Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Daily Bleed Radical Literary History for June 8th

Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...
"On the eighth of June, during the night,
after a 63 days' voyage, 63 days of feverish
expectancy, we perceived strange fires,
moving in zig zags on the sea."

— Opening sentence, Paul Gauguin, Noa Noa.


Tom Paine
True "Founding Father" of American revolutionism.

China: DRAGON-BOAT RACES commemorates the search for Ch'i Yuan (3rd century BC) who threw himself in river. No finish line, no judges. Arguments & fist fights always break out, but ends with merry feast.



65 -- Jewish rebels capture fortress of Antonia in Jerusalem. Beginning of the Jewish rebellion against Rome.

(F)red? Rush Limbaugh
452 -- Italy invaded by Attila the Hun.

632 -- Islamic prophet Mohammed dies, Medina, Arabia.

Daily Bleed Saint 2002-2005
Islamic prophet & founder, mystic visionary.

1247 -- Revolt of Rhys ap Meredudd.

1374 -- Geoffrey Chaucer appointed Comptroller of the Customs & Subsidy of Wools at 10 pounds a year.

Won'tcha Wear My Ring?
1625 -- Giovanni Cassini, discoverer of four moons of Saturn, lives, Perinaldo, France.

Cassini was born in Italy, died in France.

I love your pages, by the way, I often go rooting around for inspiration as I'm struggling to come up with mine for the day. (Like I still haven't found a holiday for today, the Dragon Boat Race Festival is set by the Chinese lunar calendar & was on the 6th of June this year, will be the 25th next year — I also found it on the 8th & then blew most of an hour trying to confirm the date for this year!)

— Van Van Horn, 2000 Twisted History

1783 -- Eruption of Mt. Skaptar, responsible for the death of one fifth of the population of Iceland.

1808 -- William & Dorothy Wordsworth leave Dove Cottage, Grasmere.

Tom Paine
1809 -- US: Thomas Paine dies in obscurity in New York. Six people follow his casket to the grave. 10 years later William Cobbett, essayist/pamphleteer who attacked Paine during his lifetime, retrieved & sent the coffin to England, to honor Paine with a memorial there, but the plan collapsed, & his remains were lost.

Dick Gaughan — Tom Paine's Bones (song):

1814 -- Charles Reade, dramatist/novelist, lives, England.

1852 -- US: First known labor strike in San Francisco occurs as Chinese laborers working on the Parrott granite building demand a wage increase.

1867 -- Mark Twain embarks on the journey through Europe to the Holy Land which inspires The Innocents Abroad.

Bunch of fine looking shacks
1867 -- Frank Lloyd Wright master builder, lives Richland Center, Wisconsin.

Wright admired the anarchist Kropotkin, who was staying at Hull House in Chicago when Wright was a frequent visitor & speaker.

As a review of Wright's FBI file reveals, the Fed's interest in the architect extended far beyond his pacifism. Cross-Dresser Hoover's men recorded his dalliances with the Wobblies, his continuing attempts to combat the US government's dehumanization of the Japanese during & after the war, his rabble-rousing speeches on college campuses, his work for international socialists & third world governments, including Iraq, & his rather unorthodox views on sexual relations (the Feds noted that Wright seemed to have a particular obsession with Marlene Dietrich).

Hoover's snoops were only a minor irritant compared to the real damage that was done by the Federal Housing Authority, which routinely denied financing to Wright's projects. The Federal Home Loan Association also refused to underwrite mortgages for Wright's houses.

1869 -- Reeeaaalllly Sucks?: Ives McGaffy gets patent for world's first suction vacuum cleaner.

1869 -- US: Pioneer Japanese immigrants establish a tea & silk farm colony at Gold Hill, California. Americans of Japanese ancestry (Nisei) lived in this country & struggled courageously for freedom & equality. This heritage was attacked following Pearl Harbor as they were shipped off to concentration camps & their homes, businesses, & property stolen from them.

1876 -- French feminist, novelist George Sand, Daily Bleed Saint, dies.

1880 -- Fyodor Dostoevsky interrupts work on The Brothers Karamazov to address the Moscow Society of Lovers of Russian Literature at a centenary celebration of Aleksandr Pushkin's birthday, averring: "He is a phenomenon never seen & never heard of before."

1884 -- Italy: "La Questione Sociale" fails to appear (June 8 & 22) as Pilade Cecchi, the editor, is sent to prison for 21 months (& fined 2,000 lire). This anarchist publication, which began back in December, was also interrupted after the seventh issue, when the printer, a good republican, refuses to continue printing it.

1889 -- Start of the Sherlock Holmes adventure "Boscombe Valley Mystery" (BG).
Source: [Robert Braunwart]
[Hereafter attributed with symbol: Source=Robert Braunwart]

1892 -- Joel Pettersson (1892-1937) lives. "Van Gogh of the Åland Islands" — artist & Finnish author writing in Swedish, first published 35 years after his death.

1900 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Start of Sherlock Holmes story "The Adventure of the 6 Napoleons" (BG).

1903 -- Marguerite Yourcenar lives (1903-1987). French novelist, essayist, short story writer. On the outbreak of World War II she settled in the US. Wrote Memoirs of Hadrian. Translated Negro spirituals & various English & American novels into French. First woman admitted to the Académie Française in its 345-year history.

1903 -- France: Vittorio Pini (1860-1903) dies. Italian shoemaker & illegalist, Pini got 20 years in prison in 1889 for his political "expropriations" supporting "Intransigenti" groups & anarchist propaganda. He also aided the "Cloche de bois," discreetly helping those unable to pay their landlords; "Nous, anarchistes, c'est avec l'entière conscience d'accomplir un devoir, que nous attaquons la propriété."

1904 -- US: Battle between the Colorado Militia & striking mine workers at Dunnville ends with six union members dead & 15 taken prisoner. 79 of the strikers are deported to Kansas two days hence, courtesy of Rockefeller — who owns the state government & militia.
Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1909 -- EG, anarchist feministUS: Emma Goldman is scheduled to speak in East Orange, N.J., at a meeting organized by Alden Freeman to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Thomas Paine's death.

Police — who, surprisingly, haven't read The Rights of Man — prevent Emma from entering the lecture hall. The crowd relocates to Freeman's barn, where she finally delivers this lecture (which she was also unable to deliver on May 23 due to police zealously protecting free speech with another healthy dose of suppression).

1913 -- Italy: "Volonta" begins publishing in Ancona, continuing under Malatesta's immediate editorship until the "Settimana Rossa" [Red Week] in June, 1914.

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1917 -- US: Granite Mountain Mine Disaster, also known as the Speculator Mine fire, Butte, Montana.

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A Butte Miner:

"An appalling site that caused the strongest hearts to quail was the cremation of two men who were trapped like rats in a double-decked cage about 20 feet above the collar of the shaft, with flames flying from the shaft like a gigantic torch around them."

Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1917 -- Spain: Conferència of the FIS (Federació Sindical Internacional), Estocolm.
[Source: Congressos Obrers]

1919 -- US: Scientist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore finds locusts an eating delicacy.

1920 -- Reds' Edd Roush falls asleep in center during long infield argument during baseball game.

1925 -- Eddie Gaedel lives. 3'7" St Louis Browns pinch-hitter (he walked).

1925 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Supreme Court upholds the NY conviction of Benjamin Gitlow for publishing "The Left Wing Manifesto" pamphlet. Some Americans are more free than others.

1925 -- Source=Robert Braunwart André Gide finishes his novel Les Faux-Monnayeurs.

1930 -- anarchist diamond; anarquisteAntoine Antignac dies. French anarchist, speaker, bookstore manager, writer for numerous libertarian publications. See the Anarchist Encyclopedia page,

Lily by James Koehnline
1937 -- US: Eight-&-one-half-foot giant Calla Lily blooms, New York Botanical Gardens.

"Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless; peacocks & lilies for instance."

— John Ruskin

1938 -- Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feministEngland: Emma Goldman attends Writers Against Fascism meeting organized by the Association of Writers for Intellectual Liberty; she describes it as "almost entirely C.P." (Communist Party).

1939 -- EG, anarchist feministEmmy Eckstein, anarchist Alexander Berkman's longtime companion, dies.

José Pellicer-Gandia, anarchist
1942 -- José Pellicer-Gandia (1912-1942) executed. Spanish anarchist, member of Durruti's famed "Iron Column" during the Spanish Revolution of 1936.

After the defeat of the Republicans Pellicer was arrested & condemned to death by a fascist military tribunal.
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1943 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Rose Bonavita (Rosie the Riveter) & Jennie Fiorito set a record by driving 3,345 rivets in one shift at a Tarrytown, NY aircraft factory.

R. Crumb & His Cheep Suit Serenaders
1943 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: The Los Angeles city council outlaws the wearing of zoot suits; meanwhile the US navy declares Los Angeles off limits because of the Zoot Suit riots.

1947 -- Sara Paretsky lives, Ames, Iowa. American mystery writer, helped break the gender barrier in detective fiction with her novels featuring woman PI V.I. Warshawski.

"We started Sisters [in Crime in] 1986 in response to some troubling inequities in the mystery world. Women writers had a hard time getting books reviewed, we didn't stay in print as long as men, & we were often shunted aside at professional meetings. I worked hard, as did Nancy Pickard, Sue Dunlap, Linda Grant, Carolyn Hart, Sharon McCrumb, & a lot of others, to change some of that..."

1955 -- "A poem from 1955 that I sent to Kenneth Rexroth & I thought it was good because it was a dream & it had this illumination of a dream & it was about William Burroughs’s late wife..."

... show details (Ginsberg poem)

William Burroughs

1956 -- US: Air Force Corporal Fannie Mae Clackum sues to overturn her discharge on psychiatric evaluation of "latent homosexuality."

1957 -- China: Editorial in Jenmin Jih Pao attacking the “right-wingers & bourgeois who, under pretext of criticizing, have preached counter- revolution.”

End of the “hundred flowers” period. The commissions of 40 deputies of the National Congress are canceled. Many intellectuals, including Ting Ling, the most famous woman writer in the country, are severely censured & make their self-criticisms.

Source: [ K.S. Karol, China: The Other Communism]

1959 -- US: First official "missile mail" lands Jacksonville, Florida. Launched from a submarine 100 miles at sea. Missed the White House Barn big-time.

1960 -- Argentina: Government demands release of the hijacked war criminal Adolf Eichmann (I was only doing my job). Israel says "hang tight."

1960 -- Source=Robert Braunwart The first date in James Clavell novel Nobel House.

War Machine Off Campus button
1966 -- US: Graduation Vietnam War protest at New York University where Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara is given an honorable degree; 270 walk out.

Ooopsie! bullet hole
1967 -- High Seas: Israeli aircraft & boats attack the American USS Liberty during Israel's "Six Day War."

Rocket fire, machine-gunning, napalm bombing & torpedoing for over two hours — including those ever-dangerous fleeing life rafts.

... show details

Baseball dugout
1968 -- US: Baseball's Don Drysdale pitches a record 58th consecutive scoreless inning.

poster of a fist
1968 -- Italy: A Higher Calling? As students & workers continue to rebel in Paris, México City & Prague — police in Milan, Italy, storm the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, arresting 250 students & put 30 in the hospital.

God's work is interrupted.

More than 200 students have occupied the school & held the rector captive in his office. Before today's police raid, the students petitioned the archbishop of Milan for free speech. Reinforced by students from other parts of Italy, they also attacked the right-wing city paper, "Corriera della Sera," forming barricades & overturning cars on Milan's main streets.

Responding to the protest, the Catholic church demands all students swear their loyalty to the university's rules & hierarchy.

1968 -- England: James Earl Ray (accused of Martin Luther King, Jr. murder), arrested in London.

1968 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Canadian author Stephen Leacock's house near Orillia, Ont. is named a national monument.

Cesens la violacciones, poster
1969 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Dick M Nixon announces withdrawal of 25,000 troops from Vietnam (of 540,000) by August 3. This minuscule withdrawal is announced in hopes of undercutting dissent in the war at home.

1969 -- US: University commencement protests against the war in Vietnam occur across the country. Among them are Brandeis, Yale, Wesleyan & Brown University (where two-thirds of graduating class turn their backs on Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Henry Kissinger's address).

1971 -- US: Bridge, Anyone? New York bridge workers hopelessly snarled the city's traffic by leaving drawbridges open, the result of a rejection by New York State of their pension demands.

1972 -- US: In response to a court order, the Government states there has been no electronic surveillance of Daniel Ellsberg's conversations. Yup.

Leonard Peltier
1976 -- US: Trial begins for Bob Robideau & Dino Butler for killing two FBI agents at Oglala, South Dakota.

They are be acquitted on grounds of self-defense; later, Native American activist, Leonard Peltier, is convicted of the same charges after most evidence & witnesses used by Robideau & Butler is disallowed in Peltier's trial.

1986, 1993, 1995, & 1997 US prosecutors admit they " not know who killed the agents ......." & admit in 1986 that falsified affidavits were submitted to Canadian Officials, in order to secure the extradition of Leonard Peltier.

Reading Your Bleed? Nice colorful eyeball
1988 -- Here's Lookin at You?: Nippon Airways announces that painting eyeballs on jetliners cuts bird collisions by 20%.

Ooopsie! bullet hole
1990 -- Guatemala: US citizen Michael Devine kidnapped & murdered by CIA-paid military officials, led by ex-School of the Americas (aka, School of Assassins) two-time graduate Col. Julio Alpirez.

1991 -- Mary Bacon, a jockey dying of cancer, commits suicide with a gun, at age 43. Left a note: "In this life, I've come up short."

1995 -- South Korea: President Kin Young Sam warns that a planned strike at the state-owned telephone company would be akin to "an attempt to overthrow the state."

1997 -- England: Not So Cricket?: Anti-genetic food activists play cricket using bioengineered potatoes previously scheduled for harvesting. What with a muddy field & hard swings, the entire crop is destroyed. Cambridge.

1997 -- Amos Tutuola (1920-1997) dies. Nigerian author famous for his books based in part on Yoruba folk-tales. Wrote The Palm-Wine Drinkard.
Daily Bleed patron Saint 2006-2008
Life-affirming Nigerian novelist, social critic.

Reading Your Bleed Again?
2004 -- Transit of Venus (between Earth & Sun) occurs. Tickets on sale at Recollection Used Books, Seattle, Washington. Transfers available.

2007 -- Richard Rorty, master of bricolage, dies, age 75. American philosopher with a high reputation in France & Germany, & a public intellectual influential in literary theory & political thinking. Influenced by Dewey & Derrida, Davidson & Wittgenstein, & married the thought of these dissonant philosophers.

3500 --

So don't think you can fool me with your political tricks
Political right, political left, you can keep your politics
Government is government, & all government is force
Left or right, right or left, it takes the same old course
Oppression & restriction, regulation, rule & law
The seizure of that power is all your revolution's for

— Crass, Bloody Revolutions (1980)

Crass anarchist logo

What Can I Do While the World is Going to Hell?? Be Cheerful!!
4000 --

anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less
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