Sunday, June 05, 2011

Daily Bleed for June 4th


Iranian Marxist humanist, council communist.

Berga, Spain: FIESTA. "Turks" on hobby horses stage dance-battle, joined by bizarre devils exploding fireworks, who are then disposed of by Archangel Michael & huge,giraffe-necked mules, eagles, dancing giants & dwarfs.


780 BC -- BC: First total solar eclipse reliably recorded by Chinese.

1070 -- France: Roquefort cheese created in a cave near Roquefort.

1568 -- Netherlands: Leaders of the Flemish opposition to the Spanish Inquisition are condemned to death at Bruxelles, prompting a revolt.
Source: [Robert Braunwart]
[Hereafter attributed with symbol: Source=Robert Braunwart]

1639 -- New World: New Haven, Connecticut's government by Plantation Covenant ends.

1789 -- US: Constitution goes into effect.

Auntie Dave's Speed Boat?
1792 -- Captain George Vancouver claims Puget Sound for Britain. Despite the first impression, "too puggy." Seattle Space Needle wasn't here yet.

If it's not raining something's seriously wrong; Live from Seattle:

1798 -- Womanizer Giacomo Casanova dies, Bohemia.

(F)red's Savages: boys & girls
1841 -- US: Capture of Seminole chief Coacoochee (Wildcat) during peace talks.

Mikhail Bakunin, anarchist
1848 -- Czechoslovakia: During this month Mikhail Bakunin participates in Slav Congress, where he speaks & presents papers; he also participates in the Whitsuntide insurrection here.

Also during this month his arch-nemesis Karl Marx publishes a false report that Bakunin is a Russian agent responsible for the arrest of Poles.

1849 -- Marguerite Power, Irish novelist, wrote graphic journal Conversations with Lord Byron, dies in Paris.

(F)red (F)acts
1850 -- Self-deodorizing fertilizer patented in England.

1850 -- Germany: During this month Mikhail Bakunin's death sentence is commuted to life imprisonment. Extradited to Austria, he is imprisoned in Prague. (He was condemned to death on January 14, 1850 while held in the Königstein fortress.)

1851 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Final date of Vilhelm Moberg novel Unto a Good Land.

1857 -- J. William Lloyd lives (1857- 194?), Westfield, New Jersey. Anarchist, poet, writer, doctor, editor of "Free Comrade," & a writer for Benjamin Tucker's "Liberty." Lloyd was known as the "drugless physician".

Michael Bakunin, anarchist
1861 -- Russia: During this month Mikhail Bakunin escapes from Siberia (today or tomorrow), via the Amur River, arriving in Nikolavsk in July; he sails on the Strelok to Kastri where he boards an American merchant ship, Vickery, to Hakodate, Japan.
... show details

He lit a fire & it still burns
Mikhail wanted nothing more than liberty
He denounced the church the state & monarchy
[...] Consumed with hatred for authority
Enemy of the state, protector of humanity...

— Excerpt from "Bakunin" from the album Nothing New For Trash Like You by the band Against All Authority

1864 -- US: BeSot & BeWildered? Beloved & Respected Comrade Failure General Ulysses S. Grant's military tactics during his first month in command of the Union Armies result in the deaths of 60,000 Union soldiers — more Americans than killed in the entire Vietnam War.

Michael Bakunin, anarchist
1864 -- Mid-1864, Mikhail Bakunin goes back to Sweden, then London, where he visits Karl Marx, & on to Paris where he renews his friendship with Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, finally moving to Italy where he stays until 1867. He settled first in Florence.

1893 -- US: Anti-Saloon League formed in Ohio.

1898 -- US: Laurance Labadie lives (1898-1975), Individualist anarchist, son of Joseph Labadie. Represented that libertarian impulse which became known in the early decades of the 20th century as "Mutualism," blending the ideas of Josiah Warren,P.-J. Proudhon, William B. Greene, Benjamin Tucker & others.
Further details/ context, click here; anarchiste[Details / context]

Statue de Charles Fourier; source Ephéméride Anarchiste
1899 --

France June 1899


nauguration de la statue de Charles Fourier sur le terre-plein central du boulevard de Clichy à Paris, oeuvre du sculpteur anarchiste Emile Derré.

1904 -- US: Workers of the International Brotherhood of Paper Makers strike Wisconsin paper mills in Appleton, Menasha, Combined Locks & Neenah, including Wisconsin Tissue Mills & the Kimberly-Clark Company.

1909 -- Author Katherine Mansfield is taken by her mother to a Bavarian spa for cold-water therapy; she had left her husband on her wedding night, already pregnant with another man's child.

1917 -- Robert Anderson lives, New York. Playwright, novelist, screenwriter. Wrote Tea & Sympathy.

Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman!
1917 -- US: On the eve of the official military registration day, Emma Goldman, among others, addresses a mass meeting organized by the No-Conscription League.
Emma Goldman's paper, Mother Earth News, cover by Man Ray.

Man Ray (Emmanuel Radnitsky) was a Modern Schoolartist. Like Emma, he opposed conscription, & his antiwar cartoons appeared often in her paper.
Mother Earth magazine cover, September 1914; source

Hunts Point Palace — 8pm in NY, attended by 10,000 people. Emma stops the meeting as a conflict with uniformed soldiers & sailors breaks out.

1917 -- Emma Goldman, anarchist feministUS: On an order from Washington, D.C., New York postal authorities hold up June issue of Emma Goldman's magazine, "Mother Earth".

1919 -- US: Vote early, vote often: women get the vote.

1919 -- Costa Rica: What For This Time? US marines "protect" US interests, of course.

1919 -- Ukraine: Marxism vs. the working classes: the 4th (Ukrainian) Congress of Free Soviets, to which rank & file members of the Red Army have been invited to send representatives, is banned by Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Leon Trotsky. Bolshevist troops are sent to destroy the Rosa Luxemburg Commune near Provkovski & the Ukrainian anarchist insurgent Nestor Makhno is declared an outlaw.
Source: [Calendar Riots]

1919 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Canada: Mayor of Winnipeg mobilizes a protest against Winnipeg General Strike.

1921 -- US: In the Sacco & Vanzetti case, the defense challenges the way in which the additional potential jurors (200 of 'em) were arbitrarily rounded up. Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Judge Thayer denies the challenge.

1922 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Aleister Crowley begins dictating novel The Diary of a Drug Fiend.

1925 -- Pierre Louys, pseudonym of Pierre Louis, dies, Paris France. (b. Dec. 10, 1870, Ghent, Belgium — d. June 4, 1925, Paris, France), French novelist/poet whose merit & limitation were to express pagan sensuality with stylistic perfection.

1928 -- Source=Robert Braunwart The contents of the "Philadelphia Bulletin" for this day are published in book form, under the title One Day.

1930 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Alban Berg's "Der Wein" (set to poems by Baudelaire) premiers, Königsberg.

1932 -- Chile: Politicians & military fulfill their tragic role, with a coup d'etat. they install Marmaduke Grove who declares Chile a "socialist republic," but the workers & labor unions have no avenue for participation. On the 16th the military brings the 12-day-old "republic" to an end.
"The only power in Chile capable of giving justice to the people is not government A or government B.

It is the organized people themselves."

— Chilean worker in an occupied factory

See No Middle Ground #2, Fall 1983. p24

Background materials on the Chilean workers' movement in the 1970s, see the Charlatan Stew Collection,

1932 -- anarchist diamondItaly: Angelo Sbardellotto arrested in the belief (correct) he is seeking to assassinate Mussolini.
Further details/ context, click here; anarchici, anarchico, anarchica, libertario[Details / context]

1936 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: John L. Lewis announces formation of Steel Workers's Organizing Committee.

Buy, Consume, Die
1937 -- Real Life File?: First grocery carts introduced — Live, Buy, Consume, Die & do wheelies at the same time!

Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman!
1937 -- England: Emma Goldman & Fenner Brockway (a former pacifist & CO) speak on "Conditions in Spain" in London. Emma formed the C.N.T.-FAI London Committee in 1936 & was made representative of CNT-FAI Exterior Propaganda London bureau.
Federico ARCOS: I woke up to the factory sirens. & it was as if the whole of Barcelona was pulsing to a single heartbeat, the sort of thing that only happens maybe once in a century… &, if I may say so, it has left its mark on my life & I can still feel that emotion.

1937 -- Sweden: Legislation passes granting public employees right to collective bargaining.

1937 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Artist Pablo Picasso completes his mural "Guernica."

1937 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Timothy Leary is announced as editor of his Springfield, Mass. high-school magazine, "The Recorder."

1940 -- France: Evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk ends. British & French troops were trapped on the beaches of Dunkirk after the surrender of Belgium's King Leopold II. A massive naval evacuation was promptly improvised in which 338,000 were saved from death or capture by the Nazis. All available boats, including small fishing vessels, were pressed into service.

1940 -- Carson McCullers, 23, publishes The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter to great critical acclaim.
"I have more to say than Hemingway, & God knows, I say it better than Faulkner."

1943 -- US: Orange & Black Company bus drivers join Local 225, NJ.

1943 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Los Angeles Zoot Suit riots begin - white US servicemen attack blacks & hispanics wearing "zoot suits."

1944 -- High Seas: First submarine captured & boarded, U-505.

1949 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Dick Tracy marries Tess Trueheart after an 18-year engagement.

1950 -- During this month Neal Cassady arrives in Denver. Beatster Jack Kerouac drives to México with Neal. Visits Bill & Joan Burroughs in Mexico. Kerouac is now a frequent user of marijuana & Benzedrine. While in Mexico, Kerouac gets dysentery. He hitchhikes back to his mom's place in NY in July.
Source: Kerouac Chronology

Mansoor Hekmat
1951 -- Iran: Mansoor Hekmat lives (d. 2002). Iranian Marxist theorist & leader of the worker-communist movement. He opposed the Shah &, after the Islamic Revolution of 1979, led the Worker-Communist Party of Iran (WPI), which is opposed to the Islamic Republic of Iran. He was the husband of fellow politico Azar Majedi.

"The basis of socialism is the human being.
Socialism is the movement to restore human being's conscious will."

1954 -- Source=Robert Braunwart American sci-fi author Harry Harrison marries Joan Merkler.

1959 -- US: A hearing is held today in Washington, D.C. to consider the "mailability" of "Big Table" 1. This follows the seizure of hundreds of copies of this magazine by the the Chicago Post Office when it was deposited for mailing on the 18th of March. "Big Table" was a small but important outlet for a number of cutting edge authors, including the Beats.

1962 -- Places to Go, Things to Do File: Lee Harvey Oswald departs Rotterdam on SS Maasdam to US.

1962 -- William Faulkner's last novel, The Reivers, is published.

1963 -- US: James Hoffa, President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, & seven others, indicted on charges of fraudulently obtaining $20 million in loans from a Teamsters Union Pension Fund.

1966 -- US: James Meredith, first black student at the University of Mississippi, is shot & wounded by a sniper while working on a voter registration drive, in a lone 220-mile "march against fear."

Civil rights leaders rally to the cause & came to continue the march from the point at which Meredith fell. He recovers & later completes the march on June 7.

James Meredith shot

From this event emerges Stokely Carmichael's advocacy of "Black Power":

"Don't be afraid. Don't be ashamed. We want black power. We want black power. We want black power. We want black power. We want black power. That's right. That's what we want, black power. & we don't have to be ashamed of it.

We have stayed here & we've begged the President, we've begged the federal government. That's all we've been doing, begging, begging. It's time we stand up & take over. Take over."

1966 -- US: The Jefferson Airplane appear in Exposition Auditorium at Civic Center in Frisco.

1968 -- Yugoslavia: Students occupy the University of Belgrade, demanding university reform.

1968 -- US: Frisco, California voters defeat a $5.7 million measure to acquire the Cliff House & Sutro Baths for a park. Ballot counting comes to a standstill at City Hall when the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles is broadcast live on television.

1968 -- US: Counter-commencement on Low Plaza by Columbia University students.
Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

Cop subduing protestor
1970 -- US: Folks in Isla Vista, California again attempt to burn the bank, battling the police in the streets. When the fighting ceased, 667 people had been arrested. Incomplete figures showed numerous instances of police brutality, including:

92 cases of unprovoked beatings, 43 cases of illegal entry, 26 cases of willful destruction of property, six cases of threats of death accompanied by the use of weapons, & five sexual offenses against women.

(Hey! Get over it. It's what cops, politicians, soldiers, spies, corporations, terrorists & similar authorities do.)

1971 -- Hungary: Marxist philosopher Gyorgy (or Georg) Lukács (1885-1971) dies. Loyal to the Communist Party until his death in 1971. Lukács became more publicly critical of the Soviet Union & Hungarian Communist Party in his last years following the uprisings in France & Czechoslovakia in 1968.

1972 -- Try This At Home?: The International Budo Association demolishes an entire house using only bare hands & feet.

1972 -- US: Angela Davis, African American communist & activist, acquitted after a 13 week trial. Davis, who was deemed a suspect because of her political beliefs rather than any specific evidence, is acquitted of all charges. See Daily Bleed, October 13, 1970

1979 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Nicaragua: Sandinistas call for an "insurrectional general strike."

1983 -- South Africa: Demonstration against nuclear power, Cape Town.

1985 -- US: White Noise? Supreme Court strikes down Alabama "moment of silence" law.

1986 -- US: Catawba tribe of South Carolina loses Supreme Court case to reclaim aboriginal lands, due to expiration of statute of limitations.

1986 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Bryan Adams, Sting, U2 & Peter Gabriel perform at the first Amnesty International show, Frisco.

Umberto Marzocchi
1986 -- Italy: Umberto Marzocchi (1900-1986) dies. Italian anarchist shipyard worker, Marzocchi fought Mussolini's fascists in Italy, Franco's in Spain & Hitler's in France.

After the Nazi occupation, Marzocchi joined the Resistance Maquis in the Pyrenees, with a mixed unit of anarchists, socialists & French & Spanish communists. After the war he was an active publicist, speaker & lecturer.

In 1977, by then almost 80, he was arrested in Spain during an international anarchist gathering.

... show details

1987 -- New Zealand: Legislation passes declaring the country nuclear-free; US government throws fits, leading to breakup of the ANZUS defense alliance.

1987 -- Italy: Viene arrestato Rocco Trane, segretario particolare dell'ex ministro dei trasporti Claudio Signorile, in relazione a tangenti versate a politici in cambio di appalti nel settore ferroviario. La corruzione, prassi congenita allo statismo.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1989 -- Iran: Read the Daily Bleed? Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Ayatalloh Ruhullah Khomeini dies of internal bleeding. Fondly known as "Chuckles," he took our motto to heart:

All Bleeding Eventually Stops

1989 -- China: The army massacres at least 2,000 peacefully protesting students & workers in Beijing's Tianenmen Square.

The all-knowing Chinese government still officially denies any deaths occurred; thousands arrested "disappear" & remain unaccounted for.

Just another CIA plot no doubt.

1989 -- China: Demonstrators in the city of Chengdu fight against troops.

Jet, toys are us!
1991 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Commerce Department admits it secretly allowed military exports to Iraq.

Time to nuke those terrorist lovers in the Commerce Department.

(F)red Votes for (F)at Elvis
1992 -- No Kosher Pork?: "Young Elvis" stamp whops bloated "Vegas Elvis" stamp in a contest conducted by US Postal Service.

Over a million votes tallied reveal four factions. Auntie-Fat Elvis faction argue he died on drugs; Auntie-Dead Elvis say he shouldn't get a stamp because he's not dead, he lives in Paraguay with JFK & Neil Armstrong. Meanwhile, Got mail?

1992 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Twelve nations (but not the US) sign a climate treaty — after the US guts it.

1992 -- Source=Robert Braunwart México: First Taco Bell outlet in the country opens, México City.

1994 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Bangladesh: Court orders the arrest of feminist author Taslima Nasrin for blasphemy; she goes into hiding.

1995 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Bosnian Serbs renew their bombardment of Sarajevo, Bihac & Gorazde.

1996 -- Source=Robert Braunwart The OAS condemns the US Helms-Burton law against Cuba, 33-1. Time for America to nuke the OAS.

1997 -- India: Culmination of marches from around the state, activists protest US company Enron, building a power station in the South Maharashtra region. 39 arrested.

1998 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Peter Carey wins the Miles Franklin Award for his novel Jack Maggs (Australia).

2000 -- US: Where's Your Tunic?! In NYC 150 people posed face-down flat nude beneath the Williamsburg Bridge for a photo shoot by Spencer Tunick.

2002 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Canada: Montreal Hizzoner Gerald Tremblay is hit in the face with a pie.

2002 -- US: Spilling The Beans? Anti-LEIU (Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit) protests continue, today targeting 10 local Starbucks outlets. Starbucks is a major sponsor of this conference of government spooks, spies & goons. LEIU is a "private" spy outfit funded by cops across the nation, maintaining secret records on non-criminal citizens that government agencies cannot.

2005 -- anarchist diamond; LABORUS: IWW Centenary Protest & Celebration in New York City. Features Paul Buhle (historian & co-editor ofWobblies! A Graphic History), John Pietaro (protest musician, labor organizer, writer), illustrator/artists Peter Kuper, Seth Tobocman, Sabrina Jones, & others. Party later at Dumba.

3000 --

‘In History, stagnant waters, whether they be the stagnant waters of custom or those of despotism, harbour no life; life is dependent on the ripples created by a few eccentric individuals.

In homage to that life & vitality, the community has to brave certain perils & must countenance a measure of heresy.

One must live dangerously if one wants to live at all.’

Herbert Read, art critic, anarchist benighted by de Queen of England...

4500 --

Alternate spellings: Anarþist, ANARÞÝZM, Anarþizmin, anarþizme, Anarþist, Anarquismo, Anarquista, Anarkistisk, anarkist, anarchisten kalender, tijdlijn, chronologie, chronologie, gebeurtenissen, calendário do anarquista, linha do tempo, eventos, calendario del anarquista, línea del tiempo, cronología, acontecimientos, calendario dell'anarchico, linea di tempo, cronologia, eventi
Anarchist Quotes

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