Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Pentagon Plans a High-tech Concentration Camps

It looks like a failed strategy from the Vietnam conflict is going to be used in Fallujah.
In 1962, the Strategic Hamlet program was introduced in Vietnam. In a dismal attempt to prevent the National Liberation Front from “influencing” peasants in South Vietnam, the United States turned villages into concentration camps—they erected stockade walls and patrolled the villages with armed guards. ... As to be expected, this program was a stupendous failure because the peasants resented living in concentration camps, far away from their ancestral lands. As noted in the Pentagon Papers, peasants “were herded forcibly from their homes” and locked inside the so-called strategic hamlets and their “old dwellings—and many of their possessions—were burned behind them.” As the Pentagon saw it, the program “was doomed by poor execution,” not the fact that people don’t like being locked up in concentration camps and will resist and continue to resist until things change.
The story goes on to say
Under the new plan, according to the Boston Globe, “troops would funnel Fallujans to so-called citizen processing centers on the outskirts of the city to compile a database of their identities through DNA testing and retina scans. Residents would receive badges displaying their home addresses that they must wear at all times. Buses would ferry them into the city, where cars, the deadliest tool of suicide bombers, would be banned.” ... Fallujah male civilians will be organized in “military-style battalions” and, depending “on their skills” will “be assigned jobs in construction, waterworks, or rubble-clearing platoons.” In other words, Fallujans will be organized into chain-gangs and forced to clean up the criminal mess the United States made of their city. For some reason the Pentagon either does not realize or could not care less about the anger and resistance such humiliation will cause.

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