Thanks, as always, to Recollection Books, for compiling and mailing out the Daily Bleed for all this time!
Our Daily Bleed...
People always ask what am i going to be when i grow up & i always just think i'd like to grow up
— Nikki Giovanni,
"Poem for Rodney," from Spin a Soft Black Song |
Leader of the dangerous Lollards, 13th-century English spiritual revolutionaries. |
ANNUAL WORLD PEACE MEDITATION.NEW YEAR'S EVE. In Germany prowling demons & spirits of darkness must be routed this night by mummery & lots of noise. People used to dress in straw clothing with deerskin masks of animals & run through the streets, clanging & dragging chains (Birt?).Mobile, Alabama: COWBELLION HERD ESCAPADE & REVEL honors Michael Krafft, who founded mystic society, "Cowbellion de Rakin" in 1830, first of all the mystic societies & crewes which stage the Mardi gras extravaganza in Mobile & New Orleans.Japan: NAMAHAGE. Men dressed as devils go door-to-door screaming,"Any good-for-nothings here about?" (Birt?)Aztec Malinalli Day. A day for persevering against all odds & for creating alliances that will survive the test of time.It is a good day for those who are suppressed, a bad day for their suppressors.
-46 --
The last day of the Year of Confusion, a 445-day Roman year (OS).
Ahhhhhh, the Good Ol' Days!
1320 -- John Wycliffe lives. Here...
1384 -- John Wycliffe dies. British radical clergyman, reformer, founder of "poor priest" movement, major influence on Lollards & later reformers. Dead & gone...
1646 --
Corneille's "Le Cid" becomes the first play performed in Quebec, Canada.
1744 -- James Bradley announces discovery of Earth's nutation motion. The planet's a natural born "Wobbly."
1747 -- German poet, editor & translator Gottfried August Bürger lives. His ballads are among the finest in the German language. Bürger revived the sonnet form in German, & his experiments in it were praised as models by Schiller.
1775 -- Canada: American attack on the city of Quebec is launched during a blinding snowstorm. General Montgomery, one of the two American leaders, is killed, & the second, General Benedict Arnold, is wounded during the opening encounter. The attack fails, the Canadians having killed or wounded fully half the American troops.
1777 --
P.D.Q. Bach completes his "Gross Concerto," according to Schickele.
1817 -- James T. Fields lives, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. A partner in Ticknor & Fields, publishers, he will succeed James Russell Lowell as editor of the "Atlantic Monthly."
1830 -- Alexander Smith, Scottish poet/writer, lives, Kilmarnock.
1842 -- US: Yikes!? Alabama becomes first state to license dental surgeons. Creeping socialism!
1846 -- Holland: Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis lives (1846-1919), Amsterdam.
Pioneer of Dutch anarchism & the International Anti-Militarist Association. Born in Amsterdam, a preacher in Harlingen in 1870. Leader of a socialist union & first socialist senator (1891) in The Netherlands. He then abandoned politics for the anarchism of Mikhail Bakunin in 1897.
1860 --
Strange: December Fortean Events | Second fall of reddish rain (see Dec. 28, 1860), exact same quarter of Siena (see also Jan. 1, 1860) [Year Book of Facts, 1861-273] |
1863 -- Alfredo Panzini lives. Italian novelist, short story writer, essayist, who, in his lifetime, ranked with Carducci & D'Annunzio as a 'modern classicist', but is no longer held in such esteem. His style had similarities with the French writer Anatole France.
1869 -- Henri Matisse lives — Jazz, nice odalisques, goldfish, a wealth of choices...
1871 -- Ellen Horup, anti-militarist feminist, lives, Denmark.
1872 -- Can't Wait?: Though some of his work isn't recognized for almost another century, the creator of Finland's modern literature, Aleksis Kivi dies in Tuusula. His most widely read novel is Seitsemän veljestä (Seven Brothers).
1877 -- Gustave Courbet (1809-1877) dies. French painter, revolutionary socialist, man of independent character. Leader of the realist school.
1879 -- Power Trip? Edison gives his first public demonstration of incandescent lighting with the words, "Now it's on. Now it's off."
1883 -- Spain: Eusebio C. Carbó lives. Held the secretaryship of the CNT in 1942 while in exile in Mexico. A great public speaker & a writer of excellence possessed of a punchy style, his output is strewn throughout countless publications along with a number of books he wrote. Carbó died in México in 1958.
1887 -- US: Frances Steloff lives. Founded the Gotham Book Mart on January 1, 1920. She died in 1989, ripe at the age of 101.
Stories about the shop & Steloff's dedication to it & to writers grew over the years till they assumed the quality of legend.
Miss Steloff lovingly kept up correspondence with many of the writers she met in her shop.She championed the experimental & challenged the censors which resulted in landmark decisions on censorship....
1889 -- Ion Creanga (1839-1889) dies tonite after donuts & brandy. Author of many of Romania's most loved stories ("The Goat & its Three Kids," "The Story of the Pig," "The Story of a Lazy Man," & "The Mother-in-law & Her Three Daughters-in-law," to name a few.Friends put him into a coffin but can't get it out of the house. The coffin — too big — the doors too narrow.
How to get out?! The wall was demolished & he was taken to Eternitatea cemetery, where he is buried on January 2, 1890.
1890 -- US: Ellis Island opens, replacing Castle Garden as the American immigration depot.
1896 --Aleister Crowley is converted to satanism in a dream, Stockholm.
1899 --Beginning date of the movie "A Time Machine."
1900 -- Edward Everett Hale, 78, presides at a Boston civic ceremony welcoming in the new century.
1901 -- US: Worst year in the 20th century for lynching in the US ends with a tally of 130 (105 blacks, 25 whites).
1901 -- France: Founding of l’Union fraternelle des femmes.
1902 --Maksim Gorki play "The Lower Depths" opens in Moskva, Russia.
1907 -- US: For the first time a ball drops at Times Square to signal the new year.
1910 -- Editor, poet, critic, essayist, & journalist Holbrook Jackson (The Anatomy of Bibliomania; The Fear of Books; The Printing of Books) lives, Liverpool.
1913 --
Spain: Isabel Mesa Delgado lives (d.2002). Militant anarcho-syndicalist, member of the CNT from the age of 14, secretary of Valencian Mujeres Libres &, following the defeat of the revolution, organized a clandestine resistance group & provided aid to prisoners & their families under the fascist dicatatorship. With the death of Franco Isabel helped with new libertarian projects, like Radio Klara & the ateneo "Al Margen."
When she died at the age of 88, her coffin was draped with a black flag, as she wanted, with her true name stitched on it (rather than the alias "Carmen Delgado Palomares" she adopted in 1941), & the song «A las barricadas» in accompaniment.“I am daughter, granddaughter & biznieta of anarchists”.
1915 -- US: American branch of Fellowship of Reconciliation founded.
1918 -- US: Dr. Marie Equi (1872-1952) is found guilty of sedition (as were countless others opposing American involvement in one of Europe's bloodiest wars) under a newly amended Espionage Act.
1919 -- US ... The highly touted "Land of Freedom."..
1919 -- Italy: Huge crowds turn out in Milan to greet & honor Errico Malatesta, touring the country following his return from exile on the 24th. Animation par Armando Borghi.
1923 -- England: Chimes of Big Ben ring for the first time, in London.
1930 -- Nicaragua: Troops lead by the Sandinista Miguel Angel Ortez ambushes a Marine patrol in the muddy ravines of Achuapa.
Nicaragua — a country condemned to produce cheap desserts (bananas, coffee, sugar) — keeps giving its customers belly-aches. In vain the invaders seek victory through hunger, by burning huts & crops.
Families are forced to flee & wander unprotected in the mountains, leaving behind pillars of smoke & bayoneted animals.
The campesinos believe Sandino knows how to lure the rainbow to him; & as it comes it shrinks until he can pick it up with just two fingers.
1931 --
US: John Haynes Holmes lectures on Emma Goldman's Living My Life to an overflow audience at Temple Emanu-El in New York City.
Growing interest in dramatizing Living My Life prompts Emma to grant lawyer Arthur Leonard Ross full charge of negotiations over dramatic, radio, & cinema rights to her life.
1931 -- US: 60,000 unemployed workers rally at Pitt Stadium in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh near Father Cox's Shantytown.Located near St. Patrick's Catholic Church in the Strip District of Pittsburgh, the shantytown existed from 1929 to 1932, & was the staging base for the Reverend James Cox's unemployed army.
1933 -- US: American socialist leader Morris Hillquit quits for good.
1936 -- Germany: Thomas Mann's Letter to the Dean of the Humanities Faculty at the University of Bonn in response to the subsequent loss of his honorary Ph.D. degree under the Nazi regime. He has been stripped of his citizenship earlier this month (See Dec 2)."Where men burn books / They will burn people also in the end" — Heinrich Heine
1936 -- Miguel de Unamuno, poet/novelist/dramatist, dies during the night, concluding a lifetime of great influence in early 20th-century Spain.
1936 -- Vidal Ribas dies, Guillem. Les Cabanyes 1911 - El Vendrell, 1936. Militant del Centre Autonomista de Dependents del Comerç i la Indústria (CADCI), veí de Vilanova i la Geltrú. Treballador de la fàbrica de ciments Griffi, SA., fou assassinat el 31/12/36.
1943 -- US: Police called in to control crowds at a Frank Sinatra concert at the Paramount Theatre in Brooklyn, NY. What you call "mob connections."
1946 -- US: World War II hostilities terminated by Presidential Proclamation.
1950 -- Karl Renner dies, Austria.
1958 -- Cuba: The guerrilla columns of Camilo Cienfuegos & Che Guevara take Yaguajay & the city of Santa Clara. Beloved & Respected Comrade Batista, American government & Mafia favorite, flees Cuba & a new historical cycle begins for the Cuban people.
Cienfuegos has the beard & mane of a biblical prophet, but where a worry-creased face should be, there's only an ear-to-ear grin.
The feat he is most proud of is that time up in the mountains when he fooled a light military plane by painting himself red with iodine & lying still with his arms crossed.
1959 --
First projection of Guy Debord's film On the Passage of a Few Persons through a Rather Brief Period of Time, Paris. Shooting for the film began on April 6th. While most of Debord's films may be viewed as online video, this is currently not one of them. | [Situationist Resources] |
1962 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Governor Edmund G. Brown announces his state of California is now the most populous of the 50 United States. NY's governor, Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Nellie Rockefeller, disagreed & refused to concede. This "loss of face" led to the mass suicide of millions in New York....which further bolsters Rhode Island's competing claims.
1962 -- Songster Gaston Montehus (1872-1962) dies. Revolutionary socialist & antimilitarist.
1966 -- 385,000 American troops now occupy South Vietnam. See below, 1967, 1969, 1970.
1967 -- Paulette Brupbacher (nee Raygrodski; 1880-1967) dies.
A Swiss physician, militant feminist, anarchist, author of numerous books & articles. An opponent of all conformisms & partisan disciplines. Partner & collaborator of Fritz Brupbacher (also a doctor) (1874-1945), friend of James Guillaume, Pytor Kropotkin, et al. Translated The Confession of Michael Bakunin.
1967 -- Vietnam: 486,000 American troops occupy South Vietnam. Of the 15,000 Americans killed to date, 60% died in 1967.
1967 -- US: Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Paul Krassner, Dick Gregory, & friends pronounce themselves "Yuppies."Activists partying at Abbie Hoffman's New York loft resolve to hold a Festival of Life during the Democrats' "Convention of Death." Paul Krassner christens the group "Yippies." See 1984 below.
1968 -- Italy: La polizia di stato ferisce gravemente lo studente Soriano Ceccanti durante scontri davanti al locale notturno La Bussola di Marina di Pietrasanta (Lucca).Source: [Crimini e Misfatti]
1969 -- US: Badgered & Bewildered? Twin-engine Cessna takes off from an airport outside Madison, flies 35 miles north, & drops three bombs on the Badger Army Ammunition Plant.
An anonymous phone call to the University of Wisconsin student newspaper, The Daily Cardinal, identifies the bombers as members of (quote) "The Vanguard of the Revolution." (end quote) (aka the "New Years Gang").The Cessna was stolen by Dwight & Karl Armstrong (an uncle had died in the plant in 1945 in an accidental explosion). Anti-Vietnam War incidents like these are indicative of "Bringing the War Home."
Aside: Auntie Dave & cohort Gus Hellthaler, of the US Student Press Association/College Press Service (USSPA/CPS), are called in to help straighten the paper out in 1972. The Cardinal is still trying to recover from that little visitation.
1969 -- Vietnam: Over 100,000 Americans have died in South Vietnam since the initial invasion designed to subdue the country for US interests. 65,000 troops are brought home in a troop reduction designed to undercut the antiwar protest movement which is finally spreading to the larger population & the military itself.
1970 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Used Car Salesman President Dick Nixon signs a bill calling for the removal of silver from all American coinage.
1970 -- US: Congress repeals the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. Congress finally fesses up to having been hoodwinked by a pack of lies the US military, NSA & the government had produced to test their knee-jerk reaction. Good knees resulted in heavy bombing & dramatically increased US military attacks on Vietnam.
1970 --US: Elvis tours FBI headquarters. Great gathering place for cross-dressers, drug addicts & rock-n-roll has-beens.
1970 --Jimi Hendrix & Band of Gypsies premier at Fillmore East & record "Machine Gun II."
1972 -- MC-5 31 Sunday / MC-5 *Grande Ballroom* LAST SHOW EVER , Detroit , Michigan.
1973 -- England: Three-day week introduced in Britain. Revolutionaries! — one more push to be zero-workers.
1978 -- US: Indian Claims Commission is terminated, ending the process of "repaying" tribes for lands stolen by the American government.
1978 -- Real Dead?: Bill Graham's Winterland's last concert (Grateful Dead & Blues Brothers perform.)
1980 -- Paul McCartney sues the Beatles to dissolve their partnership.
1982 -- One of New York City's longest running rock clubs, Max's Kansas City closes. The watering hole for Andy Warhol & the Velvet Underground in the late 60s.
Here Devo made its sensational NY stage debut, introduced by David Bowie in 1976. Also a young unknown Bruce Springsteen played solo acoustic sets in the early 70s, opening for Bob Marley & the Wailers.
1982 -- Poland: Martial law, declared in December 1981 in an effort to destroy the labor union, SolidarnoϾ (Solidarity), is suspended. It is formally ended on July 22, 1983.alt sp; Solidarnosc
1984 -- US: Newsweek declares this the "Year of the Yippie" (Dec 31, 84 issue). See 1967 above.
1984 -- Right Wing?: Def Leppard drummer Rick Allen loses his left arm in an auto accident in England. Allen continued on with the band, using a specially adapted drum kit.
1985 -- US: Over 54,500 people play kazoos in downtown Rochester, New York. The assembled multitude played, "A Bicycle Built for Two," in tribute to the tragic death of millions in 1962 (see above).
1986 -- Puerto Rico: Two hotel workers start a fire in the ballroom of the DuPont Plaza hotel after a meeting of their union, killing 96, in San Juan.'It is significant that in all Aryan languages those words which indicate a productive effort mean suffering.'— Camillo Berneri, The Problem of Work
1989 -- Familiarity Breeds?: Over half the couples getting married have lived together beforehand (Manchester Guardian Weekly).
1989 --"Threepenny Opera" closes at Lunt-Fontanne Theatre, NYC after 65 performances.
1997 --
1997 - "Pop. 1280"?: More Swedes died than were born in 1997, first time since 1809.
1998 -- Leap second day; also 1973-79, 1987.
1999 -- The Equatorium — another Y2K casualty.A 400-year-old instrument made to chart the position of the sun & moon is believed to be the oldest piece of equipment affected by the millennium bug. When the clock strikes midnight on December 31, 1999, the device known as the Equatorium will stop working. The year 2000 problem is usually thought of as a danger to systems dependent on modern technology. But the underlying fault afflicting both the Equatorium & modern computers is the same - a failure to plan beyond the end of the millennium.Whoever invented it apparently did not imagine it would still be in use almost four centuries later. They decided to finish the timeline at the year 2000. Museum staff are at a loss as there appears to be no way of altering the device & extending its lifespan.
1999 -- Panama: Control of Panama Canal reverts to Panama.
1999 -- New Year Resolution:Follow not too closely on the heels of the truth, lest it dash thy teeth in.
— HemoMeister
1999 --US: Earth Liberation Front (ELF) sets a fire at MSU Agriculture Hall, Lansing, Michigan.
1999 --Criswell predicts a black rainbow will suck oxygen from face of earth. "Black Rainbow" is clearly a codeword for politicians.
2000 --Y2K preparations completed — 6 gallons of water, 12 rolls toilet paper, bottle of rum, 2 bottles of whiskey, case of wine, cord of wood & a case of canned chili.
Hey, we're ready!!
Every night we sit around the wood stove with mulled wine or hot cider & rum & sing a medley of "So Long, Mom, I'm off the drop the bomb"... & "Hey, Now Utah, here we Come!!,Reagan's zonked so don't be glum..."
Happy New Year!!
[Midnight Moscow time comes at 4 pm e.s.t., so get under a desk & K.Y.A.G.!]
— Flames & Flaming Babe
2003 --Shanghai: The world's first commercial maglev train is inaugurated; it reaches 420 kph.
2004 --
England: Alan Barlow (1928-2004) does not live to see 2005. Trade unionist & anarchist, arrested, charged & imprisoned in 1969 for his role in the "1st of May Group" bombing of the Francoist Banco de Bilbao in London.
2009 -- We wrap the year with a quote from SaintMeister, resident slave laborer who provides the framework & a large portion of the Daily Bleed with his Jubilee Saints Calendar(published yearly by Autonomedia):If we have learned well to recognize ignorance & dependence in ourselves & the world at large, & if we have learned to draw on the inexhaustible well of humor within which laughs aside our fears & pretensions, cheering us in our search for a true humanity, then we shall be the shining citizens of the Great Dismal City of Refuge, brothers & sisters in the global swamp-rat communion.— Jim Koehnline, "The Legend of the Great Dismal Maroons"
2012 --
It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
I feel fine
— RemAll things eventually fade & are no more. As impermanent beings ourselves, we know & ungracefully accept this fact. One day, the end will come for our friends, our family, our neighbors, our IRS auditors, & even for ourselves. Yes, even the world itself will one day stop spinning on its familiar axis & its property value on the open market will plummet.
2012 -- BleedMeister, under duress, is once again, forced to confess, in addition to name, rank &surrealcereal nummer:All
2012 -- Daily Bleed suspends further publication until next year.![]()
3500 --
anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less
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