Our Daily Bleed...
Canadian-born "paraconceptualist" art prankster, suicide.
1194 -- France: Much of Chartres destroyed by fire.
1248 -- Norway: Destruction of Bergen, by fire.
1555 -- England: No More Rain, the Fire Next Time? Thomas Haukes burned at the stake in England for not baptizing his son.
1580 -- Luís Camões dies, Lisbon. Portugal's national poet, wrote the epic Os Lusíadas.
1692 -- New World: Bridget Bishop is the first person hanged, during the ordeal known to history as the 'Salem Witch Trials' for witchcraft.
1720 -- Got Pouped-On?: Mrs Clements of England markets first paste-style mustard.
1772 -- Burning of the Gaspee, British revenue cutter by Rhode Islanders.
1801 -- Tripoli declares war on the US., which refused to continue paying tribute to the commerce-raiding Arab corsairs. Land & naval campaigns forced Tripoli to conclude peace in June of 1805.
1809 -- French painter & communard Gustave Courbet lives. Coined the word Realism. Libertarian, close friend of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon & a Proudhonist, elected to the Paris Commune, participated in the anarchist congress of the Jura Federation (1 August 1875). See Daily Bleed, December 31, 1877
Daily Bleed Patron Saint 2006-2010
French painter, revolutionary anarchist, man of independent character. Leader of the realist school. Involved in the destruction of the Vendôme column, he fled to Switzerland.
- James Henry Rubin, Realism & Social Vision in Courbet & Proudhon (Princeton University, pp. 177, 1980).
1832 -- Author Sir Edwin Arnold lives.
1839 -- England: Near miss: Edward Oxford, a pub worker, fires two shots at Victoria & Albert as they travel up Constitution Hill in an open carriage.
Source: [Calendar Riots]
1839 -- Ion Creanga lives, in Humulesti. Romania's greatest story teller, spent his boyhood in his native village, depicted in his masterpiece Memories of my Boyhood. "I am born at March 1 1837 in Humulesti village, Neamt county, from Romanian parents," but the date is contested by researchers, who place his birth today. A children's theater named in his honor opened in 1965.
1856 -- US: Defeated Rogue River Indians begin march down river to board steamer Columbia to take them to Grande Ronde reservation, hundreds of miles away in Northwest Oregon.
1863 -- Author Louis Couperus lives.
1863 -- France: Jean Ajalbert, anarchist, lives, Levallois-Perret (banlieue de Paris). Avocat, poète impressionniste, écrivain naturaliste et anarchiste.
1865 -- Lydia Sigourney dies, Connecticut. Pacificist writer.
1865 --
1871 -- Korea: Police Action? American military force lands in Korea to "protect US interests."
1878 -- Author Joseph Conrad first sets foot on English soil, at Lowestoft, after a journey aboard the Mavis.
1881 -- Count Leo Tolstoy, author/christian/anarchist/pacifist, sets out on pilgrimage to the Optina-Pustyn monastery, disguised as a peasant but accompanied by two bodyguards who carry a suitcase full of clean clothes.
I cannot recall those years without horror, loathing, & heart-rending pain. I killed people in war, challenged men to duels with the purpose of killing them, & lost at cards; I squandered the fruits of the peasants' toil & then had them executed; I was a fornicator & a cheat. Lying, stealing, promiscuity of every kind, drunkenness, violence, murder — there was not a crime I did not commit...Thus I lived for ten years."
— Leo Tolstoy, Confessions
1884 -- US: Louis Riel leaves his teaching post in Montana to return to Canada to lead what becomes the Northwest Rebellion.
[Source: Robert Braunwart]
[Hereafter attributed with symbol:
1890 -- In nine-year-old Daisy Ashford's The Young Visiters; or Mr. Salteena's Plan, Ethel marries Bernard at Westminster Abbey Refreshments are served later at the Gaierty Hotel.
1892 -- US: Coeur d'Alenes labor strike in Idaho, in which mines were destroyed & seized by workers to prevent them from being run by scabs. The strike was only broken by the declaration of martial law. See Jeremy Brecher, Strike!, page 63.
1895 -- Italy: In una lettera pubblicata sul "Secolo" di Milano, il deputato radicale Felice Cavallotti, basandosi su documenti, accusa Crispi di falsa testimonianza, concussione, corruzione, millantato credito.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]
1899 --
1902 -- Patent for window envelope granted to H.F. Callahan. Had a vision, then seized his window of opportunity.
1903 -- King Alexander I & Queen Dragia of Serbia assassinated.
1904 -- US: Passports, Please?: 79 striking Colorado Dunnville miners "deported" to Kansas.
A battle two days ago between the Colorado Militia & striking miners at Dunnville ended with six labor union members dead & 15 taken prisoner. Dozens were arrested without warrants & held without formal charges. General Sherman Bell of the Colorado National Guard shouted,
"Habeus Corpus, hell! We'll give 'em post mortems."
1906 --
1906 --
1910 -- Howlin' Wolf [Chester Arthur Burnett] lives.
1912 -- One of the best short-story writers & playwrights in Romanian literature, Ion Luca Caragiale, dies in Berlin, Germany. Conul Leonida ("Mr. Leonida"), O noapte furtunosa ("A Stormy Night"), & O scrisoare pierduta ("A Lost Letter") are among his most popular plays; O faclie de Paste ("An Easter Torch") & Kir Ianulea his best prose.
1915 -- Saul Bellow, author (Mr Sammler's Planet) lives — maybe. According to some sources (The Encyclopedia Americana, 1971; Lexikon der Weltliteratur, 1988; Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century, 1981), Bellow was born on July 10, 1915, not today. Got a Nobel anyhow.
1917 -- Brazil: Massive citywide textile strike for better wages/working conditions, in Sao Paulo, which lasts over a month.
Workers appealed to the sympathies of police & army, & when this failed, they openly confronted them, refusing to be intimidated. At the beginning of July they are joined by striking cab drivers, utility laborers & many craft workers — totaling over 20,000 on strike.
1917 -- Scotland: Women's Peace Crusade launched, Glasgow.
1917 -- Italy: 10 - 25 Giugno. La battaglia per la conquista del monte Ortigara si conclude con gravi perdite per l'esercito italiano. During this month: Si verificano ampi episodi di ribellione da parte dei soldati contro gli orrori della guerra. Verranno bollati come "disfattismo."
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]
1921 -- US: In the Sacco & Vanzetti trial, Mr. Pelser testifies Sacco was the “dead image” of the man in the getaway car. He admits in cross-examination that he earlier told the police that he had not witnessed the robbery & had run away because he was scared.
1921 --
1923 -- French sex novelist Pierre Loti dies.
1924 -- Italy: Una squadra fascista che comprende Amerigo Dumini (stipendiato dall'ufficio stampa della presidenza del consiglio), Albino Volpi, Giuseppe Viola, Amleto Poveromo, Augusto Malacria, rapisce e uccide il deputato socialista Giacomo Matteotti. / On the murder of Giacomo Matteotti, Italian Socialist deputy, the opposition leaves the chamber.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]
1927 -- Libertarian great Victoria Woodhull dies, Worcestershire, England. Woodhull & her sister, Tennessee Claflin, invaded male territory as Wall Street brokers & publishers of "Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly." Woodhull & Clafin spoke for free love, abortion, divorce, legalized prostitution & women's voting rights. Daily Bleed Saint, September 23.
on this unless you're itchin' for a brick. |
1927 -- Italy: The trial (June 8-10) of anarchist Gino Lucetti concludes. He attempted to assassinate Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Mussolini, September 11, 1926. He is sentenced to 30 years in prison; two others receive 12 years. Antifascist partisan formations during WWII took group names, & two in the Carrara area proudly adopted the names ‘G. Lucetti’ (60-80 guerrillas) & ‘Lucetti bis’ (58 strong).
1928 -- Maurice Sendak lives, Brooklyn, New York. Illustrator/author of children's books Wrote Where the Wild Things Are.
1928 -- Alfred North Whitehead writes, In Dialogues: "Art is the imposing of a pattern on experience, & our aesthetic enjoyment is recognition of the pattern."
1931 --
1931 -- Spain: Tercer congrés confederal de la CNT. 418 delegats que representaven a 535.565 afiliats i 511 sindicats. La delegació catalana estava representada per 129 delegats de 92 poblacions i 296.459 federats. Juan Peiró & Ángel Pestaña es van enfrontar, dialècticament, amb els faistes (Buenaventura Durruti, Ascaso, Sanz, etc).
1935 -- Bob Sobers Up:
Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step cult founded, Cairo —
On the banks of de Nile.
1940 -- England: African liberationist Marcus Garvey dies, London.
With battleship, artillery & gun
White men have put all God's creatures to run;
Heaven & earth they have often defied,
Taking no heed of the rebels that died.
God can't be mocked in this daring way,
So the evil ones shall sure have their day.
"You may rob, you may kill, for great fame,"
So says the white man, FOR THIS IS HIS GAME.
1940 -- Italy: Il governo italiano dichiara guerra alla Francia e alla Gran Bretagna. La tragedia della guerra ha inizio ma inizia anche la fine del regime fascista.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]
1940 --
1942 -- Czechoslovakia: Nazis destroy the village of Lidice, murdering 300+ men, women & children as reprisal of the killing of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Reichsprotektor Heydrich.
The German Security Police burns the tiny village of Lidice to the ground....
1944 --
1945 --
1952 --
1958 -- US: House subcommittee discloses evidence that Boston industrialist Bernard Goldfine paid hotel bills for Presidential Assistant Sherman Adams, supposedly in exchange for Adams' intercession with the SEC in regard to an alleged securities violation by Goldfine (see 17 June).
1960 -- Japan: Several thousand council workers & revolutionary students surround the entourage of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader US Presidential Press Secretary Hagerty at Haneda airport, Tokyo. In the ensuing battle with riot police, he has to be rescued by a US marine helicopter. The incumbent pro-imperialist government of Japan collapses in embarrassment & fearing further protest, President Eisenhower's July visit is cancelled.
Source: [Calendar Riots]
1963 -- US: Anti-segregation demonstrations in Danville, Virginia. 38 non-violent protesters arrested in the afternoon. In the evening, fire hoses & police clubs are used against 65 demonstrators, sending 40 of them to the hospital. The official record indicates an 15 are hopsitalized & "an unknown number of persons" were treated as outpatients at Winslow Hospital & discharged without a a record being made of their injuries. James Forman & other SNCC people were involved in the drawn out actions in Danville.
See Dorothy Miller's pamphlet, Danville, Virginia, (Atlanta: SNCC, 1963). Photos & layout by Danny Lyons.
1963 -- US: Congress passes a law mandating equal pay to women workers.
1965 -- US: Chicago school segregation is protested by mass demonstrations.
1966 -- US: Don't Take No Wooden Nickles? Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tells Sierra Club it will lose its tax deductible status if it keeps taking "political" stands.
1967 -- US: Claims Court upholds decision that Seminole tribes of Florida & Oklahoma have claims to lands covering much of the state of Florida.
1967 -- US: Reies López Tijerina & his son are captured by federal marshals.
See Daily Bleed, June 5, 1967
1967 -- US: Festival in Hunters Point in Frisco, California to honor the boxer & Vietnam War refusenik Muhammad Ali (stripped of his heavyweight title for being a conscientious objector).
1968 -- Turkey: 20,000 students occupy the universities of Ankara, Erzeroum, & Izmar.
1968 -- France: Continuing upheavals begun in May: the CRS drives out occupation/strikers from Renault de Flins factory (night of June 6). Brawls with the police force have continued everyday since, & today a high-school pupil, Gilles Taupin is embedded while trying to escape the bludgeons. Tomorrow these officer friendlies, always the pals of the laborers, kill a worker, & the next day yet another.
10 juin 68 Noyade de Gilles Tautin à Flins, poursuivi par les forces de l'ordre.
"A single non-revolutionary weekend
is infinitely bloodier than a month
of permanent revolution."— Wall graffiti
The walls have ears. Your ears have walls.
The act institutes the consciousness.
To desire reality is good! To realize one's desires is better.
We are all German Jews. Be salted, not sugared. I am in the service of no one, the people will serve themselves. The barricade blocks the street but opens the way. Art is dead, liberate our daily life. Life is elsewhere. The restraints imposed on pleasure excite the pleasure of living without restraints. The more I make love, the more I want to make the Revolution, the more I make the Revolution, the more I want to make love.
All power to the imagination!
1969 --Rapoport & Kirshbaum publish Is the Library Burning?. [Reminds BleedMeister that this was the days when our enlightened librarians used to send library discards to the dump to be burned].
1970 -- England: Brixton Conservative Association firebombed. Tomorrow the anarchist Stuart Christie's home is raided with explosives warrant. A series of firebombings occurs this year in England & Europe, some by The Angry Brigade; police also attempt to pin at least one (at the Miss World contest) on Jake Prescott.
1970 -- US: 1500 Isla Vistans peacefully assembled in Perfect Park to defy a 7:30pm curfew & to express their opposition to the brutal treatment of Isla Vista residents. Within 15 minutes arrests began & soon gave way to beatings & the firing of teargas cannisters into the crowd at point blank range.
1971 -- US: Jethro Tull concert in Denver, Colorado, is marred by police who fire tear gas to quiet the disturbances of the 10,000 plus crowd. Tull plays on even though keyboardist John Evans can't see his piano through the tear gas.
1971 -- México: Student uprisings.
1974 --Canadian "paraconceptualist" art prankster Toby Wong lives, Vancouver.
1975 -- 300,000 Strikes & You're Out?: Rockefeller Commission report is released, detailing a secret & criminal CIA-sponsored domestic program, CHAOS, including keeping records on 300,000 persons & groups, & infiltration of agents & provocateurs into black, anti-war & political movements in the US."A few years back, a man high up in the CIA named Ray Cline was asked if the CIA, by its surveillance of protest organizations in the US, was violating the free speech provision of the First Amendment. He smiled & said:
'It's only an amendment.'
& when it was disclosed that the FBI was violating citizens' rights repeatedly, a high official of the FBI was asked if anybody in the FBI questioned the legality of what they were doing. He replied:
'No, we never gave it a thought.'"
— Howard Zinn, The Zinn Reader, pp412-13.
1979 --Nicaraugua: The people of Managua spontaneously rebel against Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Somoza.
1982 --US: Federal investigators reveal mammoth embezzlement in Ronnie Reagan's HUD (Housing & Urban Development).
1983 -- El Salvador: Army begins Vietnam-style "pacification."
1984 -- Spank Me?: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Acting President Ronnie Reagan complains about daughter Patti's liberal comments about marijuana usage & pre-marital cohabitation."I'm just sorry that spanking is out of fashion now," he says — though it is unclear how long he has had this urge to spank a child in her 30s.
1984 -- México: Exposicion de pintura lesbica.
1984 --
1985 -- Strip Tease?: A "Doonesbury" cartoon strip took a shot at Frank Sinatra by portraying the 'Chairman of the Board' as a friend of organized crime. Several of the over 800 newspapers that carry the strip by cartoonist, Garry Trudeau, publish it with a disclaimer.
1988 -- Not Kosher?: A bicycle messenger is prevented from entering the Justice Department because he's wearing a T-shirt that proclaims,
"Experts agree! MEESE IS A PIG."
1989 --
1989 --
1990 -- US: 50,000 attend first March for the Animals in Washington, D.C.
1990 --
1990 --
1991 -- US: New York City stages a celebration for US veterans of the Persian Gulf War... Millions of revellers celebrate victory & 250,000 Iraqi deaths.
1991 --
1992 -- US: Texass police call for a boycott of Ice-T & Time Warner because of "Cop Killer" lyrics; sales skyrocket, doubling on the West Coast & in Texass.
"Tea for Texas, Tea for Thelma, Tea for Ice-Tea, gonna be the death of me..."
— Jimmie Rodgers (1897 - 1933), “Blue Yodel Number One (T is for Texass)”
1992 --
1992 --
1993 --
1998 -- México: Fourth anniversary of Second Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle. Meanwhile nine Zapatista rebels are killed by the Mexican army, El Bosque, Chis.
A people mute & brave are better than a people cultured & abject.
— Maria Arias (Maria Pistolas) at Madero's grave, August 1914
2000 -- China: Teachers wave tied up ribbons & sing during a demonstration outside Hong Kong's government headquarters.
Around 5,000 teachers participated in a protest against planned benchmark tests on English. The territory's Education Department expect all 14,400 English-language teachers to meet the minimum standard by 2005, in an effort to improve the declining English proficiency of young people in this metropolitan city.
2002 --
3000 --
Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins ... Society is in every state a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.
— Thomas Paine, Common Sense; forgotten American whose remains are lost
Dick Gaughan — Tom Paine's Bones (song): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qd2AHZ22SJ8
3500 --
anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less
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