Our Daily Bleed...
"To those who have hunger, give bread. to those who have bread, give a hunger for Justice.
— Latin American table prayer

Palestinian activist, scholar, literary critic
Palestinian activist, scholar, literary critic
WORLD VEGAN DAY. Time to gobble up all that candy from last nite!
A catch-all holiday to make up for any obscure saints you may have missed as an excuse to celebrate during the year.
November, the month of blue devils & suicides: "No sun — no moon! No morn — no noon, no dawn — no dusk, no proper time of day."
England: Tradition of SOUL-CAKING, door-to-door begging for cakes in remembrance of the dead.
Originally soulers were the poor & the cakes an exchange for prayers for the departed...Bonfires & incessant ringing of church bells.
And very important to remember...
NOVEMBER is . . .
Slaughter Month, National Moral Indignation, National Pepper Month, Real Jewelry Month1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week Last Week American Art Week
National Card & Letter Writing Week
French Conversation Week
National Fig Week
National Notary Public WeekRed Flannel Days (Michigan) National Eating Disorders Week
National Split Pea Soup Week
National Rediologic Technology WeekBook Week
National Culinary Week
Operating Room Nurse Week
National Children's Book WeekMake Up Your Own Week Week
National Cookie Week
National Game & Puzzle Week
National Leftover Awareness Week
November Movable Daily Holidays Day Holiday 1st Sunday New York City Marathon
RAC London to Brighton Veteran Car Run (UK)1st Monday Recreation Day (Australia, Tasmania)
Black Solidarity Day (Yale University)1st Tuesday Melbourne Cup Day (Victoria) 1st Wednesday Wet Wellington Wednesday (Imps & Gremlins) 1st Friday Arbor Day (Western Samoa) 1st Saturday Sadie Hawkins Day
Fish Returning Weekend begins (Fairy)
All Saint's Day (Sweden)Sunday before Martinmas (11th) Rebenlichter (Switzerland) 2nd Sunday Tree Festival (Tunisia)
New York City Marathon
La Quintane (France)2nd Saturday Lord Mayor Day (London) 3rd Weekend Elephant Round-Up (Surin, Thailand) 3rd Thursday Great American Smokeout
Noveau Beaujolais wine released (France)4th Monday Zibelemarit Onion Market Day; Berne, Switzerland) 4th Thursday Thanksgiving Day Israa W Miiraj (Night Journey) St. Pumpkin's Day (aka St. Pompon's Day; Puritan) Monday after Thanksgiving You're Welcomegiving Day Friday after Thanksgiving Black Friday Christmas Shopping Season begins — Buy Nothing Day Sunday after Thanksgiving Pasadena Doo Dah Parade Sunday before Advent Stir-Up Sunday (UK) Totensonntag (Germany) Last Workday International Computer Security Day Sunday before October 2nd Tap-Up Sunday
November Indeterminate Holidays
(Based on calendars other than the Gregorian Calendar or keyed to natural events such as seasons or cosmological phenomena)When Holiday 25th Day of Kislev, 3rd Jewish month (@ Nov/Dec) Hannukah begins 2 days before Full Mon Day of 12th lunar month (@ Nov/Dec) Wat Simouang Festival (Laos) Full Moon Day of 12th lunar month (@ Nov/Dec) Loy Krathong (Thailand) Full Moon Day of Tazauungmon, Burmese month Tazaundaing (Burma) Sometime in November Wax Festival (honoring Sidi Abdallah Ben Houssoun; Morocco)
Basari Initiation Rites (Senegal)Sometime in November (every three years) Habye Festival (Togo)
79 -- Pompei buried by Mt. Vesuvius. & just who is this fellow Pompei? You should ask.
1530 -- Etienne de La Boetie lives, Sarlat. French adviser at the Parliament of Bordeaux. Pals with Montaigne who later glorifies their friendship ("Because of him, there is me.").
His principal work Discours sur la servitude volontaire (The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude), was published after he died, by Montaigne, & is considered an early precursor of anarchism. Around 1833 Emerson wrote his poem, Étienne de la Boèce. Leo Tolstoy used extracts from the Discourse in three of his books. In 1907 Gustav Landauer made the Discourse central to his German anarchist work, Die Revolution."That which controls you has only two eyes, has only two hands, has only one body & but one thing which the least of men in all the cities has, but more than you all, it is the advantage which you give him to destroy you..."
1532 -- François Rabelais is appointed physician to the Grand Hotel-Dieu de Notre Dame de Pitie du Pontdu-Rhone in Lyon.
1604 -- William Shakespeare's tragedy "Othello" first presented. There's always room for Othello. Considered the best of English writers, bard none.
1636 -- French poet & critic Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux lives. Grew up with a single passion, "the hatred of stupid books."
1797 -- US: First African Free School established in New York.
1821 -- Lord Byron moves to Casa Lanfranchi in Pisa, rented for him by Percy Shelley.
Source: [Robert Braunwart] [Hereafter attributed with symbol:]
1835 -- US: First General Strike for 10 hour working day, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
1836 -- US: Seminole Indian resistance to forced removal from Florida begins. Led by Osceola, they begin attacks to protest/prevent removal. The unpopular war ended in August 1842, with the Indians force marched to Oklahoma. 1,500 US soldiers lost their lives in the 8-year war.
1841 -- France: Charles Ange Laisant lives (1841-1920), Basse-Indre (Loire-Atlantique). French Conseiller Général in Nantes, Député in Paris (18ème) who later became an anarchiste under the influence of his son. Wrote educational texts for children, in mathematics, physics, etc, as well as radical (La barbarie moderne [1912]). Friend & correspondent withFrancisco Ferrer.
[Details / context]
1861 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader General George McClellan made general in chief of Union armies.
1866 -- US: First Civil Rights Act passed over veto of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Andrew Johnson.
1870 -- Australian poet, library cataloger & a drunk, Christopher Brennan lives. Influence on many Australian writers of his generation & those who succeeded him. A no-hoper, regarded as one of Australia’s most distinguished minds even as he lay in the gutter.
1871 -- Stephen Crane lives, Newark, New Jersey. American poet, novelist (The Red Badge of Courage), war correspondent.
Daily Bleed Patron Saint 2005-2008
Superb writer of American antiwar fiction,
chronicles of the underclass,
aphoristic poetry.
1872 -- Susan B. Anthony & sisters arrested for registering to vote.
"I know nothing but woman & her disfranchised."
1875 -- After meeting Anthony Trollope, Henry James writes: "He is the dullest Briton of them all."
1879 -- Thomas Alva Edison gets a patent for electric light.
1880 -- Sholem Asch lives, Poland. One of the most widely translated Yiddish novelists (A Passage in the Night; The Nazarene) & playwrights (The God of Vengeance).
1889 -- England: Philip Noel-Baker, disarmament advocate, lives.
"I would no more teach children military training than I would teach them arson, robbery, or assassination."— Eugene Debs
1889 -- Hannah Höch lives (1889-1978), Gotha, Germany. Artist, photomontagist, Dadaist. Became involved in the Berlin Dada circle through Hausmann.
Daily Bleed Patron Saint, 2004http://womenshistory.about.com/od/artpainting/a/hannah_hoch.htm
Dada's "Cut with the kitchen knife" collage prodigy.
1890 -- US: Mississippi enacts legislation requiring every would-be voter to pass a literacy test. A large percentage of the state's black electorate is thus effectively disenfranchised.
1895 -- David Jones lives. British poet, engraver, water colorist & book illustrator.
1896 -- Boys Suddenly Enjoy Studing In the Library?: First bare women breast (Zulu) to appear in National Geographicmagazine.
1897 -- US: Socialist Brotherhood of the Cooperative Commonwealth, called Equality Colony, founded (now Blanchard, Washington).
By 1900, 500 people had planted crops & built cabins, apartment houses, barns, & a sawmill at their new colony of Equality, Washington, north of Seattle & Everett, near the Skagit River.
1904 --George Bernard Shaw play "John Bull's Other Island" premiers, London.
1907 -- Pataphysician, proto-surrealist Alfred Jarry dies (a suicide?) of alcoholism & tuberculosis in Paris. Poet/playwright Alfred Jarry (Ubu Roi).
Daily Bleed Alternate Patron Saint 2005-2008
Founder of Pataphysics, forerunner of Surrealists.The original legend centered about his attire (a cyclist's costume with pistols), his habits (drink practiced as discipline), his lodging & his daily fare (fish caught at will anywhere in the Seine). This midget Jarry, eccentric to the point of mania & lucid to the point of hallucination, became the focal point of both outrage & awe during the riot which accompanied the 1896 opening of Ubu Roi.
His last words are a request for a toothpick.
1910 -- US: The first edition of Crisis magazine is published by the NAACP with W.E.B. Du Bois as its editor.
1910 --US: At a public meeting in NY City, anarchists Dr. Ben Reitman & Emma Goldman question Anthony Comstock about his promotion of laws denying the use of mails for "obscene" materials (birth control information was classified "obscene").
1910 -- Switzerland: "l'Ecole Ferrer" school founded in Lausanne by the anarchiste pediatrist Jean Wintsch & Émile Durand, inspired by "l'Escuela moderna" of Francisco Ferrer.
The school accommodated about 30 boys & girls. It was supported by about 15 trade unions & with personal donations (especially from Russian refugees). It was also favorably received by Réveil & the libertarian press in general. In 1911, Paul Robin bequeathed to the school most of the teaching equipment used at Cempuis.
Unfortunately WWI & the dissension following publication of the "Proclamation of the 16" (Proclamation of Seize/Manifesto of the Sixteen), which Wintsch was a signatory to, resulted in his withdrawal from activism & the school's closure in April 1919.
See Jean Wintsch, Une Révocation, une école (Lausanne: Société de l’école Ferrer, 1910)
Source: http://www.ephemanar.net/novembre01.html#ecoleferrerlausanne
1913 --
Corto Maltese existentialist adventurer | ||
Hugo Pratt & Corto Maltese Tribute Site![]() |
1918 -- US: Malbone Tunnel disaster. Ninety-seven killed, 255 injured when a train, operated by an inexperienced scab motorman (replacing a striking worker), crashes in New York City.
1919 -- US: Over 400,000 miners across the country go on strike.This fall insurgent miners take over the United Mine Workers (UMW) convention in Cleveland — even though union officials tried to exclude rebellious locals... the union even supplied scabs to help mine owners put down wildcat strikes!
For nearly a month, coal miners ignore union orders to cancel the strike...
[Details / context]
1919 --US: Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman send out a 3,000-piece solicitation to raise support for political prisoners, the fight against deportation of aliens, & to announce their proposed lecture tour scheduled to begin at the end of the month.
On the 7th of this month violent raids of the homes of hundreds of "suspected radicals" & labor activists begin in NY City, & across the country some 10,000 suspected communists & anarchists are arrested. Based on a list of 450,000 dissidents compiled by J. Edgar Hoover, in January another crackdown sweeps the country during what is referred to as the "Palmer Raids" during America's first "Red Scare." Ambitious men, with unbridled appetites for power, Hoover & US Attorney General Palmer, both notorious liars & law breakers, soon have the country in a panic, claiming a revolution is planned for May Day.
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1920 --Eugene O'Neill play "The Emperor Jones" premiers, NY.
1920 --Russia: Workers' control over factories is established.
1922 -- Russia: Mollie Steimer & photographer Senya Fleshin arrested & imprisoned for propagating anarchism — that is, "aiding criminal elements"; released & deported in 1923 only after they begin a hunger strike. See Paul Avrich's Anarchist Portraits.
1922 -- Brazil: Alfonso Henriques de Lima Barreto (1881-1922) dies, Rio de Janeiro. Important Brazilian novelist, wrote for the labor press, social critic, & an anarquista sympathizer. Author of the classic Triste Fim de Policarpo Quaresma, (9th edition, 1971; novel of the 1910 Sailors’ "Revolt Against the Lash"), A Nova California Contos.
Lima Barreto wrote for the anarchist press, in "A Plebe, A Voz do Trabalhador" & "A Lanterna".
See Carmem Lúcia Negreiros de Figueiredo, Lima Barreto e o Fim do Sonho Republicano (Rio de Janeiro, 1995).
1925 -- England: November 1-9, Emma Goldman lectures on drama in Birmingham, Bath, & Birkenhead, & in Manchester delivers her first lecture on Eugene O'Neill.
Despite excellent publicity, Emma's lectures draw a small audience & receipts barely cover expenses. Publisher C. W. Daniel, however, considers issuing a book of her lectures on Russian dramatists & supplies a stenographer to record them.
In East London, Emma repeats the lecture series on Russian drama in Yiddish.
November 12-December 17, Goldman repeats her lecture series on Russian drama at Keats House, Hampstead, London.
November 21-22, she speaks twice — once on birth control — under the auspices of the Trades & Labour Council in Neath, South Wales.
1928 --Author's Day is celebrated for the first time.
1930 -- Author Ernie Hemingway suffers a broken arm when he crashes his car while returning from a 10-day hunting trip with John Dos Passos.
1930 -- US: Jesse Daniel Ames founds Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching, Atlanta, Georgia.
1932 -- Russia: November. As famine continues to ravage the Soviet people, Nadezhda, Stalin's wife, accuses her husband of murder.
Helpless & heartbroken over events, she commits suicide. Stalin views her death as a personal betrayal & refuses to attend her funeral & never visits her grave.
(By the end of the famine, 14.5 million people have died — more than the total deaths for all countries in World War I.)"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic."
— Joseph Stalin, statistician
1935 -- Palestine: Activist, literary scholar Edward Said lives, Jerusalem.
1938 --Beginning date of Malcolm Lowry novel Under the Volcano.
1939 -- Bugs?: First animal conceived by artificial insemination (bunny) displayed. Like bunnies need help with procreation....
1939 -- US: Fortieth anniversary of the New York Yiddish anarchist weekly, the "Freie Arbeiter Stimme" (Free Voice of Labor).
Contributors were diverse, including Thomas Bell, Harry Kelly, Anatol' Konse, Max Nomad, Rudolf Rocker, Augustin Souchy, Max Nettlau & Christian Cornelissen.
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1947 -- Man O' War dies.

1947 -- US: Goosed in the ...? Howard Hughes flies "Spruce Goose," a large wooden airplane, for the first & last time. Bugs in the Goose Down probably got to him.
1948 --US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Reverend Harrison tells the Atlanta KKK, "In God's sight it is no sin to kill a nigger, for a nigger is no more than a dog." The KKK burns crosses at Tuskegee Institute & the county courthouse.
1950 -- US: Two Puerto Rican Nationalists attempt to assassinate Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Truman.
In 1954 other Nationalists (Lolita Lebron, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Irvin Flores & Andres Figueroa), also unhappy with democratic-freedom-loving-American occupation of their island country, open fire in the House of Representatives, wounding five Congressmen. They are sentenced to 50 years imprisonment, but are later pardoned.
1951 -- US: First atomic explosion witnessed by troops (as an experiment), New Mexico. (or yesterday?)."The best defense against the atom bomb is not to be there when it goes off..."
— British Army Journal 1949
1952 -- First Hydrogen Bomb explodes at Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific.
(Or yesterday, depending which side of the dateline you're hiding on...)
1952 -- "La Luminosa Torre," by André Breton, appears in Le Libertaire. Published by the Federación Anarquista Francesa, the surrealists previously published articles here, including a manifesto, May 22, 1947, "Freedom is a Vietnamese word,"signed by Bonnefoy, Bousquet, Breton, Péret, Tanguy & 10 others.
Fue en el negro espejo del anarquismo que el surrealismo se reconocio por primera vez, mucho antes de definirse a si mismo y cuando apenas era asociacion libre entre individuos, despreciando espontaneamente y en bloque las opresiones sociales y morales de su tiempo. Entre las fuentes de inspiracion donde abrevamos, en esa posguerra de 1914, y cuya fuerza de convergencia era a toda prueba, figuraba el final de la Balada de Solness, deLaurent Tailhade:
Golpea nuestros corazones
en desbandada, en harapos
¡Anarquia! ¡Oh, portadora de luz!
¡Expulsa la noche! ¡Aniquila los gusanos!
Y levanta al cielo, aunque sea
con nuestros tumulos
¡La luminosa torre que sobre el mar domine!
1954 -- Algeria: Revolt Against French colonial rule begins, a bloody 7½ year war which results in Algerian independence.
1955 -- John Gilbert Graham dynamite-bombs a plane — killing his mother & 43 other passengers.
1961 -- US: Pushed through by the Kennedys, Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) bans segregation on interstate buses & their facilities — protest demonstrations throughout the south.
1961 -- US: Women Strike for Peace founded to protest atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons. 50,000 women join in protests across the US against resumption of atmospheric nuclear tests, leading to WSP.
1963 -- South Vietnam: Assassin Pay Per Diem? Military junta, getting an ok from the US (champions of democracy & "anti-terrorism"), assassinates Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader US-installed President Ngo Dinh Diem. Diem forgot who was buttering his bread. 16,000 US troops are in Vietnam at this time.
Moral of the story?: America canstop on a dimestomp on a diem.
1965 -- US: Philosopher King J. Edgar Hoover opines that war demonstrators "represent a minority, for the most part composed of halfway citizens who are neither morally, mentally, nor emotionally mature."
1966 -- Korea: Remember Your Rental Car Company? Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Lyndon "Hey! Hey! LBJ!" Johnson tells cheering US troops that his great-great-grandfather died at the Alamo" — an absolute lie.
1968 -- US: #@&!?!!!:? Film rating system using G, Mature, R & X is adopted, along with most the rest of the alphabet, more or less.
1968 -- US: LÃder Querido Y Respetado Del Camarada El presidente "¡Hey! ¡ Hey! LBJ!" Johnson ordena el cese de los bombardeos sobre Vietnam del Norte.
1969 -- US: San Francisco American Indian Center burns down, precipitating the 18-month Native American occupation of Alcatraz Island.
1969 -- Italy: Two-day Congress of the FAI (Italian Anarchist Federation), in Carrara (November 1-2). Not surprisingly, differences develop between anarchists & International Situationists. apparently (see the account in the last part of Veritable Split in the International) some FAI members were enthused by the SI & were kicked out by the orthodox majority, who paranoically fantasized a situationist plot to undermine the FAI.
"The secret of the misery of daily life is the real State secret...
The Spectacle is nothing but the private property of the means of publicity, the state monopoly of appearances. With it, only the circulation of commodities remains public.
The Spectacle is nothing but the circulation of commodities absorbing all available means of publicity, thus condemning misery to invisibility.
The spectacle is the secret form of public misery, where value operates implacably while the deceived gaze only meets things & their use."— Jean Pierre Voyer, Reich, How to Use
1972 -- Ezra Pound, American modernist poet, fascist sympathizer who produced radio broadcasts for Mussolini during WWII, dies, Venice, Italy. US arrested him & committed him to an insane asylum following WWII.
Noel Stock, The Life of Ezra Pound, An Expanded Edition (San Francisco: North Point P, 1982); Donald Gallup, Ezra Pound: A Bibliography, (Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1983); Humphrey Carpenter, A Serious Character (London: Faber & Faber, 1988); Eustace Mullins, This Difficult Individual, Ezra Pound(Hollywood: Angriff P, 1961); John Tytell, Ezra Pound: The Solitary Volcano (London: Bloomsbury, 1987); Wendy Stallard Flory,The American Ezra Pound (New Haven: Yale UP, 1989); James J. Wilhelm, The American Roots of Ezra Pound (New York: Garland, 1985).
1972 -- On writing biography, Rebecca West confesses in Vogue:
"Just how difficult it is to write biography can be reckoned by anyone who sits down & considers just how many people know the truth about his or her love affairs."http://redmood.com/weldon/rebecca.html
1973 -- US: Seventh Circuit US Court of Appeals reverses the Chicago conspiracy convictions of Rennie Davis, Dave Dellinger, Tom Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, & Jerry Rubin.
1979 -- US: My Welfare Payment is How Much? Federal government announces $1.5 billion loan-guarantee plan to aid the nation's third largest automaker, Chrysler Corporation, which reported a loss of $460.6 million for the third quarter. (A pittance compared to the corporate pork-barrel following the terrorist attacks of September 2001).
1980 --El Salvador: US-trained & supported army disappears 62 young people aged 14-22.
1986 -- Switzerland: Rhine River disaster: 30 tons of mercury & pesticides wash into the river during a fight against a fire at Sandoz AG warehouse in Basel; several days later, Ciba-Geigy admits it "accidentally" released 900 pounds of pesticide into the river hours before.
1986 -- Japan: Going Out in a Blaze? After their leader dies, seven women members of the Friends of Truth cult commit suicide on a Tokyo beach by dousing themselves with kerosene & self-immolating.
1990 -- Ahead of Their Time?: 43 nations agree to ban dumping industrial wastes at sea by 1995.
1990 -- Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader "Big Shrub" Bush likens Saddam to Hitler. The names & faces change, the game remains the same.
Big echo: "Shrublet" Dubya Bush repeats Daddy's mantra on November 22, 2002 in Prague, comparing the challenge of the Iraqi President to the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1938, which led to World War II.
1993 -- All Serbian men liable for conscription forbidden to leave the country.
1993 -- Spain: Death of Georges Navel, French anarchiste
& combatant in Spanish Revolution of 1936.
(See 30 October 1904).
1996 -- Germany: Squatters are fed up. A trolley car in Friedrichshain goes up in flames,
as does a business belonging to the owner of the evicted Palisadenstrasse 49.
All is quiet for half a year....
1998 -- Chile: Over 2,000 people gather in Santiago's public cemetery on Day of Dead to pay tribute to Pinochet's victims, while thousands more watch the march & cheer them on. Carrying flowers, the mourners chant:
"The blood of the victims is not negotiable!"
2002 -- US: The People's Holiday — In A Celebration of Art & Action - 3pm-11pm; Second Anniversary of the 1999 WTO Ministerial in Seattle.
2011 -- Perú : Photographer Carlos Bendezú dies.
3000 --
Oh! voilà du joli, Père Ubu, vous estes un fort grand voyou.
Que ne vous assom'je, Mère Ubu!
Ambitious resource page,
mostly in German & French
with a few English texts:
Pataphysik, Symbolismus und Surrealismus (no longer online since 2003); other online resources:
In English http://www.milkmag.org/jarry.htm or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Jarry
4000 --
anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less
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BleedMeister David Brown
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The Daily Bleed is freely produced by Recollection Used Books
See also: Anarchist Encyclopedia
Stan Iverson Memorial Library
Anarchist Time Line / Chronology
Stan Iverson Memorial Library
Anarchist Time Line / Chronology
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