Come & see the blood in the streets,
come & see
the blood in the streets,
come & see the blood
in the streets!
— Pablo Neruda, "I Explain Some Things."
Web version,
MAY 18
Nicaraguan revolutionary leader, guerrilla, martyr.
1593 - Kyd Me Not?: Warrant issued for the arrest of
Christopher Marlowe, falsely accused of heresy by his
roommate Thomas Kyd in an effort to save his own ass.
1781 - Tupac Amaru II, leader of Inca Rebellion, Micaela Bastidas
& other leaders, drawn & quartered in the same Peruvian square as his
great-grandfather two centuries before (Plaza Mayor del Cuzco).
1814 - Anarchist activist/philosopher Mikhail Bakunin lives
(Julian calendar; he gets to do it again on the 30th). Karl Marx's
chief nemesis.
Bakunin, like many other Russian anarchists, including
Peter Kropotkin & Leo Tolstoy, is born into the educated class
but will spend his life fighting for the peasantry.
Competing with Marx for leadership of the International
Workingmen's Association, Bakunin believed the Marxist theory
of revolution as a recipe for either parliamentary misrepresentation
or elitist tyranny.
1827 - Josiah Warren opens Time Store in Cincinnati — first
commercial cooperative.
He founded several "equity" stores, based on the idea of exchanging
goods for an equivalent amount of labor and on the principle that cost
should be the limit of price.
See Kenneth Rexroth's chapters on Josiah Warren &
Robert Owen in Communalism
1855 - George Speed lives, active in the Haymarket defense of the
falsely accused martyrs, Coxey's Army, Pullman Strike, & was an
organizer for the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).
1872 - Bertrand Russell lives (1872-1970), Wales.
Philosopher, mathematician & social critic, one of the most
widely read philosophers of the 20th century. Awarded a Nobel
in 1950. Outspoken pacifist, imprisoned during WWI. Abandoned
pacifism during WWII, but was a leading figure in the antinuclear
movement. Imprisoned in 1961 for taking part in a demonstration
in Whitehall. A pioneer of logical positivism.
1889 - Gunnar Gunnarsson lives (1889-1975). Prolific Icelandic
writer, who published in Danish to gain a wider audience. With
Guðmundsson & Laxness, among the first internationally known
Icelandic authors.
1895 - Birth of Augusto Sandino, hero of Nicaraguan independence.
Nace en Niquinohomo, Augusto C. Sandino: The magical kings do
not come from distant places to greet his birth, but leave gifts for
the farmer, carpenter, & vivandera passing to market. The midwife
buries the placenta, like a root, in a corner of the orchard. She
buries it in good place, where it will get the full strength of
the sun.
1917 - US: WWI draft enacted. That's how popular the war is,
not enough patriots ready to voluntarily die for flag & pie.
On the same day that the Selective Service Act is passed
authorizing federal conscription for the armed forces &
requiring the registration of all men between the ages of
21 & 30, Emma Goldman addresses an anti-conscription
gathering of close to 10,000 people...
1917 -- Eric Satie ballet "Parade" premiers, Paris, with art
work by Picasso (also a book by Jean Cocteau & choreography
by Leonide Massine). Apollinaire describes Picasso's sets &
costumes as "surrealist" — the first use of the term.
1919 -- Novelist Vladimir Nabokov learns to fox-trot.
1925 - Downhill Races?: First celebration of International
Goodwill Day.
1928 - Big Bill Haywood, IWW & labor activist, dies in lonely
exile, Moscow, USSR.
Radical militant labor leader & a founder of the "Wobblies,"
aiming to organize all workers into "one big union."
1949 - Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America
1952 -- US / Canada: Which Side Are You on?
Paul Robeson, in dramatic defiance of government's ban on
his leaving US soil, standing on a flatbed truck parked one foot
inside the US border at the Peace Arch, in Blaine, Washington,
speaks & sings to a crowd of 40,000 Canadians & Americans
gathered on both sides of the border.
1965 - Gene Roddenberry suggests 16 names — including Kirk —
for Star Trek Captain. It will never fly say some.
1968 - France '68: The Wild Days of May continues.
Such was the power of this upswell that tumultuous mass meetings
were called by people in almost every conceivable walk of life. A
mania for organization swept the people. Housing estate (project)
housewives, office employees & highly paid professionals,
astronomers & museum curators, hospital staff members &
people in the most varied workplaces & neighborhoods set up
"action committees" to organize the practical needs of the
struggle as well as the details of daily life, since official
seemed paralyzed.
By the end of May, 450 such committees had sprung up, in Paris
alone, in loose coordination with the Sorbonne General Assembly.
1968 - 10,000 march in Madrid, Spain, erect barricades & clash with
police, in solidarity with revolt in France.
1968 -- Italy: Protests flare up in Rome during the May Days.
1972 - US: Founding of radical senior advocacy group Gray
Panthers. Militant Oldy Moldys.
1979 - US: Silkwood vs. Kerr-McGee case establishes corporations
are responsible for the people they irradiate.
1980 - South Korea: Widespread civilian uprising for democracy
begins in Kwangju.
1980 - US: McDuffie Riots, Liberty City section of Miami, when
four cops are acquitted after killing an innocent black man in
his home. 14 killed, 200 injured.
1981 - Italy: Voters retain one of the most liberal abortion laws
in Europe despite intense pressure from the Vatican.
1984 -- "Under the Volcano" (based on the novel by Malcolm Lowry)
receives a great ovation at Cannes Film Festival.
1986 - David Goch finishes swimming 55,682 miles in a 25-yard
pool & Chung Kwung Ying does 2,750 "atomic" hand-stand push-ups.
1989 - China: Demonstrations in Tiananmen Square during USSR-
China talks.
1993 -- Mexico: Greenpeace protesters place a gas mask on
statue of Diana, Mexico City.
1995 - Henri Laborit (1914-1995) dies. French libertarian writer
& researcher. Laborit was, in turn, surgeon, biologist,
philosopher, theorist of behavior.
His work revolutionized modern psychiatry, & his studies of
human behavior were adapted to cinema by Alain Resnais in
film "Mon oncle d'Amérique".
Laborit was a familiar figure to anarchist listeners of Radio
Libertaire Paris, where he made numerous broadcasts.
2002 -- Poland: Anarchist Press & Literature Fair, today & tomorrow,
Rozbrat squat, Poznan. Along with publications for sale, display &
trade, the Fair includes lectures, discussions, exhibitions & film
Be There & Be Hexed?!
Includes International football game for three teams —
a situationist version of football (devised by the Danish
artist Asger Jorn, meant to disrupt one's everyday idea of football)
in which three teams play together on one hexagonal field.
In an emblematic fashion this [a goal in the team's orifice] perpetuates
the anal-retentive homophobic techniques of conventional football whereby
homo-erotic tension is built up, only to be sublimated & repressed.
Damn anarchists!
See also "The Radical History of Football", from "Do or Die" Issue 9
2011 -- Canada: Montreal’s 6th International Anarchist Theatre Festival,
featuring Pol Pelletier & artists from Germany & Quebec.
"Living never wore one out so much as the
effort not to live."
— Anais Nin
— Anti-Copyrite 1997-2011 more or less extant
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