Our Daily Bleed...
Once upon a time |
Czech philosopher, writer, poet, underground activist.
FEAST OF THE KITCHEN GOD: Offerings made, beans tossed over roof.EVE OF ST. AGNES. John Keats wrote poem on the legend a maiden could retire on this Eve, & if she would lie very still, she would see a vision of the man she would marry."St. Agnes' Eve, ah, bitter chill it was!"It is supposedly one of the coldest nights of the winter.ST. PAULA'S DAY, celebrates a young girl saved from the passions of a pursuer by running into a church, where she grew a beard.Jewish: TU B'SHVATHeads Up Seattle, Washington: First of the month of PLURIOSE (rain) in the French revolutionary calendar.

820 -- Abu Abdallah M ibn Idris al-Sjafi'i Islamic dies (his Book of Motherpublished same year?).
1781 --
First edition of Pieter 't Hoens' Post of Neder-Rhijn is published. Main mouthpiece of the democratic movement in early modern Netherlands, with a surprising echo in the press of the resistance during World War II.

1798 -- Dorothy Wordsworth's Alfoxen Journal begins: "After the wet dark days, the country seems more populous. It peoples itself with sunbeams." The journal becomes a record of her brother's friendship with Coleridge that resulted in their Lyrical Ballads (1798), the beginning of the Romantic movement in English poetry.
1806 -- Writer/editor Nathaniel P. Willis, who founds the American Monthly Magazine in 1831, lives, Portland, Maryland.
1819 --
Lord Byron finishes Canto 2 of "Don Juan."

1847 -- Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Governor of Taos, New Mexico, killed by rebellious Mexicans during Mexican War.
1850 -- Poland:
Strange Stuff: | Fall of caterpillar larvae after a snowstorm, Warsaw [All the Year Round, 8-253] http://www.resologist.net/damn03.htm |
1855 -- French composer Ernest Chausson lives. His Poème for Violin & Orchestra is one of the most popular in the violin repertory.
1860 -- England:
More Strange Stuff: | Sound "resembling discharge of a gun high in the air" heard, near Reading, Berkshire [London Times, Jan 24] http://www.resologist.net/damn03.htm |
1862 -- Ooopsie?: General Felix Zollicoffer killed after mistakenly riding into Union lines.

1862 -- France: Augustin Hamon (1862-1945) lives, Nantes. Sociologist, who became an anarchiste along with Fernand Pelloutier, in 1893. Later became a socialist.

1869 -- During this month secret "Alliance" (International Brotherhood, or the Alliance of Revolutionary Socialists), founded in 1866 by the revolutionary anarchist Michael Bakunin, is dissolved.
1872 -- Filipino soldiers & workers stage a bloody revolt against Spanish rule.
1879 -- Great American modernist dancer Ruth St. Denis lives, Englewood, New Jersey.
RUTH ST. DENIS Patron Saint 2009-2011
Great American modernist dancer, breaker of social taboos.
1883 -- US: A passenger train stopped on the Tehachapi Summit slips its brakes & careens four miles down the grade, reaching a speed of 70 mph before derailing; wreck & ensuing fire kill 21, California.
1884 -- Yevgeny Zamyatin, author of A Soviet Heretic, & sci-fi allegory We, lives, Russia.
"When (in science, religion, social life, art) a flaming, seething sphere grows cold, the fiery molten rock becomes covered with dogma — with a hard, ossified, immovable crust.... Till one day a new heresy explodes & blows up the dogma's crust, together with all the ever so stable, rock-like structures that had been erected on it."
1885 -- First switch-back railway (roller coaster) patented.
1891 -- David Kalakahua, emperor of Hawaii, dies.
1891 -- Italy:
Even Mo' Strange Stuff: Luminous object or meteor in the sky, fall of stones from the sky & earthquake, Italy [L'Astronomie, 1891-154]
1892 -- US: First basketball game played at a YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts.
1900 -- John Ruskin dies of influenza at his Brantwood home at Coniston, in the Lake District, aged 81.
1900 -- R. D. Blackmore (Lorna Doone) dies at 74 in Teddington, Middlesex. Four years later a group of admirers, including James M. Barrie, Thomas Hardy, & Rudyard Kipling, donate a memorial window to him in Exeter Cathedral.
1902 -- Philippines: Major Littleton Waller summarily executes 11 native guides accompanying his US expeditionary force in the Philippines. Waller was court-martialed for murder, but was acquitted.
1902 -- Nâzim Hikmet (1902-1963) lives. Poet who was one of the most important figures in 20th century Turkish literature & one of the first Turkish poets to use more or less free verse.
Hikmet became during his life time the best-known Turkish poet in the West, & his works were translated into several languages. In his home country Hikmet was condemned for his commitment to Marxism & remained decades after his death a controversial figure.
1911 -- Switzerland: Fall of black rain [Nature, 85-451].
Strange Black Stuff:
"I don't believe in pessimism. If something doesn't come up the way you want, forge ahead.If you think it's going to rain, it will."— Clint Eastwood, philosopher-actor-director, aka Dirty Harry
1913 -- México: José Guadalupe Posada (1851-1913) dies. Engraver & illustrator.
Daily Bleed Patron Saint December 17, 2003-4Master Mexican street artist& peoples' illustrator.
1920 -- Italian surrealist film master Federico Fellini lives, Rimini, Italy.
1920 -- US: American Civil Liberties Union founded.
1920 -- French musical critic Henri Collet first used the term Les Six to describe the French composers Milhaud, Poulenc, Honneger, & three others.
1920 -- US: At the height of the Red Scare today, 4000 foreign-born labor agitators & radicals are arrested for radical activities, over 500 of whom are later deported. In America we boastfully call this "Freedom" & are damned proud of it.
1921 --Russia: Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman leave Petrograd for Moscow to prepare for second journey with the museum expedition; they stay with Angelica Balabanoff, head of the Russo-Italian bureau. Emma offers to nurse Peter Kropotkin when she learns he is very ill.
1923 -- Varban Kilifarski (1879-1923), Bulgarian anarchist & libertarian teacher, dies.
1925 -- US: Miriam "Ma" Ferguson inaugurated as Texass' first woman governor.
1926 -- Patricia Neal, a classy film performer, lives in a place called Packard, Kentucky.
1926 --August Strindberg play "The Dream Play" opens in NY.
"I find the joy of life in the powerful, cruel struggle of life, & my enjoyment in discovering something, in learning something."
1929 -- US: TV's Laugh-In dirty old man, Arte Johnson lives. He made the audio book recording of the novel Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces.
1929 -- Manchuria: The Korean anarchist guerrilla general Kim Jwa-Jin (sometimes called the Korean Makhno) is assassinated while doing repair work on a rice mill.
The Korean Anarchist Federation in China was formed in April 1924. Over 2 million Koreans were living in Manchuria, & the Korean anarchists were active & influential among them.
1930 --Czechoslovakia: "Plastic People of the Universe" poet Egon Bondy lives, Prague. Novelist, atheist & "the last Czechoslovakian Marxist." "Plastic People" was an avant-garde rock band the Communist regime frequently arrested.![]()
1934 --Germany: Nazis abolish collective bargaining & union elections.
1936 -- Royal Brush-Off?: Britain's King George V dies by lethal injection. He was 71 & quite ill.
1936 --England: Emma Goldman gives three lectures in London, January 20-30. The first, at the Workers Circle House on "The Two Communisms (Bolshevist & Anarchist — A Parallel)," is disrupted by Communists. She also lectures on "Russian Literature" at the National Trade Union Club, & on "Mussolini, Hitler & Stalin (How Far Do Their Common Methods Lead To Similar Results?)" in Hammersmith.
1939 --Charles Ives' "Piano Sonata No. 2" (Concord) premiers, NYC.
1942 -- Germany: Nazi officials hold notorious Wannsee conference in Berlin deciding on "final solution" calling for extermination of Europe's Jews.
1944 --Germany: RAF drops 2,300 tons of bombs on civilians in Berlin.
1946 --US: 750,000 US steel workers strike.
1946 --Hungary: Red Army troops seize Standard Oil Co. of NJ oil fields.
1949 -- US: Tear Jerk? J. Edgar Hoover gives Shirley Temple a tear gas fountain pen.
1951 --México: 5,000 workers striking American Smelting & Refining in Coahuila begin a march — la Caravana del hambre — to México City, mostly on foot.
1953 --US: Takin' Notes? Aaron Copland's music is pulled from Beloved & Respected Comrade Ike's inaugural concert due tosuspicions the composer is a communist. Silence is Golden...
1954 -- The Caine Mutiny Court Martial by Herman Wouk opens at the Plymouth Theater in NY.
1956 -- US: Five workmen killed in Texass when the central span of a nearly completed bridge collapsed.
1958 -- US: Elvis inducted into the army (until March 3, 1960).
1958 -- US: St. Louis radio station KWK finishes its "Record Breaking Week." Orders of station management had all rock & roll music banned from the airwaves. The disc jockeys gave every rock & roll record in the station library a "farewell spin" before smashing it into pieces. Station manager Robert Convey calls the action "a simple weeding out of undesirable music."
1959 -- Tanzania: "Earliest" human fossils found, Olduvai. Earliest living fossils, disguised as Little Grey Men continue, however, to reside in Texass.
1960 -- Belgian Congo: Patrice Lumumba sentenced to six months. CIA has him murdered in 1961 on Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Ike Eisenhower's orders. He is shot, then his body dumped in an acid bath. American acid test: ethics, democratic & family values all rolled into one tub.
1961 -- Robert Frost, 87, recites his poem "The Gift Outright" at President John F. Kennedy's inauguration.
1964 -- US: Free Market? With a $35,000 appropriation from the state treasury safely in hand, the Wisconsin Cheese Foundation started making the "World's Largest Cheese" — a 34,591-pound cheddar. Eat that Milton Friedman.
1966 -- US: Hippie bus driver, psychedelician, author Ken Kesey busted again (with Mountain Girl).
"You are either onthe bus or you'renot on the bus." 1968 -- Despite his much rumored falling out with the New York-Cambridge folk singer circle,Bob Dylan joins Pete Seeger, Judy Collins, Arlo Guthrie, Odetta, Richie Havens, Ramblin' Jack Elliot & the Band in commemorating the late Woody Guthrie.This is Dylan's first appearance since his motorcycle accident two years ago.
1968 -- US: Nueva York: una manifestación encabezada por intelectuales protesta contra la guerra de Vietnam.
1968 --
Ron Kovic is wounded in Vietnam, in movie "Born on the 4th of July", based on his book of the same name.

1969 --
1973 -- US: At the Preteth Gallery in Washington, sculptor Carl Andre's "American Decay" exhibit is closed due to its foul smell. The sculpture consisted of 500 pounds of cottage cheese covered in 10 gallons of ketchup in an area 12 feet by 18 feet.
1973 -- Jerry Lee Lewis makes his debut at the Grand Ole Opry.
1973 -- Amilcar Cabral, activist of liberation struggles in Guinea-Bissau, assassinated.
Alternate Patron Saint, AMILCAR CABRALAgronomist, African revolutionary, martyr.
1973 -- US: Protest march in Washington DC. Includes the Yippie-Zippie RAT float & SDS "March Against Racism & the War" contingent.
1981 -- México: 10,000 Mexican farmers in southeastern Chiapas block roads to major oil fields to protest pollution of their fields & crops fields by the State Oil Company. Lasts several days.
1981 -- US: Take 52?: Minutes after the inauguration of Beloved & Respected Comrade Actor Leader President Reagan, 52 Americans held captive in Iran since November 4, 1979 (444 days) are released following an agreement in which the US agrees to return $8 billion in frozen assets to Iran. Later it's revealed that the release was delayed until the inauguration in a PR ploy orchestrated to make Ronnie look good.
1982 -- BatMan?: Metal Monster Ozzy Osbourne is hospitalized with rabies after biting the head off a dead bat that was thrown on stage by a "fan."
1983 -- Canada: Two women & three men in Vancouver based on circumstantial evidence charged with the BC Hydro bombing, leading to the 'trial by media' of "The Vancouver 5."
1984 -- Peter John Weissmuller, actor, dies after a series of side strokes in Acapulco at 79.
1985 -- US officially observes Martin Luther King Day for the first time. (or 1986?)
1987 -- US: Time reports a White House aide defended Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Acting President Ronald Reagan's work habits by revealing he sent a secretary a hand-written thank-you note for a get-well poem:
"It shows he's up there doing things," said the aide.
"It shows that he's extremely responsive & willing to get down into the details."
1989 -- US: What You Mean by Alive? Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Acting President Reagan becomes the first US President elected in a "0" year (since 1840) to leave office alive. Don't you believe it...
1993 --Beginning date of Harrison Ford movie "Patriot Games", based on the techno-thriller by Tom Clancy.
1994 -- US: Nebraska State Historical Society agrees to return burial remains & artifacts to Pawnee tribe.
1996 -- NEWS ITEM:
[Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jan. 20, 1996]COUPLE ACCUSED OF LYNCHINGA white couple is charged with 2nd-degree lynching for allegedly tying a 9-year old black boy to a tree, shooting a gun past his head & tying a belt around his neck until he passed out.
Benjamin & Betty Mims each posted a $5,000 bond & were released from the Clarendon County, S.C. jail. They told authorities they believed the boy was "stealing" from their truck. Eventually freed, the boy was told not to tell anyone what happened or his family would be killed & his house burned, the sheriff's department said.
1996 --Palestine: Yasir Arafat wins 88% of the vote in the first Palestinian elections. Israel & the US (under Bush), champions of "democracy" do everything in their power, short of assassination, to topple him.
1998 -- US: Over 200 citizens show up at a Seattle public hearing, many in radiation suits & mutant radioactive survivor makeup, & conduct die-ins to protest possible restart of nuclear weapon production at Hanford, Washington.
2001 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Deserter George Dubya Bush is inaugurated US president after corrupt elections. Tens of thousands of protesters lining Pennsylvania Ave. are systematically excluded from nearly all mainstream media coverage of the event.
"Those who cast their vote decide nothing.Those who count the votes decide everything."
— Josef Stalin
2009 -- US: Federal charges from 2004 against Susan Lindauer, an anti-war activist & a former journalist & Congressional aide accused of spying (for acting as an “unregistered Iraqi Agent”) for Iraqi intelligence before 9/11, are dropped. She was arrested after offering to testify before the Presidential Commission on Iraqi Pre-War Intelligence about the Bush-Cheney regime's plans to attack Iraq.
2160 -- Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, when the Sun moves into the 11th sign of the zodiac. Astrologers believe the next 2,000 years will bring a Golden Age of Enlightenment. Yup.
"Who needs astrology? The wise man gets by on fortune cookies." 3500 --
Mourn not the dead that in the cool earth lie — Dust unto dust — The calm sweet earth that mothers all who die As all men must;Mourn not your captive comrades who must dwell — Too strong to strive — Within each steel bound coffin of a cell, Buried alive;But rather mourn the apathetic throng — The cowed & the meek — Who see the world's great anguish & its wrong & dare not speak!— Ralph Chaplin, "Mourn not the dead"4000 --
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