Saturday, September 25, 2010

Daily Bleed for Sept. 25th

"Where are the snows of yesteryear?"

— François Villon (c. 1431–after 5 January 1463),
Ballade des dames du temps jadis

Daily Bleed in full,


Sixties-era cultural philosopher,
& polemicist.


1818 -- Daily Bleed to the Rescue?: First blood transfusion
operation, London, England.

1867 -- Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist & mystical
anarchist, visits the battlefield of Borodino to
visualize the scene 55 years before.

1868 -- Mikhail Bakunin founds the anarchist International
Alliance of Socialist Democracy.

1870 -- France: The armed workers of the Marseilles
Commune declare the abolition of the state & all debt.

1894 -- John Howard Lawson lives. Author,
playwright, screenwriter, member of the "Hollywood Ten"

1897 -- William Faulkner lives. American novelist,
awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1949.

Faulkner found his writing requirements simple:

"Paper, tobacco, food, & a little whiskey."

1903 -- Artist Mark Rothko lives. Abstract impressionist.

1905 -- Sportswriter Red Smith lives. His writing needs,
like Faulkner's, are also simple:

"There's nothing to writing.

All you do is sit down at a typewriter
& open a vein."

1913 -- Mexico: Radical psychoanaltic critic Norman O. Brown
lives, El Oro.

1924 -- In a letter to his friend Alain Locke,
Langston Hughes writes "I've done a couple
of new poems. I have no more paper,
so I'm sending you one on the back of this letter."
The poem, "I, Too," is published two years later &
is among his most famous.

I, too, sing America.

I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.

I'll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody'll dare
Say to me,
"Eat in the kitchen,"

They'll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed —

I, too, am America.

1933 -- Ian Tyson lives. Canadian folksinger, of Ian
& Sylvia, who also formed the group Great
Speckled Bird.

1935 -- Maj Sjöwall lives. Swedish writer/journalist,
who created, with husband Per Wahlöö, widely
translated novels about detective Martin Beck &
his colleagues at the Central Bureau of Investigation
in Stockholm.

1938 -- Spain: Emma Goldman, accompanied by
Gudell & Herrera, visits the 28th division headed by
Gregorio Jover & the 26th division headed
by Ricardo Sanz at the battlefront.

1962 -- John Steinbeck is awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.

1963 -- Dominican Republic: Crónica de costumbres de
América Latina. A coup d'etat overthrows democratically elected
Dominican President Juan Bosch.

Now General Toni Imbert is fat & remolón & rarely
goes into the water but often returns to the beach of
his childhood. He likes to sit, to aim, to shoot sharks.
In Sosúa, the sharks fight with the poor for the effluvia
from the slaughter house. General Imbert is liked by
the poor -- sitting in the levee, he throws 10 dollar
bills at them.

Imbert looks much like his pal, General
Wessin y Wessin. Both can pick up the scent of a
Communist from great distances; & both have won
many medals for getting up early to kill people
bound in ropes. & when they say "the president,"
both always mean the president of the United States.

Generals Imbert & Wessin y Wessin, children of
the US School of the Americas, got fat under
protection of Trujillo. After Trujillo died there were
elections & the people voted enmasse for Juan Bosch.
The Generals sit with arms crossed: Bosch refused
to buy airplanes for the military, enacted agrarian
reforms, allowed divorce, & increased workers' wages.

Seven months "The Very Red One" lasted. They seize
power, that honeycomb of rich honey, in a military
coup at dawn.

The United States does not delay in recognizing the
new government.

1968 -- US: Five-day Radical Theatre Festival at San
Francisco State College featured Bread & Puppet
Theatre, Teatro Campesino, & the San Francisco
Mime Troupe.

1970 -- Erich Maria Remarque dies. German author,
wrote the anti-war novel All Quiet On The Western Front.

1975 -- US Senate makes public 238 illegal FBI
burglaries against dissident groups. These actions
become known as COINTELPRO, an acronym for

1977 -- Steve Biko, South African civil rights activist,
buried after being beat to death in jail by cops.

1999 -- Marion Zimmer Bradley (1930-1999), scifi author, dies.
A pioneer in the field of woman-based science fiction, creating
strong, independent female protagonists.

2003 -- US: Edward Said dies. Palestinian-American literary theorist,
outspoken Palestinian activist. Regarded as a founding figure in
post-colonial theory.

Another of those social critics (Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn,
Gore Vidal, et al.) of American policies who is ignored or unofficially
"blacklisted" by American mainstream media.


The Potawatomi were not
data-processing machines nor
computers for the storage of trivial
information. They needed "raw data"
about as much as they needed Wiske.
They made Wiske the butt of many of
their jokes. Among the Potawatomi,
the almighty Archon got no further than
to be the subject of funny stories.

Part-human, part-beast, & possessing
the Leviathanic virtue of existing
forever, Wiske the gift-giver
reappeared in the jokes as the
long-eared, long-membered &
long-tailed Trickster, forever setting
traps for animals & people & forever
trapping himself.

Jokes were for laughs. Linear events,
namely unexpected disruptions of life's
rhythms, were usually funny.
Sometimes they were tragic.

If the tragedy was repeated, then the
event was not linear but rhythmic, & it
was already known. Rhythms were
grasped with symbols & expressed
with music. Musical knowledge was
knowledge of the important, the deep,
the living. The music of myth
expressed the symphony of rhythms
that constituted the Cosmos.

— Fredy Perlman, Against His-story, Against Leviathan!


— anti-CopyRite 1997-6000, more or less, & thensome

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