prisoners
were tried with the Bolognese & Romagnols in the largest of all
trials, that of Bologna - March 15 to June 17, 1876 — where
Andrea Costa was the leading spirit.

1882 -- Igor Stravinsky, composer, lives, Oranienbaum, Russia.

1895 -- George MacLeod, pastor, pacifist & founder of Iona
Community in Scotland, lives.

1903 -- US: Mary Harris "Mother" Jones leads a rally in
Philadelphia to focus public attention on children mutilated
in the state's textile mills.

Mother Jones was called to assist a strike by 75,000 textile
workers in Kensington, Pennsylvania. The strikers include 10,000
small children, who Jones says (quote) "came into Union
Headquarters, some with their hands off, some with the thumb
missing, some with their little fingers off at the knuckle."

Reporters say they cannot publish the facts because the millowners
have stock in the papers.

Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Theodore
Roosevelt refuses to see her.

1907 -- US: Equality Colony in Washington State
(name changed to Freeland) closes.

This community was founded by Socialists who
hoped to "capture the state of Washington for socialism".
The company dissolved & the 40 remaining members
returned to the individualistic system.

1911 -- Mexico: Tijuana recaptured by Diaz's former Federal troops,
now lead by Madero, spelling the final dissolution of the anarchist
Magonista PLM forces by defeat & desertion.

1913 -- US: Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) sitdown strike
at Studebaker auto plant.

BleedMeister & No. 1 Son hope to soon put pictures
of our 1955 Studebaker pickup online before the city
of Seattle has it towed away again for the umpteenth time.

1914 -- John Hersey lives, Tientsin, China. Wrote Hiroshima;
The Wall & The Child Buyer.

1917 -- Gwendolyn Brooks lives, Topeka, Kansas. Poet/novelist &
the first AFrican American to win a Pulitzer Prize, in 1950 for Annie Allen.

1923 -- Argentina: Kurt Wilckens (1886-1923) dies after being
shot in his prison cell yesterday by a rightwing guard.

German anarchist, member of the Industrial Workers
of the World (IWW), pacifist, responsible for the attack
on Varela (known as the "Killer of Patagonia").

A miner by trade, Wilckens worked in Arizona, where he
led a strike in 1916. He was then interned in a US camp for
German prisoners, but escaped & made his way to

1929 -- Harry & Caresse Crosby publish The Black Sun Press edition
of the "Tales Told of Shem & Shaun" section of James Joyce's
Finnegans Wake (a work in progress).

The printer discovers the final page has but two lines & begs
Caresse for more, but she says she could never approach Joyce
with such a request.

The next day the printer had eight more lines:

"He had been wanting to add more, but was too frightened
of you, Madame, to do so."

Harry once sent a telegram to Boston:



1953 -- East Berlin, East Germany: Workers Uprising, strike
for democracy; oppose Russian imperialism; USSR invades
"to restore law & order."

"We are not slaves!"

Günter Grass's play "The Plebeians Rehearse the Uprising"
is based on the workers' uprising in East Berlin in June, 1953.

1954 -- US-CIA supplies & directs forces in overthrow of
democracy in Guatemala, destroying the constitutionally elected
government of Jacabo Arbenz Guzman & murdering many of his
supporters. Decades of government-sponsored genocide against
Guatemalan Indians follow.

Oh the companies keep a sharp eye
And pay their respects to the army
To watch for the hot-blooded leaders
And be prepared for the junta to
crush them like flies.

So heavy the price that they pay
As daily the fruit it is stolen...

— Phil Ochs, "United Fruit"

1955 -- Disneyland opens, Anaheim, California. Resembles the rest
of California. Or America...

1960 -- US: First convention of Students for a Democratic Society
(SDS), New York City.

1963 -- US Supreme Court rules, 8-1, that laws requiring the
recitation of the Lord's Prayer or Bible verses in public schools
are unconstitutional. Amen!

1972 -- US: CREEP(y) break-in at the Watergate complex,
Washington DC. Five clowns, in this their fourth attempt to
get into Democratic Party headquarters, are rudely arrested.
This badly bungled burglary (BBB) was the beginning of the
end for the dreaded Tricky Dick 'I Am Not a Crook' Nixon gang.

There's much more, but this gives you the general drift...

1977 -- International Indian Treaty Council announces its
intention to provide Soviet Union with a list of US human
rights abuses against its indigenous peoples.

2006 -- France: Salon Livre Libertaire & Libr Media, sponsored
by Radio Libertaire & Librarie Publico, in Paris.

"He who joyfully marches to music in rank & file
has already earned my contempt.

He has been given a large brain by mistake,
since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice."

— Albert Einstein

— Auntie-Marches (to a Different Drum), 1997-6666
& every year prior & thereafter, more or less, including pre-history
& post-puberty, too...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Daily Bleed for June 15th, 2010

They said we were lost, mad & immoral,
& interfered with the plans of the management.
& today, millions & millions, shut alive
In the coffins of circumstance,
Beat on the buried lids,
Huddle in the cellars of ruins, & quarrel
Over their own fragmented flesh.

— Kenneth Rexroth, excerpt,
"Between Two Wars" (1944)

Daily Bleed in full,

Text excerpts/updates:


"The People's Artist." Egyptian composer, activist.

LANTERN FESTIVAL: The dead revisit homes.

ST. VITUS DAY: Traditional day of revels for welcoming Spring in
old Europe.



1844 - Thomas Campbell dies. Scottish poet who first said,
supposedly inspired by a view of Edinburgh,

"'Tis distance lends enchantment to the view."

1859 -- US: An American shoots a British hog, beginning the
Pig War, San Juan Islands, (Washington state).

1913 -- US troops finally end the Moro Uprising in the
Philippines (exterminating 600 men, women & children in an
assault on the same crater where an entire community was
similarly liquidated in 1906).

". . . To Protect American Interests . . ."

1916 -- First & only edition of the magazine "Cabaret Voltaire" is
published, containing work by Hugo Ball (Daily Bleed Saint), Kandinsky,
Jean (Hans) Arp, Modigliani, & the first printing of the word Dada.

"DaDa is beautiful like the night, who cradles the young day in
her arms." — Hans Arp

"DADA speaks with you, it is everything, it envelopes everything,
it belongs to every religion, can be neither victory or defeat,
it lives in space and not in time." — Francis Picabia

"Dada is the sun, Dada is the egg. Dada is the Police of the

— Richard Huelsenbeck

1917 -- US: Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman arrested &
charged with conspiring to "induce persons not to register" for
World War I military service. Both were sent to prison, then
deported & banned from the land of the free.

Beloved & Respected Comrade Liberal President
Wilson signed an Espionage Act, setting penalties of up
to 20 years imprisonment & fines of up to $10,000 for
persons aiding the enemy, interfering with the draft, or
encouraging disloyalty of military members; also declares
nonmailable all written material advocating treason,
insurrection, or forcible resistance to the law.

1918 -- France: The anarchist Jules Durand, sentenced to death
in November 1910, is found innocent in a new trial, a victim of
corrupt witnesses & vilification by the local press for a crime
he did not commit.

1927 - Hugo Pratt lives. Italian artist, cartoonist, whose
graphic novels have been translated into several languages. Best
known character is existentialist adventurer Captain Corto
Maltese, whose world travels follows him from his youth to the
1930s, when he disappears during the Spanish Revolution.
Fictional characters intermingle with real historical persons.

1933 -- Outer Space: Asteroids Kenya & Uganda (#1,278-79)
are discovered. Obviously two countries taking to heart
William S. Burroughs' lament:

"We gotta find a way off this goddamn
cop-ridden planet!"

1934 - Hitler & Mussolini meet for the first time, Venice, Italy.

"While public school history courses in the United States stress
the horrors of the German Nazi murder of 6 million Jews & Josef
Stalin's pogroms against racial minorities & political dissidents
in the Soviet Union, the facts that the U.S. Army's solution to
the 'Indian Problem' was the prototype for the Nazi 'Final
Solution' to the 'Jewish Problem' & that the North American
Indian Reservation was the model for the 20th century gulag &
concentration camp, are conveniently overlooked."

— Jonathan Ott

1950 -- Cold War hysteria: US Senate opens investigation of
3,500 alleged "sex perverts" (homosexuals) in the federal
government. Wait til they get an Internet account.

1950 -- General strike against apartheid in South Africa.

Beware that policeman,
He'll want to see your pass,
He'll say it's not in order,
That day may be your last!

— Beverly Naidoo, Journey to Jo'burg

1954 -- US: Wash & Spin? Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader
Tail Hunter Joe McCarthy declares physicist Robert Oppenheimer
a security risk.

"I have here in my hand," he states, "the names of 205 men that
were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the
Communist party & who nevertheless are still working & shaping
the policy of the state department."

Some years later, he confides the paper was actually
an old laundry list.

1955 -- 3 Ignores & You're Out?: 28 arrested for ignoring
compulsory civil defense drills, New York.

1963 -- "Bob's" face & "999" miraculously appear on a tortilla
being prepared by a woman in Plano, Texass.

1966 -- End of three days of Dutch Provo rioting,
Amsterdam, Holland.

1967 -- Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Acting Governor
Ronnie Reagan signs liberalized California abortion bill.

"Facts are stupid things." — Ronnie Reagan, 1988
(misquote of John Adams: 'Facts are stubborn things.')

1968 -- John Lennon & Yoko Ono plant an acorn at Conventry
Cathedral. Reporters insinuate: "They've gone nuts."

1982 -- 450 occupy uranium mine for three days in anti-nuclear
protest, Honeymoon, South Australia.

1986 -- Russia: Pravda announces high-level Chernobyl
staff fired for stupidity.

1989 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Bush's drug
czar William Bennett proposes beheading drug dealers. This
will make them easy to spot in the future, no doubt.

1994 -- Switzerland: Government prohibits those
under 15 from seeing the film "Schindler's List".

2000 -- Ecuador: Police tear gas protesting teachers & health
workers trying to march on government palace during the first day
of a 48-hour General Strike in the Andean nation.

2001 -- Street clashes greet the 'Toxic Texan' (Beloved &
Respected Comrade Leader President Little Bush) — Swedish
police on high alert as thousands protest against US stance on
defense & climate change.

2003 -- Italy: Enrico Baj — controversial anarchist Italian painter
& sculptor, best known for his collages of ridiculous-looking generals
made from medals, shards of glass, scraps of flowery material & shells
— dies, in Vergiate, at age 79.


"Men fight & lose the battle, & the thing they fought for comes
about in spite of their defeat; & when it comes, turns out to be
not what they meant; & other men have to fight for what they
meant under another name."

— William Morris


— @nti-copyRite 7026 or thereabouts

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Daily Bleed for 6.13.10

Bleed in full:



Italian left communist, Prometheus Group leader.

MINERS' UNION DAY. Butte, Montana.




1381 -- Wat Tyler revolt: Jack Straw & 30,000 peasants
& poor city folk rebel, march on London.

1865 -- WB Channel? W. B. Yeats lives. Irish poet/dramatist. Snagged
the 1923 Nobel Prize for Literature. Early influences included William
Blake's poems, Emanuel Swedenborg's writings, & other visionaries.
Founded, with Isabella Augusta, Lady Gregory, the Irish Literary
Theatre. Worked as a director & wrote numerous plays for it.

See Kenneth Rexroth articles in Classics Revisited
or More Classics Revisited.

1900 -- 3 Rounds & You're Out?: China's Boxer Rebellion
against foreigners & Christians.

1909 -- Spain: A congress of the labor federation Solidaridad
Obrera today votes overwhelmingly to accept the general strike
tactic, "depending upon circumstances."

The anarchists in Solidaridad Obrera (a regional federation
embracing 112 labor syndicates throughout Catalonia with a
membership of 25,000 workers) were anarcho-syndicalists
who believed in operating within large labor movements...

1910 -- Fernand Rude lives.
French social historian, sympathetic to libertarian movements.
For the Paris Commune Centenary Rude issued Bakunin materials,
"De la guerre à la Commune" & "Le socialisme libertaire".

1910 -- France: In Paris, confrontations take place at Faubourg
Saint-Anthony between cabinetmakers & police. The anarchist
Henri Cler is wounded & dies. Cler's funeral at the Pantin
cemetery draws tens of thousands of people, & is the scene of
new police violence, who apparently have no respect for anyone,
living or dead.

1914 -- US: Riot breaks out at Miner's Union Day parade
& spreads to union hall, Butte Montana.

During the riot, the hall is looted and safe is stolen
& dynamited. Acting mayor Frank Curran is pushed
out of a second-story window.

1920 -- US: Priority Mail?

Post Office Department rules children may not be
sent by parcel post.

1925 -- Canada: During continuing strike actions, angry miners
victimized by company-owned cops & goons, burn three company
stores in Nova Scotia to the ground.

A company president had wrongly sneered,

"We hold the cards,
they will crawl back to work..."

The company stores never open again.

1935 -- Rap Artists?: Wrapper Christo & Jeanne-Claude,
wrap artist, both live.

1960 -- Safety First? Sidney Cohen's survey of 5,000 individuals
who had taken LSD 25,000 times concludes it is safe. Now you
can throw away those pesky life preservers...

1961 -- France: 27 people deported after swimming ashore in
protest of a ban of San Francisco-to-Moscow disarmament march.

1966 -- Holland: Provo riots in Amsterdam. (Provos elect first
representative to Amsterdam Municipal Council this month).

1968 -- Friendly Fire: Crew of a US helicopter,
"misunderstanding" radio instructions of a Vietnamese Ranger
officer, fires a rocket & a blast of machine gun fire at a South
Vietnamese command post in Saigon, killing, among others,
the Saigon Chief of Police.

Gives meaning to the phrase "good
police work."

1968 -- Hull of a Day?: Hull of the World Glory fails off South
Africa, resulting in a 13,524,000 gallon oil spill.

1971 -- Publication of classified Pentagon papers on U.S.
involvement in Vietnam begins in "The New York Times".

"The NY Times" had finally tired of being
mouth-piece for the government line/lies on the war,
& Daniel Ellsberg had the dirt...

During this month American vets start admitting to US atrocities
in Vietnam.

1980 -- Guyanese historian, activist, head of Working People's
Party, Walter Rodney assassinated, Georgetown, Guyana.

1981 -- Teenager fires six blanks at Queen Elizabeth II.

1982 -- André Claudot (1892-1982), French anarchiste, artist,
teacher, dies. The libertarian filmmaker Bernard Baissat did a
film of his life, "Ecoutez Claudot" (1979).

1988 -- Palestinian nonviolent activist Mubarek Awad deported from
Israel. Later settles in Washington, D.C. & founds Nonviolence

1993 -- Somalia: US "peacekeeper" shoots 14 unarmed
demonstrators, Mogadishu. Protecting US "interests".

1996 -- Canada: Four women block a convention center gate & are
arrested at a protest of the SUBCON VIII arms trade exhibition in

1996 -- US: Valerio Isca (b.1900) dies, age 95 (a quitter!). Italian-
American anarchist, co-founder of the Libertarian Book Club in NY.


"I think Bill Gates & the Unabomber are the same guy!"

— Some drunk guy in a bar


— @nti-copyrite 1099-10666

The Daily Bleed - Sinners & Saints galore
"Better to go hungry than to feast on lies.":

"Free thought, necessarily involving freedom of speech & press, I may
tersely define thus: no opinion a law — no opinion a crime."

— Alexander Berkman

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Awesome T-Shirts

Last Word is now carrying a few different T-shirt designs from  friends and acquaintances, including an awesome stencil of Granny-Blaster, a wheelchair-bound nun drinking a forty o' malt liquor. More designs are coming soon from our friends at Don't Stop Printing.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Daily Bleed for 6.10.10

Web version Daily Bleed, updated, hunnert of them:



Voodoo High Priestess of New Orleans.


FESTIVAL OF GOIBNUI, Smith of the Gods & Provider
of the Ale of Immortality.

Canada: DAVIS DAY, Traditional Cape Breton holiday
honoring Miners' Strike of 1925 in New Waterford, Nova Scotia.


671 -- [CE] --Japan: Water clock invented. Sheer torture in
the wrong hands, in most hands... when it isn't water, it's blood.
(Check with your government.)

1381 -- England: Priest "John Ball hath rungen his bell":
Peasant revolt.

1832 -- Jules Vallès lives. French novelist,
journalist, anarchist propagandist.

1882 -- Anti-foreign riots led by Arabi Pasha begin in Alexandria,
Egypt — 50 Europeans massacred.

1894 -- US: At the first regular convention of the American
Railway Union, delegates vote unanimously to urge a
boycott of Pullman cars.

The struggle extends to 27 states. An estimated
260,000 railroad workers will join the strike which is
eventually crushed by federal troops who take
over the city of Chicago.

1903 -- William Ernest Henley dies. Poet, dramatist, editor, critic.
An amputee, cared for by Joseph Lister. His most famous poem,
"Invictus," contains the line:

"My head is bloody, but unbowed."

1913 -- US: 1 Strike & You're Out? Cops shoot black &
white IWW/AFL maritime workers striking against United Fruit
company in New Orleans, killing one, wounding two.

Oh the companies keep a sharp eye
And pay their respects to the army
To watch for the hot-blooded leaders
And be prepared for the junta to
crush them like flies.

So heavy the price that they pay
As daily the fruit it is stolen...

— Phil Ochs, "United Fruit"

1925 -- China: British sailors fire on Chinese demonstrators in Hankow .

1925 -- Canada: During a mine workers strike against the British
Empire Steel Corporation (BESCO) in Cape Breton, drunken
company police charge on horseback beating all who stood in their
path, then ride through the school yards, knocking down innocent
children while joking that the miners are at home hiding under their

A company president sneers,

"We hold the cards, they will
crawl back to work..."

The miners promised no man would ever again work the
black seam on what is now called Davis Day.

They have kept their promise to this day.

1926 -- US: First 40-hour work week in the country,
won by NY fur workers.

1940 -- Just Another Day at the Government SlaughterHouse:

Britain, Australia & France declare war on Italy; Princess
Juliana of the Netherlands arrives in Canada; In Africa,
Italy & UK bomb each other's positions; Rheims falls
to the Germans; French declare Paris an open city; US
Congress appropriates $1.49 billion for the navy; Richard
Strauss gives his score of "Festmusik" to the Japanese
ambassador in Berlin as a gesture of Axis unity. Whew!

1945-- Earth First!? Mao delivers his speech, "The Foolish Old Man
Who Removed the Mountains".

1949 -- Truman calls for rearming Europe. Not enough dead
in the last two World Wars waged by the governments.

1957 -- China: Students fight cops & attack Communist Party
HQ in Hang Yang, Workers' Paradise. "The Revolution is Dead!
Long Live the Revolution!"

1959 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Postmaster
General bans D.H. Lawrence's book, Lady Chatterley's Lover
from the mails (for containing the words "fuck" & "cunt" & an
explicit description of the sex act; not to worry, today people
have Internet "filters", including a few Bleedsters who will not
get reading their bleeds today). A perceptive guy, he labels it:

"Pornographic, smutty, obscene, & filthy."

1965 -- England: It's announced that The Beatles will receive
MBE awards from Queen Elizabeth. This sparks controversy
& some previous winners turn their medals in. John Lennon
returns his in 1969, protesting Britain's support of the US
invasion in Vietnam.

1965 -- England: What's Happening? First "Happening":
Wholly Communion, with those rascally anarchists Allen
Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Gregory Corso, along with
bunch of English poets, at the Royal Albert Hall, London.
This historic Beat underground reading also includes Alexander
Trocchi, Voznesensky, et al.

1966 -- Janis Joplin makes her first appearance on stage, at the
Avalon ballroom in Frisco. She began her professional career at
age 23 with Big Brother & The Holding Company.

"Don't Compromise Yourself — It's All You Got!"

I beg for mercy, I pray for rain,
I can't be the one to accept all this blame,
Something here trying to pollute my brain,
I'm buried alive, oh yeah, in the blues.

1968 -- France '68: In the factories of Peugeot de Sochaux,
a workman, Pierre Byelot is killed by the hated CRS.

"It is forbidden to forbid.
Freedom begins by forbidding something:
interference with the freedom of others."

— Wall graffiti, Paris 1968

1970 -- US: The "Helix", Seattle's first underground newspaper, folds.

Paul Dorpat & associates published the first edition of Helix
& readers quickly snapped up the first 1,500 copies of the
12-page, multi-colored "counter culture" tabloid.

In addition to Dorpat, Tom Robbins (Another Roadside Attraction),
Gene Johnston, Ray Collins (illustrator), Scott White, &
Gary Finholt contributed to the first issue.

Helix published a total of 125 biweekly & weekly editions before
folding today.

1970 -- England: Stuart Christie's home is raided
based on an explosives warrant. Bombings continue this
month & throughout the year.

1973 -- Spain: General Strike against Beloved & Respected Comrade
General Franco, in Pamplona.

1989 -- Canada: Folk musicians, including Ian & Sylvia, Gordon Lightfoot
& Murray McLauchlan, give a free concert to protest an Alberta dam.

1991 -- Kuwait: Shades of Saddam? Amnesty International says Kuwait
is using torture & conducting unfair trials.

1994 -- US: Prairie Peace Park & Maze opens at Interstate 80
exit of Pleasant Dale, Nebraska.

2002 -- US: Earth First! activists win $4.4 million in a false-arrest
lawsuit against Oakland police & the FBI...

They were arrested for bombing their own car while they were in it...
(To protect & "preserve"?)

2002 -- Israel begins building a 360-km fence around the West Bank.


'In a society where modern conditions of
production prevail, all of life presents itself
as an immense accumulation of spectacles.

Everything that was directly lived has
moved away into a representation.'

— Guy Debord, Society of the Spectacle


— @nti-Immense, Pro-Largesse 2010