Our Daily Bleed...
The perfume
of flowers! A haw
drops such odour
it stops me
in the wall
of its fall. Love
the night. We walk
in it
On a path jonquils
the air. Love
— Charles Olson,
"The Perfume/Of Flowers!..." |
Spanish revolutionist, theorist, anarchist educator, martyr.
NEW YEAR'S DAY: For the Amerindian Iroquois who celebrate with a 'Feast of Dreams'.FOREIGN AGENTS' DAY.
738 -- The final (sixth) phase of the Ball Court at Copan is dedicated by Mayan ruler 18-Rabbit.
1429 -- Order of Golden Fleece established in Austria-Hungary & Spain.
Over the years, almost every federal agency has received a Golden Fleece Award. Some of the more memorable Golden Fleece recipients include:
- The Economic Development Administration of the Commerce Department for spending $20,000 in 1981 to construct an 800-foot limestone replica of the Great Wall of China in Bedford, Indiana.
- The National Endowment for the Humanities for a $25,000 grant in 1977 to study why people cheat, lie & act rudely on local Virginia tennis courts.
- The Office of Education for spending $219,592 in 1978 to develop a curriculum to teach college students how to watch television.
- The Department of the Army for spending $6,000 in 1981 to prepare a 17-page document that told the federal government how to buy a bottle of Worcestershire sauce.
- The Health Care Financing Administration for spending $45 million in 1983 by allowing Medicare to foot the bill for cutting toenails.
- The Environmental Protection Agency for spending an extra $1 million to $1.2 million in 1980 to preserve a Trenton, NJ sewer as an historical monument.
1743 -- Poet/playwright Richard Savage arrested in Bristol for a debt of 8 pounds, owed to a coffee-house.
Serves as inspiration for Starbucks.
1776 -- Thomas Paine, American revolutionist, issues "Common Sense" (anonymously).
1837 -- Cardinal Newman takes issue with Jane Austen's novels: "Miss Austen has no romance.... What vile creatures her parsons are!"
1845 -- Elizabeth Barrett, 38, & Robert Browning, 32, begin corresponding when she receives a note —"I love you" — from the little-known poet whose work she has praised in her poem "Lady Geraldine's Courtship."
1855 -- Villager Mary Russell Mitford dies in the village of Swallowfield, near Reading. She publishedMiscellaneous Poems (1810), Christina (1810), a number of lines being revised by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, & five volumes of Our Village.
1855 -- US: The remaining 88 people in the Clackamas band sign a treaty trading the best timberland in Oregon Territory for $500 & some grub.
1859 -- Spain: Radical educator & anarchist, Francisco Ferrer lives.
Hated & hounded by the Catholic Church & the government, he is murdered in a ditch by Spanish police in 1909.
1860 -- US: Pemberton Mill suddenly collapses, trapping 900 workers, mostly Irish women, Lawrence, Massachusetts.
Fire breaks out, adding to the terror & destruction. 116 women are seriously hurt, while 88 are killed.The fire inquest reveals the cast-iron pillars used to support construction were too weak for the brick walls & heavy machinery. The engineer in charge of construction, Captain Charles Bigelow, knew this from the start, but the jury will find no evidence of criminal intent.
1869 -- England:
Strange Stuff: "Extraordinary meteor" seen in the sky, Weston-super-Mare, near Bristol; five hours later three shocks felt said to have been earthquakes [Chudleigh Weekly Express]
Source: Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned,
1870 -- US: Against unanimous opposition of his cabinet, Beloved & Respected President Grant proposes to Congress that the Dominican Republic be annexed to protect US interests. Must be the rum.
1873 -- Italy: The Italian Congress of the International is convened, to meet on March 15 at Mirandola, where Cleso & Arturo Cerretti live.Before they can meet, however, the local section was dissolved, Cleso Cerretti is arrested. The corresponding commission instead invites the delegates to meet at Bologna...
1880 -- US: Emperor Norton I, America's greatest leader ever, is buried at Masonic Cemetery in Frisco. The funeral cortege is two miles long, with 10,000-30,000 people paying homage & celebrating.
1880 -- Birth of the Swiss clown known as ‘Grock’.
1880 -- Tintin & his dog Snowy, characters created by the Belgian cartoonist Hergé (Georges Remi), appear for the first time, in Vingtième Siècle.
1883 -- Aleksei Nikolaevich Tolstoi (1883-1945) lives. Novelist, playwright, historian, & short story writer, a former nobleman who emigrated to western Europe after the Russian Revolution, but returned in 1923, a supporter of the Communist Party & honored artist, receiving three Stalin Prizes.
1883 -- England: In defense of communal landforms, squatters at Glendale, Isle of Skye, rout the police detachment who mistakenly attempt to remove them.
Source: [Calendar Riots]
1886 -- US: Capt. E. Crawford's scouts surround & destroy Geronimo's camp at Nacori near the Aros River in Sonora, Mexico; Geronimo escapes.
1887 -- Poet Robinson Jeffers lives, Pittsburgh (or Allegheny), Pennsylvania.Lived for some years in a house just a couple blocks south of Recollection Books in Seattle.
His works combined themes from ancient tragedies, Old Testament, & the legend of Christ with dark views & absurdities of modern life.Jeffers calls for a poetry of 'dangerous images' to 'reclaim substance & sense, & psychological reality.'
1904 -- US: Bookbinders Union, No. 147, founded.
1905 -- Russia: First revolutionary strike of workers in St. Petersburg.
1906 -- England: The word ‘suffragette’ first appears in print today, in an article in the "Daily Mail."The suffrage campaign had been ‘militant’ (for example, smashing windows, chaining themselves to railings & holding large-scale demonstrations.
In this, the "women suffragists" are described as having temperaments of "folly & fury." The most common proper nouns used for the perpetrators of these 'outrages' are "suffragettes", "women or female suffragists" & "malignants."
1914 -- US: IWW labor organizer/folk singer Joe Hill, coiner of the phrase "pie in the sky"allegedly kills two men during a grocery store hold-up; he is executed for the crime amid much controversy regards his being framed, Salt Lake City, Utah.
1919 -- Germany: Arrest of the author, poet, publisher, anarchist Erich Mühsam [Muehsam] & 11 other radicals.
Der deutsche Schriftsteller Erich Mühsamlebte in den Jahren von 1878 bis 1934. Er starb in einem national-sozialistischen KZ (Konzentrationslager).
Mühsam gilt als Vertreter eines radikalen Anarchismus. Von ihm stammen expressionistische Gedichte und Dramen.
1919 -- US: Prison quarantine lifted during this month; influenza outbreak under control. Emma Goldman visited by M. Eleanor Fitzgerald, who brings her a smuggled communication from Alexander Berkman.
Emma reads & responds to Louise Bryant's book Six Red Months in Russia: An Observer's Account of Russia before & during the Proletarian Dictatorship; Emma is critical of Louise's portrayal of the Russian anarchists.
1920 -- US: In de Land of da Free? By a vote of 328-6, the House of Representatives refuse to seat Victor Berger, duly elected Representative from Wisconsin, because he is a Socialist who vigorously opposes US participation in World War I.
1922 -- Arthur Griffith, founder of Sinn Fein & one of the architects of the historic 1921 peace treaty with Britain, is elected president of the newly established Irish Free State.With the outbreak of World War I, the British government delayed further discussion of Irish self-determination, & Irish nationalists responded by staging Dublin's Easter Uprising of 1916. In 1918, with the threat of conscription being imposed on the island, the Irish people gave Sinn Fein a majority in national elections & the party established an independent Irish parliament — Dail Eireann — which declared Ireland a sovereign republic.
1923 -- US: Four years after the end of World War I, Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Warren G. Harding orders American occupation troops stationed in Germany to return home.In 1917, after several years of bloody stalemate along the Western Front, the entrance of America's well-supplied forces into WWI was a major turning point in the bloodbath. When it ended in November of 1918, over two million American soldiers had served on the battlefields of Western Europe, & over 50,000 of these men lost their lives.
1929 -- Peacenik Remy Charlip lives.
1929 -- México: Julio Antonio Mella is assassinated by order of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Cuban dictator Gerardo Machado.
Mella, an expatriate student, has been a marked man ever since his fiery speeches rocked Havana's students.
Mella denounced the dictatorship & mocked the decrepitude of the Cuban University, a factory of professionals with the mentality of a colonial convent.
One night Mella is strolling arm in arm with his companion, photographer Tina Modotti, when the murderers shoot him down.
Tina returns home & sees Mella's empty shoes waiting for her under the bed.
Until a few hours ago, this woman was so happy she was jealous of herself.
1930 --
Argentina: Poet Paco Urondo lives (d. 17 de junio de 1976). Escritor, periodista, guerrillero y militante político.![]()
1933 -- Spain:
Anarchist Uprising in Spain 1933
Rioting, bombings & gunfighting continue throughout the country as the Revolution spreads to the southern cities. Anarchists & Syndicalists besiege Barcelona.
Armed anarchist risings in Barcelona (January-February) & several other cities are defeated by the Republican government; left-right polarization develops further in Spain.
1940 -- US: Brethren, Mennonites & Friends send message to Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Frank Roosevelt asking for alternative service in event of war.
1947 -- Lloyd Bloom lives.
Anarcho-syndicalist, untiring Swiss militant, founder of the FOBB (fédération des ouvriers du bois et du bâtiment, en Suisse Romande) & courageous propagandist of direct action & the wild cat strike.
Began the magazine Le Falot (on May 1, 1914) & wrote for others, such as Luigi Bertoni's Le réveil anarchiste. Lucien Tronchet, another Swiss militant, wrote his biography, Clovis Pignat, une vocation syndicale internationaliste.
1957 -- US: The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC, originally with another name) is founded. Martin Luther King, Jr. becomes its president, Atlanta, Georgia.
1957 -- US: Bombings of four Montgomery, Alabama, churches & two Negro leaders' homes.
1957 -- Gabriela Mistral, the first Latin-American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature (1945), dies in Hempstead, New York.
1961 -- Ace of Spades?: The creator of the hard-boiled detective Sam Spade, poet laureate of the dispossessed, Dashiell Hammett, dies after a long battle with cancer & the rightwing witchhunters in HUAC because of his politics.Former Daily Bleed Patron Saint Dec 12 & also Dec 7, 2007.
Master detective writer, journalist, anti-McCarthyist, poet laureate of the dispossessed.
See also 27 May 1894
1961 -- US: First black students enroll at University of Georgia (or yesterday?), Athens, Georgia, leading to white riots tomorrow.By the year 2001 the wise educators of the University have improved things vastly. In a state with an African American population of 20%, the esteemed University now boasts a whopping 6% African American enrollment. Yet further, the it is presently seeking to overturn race-based considerations for admission, obviously intent to improve matters.See also Maddox, 1967, below.
1967 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Lester Maddox, a restaurant owner & avowed racist with an axe to grind who made national headlines for his opposition to desegregation, is sworn in as governor of Georgia.Maddox, a high school dropout, achieved notoriety in 1964 when he used violence to drive African Americans from his Pickrick Restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia. In defiance of federal civil rights legislation calling for desegregation of restaurants & other public places, he passed out ax handles to white customers at his eatery to prevent its integration. Later in the year, he closed the establishment rather than be forced to serve African Americans.
1968 -- Vietnam: The 10,000th US airplane is lost over Vietnam. A wonderful waste of tax money; beats feeding & sheltering the poor, all those welfare cheats, or frittering it on education.
1970 -- Charles Olson dies, New York, N.Y.See See 27 December.
In the winter of 1944-1945, in his mid-thirties, Charles Olson rejected a promising political career in the Roosevelt administration & turned to writing prose & poetry.His study of Herman Melville, Call Me Ishmael, appeared in 1947, followed shortly by this first book of poetry, Y & X, in 1948. The same year, Olson began a series of lectures at Black Mountain College, an experimental institution in North Carolina, where his success led to his replacing his mentor Edward Dahlberg as a visiting lecturer.Olson wrote his best early poetry at Black Mountain, including "In Cold Hell, in Thicket" & "The Kingfishers," as well as his manifesto "Projective Verse," published in Poetry New York in 1950. From 1951 until its closing in 1956, Olson served as rector of Black Mountain College, inviting poets such as Robert Creeley & Robert Duncan to teach.By 1960, the year in which he published The Distances, Olson was recognized as a major figure of American poetry.
The question, the fear he raises up himself against
(against the same each act is proffered, under the eyesam I?)
— from "In Cold Hell, in Thicket"
1972 -- US: Police kill two Black Muslims during demonstration Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Shootout with police also wounds eight others & leaves two white deputies dead.
1976 -- Bluesman Howlin' Wolf dies following brain surgery, at 65. Smokestack...Evil...That Spoonful...spoonful...last spoonful.
1977 -- Italy: The anarchist monthly Sicilia Libertaria premiers during this month.
A journal of "social & international liberation," Sicilia Libertaria, is published by Groupe de Raguse (Sicily). Militantly anti-clerical, police seize its 12th number. At the beginning of the 1980s they mobilize antimilitarists & public opinion against the installation of the euro-missiles in Sicily.
1980 -- Jim Stewart, Bruin's rookie goalie allows three goals in his first 4 minutes & a total of five in the first period; he never again plays in the NHL.
1981 -- Cranky John?: John Severin sets 100-mile unicycle speed record, 9 hours 21 minutes.
1994 -- US: Supreme Court lets stand implementation of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) despite the lack of an Environmental Impact Statement.
1996 -- US: 3,000 demonstrate & 12 arrested protesting Newt Gingrich's fundraising visit, Westin Hotel, Seattle, Washington.
1998 -- India: Over 20,000 villagers from the Narmada Valley of central India occupy the partially built site of the new, World Bank-funded Maheshwar Dam.
2007 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader George "Chupacabra" Bush surprisingly announces a massive troop scourge in Iraq. Apparently afflicted with a mass-media memory, forgetting he already achieved "Victory in Iraq" aboard an aircraft carrier some umpteen years ago.Surge: noun, as in "an upsurge in violent crime"; verb: as in "he wallows in the surging oil"; reverb, as in "3,000+ died for dead-on profits." Gurgitate that, OsamaSaddam!
2008 -- China: Free plastic bags, estimated at three billion per day currently handed out, are banned. What now will the cockroaches eat?
2012 -- Dara Greenwald, artist & activist, dies at 40.
3000 --
"...one way all men are born equal is in being born at least a little bit crazy, some being born more equal than others."
— Norman Maclean
3500 -- Visitors to the Daily Bleed pages so far this year. Hey! That's four more than this time last year! 3-1/2 less than seven years before!
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