Friday, April 29, 2011

Daily Bleed for April 30th

In their serious corner, the players move the gradual
pieces. The board detains them until dawn in its hard
compass: the hatred of two colors.

In the game, the forms give off a severe magic:
Homeric castle, gay knight, warlike queen, king
solitary, oblique bishop, & pawns at war.

Finally, when the players have gone in, & when time
has eventually consumed them, surely the rites then
will not be done.

In the east, this war has taken fire. Today, the
whole earth is its provenance. Like that other, this
game is for ever.

— Jorge Luis Borges, Chess (I)
(see 1859 below for II)

Daily Bleed Web version, updated,
83 entries in full:



Innovative theorist of Capitalism & Schizophrenia.

WALPURGISNACHT. Witches, warlocks & demons hold revels in
Harz Mountains. Whole towns rush into streets, making as much
noise as possible. Church bells ring, bonfires are lit. In British
Isles, a scapegoat is chosen by lots and burned, hobby horse parades
are held, chasing evil away until Mid-summer's Night.



MAY EVE: Eve may.

Of Man's first disobedience, & the fruit
Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste
Brought death into the world, & all our woe.

— Milton, Paradise Lost


1713 - Alexander Pope, writes a friend about the success of
Joseph Addison's play "Cato", for which Pope himself has
supplied the prologue: "The town is so fond of it that the
orange wenches & fruit women in the park offer the books
on the side of the coaches, & the prologue & epilogue
are cried about the streets by the common hawkers."

Why are the wenches orange?

1844 - Thoreau accidentally burns 300 acres of forest near
Concord, Massachusetts during a fishing trip, causing
$2,000 in damages.

1859 - Just a Pawn in the Game?: The brilliant Paul Morphy
returns from 10-month chess tour of Europe, retires. He has
inspired numerous stories, movies, novels, etc, as the mad
genius chess master — it is said he challenged God to a game
& even offered a pawn advantage. Morphy won!

Tenuous king, slant bishop, bitter queen,
straightforward castle & the crafty
pawn — over the checkered black & white
terrain they seek out & enjoin their
armed campaign.

They do not realize the dominant hand of
the player rules their destiny. They do
not know an adamantine fate
governs their choices & controls their

The player, too, is captive of caprice (the
sentence is Omar's) on another ground
crisscrossed with black nights & white

God moves the player, he, in turn, the
piece. But what god beyond God begins
the round of dust & time & dream &

— Jorge Luis Borges, Chess (II)

1865 - Austria: Max Nettlau lives (1865-1944), in Neuwaldegg, a
suburb of Vienna. Historian, bibliographer, philologist, anarchist.

1871 - US: Gettin' Civilized, Ayn Rand Style? Mob massacres more
than 100 Apaches who had placed themselves under US protection
at Camp Grant, Arizona.

As to the Indians, "[t]hey didn't have any rights to the land & there

was no reason for anyone to grant them rights which they had not
conceived & were not using . . .

What was it they were fighting for, if they opposed white men
on this continent? For their wish to continue a primitive existence,
their "right" to keep part of the earth untouched, unused & not
even as property, just keep everybody out so that you will live
practically like an animal, or maybe a few caves above it.
Any white person [emphasis mine, — ed] who
brought the element of civilization had the right to take over
this continent."

— Ayn Rand, West Point, 1974

1877 - Get Anything You Want, Where?: Alice B. Toklas lives
(1877-1967), Frisco, California. American literary figure & close
associate of author Gertrude Stein.

1883 - Jaroslav Hašek lives (1883-1923), Prague. Czech
novelist, anarchist, humorist, Bolshevik, story writer,

Early in his career an active anarchist. A drunk, a
dog-stealer, & a cook who calculatedly pretended to
commit suicide & invented animals which did not exist
while editing the serious magazine "The
Animal World". Wrote a four-volume novel,
The Good Soldier Schweik, acclaimed
as one of the greatest satires in world literature.

1899 - US: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho miner's strike, 1,200
workers arrested, put into specially erected bullpens until
the strikes are broken.

In 1892, area mine workers launched a generation of deadly
warfare against armed & deputized strikebreakers.

This year, with mine owners refusing to recognize
unions & wildcat strikers dynamiting mines, Governor
Frank Steunenberg declared parts of Idaho were "in a
state of insurrection & rebellion."

Under martial law, President McKinley sent federal troops.

Steunenberg was a man of modest means before election, but
he left office rich, thanks to — surprise! — the mining

1930 - Radical anti-psychiatrist, anti-capitalist Felix
Guattari lives, Paris.

1944 - Last day of April:

"Rainy days, I generally sat in a dry place & read a book,
often just an axe length away from a ping-pong table. The
training course lasted three weeks, ending on a Saturday,
a very rainy one...I remember standing at an end
window of our Quonset hut for a very long time, looking
out at the slanting, dreary rain, my trigger
finger itching imperceptibly, if at all...Then, after
synchronizing my wristwatch with the clock in the
latrine, I walked down the long, wet cobblestone hill into
town. I ignored the flashes of lightning all around me.
They either had your number on them or they didn't."

(It appears the last day of April 1944 is a Sunday, but
J.D. Salinger's short story, "For Esmé, With Love &
Squalor," gives it here & in the final letter from Esmé as

1948 - US Rubber Stamp Day?: Organization of American
States founded.

1957 - Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Vice-President
Dick M Nixon receives an award from the Anti-Defamation
League of the B'nai Brith. Pretty funny for a guy who
hated & cursed Jews.

1966 - Two days after the publication of his book Been
Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me, folksinger/novelist
Richard Fariña is killed in a motorcycle accident after a
promotional party, Carmel, California.

1975 - Miss Saigon?: Independence Day. Vietnam defeats the
US while Republicans are at the helm. North Vietnamese troops
enter Saigon. Vietnam is reunited after 30 years of resistance to
US domination & 100 years of French colonial misrule.

1977 - Argentina: The organization of the mothers of Plaza
de Mayo founded.

1983 - Bluesman Muddy Waters dies of a heart attack.

1986 - West Germany: First use of CS gas against
anti-nuclear demonstrators, Wackersdorf.

1986 - Ashrita Furman performs 8,341 somersaults over 12
miles before flipping out.

1991 - George Sperti Sperti inventor (Preparation H), dies
at 91. Obviously well-prepared to meet the maker...

Queried on his death bed as to his immortal last words, he
snorted: "You know where to stick that."

[A relative of Sperti has contacted the Daily Bleed,
none too happy with this revelation — Auntie]

1996 - US: About 120 activists arrested over the next eight
days in Washington, D.C., in support of a White House
fast by Sister Diana Ortiz.

Ortiz was kidnapped, tortured, & raped by US-trained
& supported Guatemalan Army officers in 1989; she
was fasting to demand that the US government release
information on her assailants.

1998 - Bleedster Linda Alband, bon vivant, hits the big 50.

2000 - Linda Alband, bon vivant, turns 45.

2002 - Linda Alband, bon vivant, turns 38.

2005 - Bleedster Linda Alband, bon vivant, turns 39-1/5.

2009 - Bleedster Linda Alband, bon vivant, turns 29-1/8.

— Anti-Turns 1997-2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Daily Bleed for April 28th

Catalina Rodriguez, 24,
body shrivelled to a child's at twelve,
catalina rodriguez, last stages of consumption,
works for three dollars a week from dawn to midnight.
A fog of pain thickens over her skull, the parching heat
breaks over her body.
and the bright red blood embroiders the floor of her room.
White rain stitching the night, the bourgeois poet would say,
white gulls of hands, darting, veering,
white lightning, threading the clouds,
this is the exquisite dance of her hands over the cloth,
and her cough, gay, quick, staccato,
like skeleton's bones clattering,
is appropriate accompaniment for the aesthetic dance
of her fingers
and the tremulo, tremulo when the hands tremble with pain.
Three dollars a week,
two fifty-five,
seventy cents a week,
no wonder two thousands eight hundred ladies of joy
are spending the winter with the sun after he goes down . . .

— Tillie Olsen, excerpt,
"I Want You Women Up North To Know"

Web page in full, 68 entries,

Text excerpts,


Chilean novelist, nomad, cultural iconoclast.

Alternate Saint:
Anarchist bank robber, inventor of the getaway car.


Charles, Louisiana:

"In many parts of the Caribbean, flying the "Jolly Roger" flag
was the equivalent of a happy face: it meant the pirate ship
was willing to take prisoners. The appearance of a red flag,
however, signified no prisoners, & the pirates would slaughter
crew & passengers to a man. Bear in mind that the flags had
different meanings [or none] at different time periods & in
different regions."


1789 -- Fletcher Christian leads a group of mutineers against
Captain William Bligh aboard HMS Bounty in history's most
famous mutiny. Recounted by Charles Nordhoff & James Norman
Hall in a trilogy; the first book being Mutiny on the Bounty.

1861 -- Henry Bauer lives.
German-American anarchist. In 1893 Bauer was arrested
& sent to prison for five years for distributing leaflets during the
Homestead Strike, where Alexander Berkman had attempted to
assassinate Henry Frick.

Sing ho, for we know you, Carnegie;
God help us and save us, we know you too well;
You're crushing our wives and you're starving our babies;
In our homes you have driven the shadow of hell.
Then bow, bow down to Carnegie,
Ye men who are slaves to his veriest whim;
If he lowers your wages cheer, vassals, then cheer. Ye
Are nothing but chattels and slaves under him.

— 2nd verse, "A Man Named Carnegie,"
anonymous, California, 7 July 1892

1874 -- Austrian philosopher Karl Krauss lives, Jicin, Bohemia,
Austria-Hungary. "KARL KRAUSS 1998 SAINT"
Great Austrian satirist, language theorist, social rebel.

1912 -- Jules Bonnot, French illegalist gang leader,
killed in police shootout.

Les banques criaient "Misérables!"
Quand s'éloignait le bruit du puissant moteur
Comment rattrapper les coupables
Qui fuyaient à toute allure à trente-cinq à l'heure
Sur les routes de France, hirondelles et gendarmes
Etaient à leurs trousses, étaient nuit et jour en alarme
En casquette à visière, les bandits en auto
C'était la bande à Bonnot

— Joe Dassin, La bande à Bonnot

1919 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Seattle mayor
Hanson gets a bomb in the mail. He declares the government
should "buck up & hang or incarcerate for life all the
anarchists." This is one of 36 bombs which turn up in the
mails across the nation.

1926 -- Harper Lee lives, Alabama. Famous for
Pulitzer prize-winning race relations novel To Kill A
Mockingbird. An international bestseller adapted to the
screen in 1962. She modeled the boy Dill after her childhood
next-door neighbor, author Truman Capote.

1932 -- France: Michèle Bernstein lives, Paris.

Novelist & critic, best known as a member of the Situationist
International from its foundation in 1957 until 1967, & as the
wife of its most prominent member, Guy Debord.

1943 -- Brilliant Chilean novelist Roberto Bolaño (d. 2003) lives,
Santiago, Chile. A founder of 'infrarealism", a surrealist-type movement,
which — when not writing poems — became notorious for heckling other
poets — especially Octavio Paz — on the grounds that they were both
excessively "literary" & corrupted by the Mexican state's munificence.

"Experience at full speed, self-consuming structures, crazy contradictions
... Never too long in the same place, like guerrillas, like UFOs, like the
white eyes of life prisoners ... LEAVE IT ALL BEHIND, AGAIN. GO OUT

1961 -- US: Holy Moley! We're No Moles? Over 2,000 defy mandatory
civil defense drill, New York City. Inspires Holy Modal Rounders!
(Also the movie "Shaft"... & a massive run on dental plates.)

1965 -- 20,000 Marines invade Dominican Republic to prevent
democracy & prop up military junta/dictatorship; Beloved & Respected
Comrade Leader President Johnson sends US troops to prevent the
ascension of democratically elected president Juan Bosch. The
troops are not withdrawn until next year. Another "Free World" thing.

We're the cops of the world, boys;
We're the cops of the world.

— Phil Ochs

1967 -- US: Muhammad Ali refuses induction, during the Vietnam
War, into the army & is stripped of his boxing title:

"No Viet Cong ever called me nigger."

The World Boxing Association withdraws Muhammad Ali's
recognition as heavyweight champion because of his refusal to
serve in the U.S. military.

1968 -- Rush To Judgment?: India: A lawsuit begun in 1205 is
resolved today, settled in favor of Mr. Thorat. Sorry, we failed
to catch his reaction following the verdict...

1977 -- Argentina: First rally by Mothers of the Disappeared
at Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires.

Under US supported "Free World" terrorism,
this military dictatorship of 1976-1983, saw
20-30,000 people "disappeared".

American CIA tax dollars hard at work.

Night hangs like a prisoner
Stretched over black and blue
Hear their heartbeat
We hear their heartbeat

— excerpt, U2 "Mothers Of The
Disappeared" (track 11, The Joshua Tree)

1987 -- Nicaragua: Benjamin Linder, an American volunteer
engineer from Seattle, Washington is murdered by U.S.-sponsored
Contras (characterized by then-Beloved & Respected Comrade
Acting Prez Reagan as "the moral equivalent of our founding
fathers") while working on a hydroelectric project..

In America we do not call our rightwing pals terrorists.

1989 -- First Workers Memorial Day, international day of
remembrance for those who have been injured or died
on the job & to renew the fight for safe workplaces,
drawing attention to the plight of the 335,000 workers
worldwide who die & millions injured every year as a
result of their work.

"Mourn the dead & fight like
hell for the living".

1991 -- Death of Igal Roodenko, World War II conscientious
objector/pacifist activist, New York City.

2002 -- Ireland: John McGuffin (Sean Mac A' Phinn) of Belfast
& Derry (& other parts) dies. Cremated on May Day.

The announcement of his end told that he died peacefully
on the morning of April 28th after a long illness, & that two
days before turning sideways to the sun had married his
long-term collaborator, comrade & partner Christiane.

He was laid out in his coffin with a smile of final satisfaction
on a face sculpted like a chieftain of old, in a black t-shirt
with square red lettering,

"Unrepentant Fenian Bastard".

Way to go, McGuffin!

2004 -- US: The Bush administration tells the US Supreme Court
"you have to trust the executive" not to mistreat prisoners; later
today, CBS News broadcasts the first photos of US soldiers
abusing Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison.


"The most violent element in society is ignorance."

— Emma Goldman


— Anti-LeftRite 1997-2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ya know... if folks don't shop at Independent Bookstores...


So come out and support your independents! What do you want to see? Would you come in and download free e-books if we offered that service?

Daily Bleed for April 26th

The whole psychological & power set up of war can
       be seen in the swastika. The mechanism reaches out
       in right angels like a gear claw. It resembles iron &
       metal. We feel the residue in the billion little manly
       decisions we make daily, while we commit genocide,
       massacre the ghost dancers. Afraid of death, in
       everyday politeness we open the doors for each
       other to turn our backsides.

       — Charles Plymell , excerpt, The Last of the Moccasins

Web Fault, in full:



Great filmmaker, social rebel; French authorities give him
"Zero for Conduct".



1731 -- Novelist Daniel Defoe dies, London, in hiding from

     Wherever God erects a house of prayer,
     The Devil always builds a chapel there;
     And 't will be found, upon examination,
     The latter has the largest congregation.

     — The True-Born Englishman. Part i. Line 1.

1854 -- J. A. Wayland lives, Versailles, Indiana.
Publisher & editor of "Appeal to Reason", the largest circulating
socialist paper in the country, based in Girard, Kansas.

   Daily Bleed Alternate Saint for 2006 & 2009:
   Agrarian socialist, pacifist, publisher.

   See Talkin' Socialism: J. A. Wayland & the Radical Press
   by Elliott Shore (University Press of Kansas) & The
   Autobiography of Mother Jones (Chapter IV: Wayland's
   Appeal to Reason.)

1885 -- Carl Einstein (1885-1940) lives.

            Poet, writer (anti-novel Bebuquin or the Dilettantes of
), dadaist, art historian (The first to understand
            Cubism as a movement).

            Einstein was an anarchist combatant in the Spanish
            Revolution of 1936, with the famed Durruti Column.

            Nephew of the famous physicist, Albert Einstein, he
            committed suicide to prevent his capture by the

1905 -- Jean Vigo lives (1905-1934).
His most famous film, was banned for
"Praise of indiscipline & attacking the
prestige of the educational institution."

1914 -- Pulitzer-winning novelist Bernard Malamud lives,
Brooklyn, New York. Wrote The Fixer & the baseball novel
The Natural.

1935 -- Anarchist-leaner, American mid-West poet,
Charles Plymell lives.

                "Let's make history, Dorothy."

1937 -- Guernica, Spain, is destroyed by German Nazi bombing.
This aerial massacre of civilians occurred during the Spanish
Revolution, while the US & England refused all pleas by the
Republican government for help against Franco's fascist forces
— imposing  an embargo upon Spain instead.

1954 -- April 26-July 21, Geneva Conference on Indochina results
in Geneva Accords partitioning Vietnam at the 17th Parallel &
provides for "unifying" elections in two years.

          America, the democracy-loving "free world"-power,
          refused to sign or promise to abide by the Geneva Accords.

          The US & its Vietnamese puppet Diem refused to hold
          nationwide elections, fearing a communist victory. Diem
          instead created a "Republic of Vietnam" in the south, &
          rigged "elections" there.

          Diem received about 600,000 votes in Saigon...where there
          was roughly 450,000 registered voters.

         The US later gave the green light for his assassination.

1961 -- England: Actress Vanessa Redgrave is among 826 British
anti-nuclear protesters arrested during a London sit-down.

                  "Don't you hear the H-bomb's thunder
                   Echo like the crack of doom?"

                            —  John Brunner

1968 -- John Heartfield dies, East Berlin, East Germany.

     First artist to use photomontage (combining whole or parts of
     photographs with text to communicate a new message) as a
     political weapon. His anti-Nazi art forced him to flee
     Germany. Co-founded a publishing house & as an illustrator of
     books he showed that even the dust jacket could be turned into
     a political argument.

1971 -- US: 50,000 demonstrators (Vietnam vets?) in Washington
D.C. set up "Algonquin Peace City" (in West Potomac Park).

     This camp is part of an attempt to blockade government
     "business as usual" for a day; it will involve 5,000 District
     police, 1,500 National Guardsmen & 8,000 federal troops,
     with at least 7,000 arrested; the figures, according to another
     source is: "20,000 National Guard & police, & 10,000
     paratroopers". Between  May 3-5 alone 1,200 antiwar protesters
     are arrested — bringing the final total to 12,614 (a Guinness

1986 -- Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurs, Ukraine, USSR. Worst
known nuclear disaster in history; eventual death toll alone,
from radiation exposure, is now estimated in the hundreds of
thousands. & you also know now whether you have the Chernobyl
CIH computer virus (set to go off 1999, destroying boot records
& hard drives).

1998 -- Guatemalan Bishop Juan Gerardi Conedera is
assassinated, two days after release of a report blaming
U.S.-backed Guatemalan military governments for hundreds
of thousands of deaths in the 1980s.

2000 -- Italy: Luciano Ferrari Bravo, dies. Workers' autonomist,
professor at the University of of Padova, postfordist theorist &
activist, victim of the incarceration madness of April 7, 1979.

2008 -- Ukraine: Chernobyl remembrances, demonstrations & protests.

2009 -- Switzerland: Naked ramblers are banned in Appenzell, one
of two remaining Swiss Landsgemeinden, a 700-year tradition of an
open-air assembly in which citizens can take key political decisions
directly. Rumors that the voters were all bare neked are false.


        "Everybody's an authority, in a free land."

           — Hüsker Dü, "In a Free Land"


— Auntie-Grasshopper 1997-2001-2-3-4-5-666-7-999-

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Daily Bleed for April 24th


                            Hides the

                            Parts — the prudery
                            Of Frigidaire, of
                            Soda-jerking —


                            Above the

                            Plane of lunch, of wives
                            Removes itself
                            (As soda-jerking from
                            the private act

                            Cracking eggs);


                            — George Oppen ["the prudery / Of
                            Frigidaire"] a passage from Discrete
                            Series (1934)

Web Version, in full:

A "few" excerpts:


Visionary leader of ActionAid for women, Bangladesh.

Alternate Saint:
Early Greek philosopher of Constant Becoming.

Magnum, Oklahoma: RATTLESNAKE DAY.
(& you know who they are)



1731 -- Daniel Defoe dies. English novelist, pamphleteer,
journalist, author of Robinson Crusoe. An
intelligence agent for the Tories, then the Whigs, in his days
regarded as an unscrupulous, diabolical journalist.
Daily Bleed Saint 2008.

1800 -- US: Library of Congress established.

1908 -- Mr & Mrs Jacob Murdock become the first to travel
across the US by car; they leave LA in a Packard & arrive in
NYC in 32 days, 5 hours, 25 minutes.

             Inspires Suburbs & Freeways, so people
            can spend this much time daily getting to & from work.

1908 -- George Oppen lives, New Rochelle, New York. Major
proponent of objectivism, publishing with his wife An
"Objectivist" Anthology
with work by Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot,
& William Carlos Williams.

1916 -- Irish Easter Rebellion for Irish independence from
England. Led by Silk Weavers' Union, Irish Transport &
General Workers' Union.

1923 -- Bulgaria: In Sliven, the anarchists Nicolai Dragnev,
the brothers Panayot & Ilia Kratounkov are shot by soldiers
under the pretext of "attempting to escape". They are the
final victims of the tragedy of Yambol, of March 26.

1929 -- Caroline Remy, known as Severine, dies. French
libertarian, feminist, pacifist, journalist of the League of
Humans Right.

1942 -- Irish writer Brendan Behan sentenced to 14 years
imprisonment for shooting at police during an IRA march.

1954 -- Birth of Mumia Abu-Jamal, presently a political
prisoner & death row activist. Award-winning
journalist/author, his insightful commentaries & essays have
earned him international recognition — & also the ire of many
officials, who have vowed to silence him [Including NPR
which canceled & censored planned shows] at all costs.

  "There are many trials . . . in which the victim was already
  condemned to death before the trial took place, & it took
  place only to cover up the real meaning: the accused was to be
  put to death . . .  the trial is just a mask for murder."

        — Katherine Anne Porter, "The Never-Ending Wrong"

1965 -- Dominican Republic: Populist insurrection; the peace-
loving US will use this as a pretext to invade within a few days.

1969 -- Paul McCartney says "there is no truth to the rumors he
is dead, well ... except maybe musically."

1970 -- Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane is invited to a White
House party by Tricia Nixon, daughter of the President. Slick
shows up with "escort" Abbie Hoffman. He is on trial for
conspiring to riot at the 1968 Democratic National Convention
& is turned away at the gate. Slick leaves as well without
having met Ms. Nixon or introducing her to tea laced with LSD
— as Slick suggested she would.

1971 -- US: Largest ever (over 1,000,000 people) demonstrations
opposing US war in Southeast Asia. 500,000 people gather in
Washington D.C., 150,000 march at a simultaneous rally in Frisco.

1983 -- International demonstrations against the plight of
laboratory animals.

1989 -- Tens of thousands of students strike in Beijing, China.

1993 -- Oliver Tambo, leader of African
National Congress (ANC), dies.

2006 -- Bandladesh: Nasreen Huq, feminist activist, dies.



    "Tusslin' - tusslin' - tusslin' - tusslin'!"


  For days - for weeks, these silly little boys had
  a new toy, & with this one word, could reduce the
  others to teary-eyed fits of fall-on-the-floor laughter.


                 — Mumia Abu-Jamal, "Father Hunger"


— Auntie-CopyLeft 1997-6666

Friday, April 22, 2011

Daily Bleed for April 22nd - HAPPY EARTH DAY!

Fish bones walked the waves off Hatteras.
& there were other signs
That Death wooed us, by water, wooed us
By land: among the pines
An uncurled cottonmouth that rolled on moss
Reared in the polluted air.
Birth, not death, is the hard loss.
I know. I also left a skin there.

— Louise Glück

Web version, 67 entries, in full,


Biting, innovative Cuban novelist, social critic.

EARTH DAY. Yup. Belly full, belly-up.



1870 -- Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Russian
Soviet Marxist Vladimir Lenin, Patron Saint of the
Fremont district in Seattle, Washington, lives.

This statue — rescued from Eastern Europe, after
"falling" over — now stands just a few blocks from
BleedMeister Auntie Dave's house, in Bleedster Gus
Hellthaler's backyard:

1893 -- Nicolo Sacco lives. Italian-American anarchist
accused of robbery & murder. His friend & associate,
Bartolomeo Vanzetti, strapped into the electric chair, said,

"I wish to tell you that I am an innocent man. I never
committed any crime but sometimes some sin.
I wish to forgive some people for what they are
now doing to me."

They both spoke nobly at the end, left a great heritage of
love, devotion, faith, & courage, believing the time
would come that no human being should be humiliated
or be made abject.

Vanzetti further noted that for him, as for both, if it had
not been for "these thing" he might have lived out his
life talking at street corners to scorning men, died
unmarked, unknown, a failure:

"Now, we are not a failure.

This is our career & our triumph.

Never in our full life could we hope to do such work
for tolerance, for justice, for man's understanding of
man as now we do by accident. Our words — our
lives — our pains — nothing! The taking of our lives
—lives of a good shoemaker & a poor fish
peddler — all!

That last moment belongs to us — that agony is our triumph."

1898 -- France: Adrien Perrissaguet (1898-1972) lives.
An activist in the Sacco & Vanzetti Committee, he also fought
in the Spanish Revolution of 1936 & was a member of the
French Resistance during WWII.

1922 -- Ah, Um: Pork Pie Hat Chef great Charles Mingus
lives, Beneath the Underdog, Nogales, Arizona.

1922 -- Novelist, social critic Guillermo Cabrera Infante lives.
Not favored by the Batista regime or the Castro regime.

1930 -- Jeppe Aakjaer dies in Jenle. Wrote of harsh
conditions endured by farm laborers but is best known
for poetry, especially the collection Fri felt (Free
Fields, 1905) & Rugens sange (Songs of the Rye, 1906).

1955 -- Pennies From Heaven?: Congress orders
all US coins bear the motto "In God We Trust".

No one else
left to trust...
& even then we suspect...

1963 -- (F)Redism: Secretary of State Rusk states that
South Vietnam, under Diem, was "steadily moving
toward a constitutional system resting upon popular

Six months later, South Vietnamese generals,
charging Diem had "trampled on the people's rights,"
seize power in a coup "encouraged" by the U.S.

1970 -- First Earth Day observed. Millions of US citizens
participate in anti-pollution demonstrations & events.
Corporate sponsorships to hide their real practices
are notably absent.

1972 -- US: 50,000 in New York City & 30,000 in
San Francisco march against the war in Vietnam/Southeast Asia.

1978 -- Bob Marley & the Wailers perform at the One
Love Peace Concert in Jamaica. It was Marley's first
public appearance in Jamaica since being wounded in an
assassination attempt a year & a half earlier.

1990 -- Day the Earth Stood Still?: The people of
Guilford County, North Carolina get their priorities in order:

They postpone the celebration of Earth Day 1990
from this date to April 28th so as not to interfere
with the Kmart Greater Greensboro Open Golf

1992 -- Yugoslavia: 60,000 attend anti-war rock concert,
Belgrade, Serbia.

1995 -- US: Gray Panther Maggie Kuhn dies.

1995 -- Hey, NATO?: San Francisco police, in an
equitable swap, trade computers for handguns.

Cops armed with computers instead of guns
look pretty funny on horses & bikes....

"Stop or I'll Email you!"

2000 -- US: Seattle songster Baby Gramps plays
San Francisco's Atlas Cafe.

"He's entertained everywhere from the streets &
medicine shows to Bob Dylan's dressing room. In this
day & age, seeing the Seattle based
singer-songwriter-guitarist who calls himself Baby
Gramps is the closest you'll ever get to experiencing
Harry Smith's Anthology of American Folk Music in
person. ...
— Time Out

Notorious for word play songs such as
"Palindromes," "Anagrams," & "Aptonyms".

2000 -- Brazil: Smashing the Clocks of Domination?

Globo network, Brazil's largest entertainment
corporation, for years put on events
promoting a celebration of today's 500 year
anniversary of Brazil's "discovery" by Europeans
come to dominate & exploit the resources
& people of the land, & has built big clocks
in all the state capitals of Brazil.

In the largest mobilization of indigenous people
ever known in Brazil, people went through Brasilia,
where they shot their arrows at the Globo clock
until they stopped it.


The trial of Jesus of Nazareth, the trial &
rehabilitation of Joan of Arc, any one of the
witchcraft trials in Salem during 1691, the
Moscow trials of 1937 during which Stalin
destroyed all of the founders of the 1924 Soviet
Revolution, the Sacco-Vanzetti trial of 1920
through 1927 — there are many trials such as
these in which the victim was already
condemned to death before the trial took place,
& it took place only to cover up the real
meaning: the accused was to
be put to death.

These are trials in which the judge, the counsel,
the jury, & the witnesses are the criminals, not
the accused. For any believer in capital
punishment, the fear of an honest mistake on
the part of all concerned is cited as the main
argument against the final terrible decision to
carry out the death sentence.

There is the frightful possibility in all such
trials as these that the judgment has already
been pronounced & the trial is just a mask
for murder.

— Katherine Anne Porter,
The Never-Ending Wrong

— anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, (I should live so long...) more or less...
"Better than Boiled Coffee!"
Use'em or lose'em....

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Daily Bleed for April 20th

(Happy Birthday Grandma! - Sky)
"...kick at the darkness
                          until it bleeds daylight ..."

                          — Bruce Cockburn,
                              Lovers In A Dangerous Time

Web Earthmover:

text excerpts:

Great Catalan painter, sculptor, prolific printmaker, bon-vivant.


1812 -- England: Luddite problem. Colliers from Hollinwood
& local mob attacked Mr Burton's manufactory in Middleton
& again 22nd April, 10 rioters killed. Food riots in Manchester,
Bolton, Ashton & Oldham, & all through Cheshire north-east of

1841 -- First detective story, Poe's Murders in the Rue

1859 -- First volume of Charles Dickens'
A Tale of Two Cities appears.

1887 -- Oscar Wilde writes:

       "Every great man nowadays has his disciples,
        & it is usually Judas who writes the biography."

1893 -- Catalan artist Joan Miró lives.

           'Miró: A single line, a definition inspired
           by the Catalan landscape.'

          — Abridged Dictionary of Surrealism (1938).

1914 -- US: Ludlow Massacre of Striking miners & families by
National Guard.

  In an attempt to persuade strikers at Colorado's Ludlow Mine
  Field to return to work, company "guards," engaged by John D.
  Rockefeller, Jr. & other mine operators attack a union tent
  camp with machine guns, then set it afire.

  Five men, two women
  & 12 children died as a result.

  The "Cleveland Leader", echoing the sentiments
  of much of the US press, writes,

  "The charred bodies of two dozen women & children
  show that Rockefeller knows how to win!"

1916 -- US: Emma Goldman, on trial for presenting a lecture
on birth control on April 8th, defends herself & is convicted.

Refusing to paying a $100 fine, she serves 15 days in the
Workhouse at Queens County Penitentiary.

    According to the NY Times (April 21, 1916) Emma was
    applauded by several hundred sympathizers as she was led
    from the courtroom where a squad of officer friendlies was

1948 -- US: Labor leader Walter Reuther is shot & seriously
wounded by would-be assassins.

1951 -- France: Guy Debord meets the lettrists at the Cannes
Film Festival, following the screening of Isou's "Traité de bave
et d'éternité" (Treatise on Slime & Eternity).

1953 -- US: Members of Communist Party USA forced to register as
"foreign agents."

1966 -- Six US pacifists, including Barbara Deming & 82-year-
old A.J. Muste, deported for anti-war protests, Saigon,
South Vietnam.

1967 -- Aldino Felicani (1891-1967) dies. Italian-American
libertarian, typographer, editor, & publisher of many papers.

1969 -- People's Park planted, Berkeley, California — a
resistance to the encroachment of the authorities into
"peoples' space".

1970 -- The New York Times reports Catholic & Protestant
youth groups have adopted the Yellow Submarine as a religious

1983 -- Korean Airlines flight 007 shot down by Soviets in
Russian airspace. They claim it is a spy plane. It is loaded
with civilians, & many say spy gear. Everyone aboard dies.
(Current evidence indicates it was carrying spy gear.)

1985 -- US: Some 250,000 march in Washington to protest US
policy in Central America.

1992 -- Austria: Women in Black demonstrate in
solidarity with their Serbian sisters.

1998 -- Octavio Paz dies in Mexico City. Mexico's great
poet, writer, critic, & winner of the 1990 Nobel Prize for
Literature. A prolific writer, best known for the book-
length essay The Labyrinth of Solitude & the poem "Sun

1999 -- US: Second Columbine Massacre.

    "& with respect to the police, the events this past
    spring have convinced me more than ever that the
    cops, being inept & useless parasites at their very
    best, are not only incapable of preventing crimes
    of this nature, but only contribute thereafter to the
    anguish & suffering of victims."

                    —  Paul Roasberry, parent

   Many media (eg, Reuters, UPI) erroneously call this the
   biggest school massacre, but it was not; On May 18, 1927,
   45 people were killed, including 38 elementary students,
   by a series of dynamite explosions at the Bath Michigan
   School detonated by Andrew Kehoe, a school board member.

   The Columbine Massacre you never hear about occurred
   Nov 21, 1927, when IWW picketing miners were brutally

  Columbine Massacre Monument

   Northern Colorado Mine Workers Historical Marker,
   a sign on Highway 7 leading to Lafayette, marks the
   Columbine Massacre where miners were killed while
   on picket duty during a 1927 strike.

2001 -- Canada: Quebec City has the dubious honor of hosting
the Summit of the Americas.

        The Anti-Capitalist Convergence (La Convergence
        des luttes anti-capitalistes; CLAC) participate
        in a large-scale grassroots mobilization against the FTAA.

        CLAC organizes a Carnival Against Capitalism.


       At some point we must draw a line
       across the ground of our home & our being,
       drive a spear into the land, & say to the bulldozers,
       earthmovers, government & corporations,
       "thus far & no farther."

             — Edward Abbey, novelist, anarchist, eco-warrior


— Auntie-WorkHouse 1997-6721

"Free thought, necessarily involving freedom of speech
& press, I may  tersely define thus: no opinion a law —
no opinion a crime."

                  — Alexander Berkman

Monday, April 18, 2011

Daily Bleed for April 18th

This is Darrow,
Inadequately scrawled, with his young, old heart,
And his drawl, and his infinite paradox
And his sadness, and kindness,
And his artist sense that drives him to shape his life
To something harmonious, even against the schemes of God.

— Edgar Lee Masters, "Darrow," (1922)

Relative Web version:

Text excerpts:


American individualist poet, writer, anarchist theorist.

US: ALFRED PACKER DAY. Eatcher heart out,
Ronald McDonald: Honors the only American to be
convicted on charges of cannibalism (1854).


1839 - France: What is Today's Youth Coming To?!:
French decadent Charles Baudelaire expelled from college.

1850 - Joseph A. Labadie. Labor activist, writer, poet,
printer, anarchist, lives, Paw Paw, Michigan.

1857 - American lawyer for the underdog Clarence Darrow lives.
Daily Bleed Saint 2003-05.

Hard to think "saint" & "lawyer" together, but Darrow
defended Debs, anti-work radicals & "the underdog."

"Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt."

1879 - US: Trial starts in Standing Bear vs. General
Crook in front of Judge Dundy, arguing that Indians
citizens have the same rights to habeas corpus as
other U.S. citizens.

1906 - San Francisco Earthquake destroys much of the city.

"I asked a man standing next to me what happened. Before he
could answer a thousand bricks fell on him & he was killed.
A woman threw her arms around my neck. I pushed her away
& fled.

All around me buildings were rocking & flames shooting.
As I ran, people on all sides were crying , praying &
calling for help. I thought the end of the world had come."

1908 - The IWW poem "We Have Fed You All For A
Thousand Years" published in "Industrial Union Bulletin".

We have fed you all for a thousand years
And you hail us still unfed
Though there's never a dollar of all your wealth
But marks the workers dead
We have yielded our best to give you rest
And you lie on crimson wool
But if blood be the price of all your wealth
Good God we have paid in full...

1913 -- US: Paint Creek-Cabin Creek coal miners, on strike
for over a year; they have endured a cold winter in tents &
on meager rations.

They had suffered humiliation, brutality & death at the
hands of mine guards. They had been machined gunned
by an armor plated train, illegally court martialed & illegally
imprisoned by the state governor...

1930 -- US: Atlanta's "Barbecue Bob" (aka Robert Hicks),
records "We Sure Got Hard Times Now". One of the most
popular bluesmen of the late 20's, recording 68 sides before
his death in 1931.

Spring. Four million Americans are out of work.
Breadlines continue to form in New York, Chicago
& other American cities.

1948 - Kathy Acker lives. (listed variously as
1944, 45, 47, 48; it is agreed, howsomever, that she died in 1997)

On the television
football game with the sound off
World in which Strom Thurmond
outlives Kathy Acker
We walk under the grey sky
past the massive brick apartments
of outer Connecticut Avenue
toward a strip mall café

— Ron Silliman, excerpt, "Dadaquest"

"Kathy Acker loved Miles Davis &, like Miles, she didn't give
a fuck, except about the things she gave a fuck about. She
gave a fuck about books (the ones she wrote & the library of
30,000 volumes she amassed over the years), about the
subliminal politics of everyday life — where the brittle
edges of gender politics & class would come into sharp focus —
&, mostly, about the power of words to define the world &
shape our thoughts. Whoever controlled the words controlled
thought, Kathy knew. She set out to understand & liberate
words (& herself) by direct action: She'd seize control of
language & reinvent it in her work.

— Richard Kadrey, author (Metrophage; Horse Latitudes;
Covert Culture Sourcebook; From Myst To Riven")

In the words of David Antin: Her works will answer for her.
They remain alive.

1955 - Relative Death, more or less, of Albert Einstein,
pacifist, socialist, scientist, Princeton, New Jersey.

Human society is passing through a crisis ... The economic
anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my
opinion, the real source of the evil...

The result of...[the concentration of private capital in a few
hands] is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power
of which cannot be checked even by a democratically
organised political society.

— Albert Einstein, "Why I Am A Socialist", 1949

"It's all relative"

1968 - Baaaaa Humbug?: US Army concedes that nerve gas
sprayed from planes, burned in pits, & released from 155mm
shells at its Dugway Proving Ground was responsible for the
death of at least 6,400 Utah sheep.

No Weapons of Mass Destruction here.

1969 - Stout Fellow?: Patrick Stout, a former Army sergeant
who had entered an atomic bomb crater in Alamogordo, New
Mexico to demonstrate that it presented no safety hazard, dies
of leukemia. Doctors attributed Stout's contraction of the
disease to atomic radiation exposure.

1977 - US: Native American activist Leonard Peltier
found guilty of murdering two FBI agents, despite
government testimony that he was not present at the
scene of the killings. He remains behind bars as of 2011.

1996 - Lebanon: 102 refugees in U.N. compound killed by
intentionally targeted Israeli artillery, Quana.

1997 - Sweden: "Choose Life" Plowshares action at Bofors
weapons factory in Karlskoga, exporter of arms to Indonesia.

1998 - Chile: Labor organizations from across Latin America
converge on Santiago, in a mass protest of Beloved &
Respected Comrade Leader President Bill Clinton's free trade
visit & negotiations there.


"Strange that science, which in the old days seemed
harmless, should have evolved into a nightmare that
causes everyone to tremble."

"Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the

— Albert Einstein

— Auntie-Nightmare 1997-366 or thereabouts, relatively speaking

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Daily Bleed for April 16th

Our dead fathers came down to us in the river.
Thousands of fathers & grown brothers
Bobbing in the Euphrates...
The two generals rode their horses
Over the hill
Like happy widows on strong donkeys.

— Norman Dubie, excerpt,
"The Desert Deportation of 1915",
from The Mercy Seat

No mercy here,
Web page in full, some 75 entries, ditto+ on the links,
cuppla pictures in real color,

A few modest excerpts:

American dance visionary, anarchist choreographer.



1844 -- French novelist/urbane critic Anatole France lives
(1844-1924), Paris. Awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921.

"The law, in its majestic equality, forbids
the rich as well as the poor to sleep under
bridges, to beg in the streets,
& to steal bread."

1854 -- US: "Army of the poor" leader Jacob Coxey lives.

JACOB COXEY, Daily Bleed Saint 2003,
Leader of "Coxey's Army" of hobos, who marched
on Washington in Protest in 1894. Arrested for
strolling on the White House lawn.

"We will send a petition to Washington with boots on."

1866 -- Gustave Henri Jossot lives (1866-1951). French
painter, illustrator & caricaturist who targeted the mainstream
institutions of family, army, justice, churches, schools, etc.
Jossot, deeply libertarian, refused to be labeled an anarchist.

1871 -- Ivan Turgenev arrested & jailed for publishing an obituary
banned by the St. Petersburg censorship committee.

1889 -- Charlie Chaplin, tramp, lives (1889-1977) .

"In the end, everything is a gag."

1902 -- Philippines: Surrender
of the last resistance to US intervention.

Apparently the benevolent US occupying forces left a few
resisters alive despite a policy of genocide, with orders to
kill every man, woman & child above the age of 10.

Look out Iraq! Look out World!

1903 -- Mexico: The buildings of the paper "El hijo del
Ahuizote" are seized by the police for the second time. The staff,
Ricardo & Enrique Flores Magon & Librado Rivera are arrested
for having "ridiculed public authorities."

1919 -- US: Anarchist choreographer Merce Cunningham lives.

1922 -- US: Where's the Beef? First sermon preached
from an airplane.

Ranks up there with dropping cows from an airplane
though not half as exciting.

1989 -- US: Frances Steloff dies at the age of 101.
Founded the Gotham Book Mart on January 1, 1920.

She died, Fine in Fine jacket but for light
wear at the edges.

Stories about the shop & Steloff's dedication to it & to writers
grew over the years till they assumed the quality of legend.

Her customers included George & Ira Gershwin, Ina Claire
& Charlie Chaplin, & more recently Alexander Calder, Stephen
Spender, Woody Allen, Saul Bellow, John Guare & Garson Kanin.

She championed the experimental & challenged the censors. Her
courage in purchasing shipments of the banned Lady Chatterley's
Lover directly from D. H. Lawrence in Italy in the late 1920's & in
ordering smuggled copies of Tropic of Cancer from Henry Miller in
Paris during the 1930's led to lawsuits & landmark decisions on

1994 -- The Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison, dies in New York,
never completing his second novel.

"I am an invisible man.
No, I am not a spook like
those who haunted Edgar
Allan Poe; nor am I one
of your Hollywood-movie
ectoplasms. I am a man of
substance, of flesh &
bone, fiber & liquids--&
I might even be said to
possess a mind. I am
invisible, understand,
because people refuse to
see me."

2000 -- US: Seattle songster Jim Page plays at the
A16 Anarchist & Anti-Capitalist Activities in Massive
Rally & Non-Violent Protest at the IMF &
World Bank in Washington DC.

A couple tunes:

2009 -- Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Barack Obama releases
Bush torture memos allowing the CIA to torture al-Qaida & other "suspects" ...


The professed concern for freedom of the
press in the West is not very persuasive in
the light of ... the actual performance of
the media in serving the powerful &
privileged as an agency of manipulation,
indoctrination, & control.

A "democratic communications policy," in
contrast, would seek to develop means of
expression & interaction that reflect the
interests & concerns of the general
population, & to encourage their
self-education & their individual
& collective action.

— Noam Chomsky, Necessary Illusions:
Thought Control in Democratic Societies


— anti-Ectoplasms 1997-2666999

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Daily Bleed for April 14th

beg you: leave me restless.
I live with the impossible ocean
& silence bleeds me dry.

— Pablo Neruda, exerpt "XXVIII,"
"The Sea & the Bells, (Copper
Canyon Press, 2003)

Daily Bleed web page, updated


Canadian-born ethicist, proponent of Analytical Marxism.

DREAMS OF REASON FEAST DAY, dedicated to discarded
scientific theory & science fiction futures.


1788 -- US: Doctor's Riot. Five killed as a mob storms
Doctors Hospital in New York, where Columbia University
doctors & students dissect human corpses, many
stolen from local graveyards.

1874 -- US: Josiah Warren dies, Boston Massachusetts.
Author of True Civilization & Equitable Commerce.

Warren founded several "equity" stores, based
on the idea of exchanging goods for an equivalent
amount of labor & the principle that cost should be the
limit of price. He established three utopian colonies;
the most successful (1851–c.1860) was Modern Times
(now Brentwood), Long Island, N.Y.

Informative articles, see
Kenneth Rexroth chapter on Warren in
Communalism: From Its Origins to the 20th Century

1892 -- Australia: Radical anthropologist Gordon Childe lives.

1919 -- Ireland: Limerick General Strike in full swing,
in the face of British military occupation: workers run
the city as a 'soviet'.

1920 -- Italy: Today the strike & Councilist factory occupations,
begun on 15 March, has spread.

1930 -- Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky,
betrayed by the Stalinist
purges, commits suicide.

Of grandfatherly gentleness I'm devoid,
There's not a single grey hair in my soul!
Thundering the world with the might of
my voice,
I go by — handsome,

— Vladimir Mayakovsky,
"Cloud in Trousers," 1915

But I
setting my heel
on the throat
of my own song."

— Vladimir Mayakovsky,
"At the Top
of My

1930 -- US: Police arrest over 100 Chicano farm workers for
their union activities in Imperial Valley, California. Eight
will be convicted of so-called "criminal syndicalism."

1939 -- John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath is published.

1941 -- Canada: Analytical Marxist theorist Gerald Cohen (d. 2009)
lives, Montreal. Opposed the views of John Rawls & Robert Nozick
& provided an extensive critique of the Lockean principle of self-ownership
as well as the use of that principle to defend right –as opposed to left–

1964 -- US: American ecology writer Rachel Carson dies.

"The beauty of the living world I was trying to save
has always been uppermost in my mind — that, &
anger at the senseless, brutish things that were
being done . . . ."

1966 -- Swiss pharmaceutical firm Sandoz discontinues
production of LSD. Owsley smiles.

1986 -- Libya: US aircraft attack five "terrorist"
locations, killing numerous civilians, in Tripoli &
Benghazi, & assassinating the daughter of Beloved &
Respected Comrade Leader Qaddafi. The Reagan
troika took a poll before, & found that 66% of
Americans approved of killing babies. Pretext is a
terrorist act in Germany flimsily attributed to a
Libyan-trained group which today remains in dispute
(including possible CIA involvement).

1988 -- France: Goodbye Daniel Guerin. Dies, age 84 years. One of
France's best known revolutionary activists, writers & thinkers.


Technology is "the knack of so
arranging a world that we need not
experience it."

— attributed to Max Frisch, dramatist; source unknown.

"Things are in the saddle & ride

— Ralph Waldo Emerson


— Auntie Technology, 1997-1812 or thereabouts

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bernie Sanders' Guide to Corporate Freeloaders

Senator Bernie Sanders Guide To Corporate Freeloaders
Click here to share: Bernie Sanders' Guide to Corporate Freeloaders

Daily Bleed for April 12th

. . . There are other ways; we know the way
                 to make the other choice for death: unformed
                 or broken, less than whole, puzzled, we live
                 in a formless world. Endless, we hope for no end.
                 I tell you death, expect no smile of pride
                 from me. I bring you nothing in my empty hands.

                          — William Bronk (1918-1999)
                 "The Smile on the Face of a Kouros,"
                 Life Supports: New & Collected Poems;
                 originally published in The Empty Hands, 1969

Web page updated, in full, 61+ entries + photo of the toppling
Saddam Hussein statue from a perspective Americans did not see
on American TV...& still don't see when the scene is reprised.

Text excerpts:

Prominent Afghan women's rights activist, martyr.





                "The Paris Commune, considering that the
                Imperial Column in the Place Vendôme is a
                monument of barbarism..."

   Mark Twain closes his "Some Remarks on the
   Science of Onanism" with these words:

    "feel a revolutionary uprising in your system, get your
    Vendome Column down some other way —
    don't jerk it down."

    — quoted in a footnote, G. Legman's The Limerick, p. 465.

1900 -- Florence Reece lives. Active in Harlan County,
Kentucky coal strikes & author of the famed labor song
"Which Side Are You On?"

1900 -- Puerto Rico: American Empire begins in earnest as
the island is surrendered to US military authority. Remains
one of America's many colonies in the new millennium.

1906 -- Francisco Ferrer, Spanish anarchist pedagogue,
continues to test the tolerance of Spanish authorities &
clerics by organizing a massive demonstration today, on
Good Friday, in support of secular education.

1907 -- American mystery-adventure writer Leslie Charteris
lives, Singapore. Best-known for "The Saint" stories...

   The Saint preceded Ian Fleming's James Bond, but as an
   outlaw — & thus a relative of Robin Hood, gentleman thief
   Arsené Lupin, or Mickey Spillane's fascist Mike Hammer.

   Marius Jacob (1879-1954), the anarchist bandit credited with
   over 150 burglaries, is the original "Arsene Lupin" in the
   French detective novels of Maurice Leblanc, with only slight
   exaggerations which made him a sensational "fictional"

1918 -- Russia: Moscow headquarters of the anarchists
surrounded & attacked by Bolshevik troops. For the past two
days Cheka, the Bolshevik secret police has carried out raids
on Moscow anarchist groups & making arrests.

    "At last the Soviet government, with an iron broom,
    has rid Russia of Anarchism."

             — Leon Trotsky, who prepared the military
                              attacks against the anarchists

1919 -- Ireland: The Limerick Soviet of 1919.

1935 -- 150,000 college students across the country stage the first
nationwide student strike against war. The protest was against
participation in any war.

     During its peak years, from spring 1936 to spring 1939, the
     movement mobilized at least 500,000 collegians (about
     half of the American student body) in annual one-hour strikes
     against war.

1954 -- US: Bill Haley & the Comets record "Rock Around
the Clock" for Decca Records. The song is released next
year when it's included in the film "Blackboard Jungle."

1966 -- US: NY Stock Exchange anti-Vietnam War leafleting.

1975 -- Black American sensual dancer Josephine Baker dies,
Paris, France.
Daily Bleed Alternate Saint (2003), JOSEPHINE BAKER
Saint of the Sinuous Sensuous.

1975 -- In Tony Hillerman's Finding Moon, Moon Mathias,
small-town American newspaper editor with a chequered past,
finds today will become the first day of a completely
new take on life...

    His brother is killed in a helicopter crash in Cambodia.

1989 -- Abbie Hoffman, Yippie peace activist of the 60's,
dies at 52. Commits suicide. Daily Bleed Saint 2008.

1997 -- US: Ted Joans reads at Recollection Used Books, in
memoriam to Allen Ginsberg.

2004 -- US:  Emma Goldman's "life", according to PBS television.
A real yawner, with the life drained out & the last 20 years of her
militant activity, including her involvement in the Spanish Revolution
of 1936, non-existent.

2009 -- Afghanistan: Women's rights activist Sitara Achakzai killed, Kandahar.


                  "There may be times when we are powerless
                  to prevent injustice, but there must never be
                  a time when we fail to protest."

                     — Elie Wiesel, Nobel laureate


              — anti-CopyRite1997-3000, more or less

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Daily Bleed for April 10th

[...] but I think the details change,
crows' feet around the eyes of a man
who still walks around
but who died back there the last time,
the name of the President maybe,
the date on the calendar.
Something in us dies each time,
like our so-called innocence
each dawn. I light candles.
My country, 'tis of thee.

— Bill Tremblay,
excerpt, "The Eternal Return of the Same"

Daily Bleed web page in full,


Hawaiian native culture expert, folk activist, hula dancer.

Florence, Italy: EXPLOSION OF THE CAR.
A large wooden car full of fireworks & explosives sits in
the piazza. A wire runs to the cathedral. A dove-shaped rocket
is ignited at the altar, runs along the wire & explodes the car.

[BleedMeister has warned Nummer One Son (in school in Florence
Spring 2004), not to be in the car when it goes up...but do kids
(17 years old) listen to their parents!?!


1849 -- Safety pin patented. Punk movement begins.

1901 -- France: Surrealist painter, recluse Anna Kavan lives.
Writer, surrealist painter, addict, recluse, suicide.

1912 -- RMS Titanic sets sail for its maiden voyage. There
is discontent among the 1st class passengers as rumors fly:

"there may not be enough ice."

1919 -- Mexico: Anarchist revolutionary hero Emiliano
Zapata ambushed & assassinated by Mexican troops, age 29,
Chinameca, Mexico. One of the main — & best known —
participants in the peasant uprisings against the central
government's authority from 1910 until his death.

1931 -- Kahlil Gibran dies, New York. Lebanese born American
philosophical essayist, novelist, mystic poet, & artist. Author of
The Prophet.

"The man who hears & understands we call mad, & flee from him."

1938 -- England: In Liverpool, Emma Goldman speaks on Spain
at two meetings today & tomorrow: on the first day to a 1,000
people; on the second to a small gathering of the Workmen's Circle.
Communists disrupt both meetings.

1945 -- US: Medical staff at an Oak Ridge, Tennessee hospital
injects plutonium into the survivor of a car accident.

Thus begins an enormous (& until the 1990's, top-secret)
US government program to investigate the effects of
radioactive materials when injected into live humans, which
did not end until the mid-1970's.

The program was expanded in the 1950's to include
"Operation Sunshine", under which 1500 cadavers were
stolen from locations around the world, in order to more
comprehensively study the effects of radiation on the human
body. As of this writing a total of 16,000 men, women &
children are known to have been experimented on as a part
of these studies.

Science equals progress, in the cause of humanity, hailed for
its objectivity & value-free research, in practice. The future is
even brighter as corporations & government & military take
control of university researchers, & their results, across
the nation.

1959 -- US: Utopian architect Frank Lloyd Wright dies.

1970 -- At a concert in Boston, Doors singer Jim Morrison
asks the audience if "anyone wants to see my genitals,"
just after a brief power failure.

Everyone missed his opening line:

"& now I'd like to do my impression of the
Governor of Arkansas."

1981 -- UN approves world treaty assuring no civilians shall be
attacked with "napalm, mines or booby-traps."

Defeated by US veto. Perhaps to "protect US Toy interests"?

"Toy-size bombs designed to kill tanks & soldiers appear
as white lawn darts, green baseballs, orange-striped soda
cans — & have proved deadly to children. . .

`"When you see a 5-year-old boy come to the hospital without
any limbs,' asked Kuwait City surgeon Dr. Mohammad Khaled,
'how can you forget the sight?'"

1981 -- England: Brixton Riots: Beginning of a weekend of rioting
as young people set fire to buildings & cars, pelted cops with bricks,
& looted stores. Roving gangs directly fought cops with
bricks, iron bars & Molotovs.

1981 -- Ireland: Imprisoned IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands elected
to British Parliament during the 6th week of his hunger strike.

2001 -- China: Communist government detains Wu Jianming, a
US citizen, on charges of spying. Other ethnic Chinese intellectuals
with American backgrounds recently arrested include Gao Zhan,
Tan Guanguang & Li Shaomin.

Speculation sees these as political rather than legal
proceedings, the rationale for the arrests including efforts
to find the anonymous compiler of the book
The Tiananmen Papers.

2006 -- US: Nationwide job & school walkouts & pro-immigration
demonstrations for America's 12-million illegal immigrants. Funny
country, where hard work can earn you hard time.

2008 -- Hawaiianist Winona Kapuailohiamanonokalani Beamer dies, Maui.



— Emiliano Zapata


— anti-WhiteLawnDartsGreenBaseballsOrangeStripedSoda 1997-3000, more or

Friday, April 08, 2011

Eat the Rich!

Daily Bleed for April 8th

posting from sunny San Francisco today, gonna get some coffee, breakfast, and go bookscouting. Have a great day everybody.

Flies in the oven
Flies in the head
I'll kill that fly
Till I kill it dead
And no more will that fly
Bother me
As I roam and I ramble
In the tumbleweed

— Charles Bernstein, excerpt, "Memories"

Daily Bleed web page in full,


Belgian-born wry, sardonic folksinger, composer.

CUCKOO DAY (movable feast): The hearing of the first
cuckoo call of spring is a traditional excuse for taking the
day off work & engaging instead in the more fruitful activity
of toasting in the bird with 'cuckoo ale'.



563 -- [BC] This Budd's for you.

The Buddha. He lives. Daily Bleed Saint 2003

1873 -- Merdre! Merdre! Alfred Jarry lives. French poet, novelist,
playwright, freelance scoundrel & author of Ubu Roi, a forerunner
of the Theatre of Absurd. Among other accomplishments, was Pablo
Picasso's weapon supplier (Picasso used the pistol to shoo away bores)
& making his mark on 'Pataphysics' (the acceptance of every event
in the universe as an extraordinary event).

1877 -- Italy: In the township of Letino (Matese) the "Gang
of Matese" hand the city clerk an official notice before giving
a speech, burning land deeds, & heading off to liberate yet
another town.

1885 -- Panama: Yes, We Have No Ripe Bananas?
US Troops invade, to "protect US interests."

1893 -- Mary Pickford, (Gladys Mary Smith) actress,
lives, Toronto, Canada.

All the village swains await
One dear lily-girl demure,
Saucy, dancing, cold & pure,
Elf who must return in state.

— Vachel Lindsay, TO MARY PICKFORD

1909 -- American novelist John Fante lives.

The key figure in Fante's resurrection was
novelist/poet Charles Bukowski, who discovered
one of his books in the public library while "starving
& drinking & trying to be a writer", & who
subsequently described Fante as his "god".

Despite his near invisibility, Fante still maintains a
strong cult following.
Nice tribute page in Italian & English,

1929 -- Ironic French folksinger Jacques Brel is alive & well.

Ken Knabb's "Georges Brassens & the French 'Renaissance of
Song'" is an excellent introduction to the French folk/cabaret scene.

See also Kenneth Rexroth's "Subversive Aspects of Popular

1937 -- Canada: United Auto Workers (UAW) strike at
General Motors plant in Oshawa, Ontario, for recognition.

1973 -- Spanish painter & communist Pablo Picasso dies,
Mougins, Alpes-Maritimes, France.

1974 -- Hammerin' Hank Aaron hits 715th home run, beats
Babe Ruth's baseball record. His run at the record got
him much hate mail & numerous death threats by whites.

"Throwing a fastball to Henry Aaron is
like trying to sneak the sun past a rooster."

— Curt Simmons, pitcher

1978 -- Gaston Leval dies. Son of a French Communard,
anarchist syndicalist, combatant & historian of the Spanish
Revolution of 1936.

1988 -- The self-extinguishing armchair is invented.
but not forgotten!

1993 -- Sweden: Women in Black demonstrate in solidarity
with their Serbian sisters, in Lund.

1993 -- World Court orders Serbs to cease genocide in Bosnia.
Why oppose genocide only in Bosnia you ask?

2001 -- US: The head of National Ethnic Coalition of
Organizations demands an apology Saturday from Jay Leno
for his comment that Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was "fascist"
to appoint a decency committee on art.

Leno compared Giuliani's efforts to Adolf Hitler's
crusade to remove what he called "degenerate art" from
German museums in the early years of the Third Reich.

2002 -- US: The Colorado Supreme Court refuses to order The Tattered
Cover, one of the country's largest independent bookstores, to turn over
its sales records to police, overturning a lower court decision demanding
the records as part of a drug investigation.

What about the Police who buy these books for 'official' business?
If we were to make this information public, you can be sure they
would have an apoplectic fit.

—— j godsey, bookseller


This Land is Their Land
(Dave Van Ronk?)

This land is their land, it is not our land
From their rich apartments to their Cadillac
From their Wall Street office to their
Hollywood Starland
This land is not for you & me.

As I was walking that endless breadline
My landlord gave me a one-week deadline
& "Labor Action" ran a better headline
This land is not for you & me.

So take your slogan & kindly stow it
If this was our land you'd never know it
Let's join together & overthrow it
This land is not for you & me.

— From The Bosses Songbook, by Dick
Ellington & Dave Van Ronk, circa 1964 [This is
not recorded anywhere that I know of, but we
sing it regularly at Dornan's Bar in Moose,
Wyoming, where we have an excess of
"Cadillac-carland" types. — ABB]


— anti-Self-ExtinguishingArmChair 1997-3000, more or less