Web commute in full: http://recollectionbooks.com/
Portuguese novelist, Nobelist, libertarian communist.
1746 - A group of London booksellers enters into a contract with
Samuel Johnson for the projected 40,000-word Johnson Dictionary
for 1,575 pounds.
1891 - Emma Goldman addresses a mass meeting to protest the
second imprisonment of Johann Most at Blackwell's Island after
the Supreme Court rejects the appeal of his 1887 conviction for
illegal assembly & incitement to riot following the executions of
the Haymarket anarchists.
1898 - New York Times critic says George Bernard Shaw's
career has no promise, describing him as a
"voluble Jack-of-all-Trades . . . This carnivorous vegetarian."
1903 - Raymond Radiguet lives (1903-1923). French writer/poet,
who published his best known work The Devil in the Flesh at age
17. Died at 20 of typhoid. Member of Dadaist & Cubist circles, &
protégé of Jean Cocteau. Published in avantgarde reviews. Count
Orgel Opens the Ball was his last novel.
"Originality consists in trying to be like everybody else — & failing."
1916 - Australia: 6,000 attend anti-conscription rally, Sydney.
1923 - Argentina: A nationwide General Strike, protesting the
assassination of the anarchist Kurt Wilckens in his prison cell,
paralyzes the country.
1934 - US: Chapter 11?: Indian Reorganization Act passed against
virtually unanimous opposition of Native Indians, who feel they've
already been reorganized enough.
1936 - Poisoned Pen?: Maxim Gorky dies at 68, allegedly poisoned
by internal enemies of the Soviet regime.
"In the carriages of the past,
you can't go anywhere."
Daily Bleed Patron Saint 2006-2010
Great Russian novelist, God-building left-wing Bolshevik.
1941 - A. Philip Randolph & others meet with President Roosevelt
about their proposed March on Washington on July 1 to protest
discrimination in war industries. A week later, Roosevelt orders
their desegregation.
1942 - Sir Paul McCartney, singer/songwriter/composer/
lives, Liverpool. As one youngster recently put it: Who? Oh,
isn't he the dude that played with Wings?
1952 - US: Got Anthrax? Government denounces Soviet
suggestion that it ratify the 1925 Geneva Protocol against
bacteriological warfare.
1954 - Guatemala: The US-CIA supported invasion by Carlos
Castillo Armas is completed. The democratically elected Arbenz,
whose government made the mistake of nationalizing United Fruit
Company's property, fled to the Mexican Embassy. With its success
in Guatemala, the CIA had the confidence that it could now take
on anyone who interfered with American "interests."
Oh the companies keep a sharp eye
And pay their respects to the army
To watch for the hot-blooded leaders
And be prepared for the junta to
crush them like flies.
So heavy the price that they pay
As daily the fruit it is stolen...
— Phil Ochs, "United Fruit"
1969 - US: The ninth — & last — Students for a Democratic
Society (SDS) national conference begins at the Chicago Coliseum.
Federal, state & local undercover agents added to
the uniformed police force total at least as many as
the delegates in attendance, some 1,500.
1977 - Sex Pistols lead singer Johnny Rotten slashed on his face
& hands by kids armed with knives. Apparently the thugs objected
to the song, "God Save the Queen." Tomorrow guitarist Paul
Cook is beaten up.
1984 -- England: On the 100th day of a strike, more than 200
miners stone Maltby police station.
1989 - Muckraking journalist I. F. Stone dies.
Daily Bleed Saint 2005: Indefatigable muckraking journalist &
autodidact: spoke truth to power.
1999 -- Global Carnival Against Capital continues.
Reclaiming the streets...
2001 -- England: Today's UK "Guardian" reports:
Travel ban to block 'anarchist' leaders
Street clashes greet the 'Toxic Texan'...
Beloved & Respected Comrade Leaders Tony Blair & Jack Straw,
both dismiss the protesters as an "anarchists' travelling circus".
Now old
woman .... you
are accused
of heresy on
three counts
... heresy by thought, heresy by word,
heresy by deed, & heresy by action ....
four counts. Do you confess ?
Old Woman : I don't understand what I
am Accused of.
Ximinez : Ha ! then we shall make you
understand ! Biggles ! Fetch .... THE
— Monty Python's Traveling Circus
2010 -- Jose Saramago dies, Canary Islands. Portuguese writer gets
Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998. Originally trained as a mechanic,
his first publishing success came at age 60.
"To be quite sure, to be set, fixed, & firm
is to miss the point of life."
— Alan Watts, Beyond Theology
— @Auntie-CrewCut 1997-2011-1/2 more or less
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