Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Daily Bleed for Cinco de Mayo!

i am dreaming of the mountains where the children learn the stars
clouds roll in from nebraska dark chords on a big guitar
my restlessness is long gone i would stand here like an old jack pine
but I'm looking for rexroth's daughter the friend of a friend of

— Songster Greg Brown
Turn-a you speakers up at work:



Promised the withering-away of the state, which has happened
recently in places he never imagined.

We're a little behind schedule on some others.


fish kites fly.


1814 -- Percy Bysshe Shelly & Mary Godwin meet & fall in love
(or May 6); Unfortunately, he is already married.

1818 -- Germany: Communist theorist, philosopher of labor,
Karl Marx lives.

"WE have nothing to lose but our bricks."

1876 -- Esteban Baca Calderon, lives.
Mexican strike leader (Cananea Copper Mines).

1886 -- US: Police attack on Jewish Workers
from the Chicago West Side as they try to march
into the Loop to protest slum conditions.

1886 -- US: The Bay View Tragedy at Rolling Mills.
See Howard Zinn article, "A Look at Milwaukee's
8-hour march, killings from the workers' point of view".

1897 -- Giovanna Berneri lives (1897-1962).
Companion of Camillo Berneri (murdered by the Communists
in Spain on this day in 1937; see below).

1911 -- Aristide Delannoy dies. French artist & contributor,
along with Paul Signac, Maximilien Luce, Alexandre Steinlen,
Van Rysselberghe, Camille Pissarro, Van Dongen, George
Willaume, etc., to the anarchist magazine "Temps Nouveaux".

1920 -- Massachusetts: Nicola Sacco & Bartolomeo Vanzetti,
two Italian-American anarchists, are arrested for murder & payroll
robbery & eventually they are executed for a crime they quite
probably did not commit.
Climax of the postwar anti-radical, anti-labor & anti-immigrant
hysteria of the Wilson-Mitchell period.

1926 -- Sinclair Lewis declines the 1926 Pulitzer,
declaring all such prizes tend to make writers "safe, polite,
obedient & sterile." He does, however, accept (politely?) the
Nobel Prize for Literature (the first American so honored) in 1930.

1930 -- Gandhi is arrested by the British (-Jan. 26, 1931).

1931 -- US: Infamous Battle of Harlan County, Kentucky.

Coal workers have been shafted too long.

1932 -- US: In Evarts, Kentucky, a fight breaks out between
miners & the coal companies' industrial police. The goons
draw their pistols, as do many of the miners. The shootout kills
a miner & three company guards.

The Evarts battle shatters the mining industry's campaign
of fear & intimidation in the region. Until now, a coal-company
reign of terror has included kidnapping & murder of suspected
union organizers.

As the attacks intensified, however, many miners began carrying
38-caliber revolvers, known as "John L. Lewis peacemakers."

The violence continues for years, as the miners openly call for
strikes & collective-bargaining agreements. By 1940, they win
most of their demands.

1937 -- Spain: This evening, in Barcelona, the Italian anarchist
theorist/activist Camillo Berneri & Francesco Barbieri are seized
by the Communists, presumably on Moscow's orders (Stalin's purges).

Taken from their homes, their bodies are found tomorrow,
riddled with bullets. Camillo's eldest daughter, Marie-Louise
Berneri, fighting on the front in Aragon, returns to Barcelona
for his funeral.

1955 -- US: Move In Now? Way cheap housing available,
will have your family glowing... Nuclear explosion atop a
150-m tower batters but does not destroy a model community
built at the atomic proving grounds in Nevada.

1969 -- US: 231 military induction orders burned, Los Angeles.

1970 -- US: In response to Kent State killings, protests engulf
campuses across United States. The first protest occupation
of I-5 Freeway occurs in Seattle as 1,000+ University of Washington
marchers spontaneously seize the freeway. BleedMeister is there.
White Line Fever...

1972 -- Rev. Gary Davis, blues & folk singer, dies at 76.

1975 -- US: Garry Trudeau wins Pulitzer Prize
in editorial cartooning (Doonesbury).

1981 -- Ireland: Bobby Sands (1954-1981), Irish political prisoner
& member of Parliament, dies, in Maze Prison near Belfast, after
a 66-day hunger strike.

1986 -- Labor of Love?: After 72+ hours of labor, Brandon
Letsinger-Brown lives, Seattle. #1 Son of Sue Letsinger & Auntie Dave.
Great grandson of folklorist Stith Thompson. Descendent of a long line
of Clan Lockharts on his daddy's side. & more.
Still talks to his parents in 2001 (ditto 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 (from under his
car), 2010 (from atop his touring bike)). Good kid. Probly.

No less stubborn now than then.

1990 -- US: Serial Killer? Jesse Tafero is executed, Florida;
the electric chair malfunctions 3 times & flames leap from his head.

1992 -- US: Two men break into the Rockwell International Facility
& damage a $50 million NavStar satellite with axes, causing $2.8
million damage:

"They will beat their swords into axes ...
& none shall make them afraid".

1993 -- Irving Howe, US literary & social critic ("Dissent"), dies.

1997 -- Crosby, Still & Nash perform their hit "Ohio" to mark
the 27th anniversary of the Kent State massacre, in Kent, Ohio.

1998 -- Denmark: Mass strike continues into day nine.
Today, 15 to 20,000 workers demonstrate.

2001 -- Cliff Hanger? Clifton Keith Hillegass, Cliffs Notes creator,
dies at 83, Nebraska.

2001 -- Morris Graves, American "Northwest Mystic" painter, dies at 90.
(Speed Kills?)

2010 -- US: 10th Annual Chicago Anarchist Film Festival. Two weekends,
10 events. This years theme, "Crossing Boundaries," seeks to project voices
that transcend borders & cultures — voices that normally do not get heard.
Radical cinema from around the world.


"La Injusticia en cualquier sitio,
es una amenaza para la Justicia
en todas partes"

("Injustice Anywhere is a Threat
to Justice Everywhere")


— anti-FlamesLeapFromHead, 1997-99666

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