Friday, July 23, 2010

Daily Bleed for 7.23

They'll find real saints to draw from . . .
And no one will work for the money.
No one will work for the fame.

— Rudyard Kipling

Daily Treatment Plant in full,

Trickle Down Theory: excerpts,

Fine writer of class-conscious detective fiction.

Guatemala: FIESTA DE SANTIAGO. Grand party of drinking & dancing.


1620 -- Wee Hours?: RNI, Brooklyn pirate radio station, begins
broadcasting at 1620 AM.

1637 -- Scotland: Stool Pigeon? Jenny Geddes throws her stool at
the Dean of St. Giles Church, in Edinburgh, protesting the forced
introduction of the new Prayer-book of King Charles I. Jenny shouts,

"De'il colic the wame o'thee / Don't thou say Mass in ma lug"

The Presbyterian congregation riots, pelting the pulpit
priest (beat to a pulp?) with pews, & so sets in train
the events leading to a Civil War.

Jenny was a cabbage seller, & thus was inspired the CabbagePatchDoll.

1846 -- Protesting slavery & U.S. involvement in the Mexican War,
Henry David Thoreau refuses to pay his $1 poll tax & is tossed into
the hoosegow.

Must be willing to risk jail, poverty,
Death, & the vilification of the state.

Enlist anywhere.
Apply everywhere.

— Charles Potts, excerpt,
from "The Henry David Thoreau Volunteer Army"

1888 -- Detective writer Raymond Chandler lives.

Kenneth Rexroth on Chandler & Hammett:

"The secret of this kind of writing is that it isn't
buying anything & it isn't selling anything."

1892 -- Alexander Berkman attempts to assassinate the
despised Henry Clay Frick.

1895 -- Freud
dreams about a
patient named
Irma (or July 24);
this becomes the
first dream he

1908 -- US: Nazi sympathizer & Jew-hater Henry Ford
sells his first model T.

1913 -- US: Northern Michigan copper miners strike for 8 hours, higher
wages, & union recognition (-Apr. 12, 1914). During the strike WFM's
president, Charles Moyer, is shot, beaten & forced out of town.

1914 -- Canada: Government forces a freighter with Sikh immigrants
to leave Vancouver. Thousands of racists on the docks cheer.

1923 -- Mexico: Mayhaps revolutionary Pancho Villa (1878-1923) dies.
Teamed up with the anarchist Emiliano Zapata to overthrow the corrupt
conservative government of Mexico, then retired.

1928 -- In NY, Hubert Selby, Jr. begins searching for the last
exit to Brooklyn.

1934 -- US: Sacramento, California cops arrest 22 farmworkers.

1936 -- Spain: Two militia columns leave Barcelona to liberate
Zaragoza, safeguarding & extending the establishment
of anarchist communism in Aragon.

1940 -- John Nichols, American author of The Milagro
Beanfield War
, lives.

1943 -- Poet, editor, author Quincy Troupe lives. Among his
works are volumes of poetry, most notably Watts Poets, &
a biography of Miles Davis.

1944 -- Max Nettlau (1865-1944) dies of stomach cancer in
Amsterdam. Austrian anarchist, historian, bibliographer,
philologist, insatiable collector.

1950 -- England: "Out" gay British educator, LGBT activist
Paul Patrick lives.

1967 -- Start of Detroit upheavals, seven days of social unrest,
fighting with cops, anti-business & anti-government actions,
including looting.

LOOTING is a natural response to the unnatural &
inhuman society of commodity abundance. It
instantly undermines the commodity as such, & it also
exposes what the commodity ultimately implies:

the army, the police & the other specialized
detachments of the state's monopoly of
armed violence.

Watts 1965: The Decline & Fall of the
Spectacle-Commodity Economy

1967 -- Your ultimate bus driver:

who poverty & tatters & hollow-eyed & high
sat up
smoking in the supernatural darkness of
cold-water flats
floating across the tops of cities
contemplating jazz ...

[You guess who...]

1969 -- US: Bohemian free-love advocate,
American novelist FLOYD DELL dies.
Alternate Daily Bleed Saint for 2005-2009,
Classic Greenwich Village Bohemian, novelist,
free-love radical, cultural rebel.

1980 -- Mollie Steimer (1897-1980) dies, at
her home in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Russian-American-
Jewish-Mexican anarchist & labor agitator.

1987 -- Publicity stunt for Daily Bleed?
John Poindexter is reported to have used the phrase
"I can't recall," — or some variation thereof —
184 times during his five days of testimony.

Got to get him new internet connection.

2004 -- US: The FBI's anti-terrorism task force
goes Info-shopping at Crossroads Infoshop.

If a radical bookstore's success can be measured
in how soon it gets a visit from the FBI, then the
Infoshop, which opened July 2, is doing well.

The FBI also question anarchists in Denver (two
are ultimately charged with failure to pay bike
tickets!!), Lawrence, Columbia, Kirksville, Topeka
& St. Louis. In Kirksville, agents serve several
anarchists with subpoenas, ordering them to
report to a grand jury on the same day they were
planning to go to Boston to protest the Democratic
National Convention.

Apparently no Weapons of Mass Destruction
are found other than the two dangerous bikes.


"Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on
what you put in."

— Tom Lehrer,


— anti-Recall-184-Times, 2010 & 1987

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