Saturday, January 08, 2011

Daily Bleed for January 8th

i am in favor of these united states, here is
a land baptized & broken. here are the rising
foundations for the spartan existence. the family
will no longer control the western hemisphere. it
will exist in its pleasure but not in its tyranny.
our lungs will extol the notes of a pure, more
powerful democracy intricate in its simplistics
a leadership of snowflakes.

— Patti Smith, from "combe", in Early Work, 1970-1979

Daily Bleed web page, in full & updated,


Prophet & founder of the Moorish Science Temple,
America's first "black islamic" sect.

[You & Bill Gates...share de pork!]


1775 -- English printer/type designer John Baskerville dies,
& at his request is buried in the family garden.

1864 -- US: Mary Kenney O'Sullivan (1864-1943), first
American Federation of Labor (AFL) woman organizer,
lives, Hannibal, Missouri. A skilled bookbinder, she
organized the Woman's Bookbinder Union in 1880 & a
founder of the National Women's Trade Union League
(WTUL) in 1903.

One Bleedster asks in 2003:
Did she at the age of 16 found a union?

1867 -- Emily Balch lives. Co-founder of Women's International
League for Peace & Freedom. Won Nobel Peace prize in 1946.

1880 -- Death of Norton I, Emperor of the United States
& America's greatest ruler; he drops dead on California St.
at Grant Ave. He was on his way to a lecture at the
Academy of Natural Sciences in San Francisco.

His funeral was a grand procession of thousands,
by a rousing party lasting for days. Between 10,000 &
30,000 people reportedly attended his funeral.

1883 -- France: In Lyon the trial of the Internationale,
against anarchists known as "The 66", begins.

"The 66" are accused of promoting workers'
strikes, & the abolition of the rights of
property, family, fatherland, religion, &
thus attacking the public peace.

Stiff sentences were handed down: "Leaders"
such as Peter Kropotkin, Emile Gautier, Bernard,
& Bordat received four years in prison; 39 of
their companions received sentences ranging from
six months to three years.

1885 -- A.J. Muste, radical American pacifist priest &
co-founder of Fellowship of Reconciliation & War
Resisters League, lives, Netherlands.

1886 -- Moorish mystic Noble Drew Ali lives,
North Carolina.

The FBI was zealous...jealous...fond...
Moorish Science Temple of America, 3,117 pages!

1892 -- Spain: Anarchist revolt in Andalusia, to the cry of
"Vive la révolution sociale". Hundreds of farm laborers
take the town of Jerez.

1911 -- Pietro Gori (1865-1911) dies, aged 46. An Italian
lawyer, ardent legal defender of anarchists & himself an
anarchist & labor activist.

Gori was a founder of the FORA (in Argentina), the
review "Criminologia moderna" & "Il pensiero".
Gori was also a poet, dramatist & wrote the
famous song "Addio Lugano bella".

1913 -- Poet Harold Munro opens the doors of the Poetry Bookshop
in London. Robert Frost & Ezra Pound meet here today for the
first time. Munro also published many poets, including Richard

1917 -- US: Emma Goldman is acquitted by a New York court on
a charge of circulating birth control information at a Union Square
open-air meeting on May 20, 1916. Zoom forward to 2002-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 as
rightwingnut fundamentalism under the White House Neanderthals flourishes,
where "less government" means more government...where birth control
is recognized as the dastardly work of leftwing satanists...

1923 -- Sembene Sembéne Ousmane lives.
Senegalese labor union activist, writer & film director,
best-known for his historical-political
works with strong social comment.

1934 -- Days Without End by Eugene O'Neil opens at
Henry Miller's Theater in New York.

1945 -- US: The packing shed of the Doi family is burned &
dynamited & shots are fired into their home.

The family was the first to return to California from Amache
(concentration camp) & the first to return to Placer County,
having arrived three days ago.

Although several men are arrested & confess to the acts,
all are acquitted. Some 30 similar incidents greet
other Japanese Americans returning to the West Coast
between January & June.

In 21st century America we can say that things have changed
greatly since this time. In 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004-5-6-7-8-9-10-11
it is Arab Americans & visiting A-Rabs who are now among the
"disappeared" in US jails.

1959 -- Cuban revolutionaries under Fidel Castro victorious.
US goes into denial, as usual, in an attempt to protect
Mob "US interests".

1967 -- Excesses of "Cultural Revolution" trigger counter-riots
& strikes in Shanghai, China.

1968 -- Soccer Bleu!? France: Altercation entre François
Missoffe (ministre de la Jeunesse et des Sports) et anarchiste
Daniel Cohn-Bendit lors de l'inauguration de la piscine de Nanterre.

1969 -- US: In San Jose, California, teachers join strike
with students opposed to the Vietnam War.

1970 -- Shortly after the publication of his book, The One-Man
Revolution in America
, Ammon Hennacy suffers a heart attack
while picketing for Lance & Kelback, two convicted murderers
scheduled to be executed.

1972 -- Kenneth Patchen — poet, novelist, painter, graphic
designer, anarchist, pacifist — dies, Palo Alto, California.

1991 -- 200 Teamsters leaders hold "Labor for Peace" meeting to
oppose Gulf War, New York City.

1992 -- Bush League?: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader US
President George Bush pukes on the Japanese prime minister's lap
during a Japanese tour.

1995 -- "Mothers' March For Life & Compassion" heads to Grozny,
Chechnya, from Moscow, Russia.

1996 -- Spain: Carmen Conde (1907-1996), aka Florentina, dies.
Militant anarchist feminist. In 1936 she joined the Mujeres Libres
(free women), & during the Spanish Revolution collaborated on
their journal of the same name, as well as doing lecture tours.


"Wise statesmen ... established these great
self-evident truths, that when in the distant
future some man, some faction, some interest,
should set up the doctrine that none but rich
men, or none but white men, were entitled to
life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness, their
posterity should look up again at the
Declaration of Independence & take courage
to renew the battle which their fathers

— Abraham Lincoln


Your Daily Bleed
— "We Keep the Pot Boiling!" —
(just for you)


— anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less

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