Friday, May 07, 2010

Daily Bleed for 5.7.10

My tomatoes are riper than your wooden shoes
And your artichokes resemble my girl

At the market place
there was a tomato & an artichoke
and both were dancing round a turnip
who turned on the root

Dance tomato dance artichoke
your wedding day will be clear as the gaze
of carps
The wooden shoes contemplate us
while crying tears of overripe pears
and when they sing they make a noise from the grave
which explodes & brings forth a corpse
The corpse beats his hands like a pebble on a
window pane
and says
No you will not have my tomato at that price

— Benjamin Péret, "Without Tomatoes No Artichokes,"

Italian-born anarchist philosopher, killed by Spanish Stalinists.


One seventh of your life is spent on Friday!!

Most modern calendars mar the sweet simplicity of
our lives by reminding us that each day that passes
is the anniversary of some perfectly uninteresting event.

— Oscar Wilde


1774 -- Sir Francis Beaufort lives; naval officer; devised wind force scale.

"You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."

1824 -- Beethoven's 9th Symphony performed for first time. He conducts
in his last public appearance.

1861 -- Rabindranath Tagore lives (1861-1941), Calcutta. Bengali
author/poet/mystic/educator/translator/painter/composer & perhaps
the greatest writer in modern Indian literature.

1905 -- Spain: Helios Gómez lives (1905-1956). Anarquista artist, poet
& militant activist; adhiere a la Aliança d´Intellectuals Antifeixistes
de Catalunya; contributed to "El Frente" así como de la organización de
la mostra homenaje a Durruti en Barcelona.

1911 -- México: Followers of the anarquista Flores Magón brothers begin
their march from Mexicali to attack Tijuana.

1937 -- Stalinist squads assassinate leading anarchists. Among those found
murdered in the purge, is the Italian anarchist Camillo Berneri, an
outspoken anti-communist.

1942 -- US: The American Dream? Under Civilian Exclusion Order 27, more
than 100,000 Japanese Americans, both alien & non-alien, are assigned to
US concentration camps.

1965 -- US: "Bloody Sunday" in Selma, Alabama, as state troopers attack
civil rights marchers.

1967 -- Russia: In a strange twist, according to the "New York Times", Soviet
youths openly defied police last week & danced the twist in Moscow's Red
Square during May Day celebrations.

1968 -- France: Parisian students & workers continue their revolt, "played
in narrow streets," nearly toppling the government in a successful revolution.

De Gaulle's regime is a whorehouse
No one doubts it anymore,
Bureaucrats to the garbage heap,
Without them we might get somewhere.

— Song of the Council for the Maintenance of Occupations

1975 -- The Vietnam War officially ends.

For I flew the final mission in the Japanese sky
Set off the mighty mushroom roar
When I saw the cities burning
I knew that I was learning
That I ain't marchin' anymore

Now the labor leader's screamin' when they close the missile plants,
United Fruit screams at the Cuban shore,
Call it "Peace" or call it "Treason,"
Call it "Love" or call it "Reason,"
But I ain't marchin' any more.

— Phil Ochs, "I Ain't Marchin' Anymore"

1981 -- Rudy Rucker publishes his sci-fi classic Spacetime Donuts.

"Who Needs Donuts
When You've Got Love?"

— Mark Alan Stamaty

1983 -- Artist Christo drapes 11 islands with pink skirts,
Biscayne Bay, Fla.
[Like John Waters, we prefer Flamingos... — ed.]

1985 -- US: City of Philadelphia (The City of Brotherly Love) bombs the
house of the radical black group MOVE, killing 11 & destroying 62
homes in the neighborhood. Surviving MOVE members are still imprisoned.
Quick! Can you spot the terrorists?

1996 -- Albert Meltzer dies. British militant anarchist.
Loved books & boxing.


— Anti-Friday 1997-2010

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