i sweat
& bleed
for stinking crumbsLOOK!
time has come
& gone
australopithecus evolves
so elegantly
bic shavers
& mennen deodorants— Ken Mitchell, "Evolutions"
Indian anti-colonialist, freedom fighter, communalist.
Egypt: NIGHT OF THE DROP. A night of deliberation & prognostication caused by the mysterious rise of the Nile River.
Dublin, Ireland: BLOOMSDAY.
Illustration by Flavio Costantini
South Africa: SOWETO DAY.
1567 -- Mary Queen of Scots thrown into Lochleven Castle prison.
1641 -- Death of John Suckling.
1671 -- Russia: Cossack rebel leader Stenka Razin tortured, executed in Moscow.
1716 -- The first volume of Alexander Pope's translation of the lliad appears. Classical scholar Richard Bentley: "It is a pretty poem, Mr. Pope, but you must not call it Homer."
1763 -- Kobayashi Issa (1763-1827) lives. Also called Kobayashi Yataro. Eighteenth-century Japanese poet, master of haiku. Some sources indicate he was born May 5, 1763.
1784 -- Holland forbids orange clothes. What took them so long?— Bleedster Michael John Thompson, June 2002, Antiquarian Bookseller, President, Canadian Booksellers Association
Anita Bryant & the Canadian Orange Lobby.
— @untieOrangeMeister
1817 -- Lord Byron play "Manfred" is published.
Source: [Robert Braunwart]
[Hereafter attributed with symbol:]
1827 --Elie Reclus lives. Ethnographer & journalist; participated in the Commune of Paris in 1871. Member of the great generational anarchist family, including Élisée Reclus(Daily Bleed Saint, March 15), & Paul Reclus.
Of related interest is John Clark's review of a book on Eliée Reclus,
1836 --England: The London Working Men's Association is formed, beginning of the Chartist movement.
1848 --Germany: The arsenal at Berlin is captured by rebellious citizens.
1850 -- US: Steamer Griffith burns on Lake Erie, killing 300.
1857 -- US: Soccer Match? Corrupt NY Municipal Police Force stages a pitched battle with the NY Metropolitan Police Force, sent by the State Legislature to replace it, on the steps of City Hall. The result: a bloody victory for the Municipals.Street Fightin' Man? An attempt is made to arrest Mayor Wood in NY for an assault on the Street Commissioner.
1866 --German Confederation declares war on Prussia (Seven Weeks' War). We have no idea how long this war lasted.
1869 -- France: In the small mining town of Ricamarie troops are called in to suppress a workers' strike. They open fire on demonstrators protesting the arrest of 40 workers, killing 14 (including a 17-month-old girl in her mothers arms) & wound about 60 (including 10 children).
1870 -- France: Louis Segaud lives, Châteauroux.
Segaud was an anarchiste in Roanne, a member of "Les révoltés" & correspondent for Émile Pouget's"Père Peinard." Persecuted for his activities, in 1891 he took refuge in Luxembourg & England, returning in 1903 to head the syndicat des ouvriers couvreurs in Roanne.
See, in French, l'Ephéméride anarchiste,
1871 -- New Age Hippies?: Ancient Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine founded in New York.
1872 -- Norman Macleod, the influential editor of "Good Words," dies.
1873 -- US: Uppity Susan B. Anthony arrested for voting.
1873 -- US: Beloved & Respected comrade Leader President Grant issues Executive Order withdrawing the Wallowa Valley, in NE Oregon, from settlement by whites. It doesn't stick.
1882 -- US: Where Do Frogs Come From? 17" hailstones weighing 1.75 lbs fall in Dubuque, Iowa. Small still-living frogs are found in some of those hailstones. Claes Oldenburg makes a zillion dollars hawking bumbershoots to the locals:
Crusoe umbrella
Claes Oldenburg
1890 -- Film comedian Stan Laurel lives.
1894 -- US: Dave Beck lives. Seattle, Washington-based head of a corrupt Teamsters Union.
1894 --Italy: In Rome the anarchicho Paolo Lega attempts to shoot Francesco Crispi, président du conseil Italien. The bullet lodges in Crispi's car rather than Crispi; Lega is arrested & gets 20-years in prison for his poor aim.
Source: l'Ephéméride anarchiste
1898 -- Italy: Il capo del governo Di Rudinì presenta cinque proposte di legge che vorrebbero sancire il divieto di sciopero e di associazione per i dipendenti pubblici, limitazioni alla libertà di stampa, di associazione e di insegnamento, la militarizzazione dei ferrovieri e dei lavoratori delle poste, un aggravamento delle disposizioni sul domicilio coatto. Il tentativo repressivo non riesce e il governo deve rassegnare le dimissioni.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]
1904 -- James Joyce meets Nora Barnacle, a chambermaid at Finn's Hotel, Dublin, Ireland, & takes her for a walk. This is the day of Leopold Bloom's fictional odyssey through Dublin in Ulysses — Bloomsday.
1907 -- Tapio (Felix) Hiisivaara lives (1907-1971). Finnish writer, journalist, & translator who specialized in such authors as Fredric Brown, Carter Brown, Mickey Spillane, Ross MacDonald, Eric Ambler & Leon Uris.
1907 -- Helvi Hämäläinen lives (1907 - 1998). Finnish writer, won the 1988 Finlandia Prize for Literature for her collection of poems Sukupolvini Unta (‘Dreams of My Generation’).
1913 --US: Emma Goldman begins (June 16-July 9) lectures on anarchism & modern drama in Los Angeles.
General lecture topics include "Friedrich Nietzsche, the Anti-Governmentalist," "The Social Evil," & "The Child & Its Enemies: The Revolutionary Developments in Modern Education." Dramatists discussed include Henrik Ibsen, Hermann Sudermann, Otto Hartleben, J. M. Synge, William Butler Yeats, Lady Isabella Gregory, Lennox Robinson, Thomas C. Murray, & E. N. Chirikov.
1917 -- Irving Penn, photographer, lives.
1917 --Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman plead not guilty on conspiracy charges; bail set at $25,000 each. Emma is disappointed by Ben Reitman's failure to return to New York to support their pending trial.
1918 -- US: Eugene Debs delivers his famous Canton, Ohio Speech.
America was at war with Germany & radicals were being hounded & jailed, often illegally, when Debs. gave this anti-war speech.
It was a bold & especially provocative act, given that Debs had just come from visiting three people (Ruthenberg, Baker, & Wagenknecht, mentioned in the speech) who were incarcerated under the Espionage Act for their opposition to the war. The speech was given to about 1,200 members of the Ohio Socialist Party & was later used against Debsto make the case that he had violated the Act.
1920 --Haiti: US Marines begin fighting in Haiti (-Nov. 25, 1924).
1923 -- Fancy Footwork?: National Institute of Social Dancing picks Prince of Wales as world's best.
1923 -- Argentina: In Buenos Aires the anarchist Kurt Gustav Wilckens is shot in his cell by a prison guard, a rightwing fanatic.He dies tomorrow &, despite government attempts to cover up the crime, a nation-wide General Strikeis called in protest.
See Daily Bleed, January 25, 1923.
In French, see l'Ephéméride anarchiste,
1923 -- Spain: During this month the review "Generación Consciente" first appears, in Alcoi (Catalonia).Published June 1925 to 1928 in Valencia, it changes its name to"Estudios" & continues publishing until 1937 with a print run of 60,000 copies.
An eclectic review, naturist & libertarian, its principal themes are nudism, integral medicine, free love, sex education, hygiene & natural foods, rational pedagogy, art, etc. Exerting a decisive influence on the Spanish working class, it contributes to developing radical sensibilities.
Among its many collaborators are the anarchist doctors Isaac Puente & Felix Martí Ibañez. In charge of the review is Jose Juan Pastor, a member of the founding committee of the "League for Sexual Reform" in 1928.http://www.ephemanar.net/juin16.html
1925 --Bloomsday is first celebrated (see 1904 above).
1929 -- Ronald Creagh (May 1968-2023) lives. French historian of the American anarchist movement. Professor at l'université de Montpellier, author of Histoire de l'anarchisme aux USA (1981), Laboratoires de l'utopie, les communautés libertaires aux Etats Unis (1983), Sacco et Vanzetti (1984), etc. Also moderates the Internet "Research on Anarchism" discussion list.
1925 -- India: Liberationist, lawyer Chittaranjan Das dies, Darjeeling.
1931 --
Madrid, Spain. June 16-21st 4art. Congrés de l' AIT(r). El secretariat de l'AIT (r) s'establí, per poc temps, a Barcelona, n'hi formaven part Eusebio Carbó i Valeriano Orobón.
1933 -- US: Senate passes the National Industrial Recovery Act by a margin of five votes.[Details / context]
1935 -- Italy: E' istituito il sabato fascista, mezza giornata che dovrà essere dedicata all'addestramento militare, politico, sportivo. Si contrappone, disprezzandolo, al week-end inglese dedicato alla lettura e al giardinaggio. Gli italiani smargiassi non rideranno più durante e alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]
1935 --Beginning date of Beryl Markham's memoir West With the Night.
1936 -- US: Olympic National Park created, Washington State (or the 29th?). Just an hour away from Auntie Dave's...but whom has no car that can go more than 10 miles before overheating & boiling over.
1937 -- Spain: Members of the POUM Executive Committee & foreign activists are rounded up. POUM is outlawed & its militants persecuted by the counter-revolutionary Stalinists & the Republic's police.Ethel MacDonald visited comrades in prison, smuggling in food & letters. She helped several foreign anarchists escape from Spain, borrowing clothes for their disguise & getting them on board foreign ships. She herself was finally captured & imprisoned. In prison she helped organise a hunger strike in every prison where there were anarchist prisoners.
[Details / context]
1938 -- Joyce Carol Oates lives, Lockport, New York. Teacher, critic, short story writer, novelist. Her work depicts violence & evil in modern society.
1938 -- St. Louis Browns walk Boston Red Sox Jimmy Foxx six times in a row.
1939 -- England: A rain of tiny frogs in Trowbridge, Wilts.
Source: [Calendar Riots]
1942 --Jean Genet play "L'Appolon de Bellac" premiers, Rio de Janeiro.
1942 -- France: French Annales school historian Marc Bloch killed by Nazis, near Lyon.
1946 -- US: Jack Johnson, first black heavyweight champion, dies in a car accident. Unforgiveably black.
1948 -- Chinese bandits host the first skyjacking.
Source: [Calendar Riots]
1953 -- US: Jack Hall of the ILWU & six others (the "Hawai‘i Seven") are convicted under the Smith Act for being communists. These convictions are later overturned by a federal appeals court.
1958 -- Former Hungarian reform leader Imre Nagy hung for his role in the 1956 uprising by Soviet occupation forces in Hungary."In the society they were glimpsing through the dust & the smoke of the battle in the streets, there would be no Prime Minister, no government of professional politicians, & no officials or bosses ordering them around..."
"For years to come all important questions for revolutionaries will boil down to simple queries: Are you for or against the programme of the Hungarian Revolution? Are you for or against workers' management of production? Are you for or against the rule of the Workers' Councils?"
"All workers, socialists, even communists, must at last understand that a bureaucratic state has nothing to do with Socialism."
— Nemzetör, 15 January, 1957
1959 -- Can't Stop Speeding Bullets?: George Reeves actor (Superman, Gone With the Wind), shoots himself.
1960 -- ¶ During this month Avon publishes Beatster Jack Kerouac's novel Tristessa; also Hollywood's movie version of The Subterraneans is released. During this Spring, his poem "Rimbaud" appears in Leroi Jones' magazine "Yugen". Jones' Totem Press also publishes Kerouac's Scripture of the Golden Eternity & New Directions publishes a limited edition of Visions of Cody.
1960 --Japan: Students riot to protest a treaty with the US; Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Ike Eisenhower's state visit is postponed.
1961 -- Soviet ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev defects to the US.
1963 -- Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova becomes first space woman.
1963 --
Buddhist demonstrations have been ongoing, occurring May through August of this year.
Today a second Buddhist monk immolates himself in Saigon.
1964 -- US: Armed white men surround the Mt. Zion Methodist Church in Philadelphia, Mississippi, &, after beating several blacks, burn the church to the ground.Laughingly touted as the "City of Brotherly Love."
1965 -- US: Speak-Out against Vietnam War, Pentagon.
1966 -- Holland: The 'revolution' eats its young: Dutch Provos denounce "non-political" rioters in the mainstream newspapers & appeal for calm on local radio. Nevertheless, young blousson-noirs from the suburbs — inflamed by the Provo's initial rhetoric — launch into their third night of riotous provocation against the police.
Source: [Calendar Riots]
1967 -- US: First & last Monterey International Pop Festival begins in Monterey, California. In three days 50,000 witness the first major appearances of Seattle's Jimi Hendrix, The Who & Janis Joplin. Also appearing are The Byrds, The Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane & Buffalo Springfield, Otis Redding, Mamas & Papas, & Ravi Shankar.
1967 -- US: For second year in a row, blacks riot in Atlanta.
1968 --France: Paris police clear the Sorbonne of some 200 occupying students.
1969 -- Marie Mayoux (1878-1969) dies (aka Joséphine Bourgon). French teacher, militant syndicalist, pacifist & anarchiste.
1970 -- Elsa Triolet dies. French writer, wife of Louis Aragon & a sister of Lilya Brik. The first to translate Mayakovsky's poetry to French. Triolet & Aragon participated in the French anti-fascist resistance movement.Daily Bleed Patron Saint December 14, 1997; June 16, 2006-2008
Russian Bohemian, Futurist, bon-vivant, French Surrealist muse.http://www2.ac-toulouse.fr/eco-triolet-toulouse/quitait.htm
1972 -- Germany: Police capture Ulrike Meinhof, last member of Red Brigades — best known for her role in the Baader-Meinhof gang. In 1976, like three other members, she dies in her prison cell, police claiming they are all "suicides."
1972 -- US: Women & children encircle Congress demanding an end to Vietnam War, Washington D.C.
1972 --Clifford Irving, author of a bogus biography of billionaire bug & germ collector Howard Hughes, is sentenced by a NY court to two years for grand larceny.
1973 --Benjamin Britten opera "Death in Venice" premiers, Aldeburgh, England.
1974 -- Homer Simpson & Marge Bouvier wed.
1975 -- Randy Farland finds a 14-leaf clover near Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
1976 -- US ambassador killed in Lebanon "civil war."
1976 -- South Africa: Student uprising in Soweto, South Africa's biggest black "township": 10,000 students demonstrate (protesting requirement to learn Afrikaans language in their schools, rather than English). Spreads to seven other black townships: 128 die; 1,112 injured. By year's end, thousands die in demonstrations throughout the country including 700 black children.
1978 -- Panama treaties ratified for US government to return sovereignty over Panama Canal. US "interests" in Panama apparently find drug running more lucrative.
1980 -- US: Supreme Court rules new forms of life created in labs can be patented.
1981 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Acting President Reagan holds his third press conference, where he proves he can answer questions:The Israeli attack on Iraq — "I can't answer that."
Israel's refusal to sign the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty — "Well I haven't given much thought to that particular question there."
Pakistan's refusal to sign the treaty — "I won't answer the last part of the question."
Israeli threats against Lebanon — "Well, this one's going to be one, I'm afraid, that I can't answer now."
The tactics of political action committees — "I don't really know how to answer that."
How do you spell Alzheimers? — "Well . . . . . "
American voters [a rapidly dwindling species] love this guy.
1983 -- US:
The CWRIC issues its formal recommendations to Congress concerning redress for Japanese Americans interned during World War II.
They include the call for $20,000 individual payments for those who spent time in the concentration camps & are still alive.
1985 --Beginning date of Stephen King horror(ible) novel The Stand.
1986 -- South Africa: Despite arrests, millions stay home in a black trade union strike on the 10th anniversary of the Soweto uprising.
1987 -- US: Paper workers strike mill near Portland, Maine.
1989 -- Four golfers shoot a hole-in-one on the same hole at the US Open — all on the 6th hole (Weaver, Wiebe, Pate & Price) Only 17 hole-in-ones recorded since the US Open began, today 4 more.
1991 -- Otis Nixon steals NL baseball record — six stolen bases in one day.
1991 --Hungary: Satiated? Last Soviet troops leave after 46 years of dining on the fine cuisine.
1991 --Madagascar: A General Strike begins.
1992 --India: Millions of workers strike to protest government reforms.
1992 --US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Acting President Ronnie Reagan's Sec. of Defense Weinberger is indicted in Iran-contra affair. Trying to best Nixon's Guiness World Book of Records for the most crooks in an American Administration.
1992 --Michael Berenbaum publishes Holocaust history, The World Must Know. Rightwingers except, of course.
1993 --México: 400 nude prostitutes protest police abuse, Matamoros, Tamps.
1995 -- Seattle's Pearl Jam begins a tour without using Ticketmaster. The band accuses the ticket giant of monopolizing the concert ticket industry & determines to use a mail-order ticket service instead.
1997 --Italy (?): An inquiry into alleged torture by Italian soldiers in Somalia begins.
2000 -- England: After an incredible 552-day, 24-hr-a-day continuous occupation (possibly the longest ever protest occupation of its kind) local villagers organised as Residents Against McDonald's (RAM) move their caravans off the site as they celebrate an historic victory.[McDetails / McContext]
2002 --US: "Washington Post" reports Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader "Texas Two Step" Bush has authorized the CIA to overthrow Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Iraqi President Saddam Hussein by deception or force. Lies & deceit no longer confined to the White House. (Wait until the world hears about the weapons of mass destruction (WMD) Saddam is preparing to unleash on pacifist America!)
2003 --Greece: Antiauthoritarian FESTIVAL, Theological Department of Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki AGAINST THE SUMMIT OF THE E.U. Sponsored by the antiauthoritarian Movement of Salonika. Begins today, with additional marches on the 20th towards the "Red Zone" in Porto Karras of Chalkidiki & in the center of Thessaloniki on Saturday June 21.
2999 -- GEORGE SELDES Daily Bleed Saint in 1998
Iconoclastic American radical journalist, media critic.
3000 --"And you, are you so forgetful of your past, is there no echo in your soul of your poets' songs, your dreamers' dreams, your rebels' calls?"
— Emma Goldman
Anarchy quotes, quotes from anarchists
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