Our Daily Bleed...
the pomegranate
set loose
in an Airport.
Inspired American black-humorist, beat-era social rebel.
Held every 12 years, the dead are reinterred & honored, with huge a grave dug & lined with beaver skins.
Dancing on our own graves.
New Zealand: LABOUR DAY. Last Monday in October
(... one of those wiggly things that moves too fast for us)
539 -- [BC] Babylon falls to Cyrus the Great of Persia.
1618 -- England: Got Canned? Due to a failed expedition to exploit Guiana, the grand scalawag, Sir Walter Raleigh (History of the World) is executed.
At his execution in 1618 in the Tower of London, Raleigh asked to see the axe that was to behead him & said, "This is a sharp Medicine, but it is a Physician for all Diseases." As was common at the time, his head was embalmed & presented to his wife. She apparently carried it with her at all times until she died 29 years later at the age of 82.
1740 -- James Boswell, biographer of Dr. Johnson, lives, Edinburgh.
1745 -- English poet, biographer, & patron of the arts, William Hayley lives. Remembered for his friendships with William Cowper & William Blake. Cowper wrote, when turning down Hayley's offer of housing, "Thy friendship oft has made my heart to ache: / Do be my Enemy for Friendship's sake."
1763 --

1792 -- New Old World: William Broughton, busy claiming areas along the Columbia River for Britain, is the first white guy to record viewing Mount Hood (Oregon).
Broughton had taken two small boats up the Columbia from Astoria to a point near the side of Washougal, naming it Point Vancouver for his commander Captain George Vancouver. Mount Hood was named for a famed Alexander Arthur Hood, a famed British naval officer. The British were working feverishly to establish claims in the unexplored Northwest, as the Spanish had earlier been exploring some areas.
See Mount Hood: A Complete History, by Jack Bauer (self-published, 1975) 296 pages. A meticulously written book with tons of very specific dates. (Probably 2,000[!] or more.)
1839 -- US: Littefutchi, an Upper Creek village in Alabama, burned by white settlers.
1859 -- Queen Victoria finishes George Eliot's Adam Bede & notes in her journal: "It has made a deep impression on me. Albert likes & is much interested."
1866 -- Victor Loquier (1866-1944) lives. French hair dresser & propagandist. Ardent anarchist obvious in all he does but in hairdressing. Wrote for La Vrille from 1903 to 1914, & some of his anti-military articles earned him some jail time. Member of Cercle d'Etudes sociales & the Fédération Communiste Anarchiste & wrote for Libertaire.
1867 -- Tom MacInnes lives, Dresden, Ontario. Canadian writer whose works range from vigorous, slangy recollections of the Yukon gold rush (Lonesome Bar, 1909), to a translation & commentary on the philosophy of Lao-tzu, irreverently titled The Teaching of the Old Boy (1927).
"Many men lost their minds on the Dead Horse Trail. Others lost their lives as a diet of rotten horse flesh led to raging fever. Screams of pain echoed through the canyons like deranged spirits throughout the winter of 1897."
1882 -- Novelist & playwright Jean Giraudoux lives. Considered among the most important French dramatists of the period between WWI & WWII.

1884 --

1886 -- England: Freedom newspaper begins publication in London, as a monthly, in October 1886.

From the start it was intended not as the mouthpiece of a particular group but as an independent voice in a wider movement. At first described as a journal of "Anarchist Socialism," in June 1889 it became a "Journal of Anarchist Communism"; it attempts to represent the mainstream tradition of anarchism, through giving a voice to differing views. Continues to publish today.
1887 --

1889 -- Canada: Stanley Park dedicated in Vancouver, BC.
1889 -- US: Katsu Goto is lynched. A prominent Hawaiian merchant, labor sympathizer & interpreter, Goto was an immigrant killed by some fine upstanding American businessmen who didn't like the advocacy work he performed on behalf of Japanese plantation workers.

1896 -- US: Every twelve years on this day, the Amerindian Iroquois tribe celebrates its Feast of the Dead, to honor the souls of departed loved ones.
"No one owns their own property. The property owns them."— Robert G Ingersoll (1896)
Source: [Calendar Riots]
1897 -- Henry George dies.
"The equal right of all men to the use of land is a clear as their equal right to breathe the air — it is a right proclaimed by the fact of their existence."— Henry George, Progress & Poverty
1901 -- US: Leon Czolgosz, self-proclaimed anarchist, electrocuted for the assassination of US President McKinley. Emma Goldman, while repudiating Czolgosz's act, & harassed because of a tenuous link to him, is one of the few anarchists who refuses to disown him.
Emma Goldman expresses her sympathy for Czolgosz in an article, "The Tragedy at Buffalo," published in Free Society (Chicago), prompting many of her close anarchist associates to distance themselves from her.
For the next two months, with ill-feeling running high, she avoids public appearances. Finding much difficulty in securing an apartment & job, Emma adopts the pseudonym "E. G. Smith."
1902 -- The Dinwiddle Quartet from Virginia is the first African-American singing group on record when they record six single-sided discs, including "Down at the Old Camp Ground," on the Victory Talking Machine Company's Monarch label.
1902 -- Fredric Brown, American writer, lives. One of the most ingenious American crime & mystery writers, Brown also wrote science fiction to overcome — as he said — the too real aspect of detective fiction. He also wrote television plays for the Alfred Hitchcock series.
1918 -- Germany: Wilhelmshaven Revolt. Sailors mutiny, take over naval base, garrison & city of Kiehl; Soldiers, Sailors & Workers Councils elected. The German government falls on November 10.
See "The Wilhelmshaven Revolt," by 'Ikarus,' (Jan Appel, who co-wrote Memoirs of Revolutionaries with Otto Rühle.) See also "Jan Appel's Story," where he provides an important link, in this at times humorous account, between the proletarian revolutions of 1917-1919 & the modern day.
http://libcom.org/library/autobiography-jan-appel On Council Communism, see, http://www.marxists.org/subject/left-wing/index.htm The German Revolution of 1918, see, http://www.johndclare.net/Rempel_Weimar18.htm On Left Communism & Council Communism, see also the links at the bottom of Robert Barsky's Reading Room, http://cognet.mit.edu/library/books/chomsky/chomsky/lab/reading.html |
1919 --
US: October 29 to November 29 in Washington DC, the International Labour Organization (ILO) convenes: | Huge International International Labour Convention, organitzada to per the Societat de Nacions, convenes. They propose the "Unemployment Convention" & "Reciprocity of Treatment Recommendation." See also the ILO page, http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C002 |
1921 -- Bill Mauldin, political cartoonist (Pulitzer-1945, 59), lives.
1922 -- Italy: The Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader King thingie entrusts to Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Mussolini control of the government. The new violent ones (fascists) are now legitimized by the state — the supreme organ of organized violence. This rightwing takeover is similar to the Bolshevik counter-revolution in Russia in the control & suppression of its people.
Source: [Crimini e Misfatti]
1922 -- Spain: El 29 de octubre aprovechando la nueva coyuntura, una delegación de obreros de la CNT se presentaron en Gobernación para hablar con Ardanza, el general les recibió y escuchó a la delegación cenetistas que iba encabezada por el abogado Joan Casanovas, la conversación verso sobre la intensión de la CNT de estar dentro de la legalidad. Ardanza se limitó a decirles que él transmitiría el mensaje a Madrid. El gobierno de la nación tardó varios días en contestar, pero evidentemente no podían más que aceptar aquella nueva situación.

1923 -- "Runnin' Wild" (introducing the Charleston) opens on Broadway.
1923 -- Desmond Bagley lives. British thriller writer, big in the 1960s. Also published 16 popular adventure novels. On his rough, several years long trip from England to South Africa he gathered colorful experiences highly useful later, when he began writing.

1929 -- US: Pandemonium on Wall Street as stocks crash. American securities lose 26 billion dollars in value.

In Dies Irae ("Day of Wrath"), James Rosenberg created an expressionist nightmare of teetering skyscrapers, suicidal stockbrokers, storm clouds, & maddened crowds to convey the sense of panic that overwhelmed Wall Street & the nation in the last days of October 1929.
A bankruptcy lawyer in Manhattan who also studied lithography under master printmaker George Miller, Rosenberg recalls:
"In the afternoon of October 28, 1929, the terrible day when nine million shares were slaughtered on the New York Stock Exchange, I rushed to Miller's place & made my lithograph Dies Irae."
Dies Irae ("Days of Wrath"), 1929. James N. Rosenberg, 1874-1970. Lithograph. Printed by George Miller
"Happy Days Are Here Again" Casa Loma Orchestra, conducted by Glen Gray, 10/29/29
The date on which the Casa Loma Orchestra waxed this cheery tune is better remembered as Black Tuesday, the day of the stock market crash. Variety's October 30, 1929 headline read "WALL STREET LAYS AN EGG."
How big an egg? An average 40 percent loss in stock values by mid-November, representing nearly 30 billion dollars! This song (sans vocals here) expressed pre-crash exuberance in the film Chasing Rainbows (a young Jack Benny appeared in it), & it became a 'wishful thinking' anthem as the Depression darkened.
— Mark Humphrey, "The Great Depression: American Music in the '30s"
1936 -- Songster Hank Snow makes his first recordings, "Lonesome Blue Yodel" & "Prisoned Cowboy."
1938 -- Italy: Viene inaugurato a Roma il Centro di preparazione politica, per plasmare la nuova classe dirigente fascista, i futuri padroni chiamati a comandare sul popolo italiano.
Source: [Crimini e Misfatti]
1940 -- US: First compulsory peace-time draft initiated.

1942 -- d.a. levy lives (1942-1968), Cleveland, Ohio. Poet.
See 24 November 1968
1942 -- Russian: 16,000 Jews killed in Pinsk.
1945 -- Re-writing History?: First ball point pen goes on sale, 57 years after it is patented.
1947 -- US: Flying in a specially outfitted aircraft, Vincent Schaefer of the General Electric Company drops small dry-ice pellets into cumulus clouds over a forest fire near Concord, Massachusetts, in an attempt to produce artificial rain & douse the flames.

I'll sit down on a burnin' ring of fire
I will try to flush it down But the flames they'll get higher & it' ll burn, burn, burn That ring of fire That ring of fire!
— "Thank God I'm a ChileHead,"
sung to the tune of Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire |
1947 -- Belgium: Asger Jorn participates in the International Conference of Revolutionary Surrealism in Brussels.
1952 --

Also, before the month is out, Debord meets Marcel Mariën, Paul Nougé & Louis Scutenaire in Brussels.
Lettrism, like all movements worthy of the name, engendered schisms & apostasies. One sect, the Lettrist International, led by Guy Debord, split off after the "left" lettrists, passing out abusive pamphlets, disrupted a Charlie Chaplin press conference.
On Lettrism, see Greil Marcus, Lipstick Traces: A secret history of the twentieth century (Harvard, 1989; Margaret Moser, “Greil Marcus & the Mad Parade”, "Austin Chronicle," 10 Sep 1999) for a brief account of Lettrism, the Lettrist International (the "left wing" of Lettrism, & its offspring, the Situationist International).
1953 --

1956 -- Israel attacks Sinai, Egypt.
1958 -- Boris Pasternak, under intense pressure from the Soviet government & press, wires the Swedish Royal Academy his "voluntary refusal" of the Nobel Prize for Literature. One of his crimes is to have written — in his novel, Dr. Zhivago — too sympathetically of the anarchists, & not kindly enough of the Bolsheviks.
"Am I a gangster or murderer?
Of what crime do I stand condemned?
I made the whole world weep at the beauty of my land."
1958 -- Good Ol' USofA: Atomic bomb named 'Santa Fe' exploded above ground; winds blow fallout over LA where thermal inversion holds it over the city for several days. Not that the residents can tell the difference — it's a glow in the dark kinda place.
1961 -- USSR: Not to be outdone, the first 50-megaton bomb explodes.
1962 -- Cuban missile crisis ends when USSR agrees to withdraw missiles from Cuba & US agrees to end blockade.
1962 --

1963 --

1964 -- US: Star of India gems stolen from Natural History Museum, New York City.
1966 -- US: National Organization for Women founded in Washington, DC. The 30 attendees elect Betty Friedan as NOW's first president.
1968 -- US: A "foamy mass" of industrial waste kills massive numbers of fish in Pennsylvania's Allegheny River.

1969 -- US: During the Chicago Eight Trial, Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Judge Hoffman orders Bobby Seale bound & gagged for the next four days (after Seale is refused permission to act as or have his own defense counsel).

1969 -- US: Too Easy? 100 demonstrators disrupt university ROTC with "nonviolent ridicule," Buffalo, NY.
1969 --

1970 -- US: Sans Hose? Anti-war protesters pelt Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Prez Dick M Nixon's motorcade with rocks & eggs in San Jose, California.
1970 -- US: A Wall Street Journal article today discusses the reasons why union & management agreed on the necessity of a strike.
As William Serrin succinctly put it:
"A strike, by putting the workers on the street, rolls the steam out of them it reduces their demands & thus brings agreement & ratification; it also solidifies the authority of the union hierarchy."
[Details / context]
1970 --

1971 -- Biker songster dude Duane Allman killed riding motorcycle.
1974 -- Zaire: Muhammad Ali defeats George Foreman to regain his heavyweight crown in a fight billed as "The Rumble in the Jungle." In addition to the fight being the first heavyweight title fight held in Africa, it is the 14th Anniversary of Ali's professional boxing debut.
1975 --

1979 -- US: "Up Against The Wall Street Journal" direct actions disrupt New York Stock Exchange & financial district on 50th Anniversary of the stock market crash of 1929. Over 1,000 arrested.

1981 -- Georges Brassens, French anarchiste poet/songster, dies.

"La camarde, qui ne m'a jamais pardonné d'avoir semé des fleurs dans les trous de son nez, me poursuit d'un zèle imbécile..."
— "Supplique pour être enterré à la plage de Sète"
1982 -- US: Car maker John DeLorean, arrested on the 19th, indicted for drug trafficking; later acquitted.
"It's better than gold. Gold weighs more than that, for God's sake."
1984 --
1984 -- ![]() ![]() 1985 -- ![]() ![]() 1986 -- US: Three days after Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Acting President Ron Reagan's veto, & days before an election, US House of Representatives votes to override veto on a bill to impose trade sanctions against South Africa. Empty, symbolic gesture, as the Senate does not follow suit. |

1988 -- China: Heads Up, Herb?! China announces a herbal male contraceptive.


1992 -- A high-ranking Russian official says a review of newly opened archives clears Alger Hiss of accusations that he spied for the Soviet Union.

"It's what I've been fighting for for 44 years," said Mr. Hiss, now 87 years old, during an interview this week in his Upper West Side apartment."
Whittaker Chambers accused Hiss of being a spy. Hiss denied the charges & sued for slander. Failing any proof, & under pressure from right-wing whackos seeking to blame someone for all America's ills, Hiss was indicted & convicted for perjury (claimed he did not know Chambers, a former communist fanatic who became, fittingly, reverse-mirror, a right-wing Cold Warrior & edited the Republican mouthpiece, "Time" magazine). Got five-years. Paroled in 1954, still maintaining his innocence. Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Dick M Nixon used Red-baiting publicity to catapult his odious career to the White House. (See Halberstam's The Fifties).
1995 -- American writer Terry Southern dies.
Radical Jewish mystic, Kabbalist. Daily Bleed Patron Saint 1998.
1998 -- Britain's poet laureate Ted Hughes, whose stormy marriage to American poet Sylvia Plath dogged his reputation for many years, dies, just months after the publication of Birthday Letters, a book of poems about his relationship with Plath.
He sang
How the swan blanched forever
How the wolf threw away its telltale heart
& the stars dropped their pretense
The air gave up appearances
Water went deliberately numb
The rock surrendered its last hope
& cold died beyond knowledge
He sang
How everything had nothing more to lose
Then sat still with fear
Seeing the clawtrack of star
Hearing the wingbeat of rock
& his own singing
— Ted Hughes, "Owl's Song"
2000 --Taiwan: Three martial arts students pull a truck & 100 men — with their penises.
2000 --US: Animated cartoon "Dr. Seuss' Halloween Is Grinch Night" premiers, ABC.
2001 -- Soviet filmmaker Grigory Chukhrai dies. Earned fame but angered Kremlin leaders for portraying human side of war & among the first directors to convey the horrors of Stalin's rule in such films as Ballad of a Soldier (1959), & Clear Skies (1961).
2003 -- Daily Bleed Patron Saint, 2003-04 ALAN TURING
British computer theorist, fatal victim of gay oppression.
2006 -- México: Violence flares in Oaxaca, as 10,000 military, 3,500 riot cops, 3,000 military police, violently sweep the streets. This unprovoked aggression by the Mexican State against the pacific & unarmed people of Oaxaca is one of the largest in the recent history of México & Latin America.
2009 -- Brazil: Civil Police of Rio Grande do Sul, under the command of Governor Yeda Crusius, break into the premises of the Federação Anarquista Gaúcha. Police seize posters, minutes of meetings, the hard disk of a computer & also the contents of refuse containers. They also tried to intimidate those who came to show their solidarity & names contained in the records of the organization's website. Two comrades were arrested & charged.
3000 --
I have always imagined that Paradise would be a kind of library.— Jorge Luis Borges
4000 --
anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less
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See also: Anarchist Encyclopedia
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Anarchist Time Line / Chronology
Stan Iverson Memorial Library
Anarchist Time Line / Chronology
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