Our Daily Bleed...
Let us have madness openly. 0 men Of my generation. Let us follow The footsteps of this slaughtered age: See it trail across Time's dim land Into the closed house of eternity With the noise that dying has, With the face that dead things wear – nor ever say We wanted more; we looked to find An open door, an utter deed of love, Transforming day's evil darkness; but We found extended hell & fog Upon the earth, & within the head A rotting bog of lean huge graves.
— Kenneth Patchen, "Let Us Have Madness"
"Naturalist of the Public Nightmare." Poet, artist, hellraiser.
"Naturalist of the Public Nightmare." Poet, artist, hellraiser.
Alternate Patron Saint: MARILYN BUCK
Militant American political prisoner, activist, translator, poet.
Militant American political prisoner, activist, translator, poet.
ST. LUCY'S DAY: In Scandinavia, a day for boisterous winter fun, first sleigh rides of the season. Singing must be loud enough to frighten off the gnomes.
Loaves of ceremonial bread are baked in shape of cats (echo of pre-Christian sacrifices to earth powers) formerly a procession followed a cow with candles on her horns.
In Hungary, witches ride broomsticks & boys & girls pull all the pranks they can get away with.
Aztec Calendar: ACATL DAY.
Acatl is the scepter of authority which is, paradoxically, hollow. Arrows of fate fall from the sky like lightning bolts.
Good day to seek justice, bad day to act against others.
1509 -- England: The first book in Roman type in Britain is published, Ship of Fools.
[Source: Robert Braunwart] [Hereafter noted with symbol:
1577 -- Francis Drake leaves England on second-ever voyage round-the-world voyage.
1652 -- Dutch navigator Abel Tasman discovers the south Pacific island group later known as New Zealand. While attempting to land, several of Tasman's crew are killed by warriors from the native Maori people, who interpret the European's exchange of trumpet signals as a prelude to battle. & right they were.
1784 -- Samuel Johnson, 75, dies in pious resignation.
1795 --
1797 -- Lyric poet, satirist, rebel Heinrich Heine lives, Dusseldorf, Germany. He prophesies:
"Wherever they burn books, they will also, in the end burn human beings."
Tragic poet of the "mattress grave," revolutionist, comrade.
1823 -- William W. How, Anglican clergyman, lives. Shunning higher ecclesiastical positions, he worked among the poor in East London. Wrote 50 hymns; "For All the Saints" remains one of his most popular.
1824 -- Hawaiia: Kapiolani defies Pele & lives. High Chiefess Queen Kapiolani visits Kilauea & defies the volcano goddess Pele by descending into the crater.
Hawaiian legends tell that eruptions were caused by Pele, the beautiful but tempestuous Goddess of Volcanoes, during her frequent moments of anger. Pele was both revered & feared; her immense power & many adventures figured prominently in ancient Hawaiian songs & chants. She could cause earthquakes by stamping her feet & volcanic eruptions & fiery devastation by digging with the Pa'oe, her magic stick. An oft-told legend describes the long & bitter quarrel between Pele & her older sister Namakaokahai that led to the creation of the chain of volcanoes that form the islands.
1825 -- Aleksandr Pushkin begins Count Nulin, which he finishes in two days.
1852 -- Owenite utopianist & scandal maker Frances Wright dies.
1865 -- Ángel Ganivet y García lives. Spanish essayist/novelist, one of the most important social philosophers in the 1890s in Spain, member of the literature circle 'La Cuerda granadina'. a close friend of educator, philosopher Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936). Committed suicide at the age of 32.
1887 --
Strange: December Fortean Events Fall of substance like blood, somewhat coagulated, Cochin China - p40 [L'Annee Scientifique, 1888-75
1890 -- Marc Connelly lives, McKeesport Pa, playwright (One Minute Please, Green Pastures). Member of the Algonquin Round Table described in Voices Offstage: A Book of Memoirs (1968).
1890 -- France: Jean Goldschild lives (1890-1969) (aka Goldsky, or Jacques Guerrier), Paris. Antimilitarist, militant anarchist & journalist.
Goldschild drifted away from anarchism & pacificism before returning once more & collaborating on Louis Lecoin's journal"Liberté."
"C'est dans les milieux libertaires que j'ai appris à penser" — Jean Goldschild, "Libertaire," 1924Très jeune, il fréquente les anarchistes individualistes et prend part à l'expérience des milieux libres dans la communauté de Saint-Germain-en-Laye de 1906 à 1908.
[Details / context]
1895 -- Spain: Lucia Sanchez Saornil (1895-1970) lives, Madrid. Poet, painter & militant anarchist.
In 1918 Lucia published her first poems, & joined the "Ultraïsmo" literary movement. In 1936, with Mercedes Comaposada & Amparo Poch y Gascon, she founded Mujeres Libres (Free Women) which publishes, from May 1936, a review of the same name.
1896 -- Journalist Drew Pearson lives.
1899 -- Harold Guinzburg publisher (founder of Literary Guild), lives.
1903 -- Carlos Montoya, guitarist, lives.
1903 -- Italo Marcioni patents the ice cream cone, New Jersey.
1908 --US: Seattle police take Emma Goldman into custody after the lock on a closed hall is broken to allow Emma entry to speak; she is released when she promises to leave the city. Freedom is quite grand...sometimes you actually have the freedom to leave.
Seattle Radical Timeline
1909 -- France: During this month "Les Loups" sous-titré: Journal d'action d'art first appears, in Paris. Publishes until 1914 (WWI), reappearing in July 1924.
Masthead: Les Loups, n°11, Octobre 1910 (numéro consacré à l'anniversaire de l'assassinat de Francisco Ferrer)
Graphic courtesy Ephéméride Anarchiste
Graphic courtesy Ephéméride Anarchiste
1911 -- American poet Kenneth Patchen lives. Author (The Journal of Albion Moonlight; Memoirs of a Shy Pornographer) poet (Sleepers Awake, Poems of Humor & Protest), playwright.
Pioneered jazz poetry ("Kenneth Patchen Reads with the Chamber Jazz Sextet").
His writings remain youth cult classics, from the Beats, to the hippies to today. Written before widespread public awareness of modern threats such as nuclear war & environmental devastation, portended today's concerns with clarity & gentle humor. Among his most charming/eloquent works are "picture poems," intuitive free verse combined with his fanciful paintings.
See also Kenneth Rexroth's Bird in the Bush.
See the very fine fan site, Kenneth Patchen Homepage:
http://www.tc.umn.edu/~hreh0001/patchen.htmlSee our own Kenneth Patchen Tribute page
& also "Kenneth Patchen, Naturalist of the Public Nightmare"
1913 -- Federal Reserve System is authorized in a major reform of US banking & finance.
1913 --Spain: Matilde Escuder Vicente lives. "Titular teacher of the Republic." Anarchista, compañera de Félix Carrasquer.
1915 -- American/Canadian Ross Macdonald (aka Kenneth Millar), detective (Lew Archer) novelist, lives (The Moving Target; The Galton Case; The Goodbye Look). Environmentalist, activist, married to author Margaret Millar. Ross Macdonald Files at:http://hem1.passagen.se/caltex/
1916 -- Avalanche kills 10,000 Austrian & Italian troops in 24 hrs in Tyrol.
1917 -- Denmark recognizes right to conscientious objection to military service.
1918 -- US: Martin Glaberman lives (1918-2001). Influential Marxist, teacher, & autoworker. Associated with the Johnson-Forest Tendency, a radical left group that split from the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party, which understood the Soviet Union as a state capitalist society rather than as a degenerated workers' state.
1919 -- US: AFL Executive Council hosts a meeting of delegates from unions, railroad brotherhoods, & farmers' organizations, issues a statement of grievances, & organizes the AFL's National Non-Partisan Committee to conduct labor's political campaign in 1920.
1923 -- Antoni Tapies lives. Perhaps the best surviving Catalan modernist — has a great museum of his own in the heart of Barcelona.
1924 -- US: Death of labor honcho Samuel Gompers, 74, president & founder of the AFL, in San Antonio, Texass.
1926 -- Théo van Rysselberghe (1862-1926) Belgian painter (pointillisme), dies. Contributor, along with Paul Signac, Maximilien Luce, Aristide Delannoy, Alexandre Steinlen, Camille Pissarro, Van Dongen, George Willaume, etc., to the anarchiste magazine "Temps Nouveaux".
1927 -- James Wright lives, Martin's Ferry, Ohio. American poet of the postmodern era who writes of sorrow, salvation, & self-revelation. Much of his work draws upon the images of nature & industry found in his native Ohio River valley.
1928 -- Clip-on tie designed.
1930 --Hanns Eisler/Bertolt Brecht opera "The Measures Taken" premiers, Germany.
1932 -- Argentina: 2nd Anarchist Regional Congress, in Rosario / No II Congreso Anarquista Rexional celebrado en Rosario. Participants include Antonio Casanova among as many as 50 delegations.
Related, see Ricardo Accurso, El Anarquismo en la ciudad de Rosario (Argentina).
1933 -- Spain: From 8th-13th, some provinces (Andalusia, Aragon, Estremadure) experience uprisings, initiated by the anarquistas. In several villages, they declare anarchist-communism, destroy property files, & abolish the currency. But these movements remain insulated & on December 10 the Republican government declares a State of Emergency & sends in the army. As in Casas Viejas, repression is severe: 87 dead, many arrests, tortures, & more than 700 imprisoned.
1933 --Movie "Les Miserables" premiers, Paris.
1934 --US: Albert Fish is arrested for murder, torture & cannibalism of 400 children, NY (God told him to do it).
1937 -- During the Sino-Japanese War, Nanking, the capital of China, falls to Japanese forces as the government of the Chinese republic flees to Hankow, further inland along the Yangtze River.
After the Japanese army advances into the former Chinese capital, a reign of atrocity is launched against the civilian & military population of the city, as Japanese military command permits what amounts to a total breakdown of discipline within its ranks. Over the next eight weeks, in what would become known as the "Rape of Nanking," the Japanese army butchers an estimated 150,000 male "war prisoners," murders an additional 50,000 male civilians, & brutally rapes at least 20,000 women of all ages, many of whom are mutilated or killed in the process.
1946 -- Two freight trains & a passenger train smash into each other outside Mansfield, Ohio, killing 18, including 14 soldiers.
1947 -- US: militant, poet, political prisoner Marilyn Buck lives, Midland, Texass.
1949 -- American League votes down proposal to revive the spitball.
1952 --England: There have been 2,850 deaths from smog in London since Dec. 5.
1954 --James Baldwin publishes "Gide as Husband & Homosexual," in the "New Leader."
1958 -- Tim Moore, actor (Kingfish of "Amos 'n' Andy"), dies at 70.
1958 -- Mel Lyman notes: Dec. 13, 1958, hotel room, Tacoma, Washington. I am in a state of confusion. I can feel creativeness just bubbling up inside of me...
— Diary of a Young artist
1960 --France: The Long Voyage & Other Tapestries
LONG VOYAGEThe Long Voyage & Other Tapestries (1941-1960) by Asger Jorn & Pierre Wemaëre, with essays by Gaston Bachelard ('La Création ouverte' [Open Creation]) & Michèle Bernstein ('The Long Voyage'), third monograph by the Bibliothèque d'Alexandrie, Paris. It will exhibit on the 16th.
http://www.cddc.vt.edu/sionline/chronology/chronology.html | [Situationist Resources]
1961 -- Grandma [Anna M] Moses, US painter, dies at 101.
1964 -- US: Explosion outside a black church in Montgomery, Alabama. Three white men convicted of the bombing — each got a six month jail sentence. After 10 days in prison, all were released on probation.
1964 -- US: Shape-Up? In El Paso, Texass, Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader LBJ & Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Mexican President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz set off an explosion diverting Rio Grande, to reshape US-Mexico border.
1965 --Beginning date of John Sack's Vietnam War novel M.
1966 --
SEQUESTEREDThe Strasbourg county court sequesters the offices & management of the Strasbourg students' association (AFGES). (See November 22, 1966)
http://www.cddc.vt.edu/sionline/chronology/chronology.html | [Situationist Resources]
1968 -- 30,057 Americans killed in Vietnam since January 1, 1961.
1968 -- Brazil: Arturo da Costa proclama la dictadura militar en Brasil.
1969 -- US: Baseball's Billy Martin fired as manager of the Twins.
1971 -- Namibia: Workers strike against S. African contract labor system imposed by government. Marks beginning of popular support for liberation struggles.
1971 -- US: White Panther Party founder, author & music critic, John Sinclair (sentenced to 10 years in jail for selling two marijuana joints) is freed.
1973 -- US: The Black Muslim-inspired Zebra killers who, in their six-month spree, killed 15 & injured eight whites in random attacks, shoot & seriously wound future mayor Art Agnos, San Francisco.
1974 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Ford has former Beatle George Harrison to White House lunch. They exchange buttons: Ford gives Harrison a WIN (Whip Inflation Now) pin, Harrison gives President an OM (Hindu mantra expressing creation) button.
We Bleedsters, not to be outdone, have buttons too!
1975 -- Popular TV show "Saturday Night Live" wasn't live; Richard Pryor hosted. Fearing he might use obscenities, NBC set up a five-second electronic delay. Two deletions made — called "unacceptable TV vocabulary".
1978 -- Susan B. Anthony dollar, first US coin to honor a woman, issued.
1981 -- Poland: Dictatorship of the Proletariat declares "state of war" against the workers. Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Communist General Jaruzelski imposes martial law for the next three years to suppress & destroy the 10-million strong SolidarnoϾ trade union workers' movement, during which at least 10,000 activists are jailed (even the communists didn't know the exact numbers.) This date is now "Solidarity Day."
Man of Iron, a film by Andrej Wajda, was about the Solidarity Revolution of 1980 which lasted 16 months. As President of the Association of filmmakers, Wajda could record historical events for archives, including the talks between the striking works in Gdansk & the government. A worker’s guard suggested the subject & the name of the film. A new & an indissoluble link with his earlier film Man of Marble was born, which was about the social unrest in the 70s & had ended at the very gates of Gdansk shipyard; Wajda could now film the scene with the door on which the agitators carried the slain workers body — with which he wanted to end Man of Marble.
Wajda ingenuously got around the unhelpful officials with the support of Solidarity Union. The use of archival photographs, tape recordings, documents, eyewitness accounts, poster texts wall graffiti, spontaneous songs — give the film the feeling of a revolutionary poster. It was released before the imposition of martial law after several cuts.
1981 -- Pigmeat Markham dead at 75.
1982 -- United Nations adopts Nuclear Freeze resolution.
1983 -- France: 6,500 turn out in Paris as Léo Ferré sings for a benefit to support Radio Libertaire.Thank you Ferré:
Radio Libertaire: http://rl.federation-anarchiste.org/
1983 -- US: Highest-scoring NBA basketball game: Detroit 186, Denver 184 (3 OT).
1985 -- Ahrne Thorne (1904-1985) dies.
In Toronto, Canada during the 30s Emma Goldman saw promise in the small group of comrades — especially Dorothy Rogers & Ahrne Thornberg [who, as Ahrne Thorne, later served as editor of the "Freie Arbeiter Stimme"]. See Paul Avrich, Anarchist Voices: An Oral History of Anarchism in America, page 54.
The Dandelion is an "occasional journal of philosophical anarchism" which has cropped up again after a hiatus of 10 years. The 19-page hand-printed April 1997 edition (#21) commemorates the life of "longtime anarchist activist" Ahrne Thorne, with the text of a speech given by historian Paul Avrich last year at the Libertarian Book Club in New York City.
1988 -- Token Fare?: Three men end 29-hour all-466-stations subway ride in NYC.
1991 -- US: Ricky Pierce (Seattle Sonics) ends NBA free throw streak of 75 games. Hasn't made one this year.
1995 -- England: Brixton burns again following a demonstration protesting the death in custody of Wayne Douglas.
Source: [Calendar Riots]
1998 -- Puerto Rico: In a non-binding referendum, voters have five choices, which included: (1) remaining a US commonwealth, (2) entering into a "free association" with the US that would be somewhere between commonwealth & independence, (3) becoming a US state, (4) declaring independence, & (5) or none of the above. The option 5 "none of the above" obtained the majority of votes.
1998 -- England: McParkIt?: Local residents in Hinchley Wood, Surrey, move caravans onto the parking lot of their well-loved local pub ['The Hinchley Wood'] which was leased by McDonald's — to occupy the site & stop it from being turned into a new store.
On June 14, 2000, after exactly 18 months of controversy & determined opposition, McDonald's threw in the towel & handed back the lease on the pub to the original owners.June 16th 2000, after an incredible 552-day, 24 hour-a-day continuous occupation (possibly the longest protest occupation of its kind) local villagers organised as residents Against McDonald's (RAM) move their caravans off the site & celebrate an historic victory.
2001 -- Belgium: UE summit, in the outskirts of Brussels, draws 100,000 protesters.
2002 -- US: "The Seattle Times" reports that there is a new "Lady on the Moon" at the Blue Moon Tavern.
Some claim the old one was decrepitated after 10 years. Mike Nease, credited with the new one, says it is keeping with the old one, but more human, her predecessors being "anatomically impossible & rather bizarre." [Sorry, Mike, Auntie prefers the anatomically impossible. Bizarre is also rather appealing.]
2002 --Canada: Indian leader David Ahenakew calls Jews "a disease" & says Hitler was only trying to clean up Europe.
2004 -- US: 'Bush Monkeys,' a painting by 23-year-old artist Christopher Savido of President Bush, today displays at the Animal Gallery on New York City's Lower East Side.
The portrait of Bush, using monkeys to form his image, led to the closure of a New York art exhibition last weekend where 2,000+ people attended opening night.That's when the management of the upscale New York Chelsea Market shopping centre took a closer gander at the painting ... the outraged manager went banana-apeshit, bellowing, "The show is over! Get this work down!", threatening the organizer with arrest if the monkey wasn't taken down & the planned one-month 60-piece group exhibit immediately closed.
2007 -- US: American Indian Movement activist, actor Floyd Red Crow dies, Los Angeles.
Alternate Patron Saint, 2008-2010: FLOYD RED CROW
American Indian Movement activist, musician, artist, actor.
2010 -- BodyBag?: WikiLeaks reveals US diplomats broke laws by sending uranium on a commercial flight. The State Department Foreign Affairs Manual explicitly forbids radioactive substances from being sent in a diplomatic bag.
3000 --
"Not long before I worked with a poet named Patchen. He was wearing his scarlet jacket & sitting on a stool on a little stage in a theatre you walk upstairs to down on 14th street. We improvised behind him while he read his poems, which I read ahead of time "It's dark out, Jack"— this was one of his poems —
"It's dark out, Jack, the stations out there don't identify themselves, we're in it raw — blind like burned rats, it's running out all around us, the footprints of the beast, one nobody has any notion of. The white & vacant eyes of something above there, something that doesn't know we exist. I smell heartbreak up there, Jack, a heartbreak at the center of things, & in which we don't figure at all."
Patchen's a real artist, you'd dig him, doctor. "I believe in truth" he said, "I believe that every good thought I have, all men shall have. I believe that the perfect shape of everything has been prepared.""— Charles Mingus, From Beneath the Underdog [p.330]
4000 --
(Y'all Come Back, hear!)
anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less
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