Sunday, July 10, 2011

Daily Bleed Radical Literary History for June 10th

No pleasant tale shall 'ere be told,
Nor things recounted done of old.

— Anne Bradstreet, Here follows some verses upon the burning of our House,
July 10th, 1666. Copyed out of a loose Paper


Irish wit, writer, lush, revolutionist, tyrant's foe.


Ancient Greece: NEW ROBE FOR ATHENA DAY. Procession headed by model ship on wheels with her robe flying like a sail from the mast, followed by herdsmen with animals for sacrifice, musicians, slaves with trays of gifts, chariots & horsemen. At the acropolis, sacrifices were made & robe was draped over Athena's shoulders.

1376 -- The "Good Parliament" closes. Tis for the greater good, we are sure.

1509 -- Calvin lives.

1547 -- A Leg Up?: A duel was fought at Saint Germain-en-Laye, between Francois de Vivonne & the Lord of Jarnac, Guy de Chabot. From this duel comes the fencing term of the "coup de Jarnac" or leg cut.

Clockwork Orange
1584 -- Assassination of William I the Silent of Orange.

1792 -- Frederick Marryat lives (1792-1848). English naval officer/novelist whose adventure stories, mostly based on his sea experiences, became very popular.

1802 -- Author Robert Chambers lives.

Pin theTail
1805 -- Hairy Tail to Tell? US Colonel Thomas Butler court martialed for mutinous conduct. His commander decreed officers could no longer wear their hair in the traditional pony tail. Butler had worn his tail in the American Revolution & refused to cut it. His sentence was a forfeiture of a year's pay. He died shortly after, leaving the following instructions in his will, which were carried out:

"Bore a hole through the bottom of my coffin, right under my head, & let my queue hang through it, that the damned old rascal will see that, even when dead, I refuse to obey his orders."

Walt Whitman
1830 -- France: Camille Pissarro lives (1830-1903). French impressionist painter / anarchiste, contributor to the magazine "Temps Nouveaux".

See the Anarchist Encyclopedia page,

1834 -- Whistler begins to whistle either today or July 11 (some dispute; there is agreement regards the year).

1849 -- France: Béatrix Excoffon lives. Communard & militant anticleric. Friend of Louise Michel, & like her, with the fall of the Paris Commune, arrested & sent to the prison camp at Satory. Sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, Excoffon is released early for good behavior on September 26, 1878.

Fillmore ticket
1850 -- US: Free Ticket? Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Vice President Fillmore becomes president following Zachary Taylor's death. His first official act is to order the Fillmore East opened.

Emperor Norton
1862 -- US: Norton I, "Dei Gratia" Emperor of the United States & Protector of Mexico, Asks for Blessing:

"We do hereby command the Leaders of the Hebrew, Catholic & Protestant Churches to sanctify & have us crowned Emperor of the United States & Protector of Mexico. Given under our hand & Seal of State this 10th day of July, 1862."

1863 -- Clement C. Moore, 83, dies, Newport, Rhode Island. Not even a mouse was stirring. Wrote A Visit from St. Nicholas(1823).

1871 -- Marcel Proust lives, Auteuil, near Paris, during the turbulent summer of the Paris Commune.

"For a long time I used to go to bed early."

1873 -- Author Paul Verlaine, following an angry quarrel in Brussels, discharges a pistol at author Arthur Rimbaud, wounding him slightly.

1875 -- US: Black educator/activist Mary Macleod Bethune lives, Mayesville, South Carolina. Founder of Daytona Normal & Industrial Institute in 1904 (now Bethune-Cookman College). In 1935, she founds the National Council of Negro Women.

American advocate of education for Black women, Daily Bleed Saint 10/24 1998

1879 -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow composes "The Cross of Snow" after looking over an illustrated book of Western scenery.

1886 -- TAZ: Today, the Reutan runs aground on a sand bar in Lake Michigan, causing the sand bar to form new land on the Chicago waterfront.

The wreck causes the sandbar to grow, marshland fills it in, & Streeter proclaims it a free district open to the poor, homeless, tramps, etc. He successfully defended his "Streeterville" territory against Chicago cops & developers for over 25 years in the "District of Lake Michigan."

Daily Bleed Saint 2004-5

On July 10, 1886, Streeter's scow, the "Reutan" ran aground on a sandbar in Lake Michigan on the Chicago waterfront. The wreck caused the sandbar to grow, marshland filled it in, & Streeter proclaimed it a free district open to the poor, homeless, tramps, etc.
Temporary Autonomous Island:
King of Reutania
Streeterville Timeline
Know Chicago
Streeterville — A play
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1886 -- New Zealand: Eruption of Tarawera volcano destroys famous pink & white calcium carbonate hot-spring terraces, North Island.

1887 --

Corto Maltese
lives, La Valetta, Malta
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Corto was born to an Andulasian Gypsy, Amalia, a prostitute known as "la Niña de Gibraltar."

Corto Maltese is therefore a British subject. Corto's official residence is Antigua, in the British West Indies, but the only home of his depicted in the series is in Hong-Kong.

We learn a little about the childhood of Corto in "Ballad of the Salt Sea," notably that he was living in the Jewish Quarter of Cordoba, Spain at the age of 10.

When a fortune-telling friend of his mother read his palm, she noticed that he had no 'Fateline'.

The young Corto thereupon took his father's razor & single-handedly cut a line of Fate to suit him...

Corto disappeared during the Spanish Revolution, in 1937.

1888 -- Surrealist painter Giorgio de Chirico lives (-1978).

1894 -- US: 14,000 federal & state troops finally succeed in putting down the labor strike against the Pullman Palace Car Company, which had been peaceful until July 5, when federal troops intervened in Chicago, against the repeated protests of the Governor & Chicago mayor.

During the Pullman Strike federal troops killed 34 American Railway Union members in the Chicago area while attempting to break the strike, led by Eugene Debs, against the Pullman Company. Debs & several others were imprisoned for violating injunctions, causing disintegration of the union.

Further details / context, click here[Details / context] [Sources]

1895 -- Composer Carl Orff lives.

Illustration: Injured coal miner on stretcher
1902 -- US: Coal mine explosion in Johnstown, Pennsylvania takes 112 workers lives.

1905 -- Jazz singer Ivie Anderson, lives, Gilroy, California, best remembered for her 11 years with Duke Ellington.

1913 -- 134ø F (57ø C), Greenland Ranch (in Death Valley), California, the US record.

1915 -- Saul Bellow lives — perhaps (some sources cite June 10). American author, born in Lachine, Quebec, Canada, winner of the 1976 Nobel Prize. Recipient of the National Book Award three times, & the 1975 Pulitzer Prize for Humboldt's Gift.

1916 -- Martin Provensen lives, Illinois.

Martin & his wife Alice illustrate many picture books together & are the 1984 Caldecott Award winners for The Glorious Flight: Across the Channel with Louis Bleriot, which they wrote & illustrated. Also garner a Caldecott honor for their illustrations in the Newbery Award winner, A Visit to William Blake's Inn by Nancy Willard.

1917 -- England: Harriet A. Kidd, officer of the Co-operative Working Women's Guild, & an active socialist & trade union organizer, buried at Golders Green Crematorium, London.

Grosz illustration
1917 -- US: Jerome Deportation, Arizona. Although the Bisbee Deportation is better documented, the Jerome Deportation of agitating mine workers was the precursor for what was to follow on July 12, 1917.

At 4:00 am over 200 men armed with rifles, pick handles & “billies” swarmed over & into any place where the Wobblies (IWWs) might bed down, & about a 135 men were rounded up....

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1923 -- Berlin: The half-million mark bank note is put into circulation. Sales of wheel barrows plunges.

1925 --  MonkeesThe Scopes 'Monkey' Trial starts. Clarence Darrow (Daily Bleed Saint April 18) for the defense. See 18 July.

"...I have never known what freedom is. I keep on working for it & hoping for it & wanting it, but I know that I never shall have it. In this, no doubt, my life has been like the life of every being that ever lived. Even while I have fought for freedom, the freedom of others & the freedom of myself, I have always had a consciousness that I was doing it to amuse myself, to keep myself occupied so I might forget myself; which after all is the best thing that any of us can do as we go along. I remember reading a while ago a statement of Anatole France. He said that the chief business of life is "killing time." & so it is. What is the difference if we gather all the facts of the universe into our brains for the worms to eat? They might give the worms indigestion..."

— Clarence Darrow

1925 -- US: Today & tomorrow cops in Illinois torch all files of correspondence, documents & books belonging to the I.W.W. which were used as exhibits in their trial against "Big Bill" (William D.) Haywood in 1918.

With this auto-da-fe the State reveals its fear & contempt for labor generally & its particular desire to erase the glorious pages of the revolutionary trade unionism of the IWW.

Source: Ephéméride anarchiste

1926 -- Twenty-one people die, & $75 million worth of property destroyed, when an arsenal in Lake Denmark, New Jersey blew up.

1927 -- Ireland: Kevin O'Higgins, Irish Free State Vice President, assassinated.

Camilla Ravera
1930 -- Italy: Camilla Ravera, inviata in Italia per costituire il centro interno comunista, viene arrestata ad Arona (Novara), assieme ad altri esponenti, a seguito della delazione di un altro dirigente comunista. Verranno tutti condannati a pene tra i 10 e i 15 anni di prigione.

[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1931 -- Short story writer Alice Munro lives, Wingham, Canada. Author of the collections Lives of Girls & Women (1971) &The Progress of Love (1986). Wrote exquisitely drawn stories, usually set in rural Ontario & peopled by characters of Scotch-Irish stock.

1934 -- Erich Mühsam, German anarchist poet, murdered on the night of July 9/10, by the Nazis at the Orianenburg concentration camp.

ErichDer deutsche SchriftstellerErich Mühsam lebte in den Jahren von 1878 bis 1934. Er starb in einem national-sozialistischen KZ (Konzentrationslager).
Mühsam gilt als Vertreter eines radikalen Anarchismus. Von ihm stammen expressionistische Gedichte und Dramen.

Jelly Roll Morton
1941 -- Jelly Roll Morton dies, Los Angeles.

My Granny, book cover
1946 -- Scotland: Stuart Christie lives. Scottish international revolutionary militant, publisher & bookseller.

Stuart joined the Anarchist Federation in Glasgow in 1962. On August 11, 1964, he was arrested with explosives under his kilt trying to cross into Spain to assassinate Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Franco.

Among his many activities he founded Cienfuegos Press, Refract Publications & Meltzer Press. Co-founder with Albert Meltzer of the Anarchist Black Cross.

anarchist black cross, ABC

1947 -- Woody & Marjorie Guthrie welcome a new son, Arlo.
My first real indication that there was a universe outside myself came in 1962, after Alice's husband — the one in the song — gave me a copy of the Tao Te Ching. At the time, I was singing all those euphoric songs about how we're gonna save the world, & Lao-tse made me wonder: Will the world be any different because of anything I do? He struck a chord that made me sense that I was a little discordant with the cosmic universal tune. It wasn't a major musical atrocity; but it forced me to pay attention to myself — like when you know you have a cold coming on. You could say that was the start of my midlife crisis. I was about fifteen.

For years I kept showing up at all the right demonstrations & singing all the right songs, & one day I realized that the world still sucked & my own life was out of control. I'd done all these things to save the world, & I couldn't even save myself.

I understood then that my real work was me, not the world.

1948 -- Russia: Banned in USSR? The descriptions "melbas, parfaits & eclairs" should be banned from Russian sweet labels according to "Izvestia."

1958 -- Robert Earl Hughes, heaviest medically weighed human, dies.

1962 -- US: Peace-loving American government rejects Soviet proposal of complete & general disarmament. This is only one of many similar attempts by Russia to defuse the armaments race that is rejected by the US in the 50s & 60s.

1962 -- Martin Luther King, Jr. & Ralph Abernathy choose to go to jail for their part in the December Albany demonstrations.

1965 -- US: Rolling Stones' "Satisfaction" reaches number one.

1966 -- US: Martin Luther King, Jr. begins a Chicago campaign for fair housing — his first foray into a northern city for desegregation activities.

1968 -- England: Not Nice? The Nice were banned from playing London's Royal Albert Hall after burning an American flag on stage.

1968 -- France:

Maurice Couve de Murville forme le nouveau gouvernement.

Georges Pompidou resigns & Maurice Couve de Murville became Prime Minister; saying that it would take until the end of the year to begin the 'grands réformes.'

At state-run radio & TV - the ORTF - 102 journalists were fired for activities during the 'events.' A basket of austerity measures were adopted by the National Assembly on November 28. Police controlling student ID cards at Nanterre & the Sorbonne were not appreciated in mid-December, & the police were withdrawn on the 19th.

An extraordinary election was held April 1969. De Gaulle asked voters to decide whether he was to continue as President of France. On 27. April, 10,901,753 voted 'oui,' & 12,007,102 voted 'non.'

At his residence in Colombey-le-Deux-Eglises on 28. April 1969, he said, "Je cesse d'exercer mes fonctions de président de la République. Cette décision prend effet aujourd'hui à midi."

Pompidou was elected president on 16. June 1969.


1970 -- US: A resolution by the JACL's Northern California-Western Nevada District Council calling for reparations for the World War II incarceration of Japanese Americans is announced. Titled "A Requital Supplication" & championed by Edison Uno, this resolution would have the JACL seek a bill in Congress awarding individual compensation on a per diem basis, tax-free.

1970 -- England: Home of a retired policeman in Stoke Newington firebombed.

1972 -- India: A herd of elephants, enraged by a searing heat wave, go berserk in the Chandka Forest, stampeding through five villages. The villages were devastated & 24 people killed.

1974 -- US: 3 Pedals & You're Out?: Senator Edward J. Gurney, Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Dick M. Nixon's lone defender on the Senate Watergate Committee, indicted in Jacksonville, Florida on charges of influence peddling & extortion.

anarchiste La Lanterne Noire, avril 1977 cover; source Ephemeride anarchiste
1974 -- France: During this month the premier issue of "La Lanterne Noire" (The Black Lantern) appears. Critical review, published by former militants of the "Noir et Rouge" group & I.C.O. (Information & Ouvrières correspondences). Edited by Jean-Pierre Duteuil, among its contributors are Luis Andres Edo, Juan Gomez Casas, John Olday, Eduardo Colombo. Ceased publishing with its 11th number in July 1978.

1976 -- US: All Crossed Up?: KKK members near Georgetown, Illinois, gather for a friendly neighborhood cross burning. The meeting got off on the wrong foot, starting an hour late. They went to plant their cross only to find that it was too heavy to move. It took the white robed merrymakers three hours to chop the cross down to a portable size. Then they planted it, only to find it would not light. Finally they gave up & went home — somewhat cross.

1979 -- Chuck Berry gets four months in prison for income-tax evasion. In 1973, he shortchanged Uncle Sam $200,000. Johnny didn't be good.

1981 -- Scotty?: CERN achieves first proton-antiproton beam collision (570 GeV).

1982 -- Miguel Vasquez makes first public quadruple somersault on trapeze. Inspires quadruple heart bypass surgery.

1984 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Acting President Ronnie Reagan claims that his environmental record is "one of the best kept secrets" of his Presidency. When a reporter asks where Anne Burford fits in that record, Larry Speakes steps forward & orders the lights turned off. Reagan, believed by many to be the most powerful man on the planet, stands behind his aide, saying, "My guardian says I can't talk."

Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau
1985 -- New Zealand: 3 Rainbows & You're Out? French secret police blow up Greenpeace "Rainbow Warrior" anti-nuclear vessel in Auckland Harbour, killing one activist, Fernando Pereira. State terrorism at its finest, the French secret service got caught with its sous-vêtements down in a friendly country. Where was Inspector Clouseau when they needed him?

1985 -- Blankety-Blanc?: Mel Blanc voice of cartoon characters (Bugs Bunny), permanently blanks out at 81. Porky
That's All, Folks!

1988 -- Enrique Lihn Carrasco (1929-1988) dies. Chilean poet, playwright, & novelist. Just last evening he corrected the proofs of his final book, Diario de Muerte, written in the six weeks preceding his death today.

1993 -- Masuji Ibuse dies. Ibuse, Masuji, from Book of the Year (1994): Obituary,

Japanese writer (b. Feb. 15, 1898, Loma, Hiroshima prefecture, Japan — d. July 10, 1993, Tokyo, Japan), was a master craftsman who painstakingly revised & polished his short stories, essays, poetry, & novels, notably the compelling Kuroi ame (1966; Black Rain, 1969; filmed 1989).

prison graphic
1998 -- Italy: Argentinean Soledad Maria Rosas dies, hanging herself this evening in Benevagienna, where she is living under house arrest in the community "Sotto i ponti." Her body is taken to the hospital of Mondovì, as required by a magistrate, very upset because of this unexpected interruption of his fishing day.

Many journalists arrive but, like the fish, are chased away.

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2006 -- US: Cody's Bookstore, in Berkeley, California, closes its doors on Telegraph Ave.

2007 -- China: An Example of How to Solve America's Health Care Crisis?: Zheng Xiaoyu, former head of State Food & Drug Administration (1998—2005) is executed.

3001 --

& then revolts break out as storms break out in the burning summer sky. Resolute & savage men, led by the kind of bearded colossus like an ancient god, wrested beams from the workshops & hurled them like catapults against the armor-plated palace doors. The most cautious had made their get-away; others had fallen under the first blows & these were precisely the people who had never wanted to believe in the revolt, maintaining that these rumors had no foundation & were started by greedy bankers who aimed to cause a fall in prices & then speculate afterwards on the rise which would follow the denial of the alarming rumors. These were the same people who always ended their optimistic speeches by phrases such as: Our people have too much good sense.


3500 --

Footnote: Thanks to WildBillMeister, WE have now commandeered an Art Gallery!

As many know, the Daily Bleed has its own Navy (parts unknown, apparently patrolling the Pacific Ocean, as our gunboat cut loose it's moorings & internet connection a few years back & we never heard from it again).

That this Art Gallery is named for Bleedster "Wild Bill" Koehnline is obviously sheer coincidence!

"Wild Bill", claims to live up on a Hill, admits to being the father of SaintMeister Jim Koehnline, & is also responsible for much (if not all) of the collected material for a number of art-related dates & links in the Daily Bleed, as well as some special Gallery pages (Max Ernst, graphicLeonora Carrington, Miro,Hugo Ball, today's entry for Pissarro, etc).

The only Bleedster with his own Art Museum, he maintains bragging rights at The William A. Koehnline Gallery

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