— Kenneth Fearing
Czech dialectician of the concrete.
Aragon, Spain: FEAST OF THE SHEPHERDS. Head sheep is clown for the day; music, dancing & clowning all afternoon, & in the evening people do whatever they please.
INDEPENDENCE DAY: Democratic Republic of Madagascar & Republic of Somalia.
FESTIVAL OF RANTING & VAPORING.Guidelines for effective ranting:
1. The smaller the nit, the better the picking.
2. Spelling/grammar/knowledge mean nothing. It's the force of your convictions that count.
3. Don't be afraid to say things that would get you either beat-up, kicked-out, or completely ignored in any normal social situation. This is cyber-space.http://hempfest.org/
1284 -- The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Germany, takes 130 children. Obvious Pedophile.
1541 -- Pizarro, decimator of the Inca empire, assassinated in Peru. Too little, too late.
1730 -- Charles Messier, cataloguer of "M objects," lives.
1766 -- New World: New York Agrarian Rebellion begins.
1791 -- John Mactaggart lives, parish of Borgue, Kirkcudbrightshire. His Scottish Gallovidian Encyclopedia (1824) is a clever medley of local history, etymologies, verses, & biographies.
1806 -- Fox in Sheep Clothing?: Charles Lamb writes to William Wordsworth:"William Hazlitt...owned that he could not bear young girls; they drove him mad. So I took him home to my old nurse, where he recovered perfect tranquility."
1822 -- Ecuador: Battle for Guayaquil. José San Martín & Simon Bolivar, liberators of South America, will meet here in July, finding they are unable to work together. See Memoria del fuego page, in Spanish,
1845 -- John McTammany, inventor of player piano, lives.
1865 -- American art critic Bernard Berenson lives.
1869 -- Martin Andersen-Nexø lives (1869-1954). Danish writer, whose novels depicted the oppressed life of poor & helped to raise social consciousness in Europe. Admired Soviet revolution, became a communist, & in 1949 moved to East Germany.
1880 -- Aurèle Patorni lives (1880-1955). Anarchiste, writer, journalist, pacifist & néo-malthusien; married to typesetter & harpsichordist Régina Patorni-Casadesus. Collaborated on many, many journals & reviews, includingEugène Humbert's "La Grande réforme", with Louis Lecoin on "SIA" (organe de la "Solidarité Internationale Antifasciste"),Louis Louvet's "CQFD" & Lecoin's "Défense de l'homme".http://www.casadesus.com/famille.html
1886 -- France: Charles Gallo, hauled to court for sentencing for his attack of March 5, 1886 on the Stock Exchange is expelled from the courtroom shouting "Death to bourgeois judges! Long live dynamite! Long live anarchy!" On July 15 Gallo receives a 20-year prison sentence.[Details / context]
1892 -- Pearl Buck lives (1892-1973). American author, noted for her novels of life in China. Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938. Active in humanitarian causes through the East & West Association, Welcome House, & The Pearl Buck Foundation.Note: Only six women have received (1901-1997) the Nobel Prize for Literature: Sigrid Undset, Pearl S. Buck, Gabriela Mistral, Nelly Sachs, Toni Morrison, Nadine Gordimer.
1892 -- Japan: Taiji Yamaga lives (1892-1970) in Kyoto. Advocate of Esperanto, militant & a long-time secretary of international relations for the Anarchist Federation of Japan.
1893 -- US: Imprisoned Haymarket anarchists not already hanged by the state of Illinois yesterday are pardoned by Illinois governor John Peter Altgeld. The show trial & convictions were a travesty, but the pardon's effectively ended Altgeld's political career. Daily Bleed, June 25, 1893.
Illinois governor John Peter Altgeld pardons Haymarket anarchists Neebe, Fielden, & Schwab
"The day will come when our silence will be more
powerful than the voices you are throttling today."— August Spies
1894 -- South Africa: Mohandas Gandhi founds movement for Indian rights.
1894 -- US: American Railway Union, headed by Eugene Debs, refuses to handle Pullman cars, in solidarity with Pullman strikers.[Details / context]
1896 -- US: Vitascope Hall, first American movie house, opens, New Orleans.
1897 -- England: Royal Jubilee bonfires are prematurely ignited by anti-monarchist arsonists at Frinton-on-Sea & Walton-on-the-Naze (Essex) & Cleeve Cloud (Cotswolds).At Walton, they follow up their incendiarism by mustering a mob, who — with much joviality & mirth — determine to have a mock Diamond Jubilee procession: an old but vigorously ranting man faked up as the Queen is hauled through the streets on a cart pulled by eight donkeys.
[Source: Calendar Riots]
1903 -- France: Paul Louis Joseph Esteve lives, Montels, Hérault. Trade unionist & bricklayer's mate. Secretary of the Anarchist Federation of Languedoc (1926); after 1930, Esteve was a member of the minority "Platformists" within the Union Anarchiste Communiste.
1904 -- Actor Peter Lorre lives.When I grow up, I want to be Peter Lorre,
I want to snivel & sneer in a nasal whine.
I want to cringe & curse, & maybe threaten worse —
(in Lorre Voice)
— & if that doesn't work, I've got a laugh that'll
petrify your spine!http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Lorre
1906 -- Spain: Francisco Ferrer, jailed on the 4th in the Modelo Jail, begins writing to fellow anarchist Charles Malato. ... show details
1910 -- France: In Paris, at the Pantin cemetary, funeral ceremonies are held for the anarchist Henri Cler (killed during a series of confrontations between police & striking cabinetmakers on June 13) — marked by violence, once again, by a mass of police attempting to disperse the thousands of people present.
1912 --US: Emma Goldman returns to Denver (June 26-July 13) intending to teach classes on eugenics & modern drama; eugenics class canceled for lack of interest.
Public lecture topics include "Patriotism — a Menace to Liberty" & "Vice, Its Cause & Cure."
The very existence of the State demands that there be some privileged class vitally interested in maintaining that existence. & it is precisely the group interests of that class that are called patriotism.
— MICHAEL BAKUNIN, Letters on Patriotism, 1869
1914 -- Laurie Lee lives (1914-1997). English poet, memoirist, novelist, best known for his autobiographical trilogy Cider with Rosie, As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning, A Moment of War. Includes his experiences in the Spanish Revolution in the 1930s.
1915 -- Charlotte Zolotow lives.
1917 -- US: Bisbee, Arizona IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) union miner strike.http://www.library.arizona.edu/exhibits/bisbee/primarysources/iww/index.html
1917 --US: Emma Goldman consults with close associates — including writer & editor Frank Harris, journalist & socialist John Reed, Max Eastman, & Gilbert Roe — about her disbelief in courtroom justice & her decision to participate minimally in her pending trial.
Meanwhile the first US troops arrive in France to fight the War to End All Wars.
1918 -- US: Pacifist & socialist organizer Eugene Debs is arrested for his anti-war speech delivered in Canton, Ohio on the 16th of this month."I would no more teach children military training than I would teach them arson, robbery, or assassination."
1919 -- US: John Hartfield lynched Ellisville, Mississippi, at 2:30 pm.Here is fruit for the crows to pluck,
for the rain to gather, for the wind to suck,
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop,
Here is a strange & bitter crop.— Billie 'Lady Day' Holliday, Strange Fruit
1919 -- Canada: Winnipeg General Strike, begun on May 15, ends today as the Winnipeg Labour Council "officially" declares the strike over at 11 o'clock.The strike committee told supporters the next battle would be waged on a political level; this would begin with the dispatch of several labour representatives to all levels of government. While other strikes took place during that same year in Canada, there has been much debate since about the violent methods used to attempt to repress the Winnipeg strike.
1920 -- Italy: Soldiers mutiny in Ancône, refusing orders to fight in Albania. Armed insurgents & sympathizers occupy city hall & new troops are ordered in to suppress the revolt.Nelle Marche e in Romagna scoppiano delle rivolte contro l'occupazione dell'Albania. Ad Ancona si avranno decine di morti con circa un centinaio di arresti. I bersaglieri dell'11ª reggimento di stanza nella città si rifiutano di partire per l'Albania per essere strumento di repressione.
1924 -- Dominican Republic: After eight years ofoccupation"protecting US interests," US troops leave for awhile.
1926 -- American author Frank O'Hara lives (New York School).
1926 -- "James Eads How: Portrait" appears today, "Collier's," p. 16, a depiction of the millionaire-hobo.JAMES EADS HOW, Daily Bleed Saint, 2002-2004
Patron Saint of the Boxcar Traveler.How, the "millionaire hobo," began the International Brotherhood Welfare Association (IBWA), in 1906, for the education & mutual support of the hobo & tramp. The IBWA founded various Hobo Colleges & published the "Hobo News." By the time of How's death in 1930 he had spent his entire fortune on this effort.
1926 -- Czechoslovakia: Radical Marxist philosopher Karel Kosik grasps the thing itself, Prague.
1933 -- Greek poet C P Cavafy dies, Alexandria, Egypt.
1934 -- US: W.E.B. Du Bois resigns from NAACP over its policies & strategies. Du Bois edited its "Crisis" magazine & was director of publicity & research. Control of the magazine taken by chief executive Walter White & new editor & NAACP assistant secretary, Roy Wilkins.
1936 -- Death of Régis Meunier, French militant syndicalist, anarchist propagandist.Sentenced to seven years in a penal colony during the anti-anarchist hysteria (see Vaillant for a sterling example), May 30, 1894 for "criminal conspiracy". He became friends with Clément Duval, an anarchist illegalist with "La panthère des Batignolles," whom he helped in a prison escape. Meunier was pardoned June 18, 1901.
1937 -- Spain: Showing solidarity with POUM militants being persecuted by the Stalinists & the Republic's police, the Bolshevik-Leninist Section calls for concerted action by the Section, the left of the POUM & the anarchist Friends of Durruti.Federico ARCOS: Ours was the world’s first anarchist revolution & no revolution not controlled by the Communist Party mattered a damn to the communists, nor could they allow it to proceed.
... show details
1937 -- Spain: Late this month [I don't have the exact day. — ed.] the Lincoln Battalion is recalled from Jarama front after spending over four months in the trenches; billeted at Albares before being sent to Brunete campaign.
1938 -- God's Trombones author James Weldon Johnson dies.
1938 -- Thomas H. Keell, British anarchist & one-time editor of "Freedom," dies.
See our Anarchist Encyclopedia page,
1939 -- Author Ford Madox Ford dies in Deauville, France.
1940 -- Luis M. Valdez lives, Delano, Calif.; dramatist, political activist (The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa).
1940 -- Italy: Mussolini mette a disposizione di Hitler un corpo di spedizione per invadere la Gran Bretagna. Hitler respinge l'offerta.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]
1947 -- US: 3 emails & You're Out?: Boston's Mayor James Curley enters Federal Prison, convicted of mail fraud. Hizzoner continues to run the city from his jail cell. Curley resumes his duties in November, after Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Truman abruptly commutes his sentence.
1948 -- Spain: Raul Carbeillera, an Argentinian anarchist who led CNT action groups against Franco's fascist state, is surrounded by police & the Guardia Civil in Montjuich, & kills himself rather than surrender. Carbeillera had several times slipped into Spain to fight with the Resistance ... but no more.The Barcelona police launched a gigantic manhunt to capture Raul Carbeillera. After his group had a clash with the police, an operation in the course of which a militant & several policemen died, the Social Brigade determined to capture the man they considered their principal enemy, because of his importance as an organizer & his daring in action.
1952 -- South Africa: Nonviolent campaign against apartheid begins; African National Congress (ANC) begins its Defiance of Unjust Laws campaign.
1952 -- US: Last racial & ethnic barriers to naturalization removed with the passage of the Immigration & Naturalization Act.
1952 -- US: Outed? NY Times reports the US State Department fired 119 alleged homosexuals in 1951 as "security risks." Today in 1977: Thousands in NY, Miami, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago & several other major cities march in coordinated demonstrations to end discrimination against gay men & lesbians.
1953 -- South Africa: Albert Luthuli calls for bonfires & candles to symbolize sparks of freedom.
1956 -- In a "Look Magazine" article entitled, "The Great Rock 'n' Roll Controversy," swing band leader Benny Goodman comments about rock 'n' roll, "I guess it's okay, man. At least it has a beat."
1956 -- Jazz trumpeter Clifford Brown dies in an auto accident on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Founder of the Brown-Roach Quintet with Max Roach two years earlier, Brown had built a reputation as one of the finest jazz trumpeters of his day as a major proponent of hard bop.
1957 -- Alfred Döblin dies. German Expressionist novelist & essayist whose best-known work is Berlin Alexanderplatz.Berlin Alexanderplatz employs multiple viewpoints to create a complex, teeming narrative that mirrors the disjointed style of life in modern urban areas. Its interior monologue show the influence of James Joyce. Adapted to television play by Rainer Werner Fassbinder in 1980.
After the Nazi takeover Döblin was obliged to leave Germany because of his socialist views & Jewish ancestry. Lived in exile in France & the US like Brecht & Thomas & Heinrich Mann. Returned to Europe & settled in Paris in the early 1950s. His last novel, Hamlet (1956) was an expression of his hope for a new Europe.
Note: In Berlin after WW I Romanisches Café was a main meeting place for such writers as Bertold Brecht, Georg Grosz, Franz Werfel, Ernst Toller, Alfred Döblin, Joseph Roth & Erich Maria Remarque.
1958 -- Air Force Sabre jet crashes into a British Royal Air Force Lincoln bomber, killing six British airmen. The Sabre jet pilots parachuted to safety.
1959 -- France: Joëlle Aubron lives (1959-2006). Anarchiste member of the group "Action Directe". Action Directe went after symbols of capitalist exploitation (corporations, police, Ministries of Labour, Defense, etc). These included the killing of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader General Audran (responsible for the sales of French weapons). Captured & sentenced to prison for life, she was released for medical reasons in 2004 after 17 years. She died from cancer March 1, 2006.
1961 -- American radical poet & novelist Kenneth Fearing (1902-1961) dies after being diagnosed last week with a malignant melanoma. Contributing editor, "New Masses," member of John Reed Club, associate editor of "Partisan Review." Albert Halper's novel Union Square, includes a character modeled on Fearing. His portrait was painted by Alice Neel. Best known for his novel The Big Clock (filmed & released 1948).
Cannibalism, the rite of human sacrifice, seems to run through every age & every phase of the human story. In itself both betrayal & atonement, every completed cycle of the process prepares for the next circle of the ritual. Early Spring & late Fall seem to be the favored seasons of the observance.
There is some obscure zest in the act. Religious writers revel in it. It is probably here, even in these observations. In a primitive agricultural society, human sacrifice insured good crops. In complex industrial society, a springtime war means profits."— Kenneth Fearing, The Crozart Story, 1960 [Details / context]
1964 -- Zeng Jinlian lives, Hunan, China. Became the tallest woman known (2.46 m, 8'1").
1964 -- Italy: Caduta del primo governo Moro a cui partecipa il Partito socialista. Lo stato, tramite il generale dei carabinieri Giovanni De Lorenzo appronta il Piano Solo che prevede l'arresto e il trasferimento in Sardegna di personalità dell'opposizione, oltre che l'occupazione da parte dei carabinieri di luoghi strategici nelle varie città. L'Arma dei Carabinieri svela ancora una volta il suo macabro volto.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]
1966 -- Lenny Bruce & the Mothers of Invention appear in concert at Fillmore Auditorium. KFRC Beach Boys’ Summer Spectacular at the Cow Palace.
1966 -- Sopwith Camel opens for the Rolling Stones in performance at the Cow Palace. Jefferson Airplane also performs.
1966 -- US: Article by poet/critic/anarchist Kenneth Rexroth, "San Francisco's Culture & the Drift to the Right," appears:
"Let the rich pay for the big cultural facilities. We can have a genuine "people's art" right here & now in San Francisco, & for relatively little money." — June 26, 1966 (Sunday)
1967 -- Nicaragua: 200 protesting against state violence are killed by Somoza's U.S.-trained National Guard in Managua.
1970 -- Ireland: Riots erupt in Northern Ireland after British courts jail Bernadette Devlin, Member of Parliament, for fomenting unrest.
1970 -- US: Frank Robinson hits two grand slams in a single baseball game.
1970 -- Leopoldo Marechal, Argentine writer & critic, dies in Buenos Aires. Driven into virtual seclusion with the fall of Juan Perón, he returned to public attention the novels El banquete de Severo Arcángelo (1965), & Megafón o la guerra (Megafón or The War, 1970).
1975 -- US: After terrorizing the reservation, the FBI initiates a shootout at Oglala, South Dakota.The deadly firefight between Native Americans & FBI agents & US Marshals leaves two FBI agents & Lakota activist Joe Stuntz dead.
Two American Indian Movement (AIM) leaders are prosecuted for the FBI deaths & found innocent by reason of self-defense; a third, AIM activist Leonard Peltier, is later framed when much of the same evidence is disallowed in his trial.
Continuous protests & efforts to free Peltier over the past two decades have been blocked by the FBI.
The FBI still holds over 6,000 pages on the Leonard Peltier case which they refuse to release for "National Security reasons."
1975 -- The long-awaited Basement Tapes, made up of several tracks recorded by Dylan & The Band during the summer & fall of 1967 in Woodstock, released.
1977 -- US: Marches throughout the country in support of gays: 100,000 in San Francisco, tens of thousands in NY.
1978 -- "Girl," a single sentence, two-page story of a mother's preachy advice to her daughter, appears in "New Yorker" magazine. Written by Jamaica Kincaid, the story makes her a literary celeb. Followed by short story collections & the novels Annie John & Lucy.
1978 -- France: Brittany separatists bomb Palace of Versailles.
1983 -- Italy: 26-27 Giugno. Durante le elezioni politiche si verificano brogli elettorali da parte di presidenti, scrutatori e rappresentanti di lista. Venti persone saranno condannate nel giugno 1986.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]
1985 -- US: 3 Mice & You're Out? Players, managers & owners get ejected from baseball games — but an organist? At Jack Russell Stadium in Clearwater, Florida, organist Wilbur Snapp played "Three Blind Mice" following a call by umpire Keith O'Connor. Not amused, the ump snapped & sent Snapp to the showers.
1986 -- In Pittsburgh, 25 people are injured at Run D.M.C. concert. City considers banning rock concerts.
1987 -- US: "Just the facts, ma'am."? "Dragnet," starring Dan Aykroyd as Sgt. Joe Friday & Tom Hanks as Detective Stribeck, is the first Hollywood film to feature a "condom-conscious" bedroom scene...
1987 -- US: Prime-Time? Acting President Reagan defender Alan Simpson denies reports of increasing presidential out-of-itness. "I even saw him do a cowboy doodle the other day," he says. "He used to do that when he was in his prime."
1991 -- Bulgaria: The Anarchist Youth Federation (F.A.M.) pickets at Bulgarian DS (State Security) for the release of Radionov & Nuznetzov, two young Russian anarchists who were arrested in Moscow in February.
1993 -- Iraq: US fires 23 cruise missiles on intelligence compound in Baghdad.
1994 -- US: In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion, over one million people march in New York City to celebrate & demand gay & lesbian rights.
1995 -- From the Song of Amergin premières in Port Meirion, North Wales, by harpist Elinor Bennett with members of the Lontano Ensemble.From the Song of Amergin
... for flute, viola, & harp, in five sections, played without a break. Three lines from Robert Graves' restoration of the text of an ancient Celtic calendar-alphabet, the "Song of Amergin," directly inspires the piece:
I am a wind: on a deep lake,
I am a tear: the Sun lets fall,
I am a hawk: above the cliff.The inner sections of From the Song of Amergin are shaped by the twinned images of wind/deep lake, tear/Sun, & hawk/cliff. The piece begins & ends with an invocation of "I am." The inner sections also reflect the subtitle — In memoriam Alberta Todd Jones — respectively, Alberta's wisdom (with echoes of the hymn, Crimond), Alberta's joy (a "rainbow dance"), & Alberta's strength.
1997 -- US: "The Gentle Giant," Hawaiian protest songster Israel Kamakawiwo'ole (1959-1997) dies. Activist for Hawaiian rights & Hawaiian independence. Best known for the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World."
2000 -- Palestine: Freedom Summer begins. Peace workers kick off two months of non-violent direct action against Israeli occupation; involves Palestinians & international activists to promote freedom & justice.
Israel's Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Ariel Sharon has other plans.
[ Poster by Leon Kuhn ]
2003 -- Italy: Festival/Conference, "From Social Opposition to the Libertarian Alternative," 26 - 29 June, Centro Polisportivo Comunale, Villanova.
... show details
2005 -- Nummer 2 Son (demoted) flies to England, G8 protests in Scotland, Ireland, etc. Was Nummer 1 Son until he failed his sonly duties, leaving his Dad-thing to tend the home fires.
4500 --Write with slogans.
Write to the nth degree.
— Deleuze & Guattari
Quotes from Anarchists
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