Sunday, June 12, 2011

Daily Bleed Radical Literary History for June 12th

You step in the stream,

but the water has moved on.

Djuana Barnes

Home-schooled poet, Lost Generation Left Banker.



-1184 -- [BC] - Destruction of Troy (traditional date) (or June 24).
Source: [Robert Braunwart]
[Hereafter attributed with symbol: Source=Robert Braunwart]

1365 -- King Edward III bans football in London, orders archery practice.

1402 -- John, Duke of Burgundy, massacres 3500 people in Paris.

1587 -- Ursula Fray & Catharina Kless burned for witchcraft.

1665 -- New World: English rename New Amsterdam, New York, after Dutch pull out, feeling unsatisfied.

1759 -- William Collins dies. English poet, whose Persian Eclogues was written at 17.

1827 -- Johanna Spyri, Swiss writer, lives, Hirzel, Canton Zürich. Many of her children's books are gathered, in English translation, into a single work: Heidi.

1840 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Matthew Arnold recites his poem "Alaric at Rome" in Rugby School.

1848 -- Source=Robert Braunwart México: US evacuates México City after an occupation of 9 months; meanwhile a public funeral is held in NY in memory of officers lost in the Mexican War.

Protestor wearing gas mask
1849 -- US: Gas mask patented by Lewis Haslett, Louisville, Kentucky.

Provides cool new head gear for anarchist demonstrators.

protesters with scarves

1868 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Japan: US troops again land "to protect US interests" during civil war.

1880 -- US: First baseball perfect game — John Richmond of Worcester beats Cleveland.

1885 -- anarchist diamond; anarquistaFrance: Adrienne Montegudet (née Victorine Valdant) lives (1885-1948). Militante communiste et syndicaliste révolutionnaire puis libertaire.

1886 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: The Stevedores, Longshoremen & Riggers Union of Seattle is organized.

1890 -- US: Anarchist Voltairine de Cleyre gives birth to a son, Harry de Cleyre (out of wedlock?). Harry was raised by his father but took his mother's name (& named his first child after her).
Further details/ context, click here; anarchiste, Anarquismo, Anarquista, Anarchie, anarkismo, anarchisme[Details / context]

1892 -- Djuna Barnes lives, Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York. Poet, illustrator, author. Wrote Nightwood.

Lesbian recluse,
writer of elegant perverse fictions.

1897 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Carl Elsener patents a penknife, later to become the Swiss army knife.

1900 -- Jules Regis (aka Siger) (1858-1900) dies. Turkish-born revolutionary socialist & anarchist.

1907 -- Spain: Francisco Ferrer y Guàrdia, arrested on June 4, 1906 & held in the Carcelo Modelo in Madrid following Mateo Morral's attempt on King Alfonso's life, is finally released today for lack of evidence linking him to the attentat.Mateo Morral, Spanish anarchist

The young anarquista Morral's bomb (hidden in a bunch of flowers), tossed into the royal wedding party as a belated wedding gift, left about 15 dead & more than 70 wounded. Ferrer, hated by the Catholic Church, was a "suspect" in two previous political assassinations.

¡Tú fuiste en mi vida una llamarada
Por tu negro verbo de Mateo Morral!
¡Por su dolor negro! ¡Por su alma enconada,
Que estalló en las ruedas del Carro Real!...

— excerpt, Rosa de Llamas by Valle-Inclán

Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1910 -- US: Francisco Ferrer Association founded, formed a colony in New Jersey & founded the Modern School.

Brigada Flores Magon logo
1910 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: The anarchist Ricardo Flores Magón's Liberal Party junta moves to Los Angeles, California.

1910 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Samuel Coleridge-Taylor's "Bamboula Rhapsodic Dance" premiers, Ct.

1912 -- Lytton Strachey writes a friend of Virginia Stephen's & Leonard Woolf's recent engagement:

"He proposed in a train, & she accepted him, but owing to the rattling of the carriage he didn't hear, & took up a newspaper, saying 'What?' On which she had a violent revulsion & replied, 'Oh, nothing!'"

1914 -- US: Incident at Speculator mine when Muckie McDonald encourages fellow workers to refuse to show their union cards. Evening shift workers at Speculator & Black Rock stay out in support of protesting workers. Walkout stills 1,200 workers & starts week of big trouble.

1915 -- US: Emma Goldman continues her lecture tour in Los Angeles & San Diego, raising support for the Caplan-Schmidt defense fund.Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feminist
    While in Los Angeles, Emma presents her anarchist critique of feminism to a hostile group of 500 members of the Woman's City Club, who, according to Emma, denounce her as "an enemy of woman's freedom."

    Caplan-Schmidt Defense League
  • Barker, Tom: Letter to Eugene Debs, on Caplan-Schmidt Defense League letterhead, 7/17/15. Says that he appreciated Eugene Debs' contribution of $2.00 to the David Caplan & Mathew Schmidt defense fund.

1920 -- US: Farmer Labor Party organized, Chicago. 

1920 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Murray Leinster story "The Mad Planet" appears in "The Argosy." Too Close to home for comfort.

1922 -- Italy: The Fascists make a definitive assault on Piombino, with the support of Royal Guards from Pisa. They were repulsed on their previous attempt, on April 25th, by the Arditi. Even so it took a day & a half of heavy fighting before they are able to storm the offices of the USI & the printing press of the anarchico paper "Il Martello" & complete their conquest of the town.

1922 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Beginning date of Kate O'Brien novel Mary Lavelle.

Houdini hanging in a straitjacket
1923 -- US: Harry Houdini frees himself from a straitjacket while suspended upside down, 40 feet (12 m) above the ground, New York City. 

1923 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Franz Kafka makes the last entry in his diary.

1929 -- Anne Frank lives (1929-1945). Kept a diary of two years of her life, when her family was hiding from Nazis. The Gestapo discovered them in 1944 & they were sent to Auschwitz, where Anne´s mother died. She & her sister were transferred to Bergen-Belsen where they both died. The Diary of a Young Girl (1947) has been published in over 30 languages. See 1942 below.

1929 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Beginning date of Fannie Flagg novel Fried Green Tomatoes.

1930 -- US: Mississippi Sheiks record "Bootlegger Blues."

1931 -- anarchist diamond; anarquistaArgentina: à Avellaneda, un groupe d'activistes anarchistes conduit par Juan Antonio Moran abat de cinq coups de revolver le major Rosasco qui dînait dans un restaurant. Celui-ci, serviteur zélé de la dictature du Gal Uriburu, était responsable de la répression et de l'éxécution de nombreux militants. L'anarchiste Lacunza (dit "Bébé") trouvera également la mort dans cette opération.

1937 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Russia: Military Is Going To Hell? USSR executes eight army leaders as Beloved & Respected Comrade Uncle Joe Stalin's purge continues.

1937 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Germany: Gestapo orders suspected Jehovah's Witnesses sent to concentration camps.

1942 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Netherlands: Anne Frank receives a diary for her 13th birthday, Amsterdam.

1945 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Bertolt Brecht play "The Private Life of the Master Race" opens in NY, having premiered in Berkeley, California on the 7th.

1950 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Rep. Rankin (D-Miss.) says Jews have "been run out of every civilized country on earth except this one, & they are headed for the same treatment here."

1952 -- US: 420th kitten (a record) born to a rascally cat named Dusty, Bonham, Texass.

1957 -- Where's Mao Nao? or, Hang in There?: Hundreds of students fight cops & attack Communist Party headquarters in Hang Yang, China.

Part of the real criticism which emerged to threaten Party rule during the "Hundred Flowers" Movement. Because of this criticism & opposition in cities & countryside, where cadres were beaten up like usurers of old, resistance flourished until the Party reinstituted repressive measures.

Poster, Viet-Nam Vencera!
1957 -- Feel a Draft? General Samuel T. Williams, head of the US advisery Group in Vietnam, remarks:

"We have exactly 342 men, the number allowed by the Geneva Armistice Conference.

It would be a breeze if we had more."

1961 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Army Maj. Gen. Edwin Walker officially disciplined for indoctrinating his troops with rightwing whacko John Birch Society propaganda. For punishment, probably forced to drink chlorinated water for a week.

1962 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Alien bodies are allegedly recovered from a UFO, Holloman AFB, New Mexico.

Anti-war button: How Many More?
1963 -- Vietnam: Buddhist monk Trich Quan Duc, 73, immolates himself in front of US embassy in Saigon in protest against US-sponsored South Vietnamese dictatorship (under President Ngo Dinh Diem). 

Medger Evers
1963 -- US: NAACP leader Medgar Evers fatally shot, Jackson, Mississippi. His murderer is not convicted until 1994.

Daily Bleed Saint, 2002
American civil rights martyr, patriot.

A bullet from the back of a bush took Medgar Evers' blood.
A finger fired the trigger to his name.
A handle hid out in the dark
A hand set the spark
Two eyes took the aim
Behind a man's brain
But he can't be blamed
He's only a pawn in their game.

— Bob Dylan, Only a Pawn in their Game (1963)

Mandella poster
1964 -- Nelson Mandela sentenced to life imprisonment for "sabotaging" South African government.

After the Sharpeville massacre the ANC was outlawed & began functioning underground, carrying out sabotage & preparing for guerrilla actions. However, with the capture of those who became known as the Rivonia Trialists, including such leaders as Govan Mbeki, Walter Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada & Dennis Goldberg, who with Nelson Mandela & others are serving life imprisonment on the notorious Robben Island, the ANC had to begin the process of organisational reconstruction.

1964 -- Antoine Bertrand (1877-1964) dies. French anarcho-syndicalist, member of "Free Youth" group. 

1964 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: FBI memo says Castro conducted ballistics tests that convinced him there were at least three assassins of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Kennedy.

1965 -- South Vietnam: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Ky heads new military regime in South Vietnam.

1966 -- US: Vietnam War protest at Brandeis graduation (Goldberg honorable degree).

1966 -- US: Division Street riots for two days, Chicago, Illinois. Puerto Ricans in the West Town-Humboldt Park Area. In the wake of the Puerto Rican Day Parade violence broke out after a youth was shot in the leg by police.

In the face of tomorrow's drudgery at work or on the corner, the Sunday night revellers of the Division Street area in Chicago explode into two nights of rioting after police intervene in a pub brawl. Snipers & molotovs are much in evidence & the overwhelming demand, if any, of the primarily Puerto Rican participants is for a permanent removal of the police from their community. Riots spread to Cleveland, Brooklyn, Omaha, Baltimore, San Francisco, & Jacksonville.

Fiend at the Controls, CD cover
1967 -- US: Supreme Court unanimously ends laws against interracial marriages (still illegal in 16 states; the case is Loving v. Virginia).

Scary looking creature, Giger illustration

1967 -- US: Blacks riot in Tampa, Florida, Dayton (-June 15) & Cincinnati, Ohio.

Poster, CRS cop wielding a truncheon
1968 -- France '68: Henri Blanchet is struck by CRS; he dies in the hospital.

1968 -- US: Age Discrimination in Employment Act takes effect.

1970 -- Dock Ellis' LSD No-Hitter.

1971 -- México: Police & death squads kill 43 student protesters in México City. 

1972 -- US: Radical labor & community organizer Saul Alinsky dies, Carmel, California. Alinsky was hated & defamed by powerful enemies. "Let them call me rebel & welcome, I feel no concern from it; but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul."

"Don't worry boys, we'll weather this storm of approval & come out of this as hated as ever."

— Saul Alinsky, to his staff

1972 -- Source=Robert Braunwart John Lennon's political "Sometime in NYC" is released, including "Luck of the Irish," "Woman Is the Nigger of the World" & "Attica State."

1978 -- Guo Moruo, Chinese scholar & a leading writer of 20th-century China, dies in Beijing.

1979 -- Kevin St Onge throws a playing card a record 185'.

Reagan's Brain? image from TV's Pinky & the Brain
1980 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade LeaderRonnie Reagan says he will submit to periodic medical tests.

Later, doctors find the Acting President's brain is missing, leading pundits to speculate:

"Will he run for re-election?"

1982 -- US: In NY Central Park & LA Rose Bowl: hundreds of thousands sing Lennon's "Imagine."

750,000 to two million rally in New York's Central Park to support nuclear disarmament during UN Special Session on Disarmament — the largest anti-war demonstration in US history. Part of massive worldwide protests against arms.

A rally at Peace Arch Park, on the British Columbia/Washington border, draws 50,000.

Among those in NY are several hundred members of Psychologists for Social Responsibility.

Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Acting President Ronnie Reagan opines that the Commies are behind it. Yup.

US Factoid
1985 -- US: 1,756 people arrested in 150 cities over two days for protests against illegal American arming & financing of Nicaraguan Contras. 

1985 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: "Baltimore Sun" reports on murder & torture by the Reagan CIA in Honduras.

Emergency button
1986 -- South Africa: Government declares state of emergency, begins jailing 20,000. 

Scouring Powder?
1988 -- Carolyn Shoemaker discovers her 14th comet, making her the greatest living comet hunter. Wants fat contract from CNN to do cometary?

1989 -- US: Expansion of Native American water rights upheld by Supreme Court.

1992 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Panama: Anti-US demonstrators force cancellation of a Bush speech.

1992 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Canada: Singer & vegetarian k.d. lang cancels a show in Owen Sound, Ontario after local beef farmers threaten to blockade the parking lot.

1993 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Somalia: US planes bomb Mogadishu (-June 14); UN Moroccan troops are killed in Somalia; UN fires missiles at a Mogadishu hospital — 9 patients die.

1994 -- Source=Robert Braunwart México: EZLN issues the 2nd Declaraci¢n de la Selva Lacondona, Chiapas.

1994 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Iran: Government orders Shi'ite mourners to stop stabbing themselves in the head. 

2005 -- "Terra em Transe" (1967)
A Brave Film In a Tough Period of Brazilian History – A Milestone in the Brazilian New Cinema, 12 June 2005; 8/10 Author: Claudio Carvalho from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil:

In the hypothetical Latin-American country of Eldorado, the idealistic anarchist poet & journalist Paulo Martins (Jardel Filho) fights against the populist governor, Felipe Vieira (José Lewgoy), & the conservative president Porfirio Diaz (Paulo Autran), supported by revolutionary forces. Paulo is depressed, since the two corrupt politicians were his former friends & have been elected with his moral support.

"We are here to go, we gotta find a way off this goddamn cop-ridden planet."

— William S. Burroughs

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