Our Daily Bleed...
Young Hegelian individualist anarchist.
Alternate Saint from the Jubilee Saints Wall Calendar:
Premier American novelist of the capitalist expose.
Saissons, France: ST. CRISPIN'S DAY, patron saint of shoemakers, Cobbler's procession:"The twenty-fifth of October, cursed be the cobbler who goes to bed sober." Chadron, Nebraska: UGLY PICKUP TRUCK contest, & UGLY PICKUP QUEEN contest.
1317 -- France: The University of Paris hears the confessions of Jacques de Molay & four Templar knights.
1400 -- British poet & commoner, Geoffrey Chaucer dies. His Canterbury Tales ranks as one of the greatest epic works in English.
1415 -- Battle of Agincourt, where the Welsh longbow defeats the armored knight.

1474 -- Berne under Niklaus von Diesbach declares war on Burgundy.
Der Schrank von benachbartem Cabernet, groß alarmiert, Aufträge zählen Grappa de Wino, um seine Truppen zu mobilisieren, um weg vom Weiß zu kämpfen.
Le coffret de Cabernet voisin, considérablement alarmé, ordres comptent Grappa de Wino pour mobiliser ses troupes pour combattre outre des blancs.[Rough Translation: The cabinet of neighboring Cabernet, greatly alarmed, orders Count Grappa de Wino to mobilize his troops to fight off the Whites. Troops everywhere get smashed.][Source: Robert Braunwart] [Hereafter noted with symbol:]
1748 -- Author Henry Fielding is commissioned as a justice of the peace for Westminster.
1784 -- Canada: Gee, Thanks!?: Crown representative gives Mohawks some of their own land.
1800 -- Thomas Babington Macaulay, statesman/author of Lays of Ancient Rome & History of England, lives, Rothley Temple, Leicestershire.
1806 -- Germany: Ego-philosopher Max Stirner lives. Theorist of individualist anarchism, currently a foundation for post-left anarchy, author of The Ego & It's Own (1844), opposed by Karl Marx.
"L'état n'a toujours qu'un but: borner, lier, subordonner l'individu, l'assujettir à la chose générale; il ne dure qu'autant que l'individu n'a pas sa plénitude et n'est que l'expression bornée de mon moi, ma limitation, mon esclavage."— Max Stirner
"The great are great only because we are on our knees. Let us rise!"
1825 -- US: Erie Canal was opens, linking the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.

1854 -- Alternately described as one of the most heroic episodes in British military history & one of the most disastrous, Lord James Cardigan leads a charge of light cavalry over open terrain against well-defended Russian artillery at Balaclava during the Crimean War. His brigade were mostly armed with swords. Of the 673 in Cardigan's disastrous charge, nearly half are killed.
"Forward, the Light Brigade!"
Was there a man dismayed?Not tho' the soldiers knewSomeone had blundered:Theirs was not to make reply,Theirs was not to reason why,Theirs was but to do & die:Into the valley of DeathRode the six hundred.
1860 -- US: Grizzly Adams dies, Charlton, Massachusetts.
1862 -- Ernest Coeurderoy dies, a suicide (or the 21st). Intern, writer, anarchistic Socialist forced into exile because of his radical positions. Wrote numerous books based on his experiences: Jours d'exil; De la révolution dans l'homme et dans la société; Hurrah! Ou la révolution par les Cosaques. Because of his suicide other books, planned & announced, were never published.

"Pour faire passer la révolution, comme un fer rouge, à travers ce siècle, une seule chose est à faire : démolir l'Autorité. (...) Que chacun s'interroge et qu'il dise si c'est de gré ou de force qu'il supporte qu'un autre se proclame son maître et agisse comme tel."— in Jours d'exil, 1853-1855
Good souls of the dominant language, it is you who incite to murder, hatred, pillage & civil war.
In the shadow of a cruel & ridiculous spectacle arises the old war of the poor against the rich, which today, masked & falsified by ideological refraction, is the war of the poor who want to stay poor & the poor who want to stop being poor.— Raoul Vaneigem, 1972, Terrorism or Revolution, an introduction to Ernest Coeurderoy
1878 -- Spain: Juan Oliva Moncasi, a young worker in Tarragone, tries to shoot Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader King Alphonse XII, in Madrid, but is disarmed by crowd. Executed December 4, after rejecting a pardon.

1881 -- Pablo Diego Jose Francisco (etc.) Picasso, commie doodler, lives.
"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers."— Pablo Picasso
1884 -- Chile: Author Eduardo Barrios lives. Wrote The Love-Crazed Boy.
1886 -- France: The episode which brings Clément Duval to his ruin, & a place in the iconography of the French regime, occurs.
The anarchist burglar Duval was arrested for breaking into a rich woman's apartment, stealing her jewels, & setting the place on fire (accidentally).Clement Duval's trial was far from tranquil ...
1890 --
US: Earliest known reference to Emma Goldman in print: "An Eloquent Woman," Baltimore Critic, October 25, 1890.
Click image for full article
1896 --
US: NY Times begins using its slogan "All the News That's Fit to Print." More or less, of course.

1897 --

US: Traveling for hours by train & wagon to learn about the plight of farmers, Emma Goldman speaks to well-attended meetings in Caplinger Mills, Mo., home of rural anarchist Kate Austin. Her lecture topics include "The Aim of Humanity," "Religion," "Anarchy," & "Free Love."
1902 --
Maksim Gorki play "The Petty Bourgeois" opens, Moskva.

1911 -- Death of Ida Lewis, lighthouse keeper, & Daily Bleed Patron Saint for February 25.
1913 -- Frederick Rolfe, better known as "Baron Corvo" (1860-1913) dies. Gay author with a penchant for young gondoliers. Wrote Hadrian the Seventh (1904), his most autobiographical novel, or rather, a fantasy autobiography in which an obscure literary Englishman is elected pope & moves forward with an ambitious & eccentric programme to remake the world in his image.

1914 -- Poet John Berryman lives, McAlester, Oklahoma.
1918 -- Canadian steamship Princess Sophia hits a reef off Alaska, 398 die. They sent emergency distress calls. They begged, they pleaded, they cried, "Send the helicopters!" But they never came. There was no investigation.
1920 -- Greece: No More Monkeyeing Around? King Alexander dies from blood poisoning shortly after being bitten by a pet monkey. In 1917, Alexander became King of Greece when his father, Constantine, was forced by the Allies to abdicate because of his pro-German sympathies during World War I. After Alexander's death, Constantine is restored to the throne.

1923 -- US: Teapot Dome scandal spouts.
1925 -- US: Job Harriman, founder of Llano Colony & socialist mayoral candidate, dies in Los Angeles.
1925 -- US: The Big Fall? Former Interior Secretary Albert Fall convicted of accepting $100,000 bribe.

1926 -- "Crisis" magazine, led by editor W.E.B. DuBois, awards its first prizes in literature & art. Among the winners are Arna Bontemps' poem "Nocturne at Bethesda," Countee Cullen's poem "Thoughts in a Zoo," Aaron Douglas' painting "African Chief" & a portrait by Hale Woodruff.
1929 -- US: Newspapers & businessmen spend Friday & the entire weekend trying to assure the public that the financial industry is still secure.
"S-T-E-A-D-Y Everybody! Calm thinking is in order. Heed the words of America's greatest bankers!"— advertisement in the Wall Street Journal
1929 -- US: While the stock market is beginning to crash & the depression about to set in, The Casa Loma Orchestra, conducted by Glen Gray, records "Happy Days Are Here Again."
1930 --
Picasso completes his etching "Loves of Jupiter & Semele."

1933 -- US: Judge Horton removed from further participation in matters related to the Scottsboro trial, because of his decision granting Heywood Patterson, an African-American, a new trial.
The Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court Anderson & Attorney-General Knight, proving the triumph of American justice (blind to class or color & fair to all), replace Horton with Judge W. W. Callahan, a noted Ku Klux Klan (KKK) member.

1936 -- France: Bernard Thomas lives. Libertarian journalist for Canard Enchaîné. Wrote Alexandre Marius Jacob (1970), Les provocations policières (1972) & Aurore ou la génération perdue (1984), Anarchism & Violence: Severino di Giovanni, etc.
1937 -- US: It is revealed that a new drug, "Elixer of Sulfanilamide," accounts for more than 100 deaths during the first six weeks it was in circulation. The fatalities were caused by a toxic solvent in the drug, which inadequate tests failed to detect.
1938 -- Italy: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Il Duce Mussolini delivers a violent speech to the Consiglio nazionale del partito, attacking the bourgeoisie, declaring, "a million cowering bourgeois are still hiding in the country" ("mezzo milione di vigliacchi borghesi che ancora si annidano nel paese"). Buncha yellow-bellies.
Source: [Crimini e Misfatti]
1939 -- US: Convicted "trunk murderess" Winnie Ruth Judd escapes from the Arizona State Insane Hospital for the first time. She was recaptured five days later (see 16 October).
1940 -- Morocco: In one of his last letters from a refugee camp in Casablanca Pierre Ramus today writes to an American comrade, "In a time where so many without a higher ideal must live & die, I suffer with my ideals & am ready to die with them."
Austrian writer, militant pacifist & anarchist, Ramus died in 1942 fleeing from Nazi-occupied Europe, aboard a ship to Veracruz, Mexico.
1941 -- Novelist & short story writer Anne Tyler lives, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Wrote Morgan's Passing; Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant. Her keen ear for dialogue & life-like characters garner critical acclaim. Several of Tyler's novels focus on loneliness, isolation, human interactions of eccentric middle-class people living in broken families.
1947 -- US: National Conference for the Protection of Foreign Born is held in Cleveland, Oh. Oct 25-26, 1947.
312 organizations meet "to consider the widespread & serious attack on the democratic & consititutional rights of non-citizens..."
1947 --
Heinrich Mann completes his last novel, Der Atem.

1950 --
US: Chrysler Pres. Kaufman Keller is appointed US director of guided missiles. America is soon the only country whose missiles come with chrome grills, air-brakes & automatic transmissions.

1951 --
US: Seattle Symphony conductor Manuel Rosenthal is fired for living with a woman (French singer Claudine Pillard Verneuil). Don't want to know what they would have done to him if he had been living with a man.

1955 --
I will write peace
— Sadako Sasaki
See Sadako & the Thousand Paper Cranes, by Eleanor Coerr (1977)
Sadako Sasaki dies. Classmates folded 356 paper cranes so that 1,000 were buried with her. In 1958 a statue of Sadako was unveiled at Hiroshima Peace Park. A Folded Crane Club was organized in her honor, & members still place thousands of paper cranes at her statue each August 6 — Peace Day. There is also now a statue in Seattle's tiny Peace Park, a few blocks from Recollection Used Books former location.
1955 -- Italy: Ettore Cropalti (b.1900) dies. Shoemaker, anarchico, anti-fascist militant.
1956 -- Hungary: Councils continue to form, despite Russian crackdown, opposing the "dictatorship of the proletariat" & Russian intervention.
For Castoriadis, future revolutions would necessarily strive for the takeover of the management of all production by the workers, themselves organized into workers' councils; the federation of the councils into a central assembly; the expropriation of the capitalists; the dissolution of the police & the army, & the arming of the proletariat; & the issuance of what Castoriadis refers to as a "call on the workers of other countries . . . [that would] explain to them the content & meaning of these measures," which "contain all that is essential to the process of building socialism." Otherwise, these revolutions would be doomed to failure, precisely because they were partial or restricted in their fields of action.— "Workers' Councils, Cornelius Castoriadis & the SI" (Not Bored!, #26, 1996)
"Of the tendencies toward regroupment that have appeared over the last few years among various minorities in the workers movement in Europe," an unsigned text pronounces, "only the most radical current is worth preserving: that centered on the program of workers councils."— Internationale Situationiste #6 (August 1961).
1956 --
Spanish-born Puerto Rican poet Juan Ramón Jiménez wins Nobel Literature Prize.

1958 --
Lebanon: The last US troops are withdrawn after a three month occupation (for now).

1960 -- US: Martin Luther King, Jr. jailed in Decatur, Georgia. Held over on old traffic ticket charges, denied bail & sentenced to four months hard labor (see 26 October).
1960 -- Italy: Carmelo Spagnuolo, procuratore della repubblica di Milano, fa sequestrare il film di Michelangelo Antonioni "L'avventura" con l'accusa di oscenità.
Source: [Crimini e Misfatti]

1962 -- American author John Steinbeck awarded Nobel Prize in literature.
1966 -- US: UCLA Teach-in. Teach your children well.
1966 -- US: Black Panther Party founded.
1968 -- US: Chicago recognizes Jean Baptiste Pointe de Sable as its first settler.

1973 -- John Lennon sues the US government, maintaining wiretaps & surveillance were employed against him & his lawyer, Leon Wildes. Lennon claims that, as a result, his appeal applications in his fight against deportation were prejudiced by US officials. Screw the Indians.
1973 --
UN peacekeeping force is sent to the Middle East to prevent fighting between Israel & Arab nations. Solves that problem!

1973 --
US: Makin' the Cantaloupe Nervous?: A farmer interrupts a meeting between space aliens & sasquatches near Uniontown, Pa., & shoots one of the sasquatches. [Apparently the beasties are not on any "endangered species" act.]

1976 -- US: Clarence "Willie" Norris, the last surviving member of the Scottsboro Boys, is pardoned by Governor George Wallace. Norris spent 15 years in prison for allegedly raping a white woman & had been a fugitive fleeing parole in Alabama in 1946. See above.
1980 --
US: 225 newspapers drop the week-long "Reagan's Brain" sequence of the "Doonesbury" cartoon strip. Against all proof contrariwise, the US press foolishly think Beloved & Respected Comrade Acting President Ronnie Reagan has a brain. Able to adhere to such fantasy, this proves, in the face of all proof contrariwise, there is a free press in America. See for yourself at,

1981 -- England: 150,000 in anti-nuke protest, London.
1983 -- Grenada: American troops invade following the death of Maurice Bishop. A country 1/2,000 its population (Surprize! US Wins! 5,000-0). Erases the humiliations of Vietnam, proving America can whup 5th-world countries if they are tiny enough.
Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader White House spokesman Larry Speakes says a US invasion of Grenada is "preposterous".
Meanwhile, in real life, 5,000 US Marines & Rangers & a small force from six Caribbean nations invaded in response to a request from the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States on the pretext of saving "endangered" American lives, & diverting attention from the Lebanon bombing & European anti-nuclear protests.After a few days, the Grenadian militia was overcome, hundreds of US citizens evacuated, & the Marxist regime deposed. The US Congress applied the War Powers Resolution, requiring US troops to leave Grenada by 24 December. Installation of a pro-US government quickly crippled their economy.
1983 -- US: Mary Francis Berry, professor of history & law at Howard University, & two other members of the Civil Rights Commission are fired by Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Acting President Ronald Reagan. Considered a champion of minority concerns on the Commission, Berry charges the administration with attempting to "shut up" criticism. Berry sues & is reinstated.

1984 -- No More Trout¿: "Hippie" novelist Richard Brautigan suicides himself, Bolinas, California.
Daily Bleed Saint 2003-04
Patron saint of sixties drop-out culture.
Poet & novelist born in Tacoma, Washington. He was a cult figure & literary idol of the 1960s. In 1955, he moved to Frisco & became part of the Beat movement. He published several books of poetry, which he often handed out free on the streets of Haight-Ashbury. His following began in 1967, with the publication of his novel, Trout Fishing in America.
"At 1:30 in the morning a fart smells like a marriage between an avocado & a fish head."The Final Ride
The act of dyingis like hitch-hikinginto a strange townlate at nightwhere it is cold& raining,& you are aloneagain
1985 -- Hans Kok dies in his jail cell under the ever watchful eye of the benevolent police.
Friday October 26, 1985. 5:00 news came on reporting that one of the arrested squatters had died in the police cell. The police had known of the death since 12:00 & were present en masse in the Staatslieden district. Around 4:00, 200 squatters outfitted with helmets, clubs & leather jackets advances from the Sewer Rat to resquat the Schaepmanstraat (on October 24 the storefront "Schaepmanstraat 59«I" was evicted). After Hans Kok died the squatters' symbol appropriately appeared on his grave, which meant that squatting would go on to the bitter end. But after that it also lost its impact for good; it had become a memorial. One year after his death, on October 25, 1986, a memorial procession traveled from the Haarlemmerplein through the Schaepmanstraat to Police Headquarters. If the demonstration itself is rather quiet, before Headquarters a total silence suddenly falls. For minutes, everyone stands, says nothing, does nothing; a drum beats a slow rhythm, & then it too falls silent. After two minutes the street lights go on. When people further down start to smash in the windows of the police station, the sound comes as a relief: the situation is normal again...
November 23, 1978, clearance of the Nicholas Beetstraat-Jacob van Lennepstraat corner house in the Kinker district of Amsterdam is praised in current creation narratives as the step up to a squatters' movement which in 1980 no longer steered clear of violent resistance. The pictures on film show it. On that day, squatters, who stood three rows deep with arms linked to passively stop the eviction, were beaten up with batons while shouting, »No violence, no violence!« It was clear that this would not happen again: »In answer to the senseless provocations of the authorities it's difficult to stay a bit reasonable yourself. A crowd stirred up has such an unheard-of energy, if that's unleashed the professional brawlers will be nowhere,« stated the nonviolent activists afterwards.
1988 -- US: Two units of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) & 11 individuals are ordered to pay $1 million to African-Americans who were attacked during a brotherhood rally in predominately white Forsythe County, Georgia.
1988 -- US: ABC News reports on potbellied pygmy porkers' popularity as pets.
1988 -- " ... Drinking blood ... grave robbing ... mutilated animals ... drinking her 15 year-old victim's blood ... gouged out his victim's eyes ... butchered his mother ... cut the ears off ... drinking his own blood ... The acts ... are so horrible that the question could be fairly raised again: why are we doing this broadcast?"
1989 -- Mary McCarthy, novelist & critic, (wrote The Group, books on Vietnam War, etc.) dies.
1991 -- Bill Graham, rock concert promoter, killed in a helicopter crash.
1992 --
Germany: Salman Rushdie visits; the Bundestag passes a resolution holding Iran responsible for his safety.

1992 --
Mexican dramatist Victor Hugo Rascón Banda wins Premio Juan Rulfo for his novel Contrabando.

1993 --
South Korea: Writer Hwang Suk Young is sentenced to eight years for visiting North Korea.

1994 --
Ethiopia: 73 officials of the Mengistu regime are charged with genocide.

1994 --
US: Anti-Viagra?? Kentucky University, drooping under pressure, agrees to redesign its logo so it looks less like a penis.

1997 --
Italy: 200,000 Communists demonstrate for a 35-hour work week, Roma. Meanwhile over in America workers continue increasing their working hours, adding nearly a week of work to their yearly total between 1990 & 2001. Workers in France & Belgium, working a 35-hours week, also prove more efficient than their American counterparts.

"Workers in the United States are putting in more hours than anyone else in the industrialized world."— United Nations' International Labor Organization (ILO)
2001 --
US: Congress gives police sweeping new powers to search homes & business records secretly & eavesdrop on phone & computer conversations. Odd how those conservatives who "hate big government" & its intrusions always make it bigger & more intrusive, & how liberals who claim to "defend" civil rights are so quick to give them up.

2003 -- England: The 22nd Anarchist Bookfair. The very first Anarchist Bookfair was in 1983. It's happened every year since then...
3500 --
"The glittering treasure you are hunting for day & night lies buried on the other side of that hill yonder."— B. Traven, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

4500 --
anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less
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