(before reading his poetry):
“Well, what would you like tonight,
sex, mysticism or revolution?”
“What’s the difference?”
Pan-African liberationist, martyr, assassinated by the CIA on Eisenhower's orders.
Besse-en-Chandesse, France: THE BLACK VIRGIN is carried into the mountains,
where she once went on her own.
Siena, Italy: MADONNA DI PROVENZAND FESTIVAL. Horse race, followed by revelry & music,
in honor of armless madonna.
1482 -- William Caxton prints The Polycronycon conteyning the Berynges & Dedes of many Tyes in eyght Bokes, Westminster.
Source: [Robert Braunwart]
[Hereafter attributed with symbol:]
1490 --First printed edition of the Pentateuch with Nahmanides' commentary.
1717 --New World: First American book auction is held, Boston.
1776 -- Continental Congress resolves "these United Colonies are & of right ought to be Free & Independent States."
1776 -- US: By constitutional statute, New Jersey gives "all inhabitants" of adult age, with a net worth of $50 & residing in the county for 12 months, the right to vote. In 1790, someone realized it meant both men & women. The law was legal until 1807, when new laws limited the vote to "free white males."
1777 -- A State of Mind?: The Daily Bleed once claimed Vermont is first union state to abolish slavery (on this day). But it isn't a state yet, just a wanna be, according to BleedsterJesse, who knows Alpha States better than we.
1778 -- Philosopher & social theorist Jean-Jacques Rousseau (The Social Contract) dies at 66 of apoplexy. One of the contributors to the 27 volume French L'Encyclopédie, a seminal work of the Enlightenment (which the enlightened pope in Rome ordered burned & anyone in its possession excommunicated).
1789 --France: Marquis de Sade shouts from the Bastille that prisoners are being slaughtered.
1822 -- US: Denmark Vesey & 34 others hanged for plotting a slave uprising in Boston. Although an estimated 9,000 were involved, only 67 were convicted of any offense.
As was usual in such trials, the greatest protection enjoyed by the defendants was that of their owners who were concerned for their property.
The lengthy judgment of the court reads, in part, "It is difficult to imagine what infatuation could have prompted you to attempt an enterprise so wild & visionary."
Perhaps they were infatuated with the idea of freedom? See 1776 above re infatuations.
1840 --China: An invading British fleet reaches Tinghai (first Opium War).
1843 -- US: Alligator falls from the sky during a Charleston, South Carolina thunderstorm.
1853 --US navy is involved in affair in Smyrna Harbor (Koszta affair) [see June 21].
1857 -- Carlo Pisacane (1818-1857) dies. Revolutionary, imbued with Mazzinian ideas; precursor of libertarian socialist & antiauthoritarian movements in Italy.Influenced by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, & perhaps the first anarchist to advocate 'propaganda by deed' (selective targeting of specific symbolic individuals considered the embodiment of the autocratic, oppressive state). Pisacane died in a failed revolt against "Bourbon rule." His daughter Silvia Pisacane was involved with the Matese insurrection in 1877.
See "La vita di Carlo Pisacane,"
1872 -- US: The Promised Land?: Second Colville Indian Reservation created in eastern Washington when white pressure forces original reservation, on better land, to be opened to white farmers in the US.
1873 -- Italy: Nella Giacomelli lives. Contributor to Errico Malatesta's anarchist daily "Umanita Nova". With Ettore Molinari & Leda Rafanelli, she formed “Protesta umana” (1906-1909).
1877 -- Hermann Hesse lives (1877-1962), near the Black Forest.German poet/novelist, depicted the duality of spirit & nature, body versus mind & an individuals spiritual search outside the restrictions of society. Won the 1946 Nobel Prize for Literature.
Worked in several jobs, as a bookshop clerk, as a mechanic & as a book dealer in Tübingen, where he joined the literary circle called Le Petit Cénacle.There is a scene in Herman Hesse's novel, STEPPENWOLF, where the central character Harry Haller is invited to attend an
"Anarchist Evening at the Magic Theatre
For Madmen Only
Price of Admission Your Mind"In 1967 John Lion, a Graduate student at U.C. Berkeley working under the tutelage of Professor Jan Kott, directs Ionesco's "THE LESSON" at the Steppenwolf Bar. The company names itself "Magic Theatre", from the above passage.
Hesse's breakthrough novel was Demian (1919), which was highly praised by Thomas Mann, who compared its importance to James Joyce's Ulysses & André Gide's The Counterfeiters. The novel attracted especially young veterans of the WW I, & reflected Hesse's personal crisis & interest in Jungian psychoanalysis.
In the 1960s & 70s Hesse became a cult figure for young readers & remains popular in the 90s. He also wroteSteppenwolf, & Narcissus & Goldmund.
"I learned through my body, & soul that it was necessary for me to sin, that I needed lust, that I had to strive for property & experience nausea & the depths of despair in order to learn not to resist them, in order to learn to love the world..."
1881 -- US: While waiting for a train in a Washington railway station, Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Jimmy Garfield is fatally shot by a disappointed office-seeker, Charles Guiteau.
1892 --US: Carnegie Steel locks out workers at its Homestead, Pa. plant.
1893 --US: Fishermen sight a hairy sea monster near Tacoma, Wa. Damn hippies.
1894 --US: Government obtains an injunction against striking Pullman workers.
1894 --Australia: Unionists fight with strikebreakers, Oondooroo Station, Qld.
1897 --US: Bituminous coal miners begin a 10-week strike.
1901 --US: Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid rob a train of $40,000, Wagner, Montana.
1903 --Cuba: Guantanamo military base is leased to US for $2,000 per year. The High Cost of Empire Building.
1904 -- Anton Chekhov dies.![]()
1904 --
1904 --US: Social Labor Party meets to nominate Charles Corregan for US president, NY.
1908 -- Thurgood Marshall, first Black US Supreme Court Justice, lives.THURGOOD MARSHALL Progressive, outspoken American jurist, lawyer, Daily Bleed Saint, 1998.
1909 --US: Emma Goldman tests her free-speech rights by delivering a lecture before the Harlem Liberal Alliance; standoff with police, but no interference with the anarchist's lecture.
1910 -- France: Jean-Jacques Liabeuf executed. Shoe-maker guilliotined despite massive protests initiated by the anarchistes. Gustave Hervé, the revolutionary socialist & publisher of "The Social War," went to prison four years for merely writing articles defending Liabeuf.
1914 -- US: Chief Alfred Sam, leader of "Back to Africa" movement, departs with 500 black Americans, from Oklahoma to West Africa.
1915 --US: A bomb planted by Erich Muenter destroys the US Senate reception room.
1916 --Lenin says imperialism is caused by capitalism.
1917 -- Canada: Independent Labour Party founded, Hamilton, Ontario.
1919 --US: An amnesty conference scheduled to take place in Chicago July 2-4 is canceled, much to the disappointment of Emma Goldman, who remains in prison for her anti-war activities. During this month Kate Richards O'Hare begins to type Emma's weekly dictated letters.
1922 --Ireland: Heavy fighting breaks out in Dublin (-July 5).
1923 -- Polish poet Wislawa Szymborska lives, Bnin (near Poznañ, Poland). 1996 winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.alt sp; Posnan, Posanie, Poznan, Posen 'I looked back in terror where to step next...'
1923 --England: London dock strike begins (-Aug. 20).
1925 -- Congo: Patrice Lumumba lives, Katako, Kombe, Belgian Congo. The first & last democratically elected leader of Congo Kinshasa (DRC). Later assassinated by the American CIA, in conjunction with the Belgians, on Eisenhower's orders because of his anti-colonialist activities. Marvelous & painless fictionalized treatment appears in Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible.
1926 -- France: Police announce they have thwarted a plot to assassinate the king of Spain Alphonse XIII (officially visiting France), with the arrests of the Spanish anarchists Francisco Ascaso,Buenaventura Durruti & Gregorio Jover (on June 25). Also today numéro 65 of the "Libertaire" is seized in Paris.Spain & Argentina immediately seek extradictions for the three pistoleros (Spain for killings & escapes, Argentina for “expropriations”). But the French anarchistes mobilize themselves, & in particular Louis Lecoin, & circumvent their delivery to their torturers.
The three are tried in Paris on October 17, 1926, & proudly declare their intent to remove the king & bring down the monarchy in Spain.
They are finally condemned to 6 months of prison for rebellion, forged passports, carrying prohibited weapons, etc. They are not released until July 1927.
1929 --Nicaragua: Sandino leaves for México to seek aid for his Nicaraguan rebels. While in exile in México during early 1920s, Sandino participates in strikes led by the IWW. Inspired by them he returns to foment revolution in Nicaragua. He adopts the IWW's black & red colours.
1935 --First Shakespearean production at Ashland, Oregon — "Romeo & Juliet."
1937 -- Aviatrix Amelia Earhart & co-pilot Frederick Noonan vanish on an around the world flight, near Howland Island in the Pacific. Noonan was a notorious drunk, but Amelia rejected warnings. Exact pacifics, unknown.
1937 -- Spain: A handbill from the Bolshevik-Leninist Section of Spain (on behalf of the Fourth International) expresses solidarity with the POUM militants persecuted by the Stalinists.
1937 --William Dieterle/Paul Muni movie "The Life of Emile Zola" is reviewed.
1939 --First World Science Fiction Convention opens, NYC.
1945 -- England: In their first action, the Vigilantes (Secret Committee of ex-Servicemen) squat a house in Roundhill Crescent, Brighton. It is used to house a homeless sailor's wife & her two children. The group attracts hundreds of members; thousands are housed & the idea spreads to London & other parts of the country. Squats include luxury hotels & army camps.
Source: [Calendar Riots]
1945 --US: Charles Collins, a black union organizer, is attacked in the US Capitol by a policeman, Washington, DC.
1946 --US: Negroes vote in the Mississippi Democratic primary for the first time; Richard Daniel, a black veteran, is arrested for attempting to register to vote at Gulfport, Miss., & then beaten unconscious.
1947 -- US: During this month, in the July 1947 issue of "Foreign Affairs," George Kennan, the head of the policy planning staff of the State Department, advocates the "containment" of the Soviet Union.[Details / context]
1948 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Truman signs the Japanese American Evacuation Claims Act, a measure to compensate Japanese Americans for certain economic losses attributable to their forced evacuation. Although some $28 million was to be paid out through provision of the act, it would be largely ineffective even on the limited scope in which it operated.
1950 --US: NYC Teachers Union resigns from the NEA to protest a proposed ban on Communist teachers.
1951 --US: Seven of the 11 US Communists convicted of sedition surrender.
1956 -- US: Nine injured when two explosions destroy a portion of Sylvania Electric Products' Metallurgy Atomic Research Center in Bayside, Queens.
1956 -- Elvis records "Hound Dog, "Don't Be Cruel" & "Any Way You Want Me" for RCA. It's the first session to feature the Jordainaries, a vocal harmony quartet.
1958 -- High Seas: Protest ship "Phoenix" is seized by US Navy two days after entering US nuclear test zone in South Pacific. Dang terrorists.
1959 -- "Plan 9 From Outer Space," one of the worst films ever, premieres. Quickly followed up by the sequel(s), "Windows 95, 98 , XP & Vista."
1960 --
Kenneth Rexroth on the student movement, 1960 "The Students Take Over"
In talking about the Revolt of Youth we should never forget that we are dealing with a new concept. For thousands of years, nobody cared what youth were doing. They weren’t news. They weren’t minding.
They aren’t minding now. That isn’t news. They haven’t been minding since the days of. . . F. Scott Fitzgerald. In those days, they were cutting loose. In the thirties, they were joining up. . .
During the McCarthy Epoch & the Korean War, they were turning their backs & walking away. Today they are striking back. That is news. Nobody else is striking back.— Kenneth Rexroth, July 2, 1960 in the Nationmagazine
1961 -- England: Aggressive Protection? Great Britain dispatches troops to protect Kuwait from "aggression." How now, Saddam?
1961 -- Ernest Hemingway, American writer, alleging CIA persecution, ernestly blows his brains out with a shotgun in Ketchum, Idaho. Winner of the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature.
"A few years back, a man high up in the CIA name Ray Cline was asked if the CIA, by its surveillance of protest organizations in the United States, was violating the free speech provision of the First Amendment. He smiled & said: 'It's only an amendment.'— Howard Zinn, The Zinn Reader, pp412-13. "When I have an idea, I turn down the flame, as if it were a little alcohol stove, as low as it will go. Then it explodes & that is my idea."
"You write a book like that that you're fond of over the years, then you see that happen to it, it's like pissing in your father's beer. "
1964 -- Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader US President Johnson signs Civil Rights Act barring discrimination in public accommodations, employment, & voting.
1965 -- Archie Green's often-cited article, "Hillbilly Music: Source & Symbol," appears in the "Journal of American Folklore" in July 1965 & as a reprint from the John Edwards Memorial Foundation (now forum).
1966 -- US: Black riots break out in Omaha, Nebraska.
1966 -- Great Society, Sopwith Camel & the Charlatans play at the Fillmore Auditorium.
1967 -- US: Congress passes Selective Service Act reform: ends grad student deferments & puts them in a pool to be drafted in June 68 so they too can get educated in Vietnam.
1967 -- US: Floyd Turner is convicted of flag desecration & sentenced to six months in jail & a $500 fine in Seattle, Washington.Credible witnesses, including sculptor Richard Beyer & publisher Stan Stapp, testified that Turner was not the culprit, & Stan Iverson willingly confessed that he had incinerated the flag with another man (later identified as Michael Travers)
Judge Manolides was unpersuaded, declaring that,
"anarchists cannot tell right from wrong & cannot be trusted."Turner was a young, barely-literate drifter who appeared in Seattle during the 1962 World's Fair. He claimed to have been a Doukhobor, a member of a Russian Christian sect notorious for battles with Canadian authorities & for polygamy, public nudity, & routinely burning their own homes.
Unable to find work, Turner attended a meeting of the Seattle Committee of the Unemployed, which was led by anarchists George & Louise Crowley. The Crowleys took Turner under their wing & he later became a fixture in numerous anti-war & civil rights demonstrations. He made his mark for fearlessly taunting the police & occasionally shedding his clothes during rallies & marches.
1968 -- Australia: 30 students arrested in protest against Vietnam War draft, Sydney.
[Opening sounds are short but loud]:
1968 -- Italy: Fights between police & students in Triest, Pisa, Ancona, Palermo, Naples. In Naples workers & students organis a unitary strike.
1968 -- US: Thousands of Berkeley, California students organise a sit-in in front of town-hall, after the major has declarated curfew against students.
1969 -- Brian Jones, founder of the Rolling Stones, drowns.
1970 -- US: In July, 1970, on a Wednesday afternoon swing shift a black auto worker at a Detroit Chrysler plant pulled out an M-1 carbine & killed three supervisory personnel before he was subdued by UAW committeemen.It should be added that two others were shot dead in separate auto plant incidents within weeks of the Johnson shooting spree, & that in May, 1971 a jury found Johnson/innocent because of insanity after visiting & being shocked by what they considered the maddening conditions at Johnson's place of work.
"Absenteeism, wildcat strikes. turnover, & industrial sabotage [have] become an increasingly significant part of the cost of doing business."
See John Zerzan's Organized Labor versus "The Revolt Against Work",
1970 -- Vietnam: Exposure of "tiger cages" at Con Son Prison, used by U.S.-backed South Vietnamese government to torture political prisoners.
It is later revealed that Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader First Lady Lady Bird Johnson is an investor in the Texass company building the tiger cages used in South Vietnam.
1972 --US: Government admits it has used "meteorological warfare" in SE Asia since 1963.
1976 -- US: Supreme Court rules death penalty not inherently cruel or unusual. In short, nothing is.
1980 -- Grateful Dead members Bob Weir, Mickey Hart & manager Danny Rifken picked up for suspicion of inciting a riot at the San Diego Sports Arena. This was after they tried to interfere in a drug related arrest.
1982 -- US: Nice Rig? Truck driver with 45 weather balloons rigged to a lawn chair takes a 45-minute ride aloft to 16,000 feet before he got cold, shot some balloons out & crashed into a power line, Long Beach, California. White Line Fever indeed.
1986 -- US: Supreme Court upholds affirmative action as a corrective for past discrimination.
1986 --Chile: Two-day General Strike to protest military rule begins.
1990 -- Representatives of the Italian Catholic Church announce they'll attempt to halt Madonna's concerts in Rome because of her alleged inappropriate use of crucifixes & sacred symbols. It works.
1990 -- Australia: Two citizens divert war taxes as "rent" for aboriginal lands.
1990 -- Devil in a Blue Dress, a mystery novel by Walter Mosley set in South-Central Los Angeles, is published.Its realism & strong African-American characters earn enthusiastic praise & a nomination for best novel by the Mystery Writers of America.
1990 -- Saudi Arabia: Passover Plot? A pedestrian overpass railing breaks, causing a panic among Muslim pilgrims emerging from a pedestrian tunnel below; 1,426 trampled to death in the ensuing stampede, Mecca.
1990 -- US: Imelda Marcos & Adnan Khashoggi found not guilty of racketeering (looting the Philippines).
1990 --South Africa: General Strike involving possibly 3 million participants.
1991 -- Yugoslavia: Women in Black demand return of soldiers & conscripts from war in Belgrade, Slovenia.
1991 -- Wreck'n'Roll?: Guns 'n' Roses lead singer Axl Rose sparks a riot during a concert outside St. Louis when he jumps off the stage & attacks a fan who was videotaping.60 people hurt & the venue wrecked.
1992 --Stephen Hawkings' A Brief History of Time sets a British publishing record by being on the nonfiction bestseller list for 3+ years.
1993 --Turkey: 35 killed by anti-Salman Rushdie demonstrators, Sivas.
1995 -- US: 3-4,000 Grateful Dead fans riot near Noblesville, Indiana, tearing down gates & throwing rocks. 17 punks arrested. The rioter/arrested ratio: About 200 to 1.
1998 --England: Secker & Warburg publishes the complete works of George Orwell.
1998 --France: The eternal flame at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, burning continuously since 1921 to commemorate WW I dead, is extinguished by drunken Mexican soccer fan Rodrigo Rafael Ortega with his urine.
2001 -- Bolivia: Some 120 debt protesters armed with sticks of dynamite seize control of the Banks Superintendency in La Paz & take hostages, demanding elimination of their small-scale debts.Two more groups, each of about 50 debtors, occupy the offices of the Bolivian Episcopal Conference & the Defender of the People, & begin hunger strikes.
Among those leading the debtor occupation are members of the anarchist feminist collective Mujeres Creando (Women Creating)...[Details / context]
2001 --Zimbabwe: General Strike begins, over government economic policies.
2002 -- SHAFT Summit Meeting between Nick Fury & the Ultimates.
2003 -- US: "'Bring Them On,' Bush Says to Iraq Attacks," challenging militants who have been killing & injuring US forces in Iraq, with a colloquial taunt to kill & maim more of them.Terrorists take up the Macho Cowboy's gauntlet: the death rate of Iraqis & American surges, the occupation of Iraq becomes fiasco, & the NeoCon preemptive "War on Terror" lies in shambles as terrorist attacks soar over the next years.
No less brilliant off the golf course than on, George's little Game of Chicken signals a clever plan to simultaneously save face & bring the troops home: hidden in little flag-draped boxes.
2019 --A total solar eclipse is visible over the South Pacific.
3000 --
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3000 --"The spectacle is a drug for slaves. It is not supposed to be taken literally, but followed at just a few steps distance; if it were not for this albeit tiny distance, the mystification would become apparent."
— Internationale Situationniste anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less
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