Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Daily Bleed for 4.21.2010

Courtesy of Recollection Books...

I pull on the stained blue briefs.
How in this sick and warring world could I have imagined
it was just about me, that nightmare's grief?

Janet Eigner
Wearing My Daughter's Underpants to the Peace March

Put you crayons down... Web version, precolored,
just for you,

Text excerpts, in black & white,

French philosopher, critic of the post-modern condition.

Ancient Roman: PARILA, honoring Pales, Protector
of flocks & herds.


1509 -- England: Feasting, dancing & general rejoicing greets
the death of Henry VII, the first 'modern' British monarch.

1519 -- Cortes lands at Veracruz, Mexico. Through
sheer bloodthirstiness (& the aid of European
diseases) a few hundred Spaniards manage to conquer,
loot, & enslave the millions of people in the Aztec empire.
In the name of King & Pope, anything is possible.

1812 -- England: Luddites. Food riot at Tintwistle &
machinery destroyed at Rhodes' woollen cloth mill.

1816 -- Charlotte Brontë lives (1816-1855). Novelist,
notably Jane Eyre, sister of Anne Bronte & Emily Bronte,
who described love more frankly than common in
Victorian England.

1834 -- 30,000 march for freedom of trade unionists
transported to Australia from Tolpuddle, Britain.

1838 -- John Muir, early western
naturalist/conservationist, lives.

1879 -- Javanese feminist Raden Adjeng Kartini lives.

1894 -- George Bernard Shaw's "Arms & the Man" opens
to the unanimous cheers of the audience, with the sole
exception of one who boos. Shaw bows to his

"I quite agree with you, sir,
but what can two do against so many?"

1894 -- Dig This! US: Workers storm the prison in La Salle,
Illinois & liberate striking miners.

1898 -- Italy: In Ancône, anarchists go on trial (21st-27th)
for criminal conspiracy.

1910 -- Mark Twain dies, upon the reappearance of Halley's
Comet, which had last shone the year he was born.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. I consider them
unwise & I know they are dangerous. Also, sinful.
If a man should challenge me now I would go to that
man & take him kindly & forgivingly by the hand &
lead him to a quiet retired spot & kill him."

1913 -- Andre Soudy, French member of the
Bonnot Gang, executed.

1918 --

"As 'Cholly Kokonino' would put it ~

The Whoest of the Whos were There.
The Dimless Dames of Coconino,
the Merry Wives in Full Galaxy,
The Representatives of
the "Desierto Pintado's" Social Apex.

Drifting now to a Lower Social Level,
We find 'Krazy Kat' Propelled by
a Great Sense, & urge of Kuriosity
on his Way to the Enchanted Mesa,
on Whose Topside, 'Joe Stork'
The Bird of Destiny, Makes his Home."

— George Herriman, April 21, 1918

Beatster Jack Kerouac described Krazy as,

"an immediate progenitor of the Beat Generation & its
roots could be traced back to the glee of America, the
honesty of America, its wild, self-believing individuality."

1945 -- Death of peace artist Käthe Kollwitz, in
Germany, notable for innovative technique & prints
conveying social justice themes.

I do not want to die . . . until I have faithfully made the
most of my talent & cultivated the seed that was placed
in me until the last small twig has grown.

— Käthe Kollwitz

1948 -- American naturalist Aldo Leopold dies.

"When we see the land as a community to which we
belong, we may begin to use it with love & respect."

1967 -- Greece: CIA-assisted right-wing coup deposes
the elected civilian government; military junta takes over.

1968 -- Armando Borghi (1882-1968) dies. Important
Italian activist, propagandist. Friend of Malatesta's,
secretary of the large Unione Anarchica Italiana (UAI)
as well as the head of the Italian Syndicalist Union (USI)
in Bologna.

1980 -- Anti-American Label?: Frank Zappa's record label
refuses to release his single entitled "I Wanna Be Drafted".

1998 -- Jean-Francois Lyotard dies. Post-modern French
philosopher, libertarian revolutionary before the pressures of a
career & the ebbing of post-1968 hopes turned him into a darling
of the sociologists. Member of Socialisme ou Barbarie group.

1999 -- Australia: 'The Age' publishes the inaugural Lesbia
Harford Oration on behalf of the Victorian Women Lawyers,
delivered by John Harber Phillips, Chief Justice of Victoria.

Lesbia Harford was an I.W.W. labor activist & a strong
believer in 'free love'.

2001 -- US: FBI Raids Seattle Indy Media Center. Security
plans to protect Beloved & Respected Comrade Western leaders
attending a trade summit in Quebec were stolen from a car over the
weekend & posted, hours later, on a Seattle-based Web site.

Though the organization has violated no US law, FBI agents
seize computer-log records & staff & tell them "not to talk
about" the incident under threat of being held in contempt of court.

2001 -- Korea: Demonstrations nationwide, enraged over
the murderous police crackdown on a peaceful labor rally of
workers laid off by Daewoo Motors, which left 45 workers
seriously injured.


A nearly four year "homeland security" nightmare comes to an end.
Visual Studies Professor Steve Kurtz, practicing art in a time of terror,
became a “bioterrorism” suspect because of his art. A cofounder of the
Critical Art Ensemble (in 1987 with Steven Barnes) has won numerous
awards for its bio-art.


Make no laws whatever concerning speech & speech
will be free; so soon as you make a declaration on
paper that speech shall be free, you will have a
hundred lawyers proving that "freedom does not mean
abuse, nor liberty license"; & they will refine & define
freedom out of existence.

Let the guarantee of free speech be in every man's
determination to use it, & we shall have no need of
paper declarations. On the other hand, so long as the
people do not care to exercise their freedom, those
who wish to tyrannize will do so...

— Voltairine de Cleyre,
Anarchism & American Traditions


— anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less

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