Monday, July 21, 2014

Upcoming Events at Last Word Books

Tuesday, July 22nd, 7pm
The Every Two Tuesdays Reading

Join us for our Fortnightly reading of poetry, short fiction and whatever else we damn well feel like. Six featured poets followed by an open mic.

Saturday, July 26th, 3:00 pm
Poetica Scientifica by Leah Noble Davidson - A Poetry Reading

Join us for an afternoon of poetry with a reading from Leah Noble Davidson's collection Poetica Scientifica, as well as poets Ross Robins and Brian Ellis and Brandon Speck. 


Brian Stephen Ellis is a writer from Portland, Ore. He is the author of three collections of books; Uncontrolled Experiments in Freedom, Yesterday Won't Goodbye and American Dust Revisited. He was born at Eliot Hospital in Manchester N.H. at an unrecorded time of day.

Leah Noble Davidson has enthusiasm up the wahoo. Her debut book, Poetic Scientifica (published through University of Hell Press), was Powell's 3rd bestselling small press book of last year, and she currently produces Portland's Moth StorySLAM.

Ross Robbins is the founder of Bone Tax Press and Bone Tax Reading Series. His work has appeared in many print and online publications, including Ampersand Review, Vinyl Poetry, and Small Portions. His most recent chapbook, ALL IN BLACK BLOOD MY LOVE WENT RIDING, was recently published by Two Plum Press, and his full-length debut, MENTAL HOSPITAL: A MEMOIR, will be released by YesYes Books in 2015. Visit Ross online at

Brandon Speck grew up in Denver, CO then made his way to settle and write in Portland. He is the founder of Stray Arrow Press which features creative writing and visual art from people  within anarchist communities. Brandon is the author of This Early Purgatory, the first chapbook to be featured under his press. Brandon's writing has been featured in Words Dance, and Literary Sexts: a Collection of Short Love Poems. He has been hailed as both "cool" and "chill" by some people staying on his couch.


More on Poetica Scientifica:

Conventional wisdom holds that art and science are mutually exclusive.
Leah Noble Davidson disagrees. Consider the laboratory of the human endeavor: The absolute magnitude of love. The combustion of passion. The gravity of pain.

Davidson guides us through the physics of us and introduces a breakthrough theory: Poetry in motion.

Poetic Scientifica is at once urgent and gorgeous and brutal. Davidson catalyzes cognitive and behavioral psychology, visual culture, and linguistics to remind us that science, like life, is a sequence of experiences that result in deeper understanding of our own stories. Call it a book; Davidson wrote an experiment.

About the Author

Leah Noble Davidson has a curious 6-year-old and the charismatic precision of a spy. She lives in Portland, OR. Poetic Scientifica is her first book of poetry.

Saturday July 26th, 7:00 pm
Live Music! - The Hinges

Come catch some jams at the first live music show at Last Word's new location!

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