Saturday, April 17, 2010

Daily Bleed for 4.17.2010

Brought to you by Recollection Books...

... a savage servility

slides by on grease.
— Robert Lowell

Web pot, brim full,


Publisher, theorist of American individualist anarchism.



1414 -- Isabelle la Boulangere fined for performing
an act of prostitution on this day (it is Easter Sunday.)
Inspires Playboy Bunnies & gives Catholic priests hope.

1854 -- Benjamin Tucker lives, South Dartmouth, Massachusetts.

"I have never claimed that liberty will bring perfection,
only that its results are vastly more preferable to those
that follow authority".

1863 -- Greek poet Constantine Cavafy lives (1863-1933),
Alexandria, Egypt. Published only about 200 poems, best known
to English readers from the many references to his work in Lawrence
Durrell's Alexandria Quartet.

Daily Bleed patron Saint, 2003-05
Gay Greek,poet of spare, ironic subtlety.

1959 -- US: 22 arrested in Times Square for refusing to take part in
civil defense drill, New York City.

1959 -- 3rd SI conference, in Munich. The tract "Ein Kultureller Putsch während
Ihr schlaft!" (A Cultural Putsch While You Sleep!) is distributed on the 21st.

1961 -- Cuba: Defeat for Yanqui imperialism: the CIA's Bay of Pigs invasion
of Cuba is routed.

. . . remember, america
eugene debs said he would not
lead you into paradise if he could,
because if he could lead you in,
someone else could lead you out, that
was the text you ought to have
listened to, that was the text you
ought to have believed, instead you
bought a world free for democracy
& you bought a return to normalcy,
& you bought a new deal, & four
freedoms (freedoms you might only
have, anyhow, if you look deep inside
yourself where all freedom is to be
found, & not with rockwell hands so
carefully & badly drawn . . .& then
america they will be unnumbered for you, america)
america yes the square deal & the
new frontier . . .

— Joel Oppenheimer, excerpt, "17-18 April, 1961"
from Walter Lowenfels, Poets of Today:
A New American Anthology

1965 -- US: SDS leads anti-Vietnam War march in Washington, DC:
25,000 'March on Washington to End the War in Vietnam.' I.F. Stone
& Senator Ernest Gruening of Alaska are among the speakers; Phil
Ochs, Judy Collins, & Joan Baez sing.

1986 -- Bessie Head — South African novelist/short-story writer —
dies, Bechuanaland, near Botswana. Wrote When Rain Clouds
(1969) & A Question of Power (1973).

1989 -- France: Eugène Bizeau dies.

French vine-grower, pacifist, libertarian poet & songster,
member of the "Muse Rouge", Bizeau fought for his ideals
until his death at the ripe old militant age of 105.

2001 -- Brazil: Protesters across the country mark the 1996 killings
of landless protesters, planting crosses in city squares to honor the
victims, blocking bridges & McTossing McEggs at McDonald's
McRestaurants. Coordinated by the Farmworkers Movement which
is pressuring the government for speedier land reforms.

2003 -- Clifford Harper: Graphic Anarchy, An exhibition of Clifford
Harper's work, opens at the "Guardian's" Newsroom (-May 30). The
exhibition features over 80 images of Harper's most recent work.

Harper's distinctive style of bold illustrations has made
him one of the "Guardian's" most popular graphic artists.

Harper is a self-taught artist & has worked for many radical &
alternative publications, the international anarchist movement &
almost all of the UK national newspapers.

2010 -- US: 4th annual NYC Anarchist Book Fair. One-day exposition
of books, zines, pamphlets, art, film/video, & other cultural & very political
productions of the anarchist scene worldwide. Additionally there are two
days of panels, presentations, workshops, & skillshares.


— anti-FiftyCents a Year, 1997-3666

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