This is the old Barry Cooper. Top cop. Total prick. He claims more than 300 felony drug arrests during his eight years as an officer in Gladewater, Big Sandy and Odessa, and a former supervisor says he was damn good at his job, even if he doesn't agree with Cooper's latest get-rich idea.
The video cuts to a decade later, a few months ago. "That was me, Barry Cooper," he says, "top narcotics officer." His hair is longer. That 'stache is now a full-on goatee. The top cop has become a dude. "I'm going to show you places that I never found marijuana hidden." He talks with his hands, like a mellowed-out P.T. Barnum. "I'm going to teach you exactly how narcotic-detector dogs are trained, and I'm going to answer that age-old question: Do coffee grounds really work?"
It's quite the pitch: Former drug warrior sees the light, goes to the dark side and makes a video, Never Get Busted Again, with shady tips on how to fool the fuzz. Stoners rejoice. The new beginning of the end of prohibition is near...Read More...
Thanks Ben from:

My oldest brother was put in Prison for growing pot. The things that happened to him in prison changed him and he was dead a year after his release from overdose. Seems like like a waste of space. I saw Cooper on FOX interview. What balls you have and YOU GO.. I am the republican white sheep of the family but i have no problem with MJ. It is a great alternative to buying into the drug industry's bag of tricks and side effects and the underhandedness of the FDA. They care only about the drug industry and nothing about the people.
Good Luck and God Bless.
AVVO is a total joke. There are no bad reviews! They are all paid for by the lawyers who advertise. I saw Katz because of all those reviews. Oops! He wanted $3000.00 for possession of pot. He told me that it might be more if we had to go to court more than once. It was $20 worth of pot for christ sakes! He started emailing me right away with his NORML crap. And when I saw him all he did was brag about what a great lawyer he is. I wish I was high when I saw him. And those teeth; Howard Stern should fire Gary and hire him. At least those fangs come with a law degree! Get real, I don't want a Deadhead wonnabe with bad teeth and a Potomac address facing a judge holding all my money. I just want my charge to go away w/o the BS! I left and found another lawyer who charged me half what Katz did and did't try to impress me with nonsense.
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