Thursday, June 30, 2011

Daily Bleed Radical Literary History for June 30th

Away from this kingdom, from this last undefiled
place, I would keep our governments, our civilization,
& all other spirit-forsaken & corrupt institutions.

Kenneth Patchen, excerpt from
"There Are Not Many Kingdoms Left,"
The Love Poems of Kenneth Patchen




Superb Cameroonian novelist, biting social critic.


Celebrates three "stars" that moved to a spot over the forest in the 12th century & then stopped, marking the village's founding.



1520 -- Noblesse Oblige?: Montezuma & Aztec nobles murdered by Cortes. Aztecs counterattack the Spanish & their Tlaxcalan allies, killing two-thirds of them. See the former Memoria del fuego page, in Spanish,

1685 -- John Gay lives (1685-1732). English poet/dramatist, friend of Pope & Swift, remembered from his play The Beggar's Opera, a story of thieves & highwaymen, which also became the basis for Bertold Brecht's The Threepenny Opera (1928). Gay also wrote the libretto for Händel's work Acis & Galatea.

1709 -- Edward Lhuyd dies. Celtic Scholar who first recorded many Hebridean folk stories.

1741 -- Traffic Jam?: Pope Benedict XIV encyclical forbidding traffic in alms.

1761 -- Scotland: Thomas Sheridan, famed Irish actor/teacher of elocution, commences a series of lectures on 'The English Tongue' in Edinburgh.

1803 -- Thomas Lovell Beddoes lives.

1839 -- High Seas: Cinque leads successful slave revolt on the ship Amistad.

1840 -- France: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's Qu'est-ce que la propriété? ou Recherche sur le principe du droit et du gouvernement appears.

Proudhon dedicated this book What is Property?, now considered an anarchist classic, to the Academy of Besancon, causing a scandal; the Academy demands the dedication be withdrawn, & summons the upstart to come explain himself before them.

1841 -- US: Rain of fish, Boston, Massachusetts.

There are about 70 recorded rains of fish, but nearly all of the rains of fish are small ones.

There is, however, one account of a fish fall in India in which more than 10 people picked up fish weighing up to eight pounds each.

There are many accounts of rains of ice-coated ducks, grasshoppers, fish & frogs, but there is none of a raining of cats & dogs.

Thus we make our emends & shall only exclaim, in the future, in Seattle "it's raining catfish & dogfish!"

1852 -- US: Duwamish tribe awarded $62,000 for the taking of their aboriginal lands, including the present-day site of the city of Seattle.

1857 -- Charles Dickens gives first public reading from A Christmas Carol at St. Martin's Hall, London.

1859 -- US: Emile Blondin crosses Niagara Falls on a 1100-foot tightrope as 5,000 watch. On his return he uses a tripod camera to photograph the huge crowd who have gathered; many faint.

1864 -- US: Secretary of the Treasury Chase resigns, charging speculators were plotting to prolong the Civil War for monetary gain. Legislator/historian Robert Winthrop noted:

"Professed patriotism may be made the cover for a multitude of sins."

1870 -- US: Ada Kepley becomes first female law college graduate.

Fritz Brupbacher
1874 -- Fritz Brupbacher (1874-1945) dies. A Swiss physician, studied medicine & psychiatry. An antimilitarist, revolutionary syndicalist & libertarian socialist, became in particular the friend of James Guillaume, Pytor Kropotkin, Vera Figner & Monatte. Practiced medicine with his wife Paulette Raygrodski, both active in the néo-Malthusian movement, for the right to abortion & a free sexuality. Fritz wrote the introduction to The Confession of Michael Bakunin (translated by Paulette), wrote Marx et Bakounine, Bakounine ou le démon de la révolte, & the autobiography 60 Years of Heresy, as well as numerous pamphlets.

"Bakounine redeviendra actuel le jour où l'homme commencera à trouver insupportables le despotisme bourgeois et le despotisme prolétarien."

1875 -- Italy: The Florence trial begins (June 30-August 30, 1875) — of which the republicans published a long report (Dibattimenti; Rome, 1875; 529 pp.). This is another in a series of monster trials (like those in Bologna, Perguia, Leghorn, Massa Carrara, etc.).

Errico Malatesta, Italian anarchist

This trial is simultaneous with Malatesta's trial at Trani. The good news from Trani (most acquitted) cheers up everybody at Florence.

See Errico Malatesta: The Biography of an Anarchist by Max Nettlau

1882 -- France: Robert Louzon lives (1882-1976). Engineer, revolutionary syndicalist, anarchiste.

Louzon was involved in the CGT, the CNT, helped found Pierre Monatte's journal, "Révolution prolétarienne," joined the SIA (Solidarité Internationale antifasciste), signed Louis Lecoin's "Paix immédiate." During WWII he was arrested & interned in Algeria.

Front page from Frank Leslie's Illustrated magazine showing strikers in a street scene
1885 -- US: Chicago Streetcar Strike begins, Illinois (-July 7).

Many thousands of people living in the West Division of Chicago who have been accustomed to riding to & from their homes were forced to walk today. The strike of the West Side streetcar conductors began as a result of the discharge of several employees from the company.

1887 -- Italy: Nuovo testo unico delle leggi di pubblica sicurezza che attribuscono alla polizia poteri amplissimi di intervento quando è minacciato il potere dello stato da 'manifestazioni o grida sediziose'.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1888 -- Léon Metchnikoff (1838-1888) dies. Geographer, anarchist & secretary to Élisée Reclus.

1894 -- US: "Chicago Tribune" headlines from June 31 (????), 1894 described the events of the Pullman Strike with obvious yellow journalism. Headlines like,

"Debs Strikers Begin Work Of Destruction, Guns Awe Them Not, Drunken Stockyard Rioters Defy Uncle Sam's Troops, Mobs Invite Death"

Eugene V. Debs, the leader of the Pullman Strike, was also highly criticized.

Not to be outdone by the yellow sheets, the always venerable New York Times in an 1894 editorial calls Debs "a lawbreaker & an enemy to the human race."

1899 -- Italy: Tafferugli hanno luogo alla Camera. Alcuni deputati vengono alle mani. Sono rovesciate le urne per protestare contro il voto su questioni di procedura che mirano a porre il bavaglio ai deputati dell'opposizione. Un decreto reale chiude il Parlamento fino al 14 novembre.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

Zapata, Tierra y Libertad, illustration by Mendez
1902 -- Leopoldo Méndez (1902-1969) lives.

Méndez was a printmaker, painter &
muralist. Like Posada, he is known
primarily for his politically charged
prints depicting the horrors of war,
struggles of laborers & parodies
of capitalist greed & fascism. He
helped found the long-lived Taller
de Gráfica Popular (TGP) in 1937.

Symphonic Concert of Skeletons/Concierto Sinfonico de Calaveras

1902 -- Italy: Un accordo segreto tra il governo francese e quello italiano prevede la reciproca piena libertà di aggressione nella Tripolitania, nella Cirenaica e in Marocco.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1906 -- US: Meat Your Maker? Pure Food & Drug Act & Meat Inspection Act adopted.

 Painting of the fireball
1908 -- Giant fireball impacts in Central Siberia (Tunguska Event).

Emma Goldman, Anarchist All Star
1909 -- US: Large meeting organized by the Free Speech Society is held at Cooper Union to protest harassment of speaker Emma Goldman & to win back the right of free speech. Speakers include former congressman Robert Baker, Alden Freeman, Voltairine de Cleyre, James P. Morton, & Harry Kelly. Telegrams from Eugene Debs & others are also read.

1911 -- Czeslaw Milosz lives, Szetejnie, in Lithuania then controlled by Russian czarist government. Polish-American author, translator & critic, 1980 recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature. Active as a writer in the WWII Resistance movement, & witnessed the Holocaust.

A Polish diplomat, he sought political asylum. In The Captive Mind (1953) he revealed the problems of intellectuals living under Stalinism & condemned many Polish intellectuals for accepting Communism. His writings since include essays, poetry, autobiography, literary history, & translations from such authors as Walt Whitman, William Shakespeare, John Milton, T.S. Eliot, & Charles Baudelaire.

Milosz's works were banned in Poland after his break with the regime, but he was given a hero's welcome when he returned shortly before getting his Nobel.

In the view of the Soviet poet Joseph Brodsky, 1987 Nobel Prize winner, Milosz is possibly the greatest poet of our time.

1912 -- anarchist diamond; anarquistaMéxico: A group formed by the Colombian anarchist Juan Francisco Moncaleano, takes the name of "Grupo Luz" (Light) & creates a school based on the Modern School model of the Spaniard, Francisco Ferrer, in México City. // Se funda el Grupo Luz, integrado por Juan Francisco Moncaleano, Luis Méndez, Pioquinto Roldán, Eloy Armenta y Jacinto Huitrón. Moncaleano propone crear la Escuela Racionalista semejante a la fundada en Barcelona, España, por Francisco Ferrer Guardia.

1914 -- South Africa: Gandhi's first arrest, in campaign for Indian equal rights.

1917 -- Lena Horne lives, Brooklyn, NY. Began her career at 16 as a chorus girl at the Cotton Club in Harlem, appeared in the moviesCabin in the Sky & Stormy Weather & has Broadway career culminating in her one woman show.

Horne was a strong civil rights advocate, refusing to perform in clubs where African-Americans were not admitted & marching during the civil rights movement in the 1960s.

Lena Horne, 1943:

"All we ask is that the Negro be portrayed as a normal person. A worker in a union meeting, a voter in the polls...or an elected official. Perhaps I'm being naive. Perhaps these things will never be straightened out on the screen itself, but will have to wait until... [they're] solved in real life."

1917 --

Bern, Switzerland.

June 30

Conferència of the FIS (Federació Sindical Internacional).

[Source: Congressos Obrers]

1918 -- US: Militant Socialist leader Eugene Debs arrested in Cleveland for interfering with army & navy recruiting practices. Debs' anti-war activities are not appreciated by Wilson's government.

Red Hot Pepper! Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman
1920 -- Russia: Emma Goldman & sidekick Alexander Berkman travel to Moscow to collect permits necessary for their museum expedition through Russia to gather historical material.

1922 -- Molly Hunter lives, Longniddry. Wrote exciting Scottish children's stories.

1922 -- US: One million railway shopmen strike.

Francisco Saverio Merlino, anarchist
1930 -- Francisco Saverio Merlino (1856-1930) dies. Lawyer, theorist, propagandist of Italian anarchism, then a socialist. He continued to defend the anarchists as needed — which was often.
    The End of Anarchism? was Galleani's outraged response to an interview of ex-anarchist Saverio Merlino entitled "The End of Anarchism," in which Merlino pronounced "anarchism an obsolete doctrine, torn by internal disputes, bereft of first-rate theorists, & doomed to early extinction."

    Further details/ context, click here; anarchiste, anarchismo, anarchici, anarchico, anarquista, anarchisten, anarchie, anarkismo, anarchisme, anarho, kalendario, anarchica, Libertaria[Details / context]

1932 -- Mongo Beti lives. Acerbic African novelist/political essayist, depicted the conflict of traditional modes of African society with the system of colonial rule. His political novles include Remember Ruben & Perpetua Et l'Habitude De Malheur.

1934 -- Germany: "Night of the Long Knives," Hitler stages bloody purge of Nazi party.
Young Men, Serve the Fuhrer Germany is Free! Germany Awake!

1934 -- US: America's greatest ruler, Emperor Norton I, reburied in Woodlawn Cemetery (Colma Cemetery?) by citizens of San Francisco.

1935 -- Viagra?: The first ten Penguins (books) are published. All very gay, but they cannot be married in the US of A.

1936 -- Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind published by Macmillan. Fastest-selling novel in US history sets a record in October when 50,000 copies sell in one day.

1936 -- Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie pleads before League of Nations for help against Italian fascist invasion of his country.

Poet Langston Hughes, observing the invasion of Ethiopia by Mussolini, wrote simply:

The little fox is still.
The dogs of war have made their kill.

1936 -- Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feministFrance: Alexander Berkman is buried in Nice. Lifelong pal Emma Goldman is in attendance.

Dave Van Ronk, anarchist, songster
1936 -- Dave Van Ronk lives. American songster. Unfortunately better known for nurturing & helping Bob Dylan get his music career off the ground than for his own music.

Far more than one of the founding figures of the 1960s, Dave Van Ronk (1936-2002) was also ’among other things’ a pioneer of modern acoustic blues, a fine songwriter & arranger, a powerful singer, & one of the most influential guitarists of the 60s, as well as a peerless musical historian & storyteller. "The Man" (Tom Paxton) was in the mix with Bob Dylan (who slept on Van Ronk's couch for his first year in NY), Tom Paxton, Phil Ochs, Joan Baez, & Joni Mitchell, as well as older luminaries Woody Guthrie & Odetta.

"In the engine room of the NY Folk Scene shoveling coal into the furnace, one Big Man rules. Dog-faced roustabout songster. Bluesman, Dave Van Ronk.

Long may he howl."

— Tom Waits

"Of course I was aware of the folk music thing in Washington Square. I had been hanging around the village for a few years by this time, & the sight & sound of happily howling Stalinists offended my assiduously nurtured self-image as a hipster, not to mention my political sensibilities, which were at the time vehemently I.W.W.-.anarchist."

In 1959, Dick Ellington & Dave Van Ronk wrote & self-published THE BOSS'S SONGBOOK, the subtitle of which was Songs To Stifle the Flames of Discontent. It was supposed to be a humorous collection, consciously modeled on the IWW Little Red Songbook.

Dick had a Multilith 1250 & did some movement printing in New York City during the 1950s, including VIEWS & COMMENTS, which was published by the Libertarian League. It was either a weekly or biweekly paper edited by Sam Dolgoff & Russell Blackwell.

— Robby Barnes, Charlatan Stew

1936 -- Italy: L'imperatore d'Etiopia Hailè Selassiè chiede, di fronte all'assemblea della Società delle Nazioni, che la comunità internazionale non riconosca l'occupazione italiana del suo paese.
Contro la richiesta i giornalisti italiani inscenano una gazzarra indecente. La mozione dell'imperatore viene respinta. E' la fine della Societá delle Nazioni.

[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1939 -- José Emilio Pacheco lives. Mexican critic, novelist, short story writer, translator & poet.

1944 -- US: Jerome becomes the first concentration camp for Japanese Americans to close as the last inmates are transferred to Rohwer.

1947 -- US: District Judge Louis E. Goodman orders that the petitioners in Wayne Collins' suit of December 13, 1945 be released; native-born American citizens could not be converted to enemy aliens & could not be imprisoned or sent to Japan on the basis of renunciation.
Three hundred & two persons are finally released from Crystal City, Texas & Seabrook Farms, New Jersey on September 6, 1947.

1951 -- Germany: First & founding convention to reconstitute the Socialist International, Frankfurt.

1952 -- Let Freedom Ring?: Congress passes McCarran-Walter Immigration Act, to screen out "subversive" aliens & deport them, even if they have become US citizens. Follows up on the McCarran Act (Internal Security Act of 1950) — one of the more bucolic provisions being its authorization of concentration camps "for emergency situations."

EmergencyThis immigration act strengthened provisions allowing exclusion of immigrants on grounds of insanity, disease, pauperism, crime record or political activity, & made exclusion of anarchists & communists easier. It attacked people merely on account of speech or association, even if there is no evidence they might act violently or illegally.

Harry Truman noted "The idea behind this discriminatory policy is, to put it baldly, that Americans with English or Irish names were better citizens than Americans with Italian, Greek, or Polish names..." — while in fact it was motivated more toward excluding non-whites in this aspect.

1953 -- Russia: Vsevelod Pudovkin (1893-1953) dies.

Daily Bleed Saint June 26, 2003-2006
Pioneering Soviet experimental filmmaker, writer.

1955 -- James Thurber writes in the New York Post of the ravages of age:

"With sixty staring me in the face, I have developed inflammation of the sentence structure & a definite hardening of the paragraphs."

1957 -- Brazil: José Oiticica (1882-1957) dies. Lawyer, student of medicine, teacher, & an influential figure in the Brazilian anarchist & labor movement.

Grandfather of the Brazilian artist & anarchist, Hélio Oiticica (1937-1980).

1959 -- US: During a baseball game at Wrigley Field, two balls were in play at same time.

1964 -- United Nations intervention ends civil war in the Congo, Africa.

1965 -- Vietnam: First US military ground actions begin in South Vietnam.

1966 -- Scotland: Lochness Monster Sighted?: US Polaris submarine base opens, Faslane.

Stop War, Bring the Boys Home button
1967 -- Vietnam: 448,800 American troops in the country.

1968 -- Petition for recognition of conscientious objection as a basic human right is presented to United Nations Human Rights Commission.

1968 --

30 juin 68 Raz-de-marée gaulliste aux élections législatives.

Los gaullistas obtienen mayoría absoluta en Francia.

Life is elsewhere.

1969 -- US: Seattle City Council approves a plan to purchase Kiker Island, off Deception Pass (Whidbey Island), as a site for a future nuclear power plant.

1969 -- Vigilantes cut down trees in Kew Gardens in Queens, NY. The park is a gathering place for area gays.

About a month ago, a group of men from nearby apartment buildings started going into the park & ordering gay folks to leave. Vigilante organizer Myles Tashman said, (quote) "Admittedly it was against the law but we had police consent."

Finally tonight the vigilantes just raze the park. A local resident twice calls the police after seeing them at work with a power saw. Arriving almost an hour later, the officers chat with the treecutters & then leave.

The Mattachine Society & other gay clubs start a fund, "Trees for Queens," to replace the foliage.

1970 -- US: 35,000 protest nuclear power at Diablo Canyon.

1970 -- Dylanologist?: Bob Dylan accepts an Honorary Doctorate of Music at Princeton University. June through July, Dylan records his next LP, New Morning at Columbia Studios in NY.

1970 -- England: Army depot, Kimber Road, London, firebombed.

1970 -- England: Ian Purdie is released from Albany prison (Isle of Wight).

1971 -- Three cosmonauts die on re-entry over the U.S.S.R. from depressurization of their space craft. After completing a 23 day mission on the Salyut space station, all three Soyuz 11 cosmonauts suffocate when an air valve in their capsule opens prematurely during re-entry. see See Volkov, Patsayev & Dobrovolsky at

1971 -- US: I Am Not a Crook Dick m Nixon orders felony burglary of the Brookings Institute, where Daniel Ellsberg, Leslie Gelb & Morton Halperin work. This comes during a meeting with National Security adviser Henry Kissinger, Defense Secretary Melvin Laird, Attorney General John Mitchell & Haldeman. Colson later proposed a firebombing. When this meeting was later exposed, future Nobel Peace Prize winner Henry Kissinger claimed he couldn't recall the meeting:
"I have no such recollection."

1972 -- First leap second day; also 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985.

1973 -- Nancy Mitford dies in Versailles, France. Novelist/essayist. Wrote The Pursuit of Love; Love in a Cold Climate; The Blessing.

1973 -- Observers aboard Concorde jet observe 72-min solar eclipse, eclipsing the old record.

1974 -- US: Martin Luther King's 69-year-old mother is shot & killed as she plays the organ in Atlanta's Ebenezer Baptist Church.

Kenneth Patchen, anarchist poet
1974 -- US: Selective Service law authorizing the draft expires, marking the official end of conscription in the US. Part of the Nixon strategy to undercut the strength of the Vietnam anti-war movement.

1976 -- An Ounce of Prevention?: Responding to a supposed burglary at Neil Diamond's house, police enter with a search warrant. A 3-hour inspection turns up a less than one ounce of marijuana.

1977 -- US: Jimmy Carter cans B-1A bomber, later "B-1's the B-52."

Sex Pistols logo
1978 -- The Sex Pistols' "My Way" is released.

1980 -- US: Supreme Court upholds $122 million judgment to the Lakota (Sioux) Nation for illegal taking of Black Hills, South Dakota.

1984 -- Lillian Hellman playwright & screenwriter, dies of cardiac arrest at 79. Her dramas bitterly & forcefully attacked injustice, exploitation, & selfishness. Long-time paramour of Dashiell Hammett.

1986 -- US: SodBusters? Georgia sodomy law upheld by Supreme Court (5-4): Sodomy, 1 to 20 years. Upheld as to homosexuals on the grounds that there is no fundamental federal constitutional right to "engage in sodomy."
Sodomy laws are given many names: buggery, crimes against nature, sexual misconduct, unnatural sex, etc. Most laws are applied against homosexuals in order to further anti-gay discrimination. Sodomy laws result in imprisonment, parents losing custody of children, loss of jobs & homes, beatings & killings, & other atrocities.

Sodomy laws are often used to deny basic rights to homosexuals. State-by-state laws have created a patchwork of penalties which range from a $50 fine in Arizona to life in prison in Idaho.

1987 -- US: ACT UP demonstration at Federal Plaza in New York city. Silence = Death.

1989 -- England: Court seizes about $7,000 withheld war taxes from Peace Pledge Union's bank account.

1998 -- anarchist diamond; anarquistaFrance: In Paris a group of 100 people manages to enter the buildings of the Constitutional Council. One of them seizes an original specimen of the constitution, tears it, declaring: "The dictatorship of capitalism is abolished. The workers declare anarchist-communism."

1998 -- France: "Sans-papiers," undocumented immigrants seeking asylum, begin a hunger strike. Thirty begin fasting because their request for "regularisation" & legal residence papers has been refused.

1998 -- US: In NYC some 20,000 construction workers rally to protest the city's use of a nonunion contractor.


The FBI still holds over 6,000 pages on the Leonard Peltier case that they refuse to release for "National Security reasons." Peltier was framed & sent to prison after a deadly firefight on June 26, 1975, between Native Americans, FBI agents & US Marshals following a period of terrorizing the Lakota Indian Reservation. The FBI has actively opposed & used it power to undercut every attempt to free Peltier.

2006 -- US: Hells Angels? County law enforcement crack some heads—or at least a bike helmet, in Seattle, Washington.

Detectives wheel two bruised bikers into custody, after a confusing tussle between Critical Mass bicyclists blocking a Belltown intersection & two plainclothes undercover King County cops who were startled when one of the bikers tried prevent their van from driving through 200 bicyclists whizzing through an intersection.

Jumping out to whup on a few bikers, the cops found themselves outnumbered & smartly bespoke themselves:

"Stop! You're under fucking arrest! I'm a fucking cop!"

Critical Mass is a ragtag group of bike messengers, students, anarchists, & families riding to remind drivers, via peaceful civil disobedience, to respect bike riders' rights on the road.

2006 -- US: Mid-Atlantic Radical Bookfair & Infoshop gathering ( - July 2), Baltimore, Maryland.Keynote speaker Ward Churchill. Fair Kickoff Concerts last night featured Jello Biafra, & a night of Radical Hip-Hop, featuring Baltimore's Son of Nun, DJ Malatesta & Drowning Dog of Entartete Kunst (Bay area anarchists making their East Coast debut), & DC's Head-Roc. Organized by volunteers from Red Emma's Books & Coffeehouse, Wooden Shoe Books, Alternative Press Center, & others.

3000 --

Daily Bleed Saint 2003:

Iconoclastic, sardonic theorist of profit, status & class, he understood the irrational forces of capitalist culture.

Punk is not dead!
3001 --
"It takes a village to raise the dead."

— Firesign Theatre

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Nebraska Nuke Watch: Keeping an eye on Cooper & Ft.Calhoun nuclear plants

Awesome! Thanks for the link mom.

Interesting tidbit from this blog: American Cable TV Boxes waste 3 Billion Dollars a year in electricity when no one is watching television and they aren't even recording anything.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Daily Bleed Radical Literary History for June 28th

I am the joy of the desiring flesh

The days of my living

are summer days

The nights of my glory

outshine the blazing wavecaps of the heavens

at their floodtide

Mine is the confident hand shaping this world.
— See our own Kenneth Patchen Tribute / Chronology page



French vagabond poet, cabaret anarchist, songwriter.


548 -- Death of Theodora, Empress of Byzantium.

1503 -- Giovanni Della Casa lives.

1712 -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau lives, Geneva. Author of the Confessions & "father of Romanticism."

1770 -- New World: Anthony Benezet & other Quakers open a non-segregated school for African-American & white children in Philadelphia, Pa.

1776 -- US: Thomas Hickey, American sergeant convicted of treason, hanged.

1816 -- England: Luddite attack on Heathcoat & Boden's Mill at Loughborough.
In 1816 there was a revival of violence & machine breaking following a bad harvest & a downturn in trade.

On 28 June the Luddites attacked Heathcote & Boden's mill in Loughborough, smashing 53 frames at a cost of £6,000. Troops were used to end the riots & for their crimes, six men were executed & another three were transported. Luddism then subsided in Nottinghamshire & Leicestershire. Concurrently, 'Swing' riots erupted in the countryside as a protest against low wages, unemployment & the Game Laws.
"I won't slave for beggars pay.
Likewise, gold & jewels.
But I would slave to learn the way
To sink your ship of fools."

— The Grateful Dead, Ship of Fools

1816 -- England: After several gamekeepers have been clubbed to death, five men from Mill Pond, Ely, are hanged for poaching.
The area of Littleport & Ely, Cambridgeshire were at the forefront of resistance to property accumulation, enclosure & rural proletarianization.

Soon after the hangings, the butcher who owned the gallows cart is found suffocated head first in his own cess-pit & the coffin-maker is found dead in a large water pipe.

Dan Quayle for President in '96 button
1820 -- The tomato is proved to be nonpoisonous. However potato remains so, as a large political football.

Labor poster, worker rolling up his sleeves
1850 -- M. Maguire lives. Credited as founder of Labor Day.

old book
1867 -- Luigi Pirandello lives (1867-1936), Agrigento, Sicily. Right-wing Italian playwright, novelist, short story writer. Awarded 1934 Nobel Prize for Literature. Wrote The Late Mattia Pascal & plays Right You Are — if You Think You Are; Six Characters in Search of An Author; Enrico IV.

1885 -- anarchist diamond; anarquistaFrancesco Saverio Merlino is in Paris in an effort to coordinate Italian & French anarchist groups. He recommends activity within organized labor & opposes acts of individual reprisal (using the example of Pini).

1887 -- Greenwich Village free-love radical, novelist Floyd Dell lives (1887-1969). Daily Bleed Saint July 23.
One-time companion of poet Edna St. Vincent Millay. Max Eastman & Floyd Dell co-edited The Masses magazine (1911-1917).
There is no human reason why a child should not admire & emulate his teacher's ability to do sums, rather than the village bum's ability to whittle sticks & smoke cigarettes. The reason why the child does not is plain enough — the bum has put himself on an equality with him & the teacher has not.
~ Floyd Dell ~

1888 -- Robert Louis Stevenson leaves San Francisco on his first voyage to the South Seas.

1894 -- Labor Day declared an official US holiday by Congress amid intense labor unrest.

1905 -- (New style) Russia: The mutinous crew on the battleship "Potemkin" enter the port. Odessa taken by revolutionaries. Workers' Councils form.

1906 -- Japan: Shusui Denjiro Kôtoku speaks at a large public meeting in Tokyo.
Kotoku was a journalist, writer, & one of the most outstanding figures of Japanese anarchism.

Further details/ context, click here; anarchiste,  anarchismo, anarchici, anarchico, anarquista, anarchisten, anarchie, anarkismo, anarchisme, anarho, calendario, Libertaria[Details / context]

old book
1909 -- Eric Ambler lives (1909-1998). English author, widely regarded, with Somerset Maugham & Graham Greene, as a pioneer of espionage & crime fiction. Used the pseudonym Eliot Reed on four novels written with Charles Rodda. 1964 Edgar-winner, later named a Grand Master by the Mystery Writers of America.

1911 -- Egypt: Dog killed by 18-lb meteorite, Nakhla.

Gaston Coute
1911 -- Gaston Couté, French anarchiste songster, dies.

Gaston Coute

Gavrilo Princip
1914 -- Austria's Archduke Ferdinand assassinated, by the Serbian anarchist Gavrilo Princip. The young revolutionary's two pistol shots are said to have touched off World War I. A wonderful excuse for a Great War...a governmental bloodbath had been a-brewing for many years as various nation-states jockeyed for power & booty. The blood of the common man is cheap and plentiful (5 to 10 million soldiers died).
Members of "Mlada Bosna" organized the attack & in the aftermath 25 people were sent to prison (most die in custody). The 19-year-old Princip became a hero in his homeland.
Solitary, always in libraries… Always a reader & always alone, not often engaging in debates… Read much in Sarajevo… Had a nice library, because he always was buying books…. Read many anarchistic, socialistic, nationalistic pamphlets, belles letters & everything… Bought books himself… Always accustomed to read…
Further details/ context, click here; anarchiste,  anarchismo, anarchici, anarchico, Anarþist, ANARÞÝZM, Anarþizmin, anarþizme, Anarþist, anarquista, anarchisten, anarchie, anarkismo, anarchisme, anarho, kalendario, anarchica, Libertaria [Details / context]

1914 -- Brazil: Third session of the anarchist conference in São Paulo.
Five sessions were convened to select two delegates in preparation for a congress in London. The London Congress was aborted due to the Great War That Ended All Wars.
Further details/ context, click here;  anarchismo, anarchici, anarchico, anarquista, anarchica, Libertaria[Details / context]
anarchismo, anarchici, anarquista, sindicalistas / Brasil; source provides no mention or citing of anarchist involvement Conferência Libertária de São Paulo - Rua José Bonifácio, 39-2º andar. Ao todo realizaram sessões nos domingos 14, 21 e 28 de junho, 5, 12 e 26 de julho de 1914. O objetivo principal era preparar e indicar dois delegados para representar o Brasil no congresso anarquista de Londres que não chegou a acontecer por causa da guerra.

1915 -- Embalming Fluency?: Henry James writes Prime Minister Asquith, asking to be made a British subject. Takes the oath of allegiance on July 28. The kindly George Bernard Shaw remarks that
"James felt buried in America; but he came here to be embalmed."

1916 -- Germany: 50,000 workers stage one day protest strike against trial of Karl Leibnecht.

movie poster, All Quiet on the Western Front
1919 -- WWI ends. The Treaty of Versailles — ending this war & preparing for the next "War To End All Wars" — is signed.
"Nobody wants it in particular. & then all at once, here it is. We didn't want it. The English didn't want it. & here we are fighting." Katczinsky explains how wars should really be fought:
I'll tell ya how it should all be done. Whenever there's a big war comin' on, you should rope off a big field (& sell tickets). Yeah, &, &, on the big day, you should take all the kings & their cabinets & their generals, put them in the center dressed in their underpants & let 'em fight it out with clubs. The best country wins.
— Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)

1920 -- Author A. E. Hotchner lives.

1921 -- US: In the Sacco & Vanzetti trial, the defense began to present their case on June 22. Today Mr. Kurlansky testifies that Mrs. Andrews had told him she could not identify the defendants but a government agent was forcing her to do so. Defense expert witnesses testify that Sacco’s gun did not fire the bullet that killed Berardelli.

1923 -- "Atomic Ed Grothus, American anti-nuclear activist, ecologist, lives, Clinton, Iowa.

1926 -- Mel Brooks lives, Brooklyn, New York.
"Look, I really don't want to wax philosophic, but I will say that if you're alive, you got to flap your arms & legs, you got to jump around a lot, you got to make a lot of noise, because life is the very opposite of death. & therefore, as I see it, if you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be noisy, or at least your thoughts should be noisy & colorful & lively."

1929 -- Edward Carpenter (1844-1929) dies. Sheffield propagandist, ran the Socialist Centre, wrote "England Arise" & Non-Governmental Society (1911). Homosexual & early proponent of gay rights, utopian & anarchist, poet, songwriter, pacifist. Influenced by William Morris. E.M. Forster described him as "a poet, a prose writer, a mystic, a manual labourer, an anti-vivisectionist, an art critic, etcetera."

1931 -- France: Alexander Berkman is presented with another expulsion order, the third in 15 months; he rushes to Paris to try to get an extension of his papers.

Kenneth Patchen, anarchist
1934 -- American novelist & poet Kenneth Patchen marries Miriam Oikemus. Moves to Greenwich Village, New York. Writes reviews for New Republic. Member of the San Francisco Libertarian Circle in the 1940s along with fellow anarchists Kenneth Rexroth, Gary Snyder, et al. Pioneered jazz poetry.

Imagine Seeing You Here
"Patchen has gone back to the world of Edward Lear & interpreted it in terms of the modern sensibility of the disengaged, the modern comic horrors of le monde concentrationnaire. It is as if, not a slick New Yorker correspondent, but the Owl & the Pussycat were writing up Hiroshima."
Kenneth Rexroth

His writings remain youth cult classics, from the Beats, to the hippies to today.

Written before widespread public awareness of modern threats such as nuclear war & environmental devastation, his writings portended today's concerns with clarity & gentle humor.

Among his most charming/eloquent works are "picture poems," intuitive free verse combined with his fanciful paintings.

"Not long before I worked with a poet named Patchen. He was wearing his scarlet jacket & sitting on a stool on a little stage in a theatre you walk upstairs to down on 14th street.
We improvised behind him while he read his poems, which I read ahead of time "It's dark out, Jack" — Patchen's a real artist, you'd dig him, doctor. Beneath the Underdog, book cover

"I believe in truth" he said, "I believe that every good thought I have, all men shall have. I believe that the perfect shape of everything has been prepared.""

         — Charles Mingus, From Beneath the Underdog [p.330]

1935 -- England: League of Nations Union announces result of "Peace Ballot."

Nestor Makhno & Alexander Berkman, anarchists in their bathing suits
1936 -- In the early hours of the day, unable to continue enduring the physical pain of a longstanding ailment, Alexander Berkman shoots himself; the bullet lodges in his spinal column, paralysing him. Emma Goldman rushes to Nice to be at his side. He sinks into a coma in the afternoon & dies at 10pm. Daily Bleed Saint, 2003, ALEXANDER BERKMAN
Lover of Emma Goldman, failed assassin, US deportee, & a suicide following Soviet heartbreaks & aching prostrate.
"Expelled again & again," Berkman once wrote.

"Must get off the earth, but am still here."

1936 -- Vicente Orobon Fernandez dies.

1938 -- US: National minimum wage enacted. Move over Bill Gates.

1940 -- X-Files?: Alien Registration (Smith) Act enacted.

1948 -- Stalin breaks with Tito.

1951 -- One of the best-known female novelists of post-World War Japan, Fumiko Hayashi, dies in Tokyo. Among her most popular works are Daun taun (Downtown, 1948), & Ukigumo (The Drifting Clouds, 1949).

Hollywood Blacklist
1951 -- Novelist Howard Fast writes his publisher in India (Fast was scheduled to be master of ceremonies at the Robeson concert in 1949. Peekskill, U.S.A.: A Personal Experience (1951) describes being attacked there by a mob. He led a group of 42 Negro & white men who held back a gang of fine American patriots ["Give us five minutes & we'll murder the white niggers..." "We're Hitler's boys!"] who attacked the concert, & protected the women & children from their attacks.)
43, West 94 Street,
New York 25, N. Y.  
People's Publishing House Ltd.,
Bombay 4, India

Dear Sirs,
I am enclosing a brief introduction for
the Indian edition of PEEKSKILL: USA,
which, as you see, is signed by Paul
Robeson & myself. I also want to
tell you how proud & happy I am that
you have decided to publish this book.
Our own experience with repression and
fascist terror has taught us how diffi-
cult it is to bring out such a book as
this in these times. Yet I know that
the difficulties you face far outweigh

Won't you please convey my warmest greet-
ings & very best wishes for peace and
democracy to my friends in India?

Howard Fast
June 28, 1951

1953 -- Germany: 18 soldiers from the Soviet Union's 73rd regiment mythically executed near Magdeburg for refusing to obey orders. Other accounts later speak of up to 41 soldiers executed.
The Berlin daily "Der Tagesspiegel" reported recently that the lone source of the story appears to have been a flyer from an anti-Soviet resistance group in East Germany known as NTS.

West German political leaders paid moving tributes to the mythical Soviet martyrs in Cold war speeches, especially on the sombre anniversary of June 17 — a public holiday until 1990. The story also circulated in communist East Germany.

Germany's leading weekly news magazine "Der Spiegel" concluded, based on its own research, that it was a superbly crafted Cold War myth, probably spread if not created with backing from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Bambi Meets Godzilla
1954 -- Red deer dies in Milwaukee Zoo at 26; oldest known deer. Her carcass is donated to the local homeless shelter, where she endeers them all.

Poznan 1956
1956 -- Poland: Poznañ riots / pacification — 67 dead (official) — inaugurating a recurrent phenomenon of Polish worker protest against the so-called & self-proclaimed workers' state.
A strike begins today in Poznañ (Posen) with about 100,000 demonstrators shouting "Bread & Freedom."

State offices are taken, including prisons, while police shoot from secret police headquarters killing people. The government sends 10,000 soldiers to the city.

By tomorrow over 70 people are dead, a hundreds wounded, & 700 arrested. Further details/ context, click here[Details / context]

1961 -- US: Los Angeles boy, Bryan John May, wins $600,000 suit against a pharmaceutical concern. May was totally paralyzed after being inoculated with a live-virus antipolio serum supplied by the company.

1964 -- Malcolm X founds Organization of Afro-American Unity.

1968 -- US: A bill adding a 10 percent surcharge to income taxes & reducing government spending is signed by President Johnson. The president effectively admits it has been impossible to provide both "guns & butter."
[Source: WholeWorld is Watching]

1969 -- US: Gay activists demonstrating in Sheridan Square & again in front of Stonewall Inn, where a riot occurred at 3am this morning as police raid the bar, are confronted by NYC Tactical Police Force sent to clear them off the streets. By 3:30 a.m. Christopher Street was once again calm, but a new era in the gay rights struggle has already dawned & the cops with their guns & billy clubs can't stop this one.

1970 -- US: Reverend Troy Perry, Carole Shepherd & Kelly Weiser begin a fast at the corner of Hollywood Boulevard & Las Palmas, a scene of frequent police harassment of gay men & lesbians.
The fasters want to goad state officials to enact measures to guarantee sexual freedom for consenting adults. Police arrest them for "incitement to riot," a charge changed to "obstructing sidewalk traffic." Perry, released on his own recognizance, fasts & sleeps for the next 10 days on the steps of the Federal Building.

1970 -- US: First Gay rights march, New York City.

1971 -- US: Supreme Court tosses out boxing champ Muhammad Ali's June 1967 draft evasion conviction. It finds the Justice Department deliberately lied when it told the Selective Service Ali's draft exemption claim was not sincere or based on legitimate religious beliefs.
“I ain't got no quarrel with them Vietcong.”
"Since the September 11 terror massacre, a Hollywood group loosely known as Hollywood 9/11 has feverishly worked with the Bush administration to support the war on terrorism by promoting happy images of American life to film audiences in Africa & the Middle East. & who better than Ali to deliver that message of ethnic & religious tolerance...
— Earl Ofari Hutchinson, AlterNet, December 31, 2001.
The press, the public, & the government's current star treatment of Ali is in stark contrast to the 1960s: during those years, Ali's greatest foes in & out of the ring were Uncle Sam (heavyweight) & J. Edgar Hoover (who targeted & wiretapped him, & ran a secret smear campaign).

1972 -- US: Creepy White House Counsel John Dean hands two allegedly incriminating files, taken from E. Howard Hunt's safe, to L. Patrick Gray, the Acting Director of the FBI, & suggests that they "should never see the light of day."

Mauricius, French anarchiste; source
1974 -- Maurice Vandamme, (aka Mauricius) (1886-1974) dies. French néo-Malthusien, free-love advocate, anti-militarist, medical research doctor.
One-time companion of Rirette Maitrejean. Involved in numerous papers, including Libertad's "L'Anarchie," Sébastien Faure's "Ce qu'il faut dire" & Émile's "la Mêlée."
[Further details]

1975 -- Golfer Lee Trevino is struck by lightning at Western Open, Illinois.

1975 -- Rod "Submitted for Your Approval" Serling, travelling to another dimension, enters the Twilight Zone on a permament basis.

Elena Quinteros; source
1976 -- Uruguay: Elena Quinteros is kidnapped on the grounds of the Embassy of Venezuela in Montevideo when she attempts escape her pursuers. In August 1976 she is last seen in a military detention center & subjected to torture before she is "disappeared" permanently.
Quinteros, a teacher, militant of the Federación Anarquista Uruguaya (FAU) & Partido por la Victoria del Pueblo, was orginally arrested at her home in Montevideo.

Today, four days hence, she briefly escapes from her military captors, gaining entrance to the Embassy of Venezuela. Her captors then illegally enter the embassy grounds & hauled her away. Venezuela breaks diplomatic relations with Uruguay in protest.
See Secuestro en la Embajada. El caso de la maestra Elena Quinteros, by Sara Méndez & Raúl Olivera.

1978 -- US: Supreme Court upholds affirmative action programs in general, but orders Alan Bakke admitted to UC Davis Medical College.

1989 -- US: Congress reinstates Coquille Indians of Oregon.

1994 -- US: PowerAde? Department of Energy discloses hundreds of citizens were unwittingly used for radiation experiments during the Cold War.

1995 -- México: State police in Guerrero ambush members of the Southern Sierra Peasant Organization (OCSS) near Aguas Blancas, Guerrero, & kill 17 of them.

1996 -- México: The People’s Revolutionary Army (EPR) appears during an event commemorating the one year anniversary of the massacre of a group of peasants in Guerrero.
. . . a group of 80 to 100 masked & uniformed men & women carrying automatic weapons presented themselves as members of the 500 strong guerrilla organization formed about a year ago.
“The climate of violence being generated by the militarization of Guerrero reflects a policy of counter insurgency – a new dirty war against dissident social organizations.”

Leo Ferre
2006 -- Italy: 11° Festival Léo Ferré, at the Teatro Calabresi in San Benedetto del Tronto. Showcased are jazz vocalist Dee Dee Bridgewater,
Têtes de Bois (Heads of Wood) & Mauro Macario.

(Ferré was an important French militant songster.)

3000 --

In the decor of the spectacle,
the eye meets only things
& their prices.

aim higher!

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