Saturday, July 30, 2011

Daily Bleed Radical Literary History for July 30th

The Henry David Thoreau Volunteer Army

We're looking for a few desperate men
& women, quietness, no problem,
Willing to work long hours
With only intrinsic rewards.

The law abiding can apply elsewhere.
Must be willing to risk jail, poverty,
Death, & the vilification of the state.

Enlist anywhere.
Apply everywhere.

— Charles Potts



Powerful Belgian graphic artist, radical social critic.

Virginia: CRATER DAY. Civil War holiday.

1233 -- Assassination of Conrad of Marburg & Gerhard Lutelholb.

The filoviruses are similar in morphology, density & polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profile, & there is a serological relationship between Ebola & Reston viruses. Originally classified as rhabdoviruses, they appear to be more closely related to paramyxoviruses on the basis of recent genome sequence data. However, filoviruses are sufficiently distinct from the other nonsegmented negative-stranded RNA viruses to warrant taxonomic status as a separate virus family. A classification within the family Filoviridae has not yet been proposed. However, based on the data available to date, a separation into two distinct groups of viruses. Marburg-like & Ebola-like viruses, is obvious.

1502 -- New World: Indians meet Columbus' sailors at Guanjara, off the coast of Honduras.

1641 -- Reinier de Graaf, Dutch physician, discovered ovarian follicles, lives. Jeffery Dalmer tries some of his techniques, hands-off experience, gets life.

1763 -- Poet Samuel Rogers (The Pleasures of Memory) lives, Stoke Newington, England. Best remembered as a witty conversationalist & friend of many greater poets.

1771 -- Thomas Gray dies at 54, in Cambridge. Wrote "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard."

1818 -- Emily Jane Brontë lives, Thomton, Yorkshire. Perhaps the greatest writers of the three Brontë sisters Charlotte, Emily & Anne. Published only one novel, Wuthering Heights (1847), which didn't gain immediate success, but later considered one of the finest novels written in the English language. Died of tuberculosis in 1848.

"If I could I would work in silence & obscurity, & let my efforts be known by their results."

1822 -- Author Oliver Optic (William Taylor Adam) lives.

1838 -- England: Rain of frogs in London.

A better green joke than the one about the frog with hand-grenade?

What's green & yellow & lies in a gutter with cookie crumbs all over it?

A drunk girl scout!

— Bleedster Sam, "The Progressive Review", 2002

1849 -- André Romans-Ville lives, Romans (Drôme). Shoemaker, autodidact, militant anarchist.

Involved with the group "Terre et Liberté," & correspondent with Jean Grave, Sébastien Faure, etc. Often under police surveillance. Arrested February 10, 1894, with Pierre Martin & 20 other companions, & accused of "participation in a criminal conspiracy." Released a few weeks later. In 1905, in Saillans, he participated in the founding congress of the socialist federation, SFIO.

1857 -- US: Cato Institute? (We don't think so...): Radical economist & ascerbic social theorist Thorstein Veblen lives, Cato, Wisconsin. Iconoclastic, sardonic theorist of profit, status & class, he probed the irrational forces of capitalist culture. Wrote The Theory of the Leisure Class. One-time coach (1996-97 under Karl Marx) for the baseball team who represents all the little guys of the world, THE HEARTLAND CAPITALISTS.

1863 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Lincoln issues "eye-for-eye" order to shoot a rebel prisoner for every black prisoner shot.

1866 -- US: Police shoot into an assembly of blacks outside the Mechanics Institute in New Orleans, & a crowd of whites then storm the hall. By the time federal troops restore order, 38 are dead & 136 wounded — almost all of them black.

1867 -- US: Congress sets up Peace Commission with three stated objectives: (1) to end Indian Wars by giving them whatever they wanted; (2) to make peaceful farmers of them; & (3) to get their permission to build railroads across the plains. As with most peace commissions, the government ignored the objectives & did what it wanted to anyway.

1874 -- First baseball teams to play outside US, Boston-Philadelphia, in the British Isles.

Aristide Delannoy, anarchiste
1874 -- Aristide Delannoy lives (1874-1911). French artist & contributor, along with Paul Signac, Maximilien Luce, Alexandre Steinlen, Van Rysselberghe, Camille Pissarro, Van Dongen, George Willaume, etc., to the anarchist magazine "Temps Nouveaux."

1881 -- US: Marine General Smedley Butler lives. Best remembered for his book War is a Racket.

Smedley Darlington Butler was one of the most conscience-driven & controversial men ever to wear the uniform of the US Marines. Although he rose to the rank of Major General & was a two-time winner of the Medal of Honor, Butler is remembered today as a vocal critic of colonialism & American foreign policy.

By the time of his retirement in 1931, in bitter reflection on a 33 year military career, he realized that far from "making the world safe for democracy" he had spent his entire adult life fighting dirty little wars all over Asia & Latin America whose true purpose was to enrich a handful of wealthy industrialists.

— Bleedster Camy

1888 -- Author Jean Jacques Bernard lives.

1889 -- Starting date of Sherlock Holmes' "The Adventure of the Naval Treaty" (Tues, Jul 30 - Thur, Aug 1, 1889; "Strand Magazine" October 1893 & November 1893; "Harper's" October 14, 1893 & October, 21, 1893).

Frans Masereel header
1889 -- Belgium: Radical woodcut artist Frans Masereel lives (1889-1972), Blankenberge. Graphic illustrator best known for his wooodcut novels. A WWII resistance fighter (Le Soleil).Masereel graphic; source

Masereel came from a well-to-do family. He attended an art academy, & became interested in anarchism & pacifism.

At the outbreak of WWI, he fled to Geneva, where he met many left artists & writers, such as Romain Rolland & Stefan Zweig, who became friends for life. Masereel started illustrating the pacifist magazines "Les Tablettes"& "La Feuille." which established his international reputation.

Artists button; source

In the late 1920's artists surveyed by a German magazine named Grosz, Kathe Kollwitz, & Masereel as the most important artists concerned with the daily lives of workers.

Further details/ context, click here; anarchiste,  anarchismo, anarchici, anarchico, Anarþist, ANARÞÝZM, Anarþizmin, anarþizme, Anarþist, anarquista, anarchisten, anarchie, anarkismo, anarchisme, anarho, anarchica, libertarian[Details / context]

1894 -- Walter Pater dies, Oxford. The influence of his style & ideas continues.

Amilcare Cipriani, anarchist
1898 -- Italy: As a wave of anti-worker & anti-anarchist repression intensifies following riots in Milan, Amilcare Cipriani & five other libertarians are sent to prison with sentences ranging from 1-5 years.

An Italian involved in the Paris Commune, & a friend of Lissagaray, Cipriani was condemned to death for his role in the Paris Commune, but sent to a prison colony at New Caledonia. He returned to France with the amnesty of 1880, but was expelled.

Arrested in Italy, January 1881 for "conspiracy," he was sent to prison for 20 years, but a campaign to secure his release freed him in 1888. Cipriani returned to France & wrote for the anarchist press, with "Le Plébéien" & similar papers. In 1897, he went to Greece to fight against the Turks (he was wounded).

Today he is sent to prison for three years.

Further details/ context, click here; anarchiste,  anarchismo, anarchici, anarchico, anarchica, libertaria[Details / context]

"Distinctly foreign events & concerns, such as the plight of Russian nihilists or of Irish tenants, often received more attention from "Liberty" than American concerns. Tucker was outraged by the imprisonment of the Italian Amilcare Cipriani, the trial of Louise Michel, & the plight of Russian refugees in Paris."

1898 -- Juan Puig Elias lives (1898-1972), Sallent (Barcelone). Spanish teacher & militant anarco-sindicalista.

Founder of "l'Escola Natura" based on the educational ideas of Francisco Ferrer.

A C.N.T. activist, involved with C.E.N.U. (Council of the New School Unified) during theSpanish Revolution. Following Franco's victory, Juan Puig fled to France where he was interned in concentration camps, then fought against the Nazis with the Resistance. In 1946, he joined the C.N.T. E (in Exile) & became secretary for culture & propaganda. In 1952 he moved to Oporto Alegre, Brazil where he participated in a Spanish mutual aid group to help those suffering from the Franco repression.

1912 -- Belgium: Beginning of a General Strike. Another of the revolutionary upheavals leading to the capitalists' first global war to reassert their control of the social milieu.

1913 --
Clara Solomon, anarchist

Clara Solomon, (Pianist, New York, USA) lives (1913-2000).

The eldest child of Samuel Freedman, a garment-union activist who also served as business manager of the anarchist newspaper "Freie Arbeiter Stimme" (Free Voice of Labor), Clara Solomon became active in the movement in her teens, once hitchhiking from New Jersey to Toronto to visit Emma Goldman & in the 1930s agitating in support ofrevolutionaries in Spain. She met her future husband, Sidney Solomon, when he was drumming in an all-anarchist jazz band.

Although the movement dwindled in the US, Solomon remained involved long enough to figure in its modest revival in the 1990s as a mentor to a young generation of activists. She helped to found the Atlantic Anarchist Circle, a coalition extending from Quebec to Washington, D.C.

Clara died December 2000, age 87.

"When I was a girl, it was at home that I heard discussions about unions & strikes & anarchist activities. Peter Kropotkin, Errico Malatesta, Emma Goldman, &Rocker Rudolf were household names.

In the middle 1920's Rudolf & Milly Rocker stayed with us in our home when they came to lecture in Stelton, New Jersey. This made an enduring impression on my brothers Sigmund & David . . . & me, of course."

Further details/ context, click here; anarchiste,  anarchismo, anarchici, anarchico, anarchica, libertaria[Details / context]

1918 -- Joyce Kilmer, 31, is killed in fighting near Seringes on the Western Front. Can na see the forest for the trees, wrote Trees & Other Poems. .

1922 -- Nils Hövermark lives. Swedish chemist & mystery writer, who published, from the 1970s, over 10 detective novels, which became very popular in the Scandinavian countries. None, apparently, translated to English.

Other Scandinavian mystery writers:

SWEDEN: Per Wahlöö & Maj Sjöwall, Maria Lang, Vic Suneson, Stieg Trenter, Jean Bolinder, Jan Guillou, Håkan Nesser, Ulf Durling, Henning Mankel.
FINLAND: Mauri Sariola, Marton Taiga, Outsider, Tauno Yliruusi, Matti Yrjänä Joensuu, Pentti Kirstilä, Juha Numminen.
DENMARK: Helle Stangerup, Kirsten Holst, Erik Otto Larsen, Bo Bjørnvik, Leif Davidsen.
NORWAY: Fredrik Skagen, Kim Småge, Kolbjørn Hauge, Karin Fossum, Anne Birkendeldt Ragde, Unni Maria Lindell, Kjersti Scheen, Anne Holt, Arid Rypdal

1922 -- France: Jeanne Humbert released from St. Lazare prison.

Militant anarchiste, pacifist, néo-malthusian & naturist, she & Eugène Humbert were sent to prison on November 5, 1921, under 1920 laws designed to repress anti-nataliste propaganda. They were sentenced one to two years of prison & fined 3000 francs.

Eugene is not released until 1924, & they then continue their actions for free maternity & in the naturist movement.

1924 -- Author William Gass lives.

1925 -- Scotland: Rootless cosmopolitan, novelist, International Situationist, Alexander Trocchi lives, Glasgow. See "Hands off Alexander Trocchi!" by Guy Debord, Jacqueline de Jong & Asger Jorn.

Bambi vs Godzilla, Bambi gets stomped
1928 -- US: Splatter Flicks? George Eastman demonstrates first color movie.

Marv Newland ’s animated spoof of film credits, an underground cult favorite, culminates in a fateful encounter between the little fawn & Big G.

Penguin logo
1935 -- anarcho PenguinThe first ten Penguins paperback books appear with a penguin on the cover. Each book cost the price of a pack of cigarettes (in the days before smokes cost the same as your SUV).

Penguins get down on their knees for no one, & thus the paperback revolution begins.

1936 -- Spain: Airlift of the (fascist) Army of Africa to the Iberian Peninsula with planes supplied by Germany & Italy.
[Sources here]

Ford truck
1938 -- Hitler presents the highest non-citizen award — "Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle" — to Henry Ford in Berlin. Ford, like Charles Lindbergh & his author-wife Anne Morrow Lindbergh, was a Nazi sympathizer.

Jud SussThe International Jew The World’s Foremost Problem

Abridged from the original as published
by the world renowned industrial leader Henry Ford, Sr. archive

Heartfield AIZ cover: Hitler being paid-off by Big Business

Copyright, 1922. by The New York Times Company. Special Cable to "THE NEW YORK TIMES."

Heartfield AIZ cover: Hitler as a puppet, controlled by Big Business


Bavarian Anti-Semitic Chief Has American's Portrait & Book in His Office.


One German Paper Appeals to the United States Ambassador to make Investigation.

BERLIN, Dec. 10.— A rumor is current here, that Henry Ford, the American Automobile manufacturer, is financing Adolph Hitler's nationalist anti-Semitic movement in Munich. Indeed, the Berlin Tageblatt has made an appeal to the American Ambassador in Berlin to investigate & interfere.

Doubtless there is some ground for suspicion that Hitler is spending foreign money, for the paper marks his admirers throughout Germany contribute toward his movement would hardly suffice to pay for such large expenditure as his personal & business establishments require. His spacious headquarters in Munich are splendidly furnished & his organization employs a host of highly paid lieutenants & officials.

[SNIP] — New York Times, 1922

Ford's own anti-Semitic newspaper, "The Dearborn Independent," with a circulation of 700,000, first attacked Jews in its May 22, 1920 issue & continued to do so in 91 subsequent editions. Many of these were reprinted as The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem (four volumes), & later published in a variety of languages & disseminated widely in the US & abroad.

See Charles Higham's Trading with the Enemy: The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949 (1983).

1938 -- EGAt the anarchist Whiteway Colony in Gloucestershire, Emma Goldmanexamines the late Thomas H. Keell's papers on behalf of IISH, which hopes to acquire part of his collection.

1944 -- US: "The NY Times" reports "labor-management antagonisms which forecast a post-war period of great turmoil..." Business was set to break de facto control of production won by workers during the war. The real question is not whether there would be strikes, but whether they would be union-controlled or wildcat.

During the 44 months from Pearl Harbor to V-J Day, there were 14,471 strikes involving 6,774,000 strikers. In 1944 alone there were 369,000 steel & iron workers, 389,000 auto workers, 363,000 other transportation equipment workers, & 278,000 miners involved in strikes.

Jeremy Brecher, Strike!, pp226-27

1945 -- High Seas: USS Indianapolis, having just completed its secret mission to deliver the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima, is torpedoed. The ship sinks in 12 minutes. Because of the secret nature of its mission, the incident went unreported for five days; survivors were left to fend for their own before a Navy plane on routine patrol discovered them. Of the 1,100 men aboard, 880 lost their lives to drowning, sharks & exposure.

1954 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Solidarity Forever Rock? Elvis Presley makes his first advertised concert appearance, Memphis; today he also joins the Memphis Federation of Musicians, Local 71.

1956 -- US: "In God We Trust" is adopted as the official motto of the United States of America. & none too soon.

Domino Pizza
1958 -- Iraq: Left-wing coup arouses Western fears of Domino Effect.

1967 -- US: Race riots begin in black sections of Milwaukee. Last until August 4; Four die.

1967 -- US: Eight days of race riots in Detroit come to an end.

1967 -- Author Elizabeth Wurtzel lives.

1968 -- England: Only seven months after opening, the Beatles' Apple boutique in London closed due to mismanagement; entire inventory is given away.

1968 -- Detenidos seis sacerdotes en Vizcaya por impago de sanciones impuestas por insultos a las autoridades y negarse a que la bandera española entre en la iglesia.

1969 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Used Car Salesman Dick M Nixon calls the Vietnam War,

"One of America's finest hours."

1970 -- US: Remember the Power Keg Rock Festival in Connecticut cancelled by local authorities? Over 30,000 people show up even though police barricade all roads leading up to the site for two hours. Utilities are cut off but the crowd parties on. Doctors report over 800 cases of bad drug reactions.

Angry Brigade
1970 -- England: Series of bombings occurs — attributed to the anarchistAngry Brigade — over the next 18 months. Attacks include Gordon Carr's (Minister of Employment) home (January 12, 1971), the Department of Employment & the Miss World contest (November 20).

1971 -- Japanese Boeing 727 collides with an F-86 fighter killing 162.

Come Inside, Ben!
1972 -- 53 caribou found dead near an army base that had served as the site of a chemical & biological warfare laboratory. The post commander suggests the animals might have been struck by lightning.

Stan Iverson, anarchist Motherfucker
1973 -- US: Grand Opening of Left Bank Books Collective, Seattle, Washington. A split off from Red & Black Books Collective (before it opened its doors).

BleedMeister, Stan Iverson, Karen Herold, Barbara Sealy, remain with the R&B; Paul Zilsel & Lynn Thorndycraft left the formative group to start Left Bank, with a more focused anarchist identity & presence rather than the generic "radicalism" of Red & Black. Early Left Bank participants include Bruce Huebel, Jo Maynes, Ruth Sabiers, Mark Kent & others... BleedMeister joins LB in 1978 & remains until 1995.

Both stores celebrate their 25th year in 1998; Red & Black Booksclosed it's doors in March of 1999.

Now online, The Stan Iverson Memorial Library,

1973 --

"If the Nuremberg laws were applied today, then every Post-War American president would have to be hanged."

Noam Chomsky

1974 -- US: House of Reps recommends 3rd article of impeachment
of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Dickster M Nixon.

1975 -- US: The Real Dirt?: Teamsters union boss James Hoffa, is disappeared from the parking lot of the Hungry Tiger(!) coffee shop in suburban Birmingham, Michigan. His body is recently discovered, in the back of the twisted wreckage of John Kennedy Jr.'s airplane.

1980 -- South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu gains independence.

1980 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Mary Meagher, US, sets a world 200-m butterfly swim record, 2:06.37.

1981 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Butterflies is published. We don't know if Mary made it in...see 1980 above.

Woodstock poster
1986 -- US: RCA, acquired by General Electric, elects not to renew John Denver's contract despite being one of the most profitable acts on its label. Rumored that G.E., a major producer of military equipment was offended his single (with Russian Alexander Gradsky) "Let Us Begin (What are we Making Weapons For?)."

red arrow
1987 -- Brazil: Um grupo de professores estudiosos do anarquismo promoveu curso na ABI (Associação Brasileira de Imprensa).
[ Source: Arquivo de História Social ]

1990 -- Liberia: Women & children in refugee compound massacred by army, Monrovia.

1991 -- Canada: Quebec natives announce they will determine their own course if Quebec secedes.

1991 -- US: Doug Danziger, crusader against topless bars & adult bookstores, resigns as Ft Lauderdale vice mayor after being linked (sic) to a prostitute.
Source: [ Robert Braunwart]

1993 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Africa Rights accuses UN & US of major rights violations in Somalia.

1994 -- Brazil: The anarcha-feminist group in Sao Paulo (CAF) sponsors today's anti-homophobia event in Espaco Vadiagem.

Ten anarcho-punk groups perform to young audiences. The event is marred by the infiltration of Nazi skinheads who are exposed & removed. Some members of CAF are the target of intimidation by these troublemakersfollowing this event.

1994 -- Source=Robert Braunwart France: Court overturns the government's attempt to ban English words.

Free East Timor, animated
1996 -- England: Four Ploughshares activists acquitted, in Liverpool, of all charges on the basis of preventing a greater crime, after having extensively damaged an F-16 fighter jet set to be sold to the Indonesian government in its genocidal occupation of East Timor.

1999 -- US: Southern Girl's Convention begins, Memphis, Tennessee.

2000 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: An armed & threatening 91-year-old man is subdued by a robot with a water cannon, Upper Marlboro, Md. (quite a picture, isn't it?).

plundered street
2001 -- Argentina: In a protracted economic crisis, the government's key austerity bill is passed. A "zero deficit" law aims to end deficit spending & slash state salaries & some pensions by up to 13%. See

Hungry March Band; source
2005 -- US: Brooklyn’s Hungry March Band (23-pieces) lights up the Coney Island Mermaid Day Parade, plays at Bard College today. Voted Best Anarchist Parade Group by the Village Voice in 2004, the band (buncha non-musicians), has also graced Lincoln Center Out of Doors.

2006 -- US: Memorial Gathering for Paul Zilsel (1923-2006), Seattle, Washington. Highly regarded theoretical physicist, one-time Communist, militant anarchist, cofounder Left Bank Books Collective, active in Arab-Jewish peace groups in Israel & the US.

2006 -- Murray Bookchin (1921-2006) dies, Burlington, Vermont. Autoworker, one-time anarchist militant & theorist. Pioneer in the ecology movement, introducing the concept of social ecology. He taught at Ramapo College (1977-1981). In Burlington, Bookchin was instrumental in helping to organize the Green Party. He also co-founded the Institute for Social Ecology in Plainfield in 1971. Bookchin published over two dozen books ecology, history, politics, philosophy, & urban planning.

A recollection: Auntie Dave was a guest of Murray's at his NY City apartment for a few days in 1971, & again later when Murray moved to Vermont, where the raving drunken sot (Dave, not Murray) upchucked all over the apartment & had to be nursed back to (ab)normalcy. We met again a decade or so later in Detroit at Lorraine & Fredy Perlman's home where a lively exchange was held in the kitchen as the two of them chopped salad, head to head, toe to toe.

2007 -- Italy: Influential film director Michelangelo Antonioni dies.
Daily Bleed Saint, Sept. 29, 2009
Prominent Italian modernist filmmaker, political radical.

Chop steak, animated
3000 --

"Chemicals.... I love chemicals...
Without chemicals ....
What would my life be like?
what would my hair be like?
What would my kitchen be like?"

— Debbie Harry

3001 --
End of Boredom

3001 --
End of Boredom

anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less
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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Exxon Mobil profit jumps 41pc

29 Jul 2011 The ever-rising price of oil has given Exxon Mobil a 41 per cent leap in second-quarter profits -- its best 90-day result for three years. The company said that an increase in production had helped to produce the figures. The world's largest oil company said that profits for the second quarter were $US10.68 billion ($9.7bn), up from $US7.56bn in the same period last year. Revenues rose 36 per cent to $US125.5bn.

Shell profits jump 77% on higher oil prices

28 Jul 2011 Oil giant Royal Dutch Shell has reported a 77% jump in second-quarter profit, thanks to higher energy prices. Shell's profit for the three months to June came in at $8bn (£4.9bn) on a current cost of supplies basis, up from $4.5bn in the same period last year. Earlier this week, rival BP announced second-quarter profits of $5.3bn.

Daily Bleed Radical Literary History for July 28th

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake."

— Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower (1887-1956)


Fastidious avant-garde idea man. Gave up art for chess. Pawn e1-e4.


Brussels, Belgium: KERMESSE. A 600-year-old-spectacular parade featuring elaborate floats & enormous balloon creatures & characters.



MAYAN CALENDER: NEW YEARS DAY! Eighteen 20-day months (appended by five 'bad days'); beginning today with the Month of Pop.

1586 -- England: First potatoes arrive in Britain; landed in Plymouth from Colombia. Inspires Couch Potatoes, Potato Heads, & colonists to name a rock in the New World Plymouth.
Source: 'Calendar Riots'

1591 -- New World: Anne Hutchinson banished from Boston because of her independent religious views.

1667 -- Poet Abraham Cowley dies in Chertsey, Surrey, at 48, buried in Westminster Abbey.

1750 -- Fabre d'Eglantine lives, Carcassonne, France. Actor/poet, best known for his song, Il pleut, il pleut, bergère, still sung by French children today.

1750 -- Warrant?: Composer J. S. Bach dies. Beatles release "Get Bach."

1794 -- France: Basket Case? French Reign of Terror architect Robespierre faces the guillotine himself.

"The word is "Thermidor"! & it should be used more often! It's an event of vastly more significance than merely the "arrest" of Robespierre: it's the date the popular radicalism of the French Revolution finally ground to a halt... (& it's hard to overstate the extent to which the Bolsheviks in the early 1920s were paranoid about a "Thermidor" overtaking their revolution, & worried about which of them would play what role.)"

— Bleedster C.B., The Voice of the Turtle

1814 -- Percy Bysshe Shelley, already married to the former Harriet Westbrook, elopes to France with Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin). Harriet's suicide in 1816 frees him to wed Mary.

1844 -- Gerard Manley Hopkins lives. Jesuit poet, wrote "The Wreck of the Deutschland."

1862 -- Emile Maurin (1862-1913) (aka Elie Murmain) lives. French anarchiste militant & photographer.

1866 -- Children's writer/illustrator Beatrix Potter lives, Bolton Gardens, Kensington. Created the characters Peter Rabbit, Jeremy Fisher, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, & others.

1866 -- US: Metric system becomes a legal measurement system. Yup.

1868 -- US: Caste System? 14th Amendment, giving equal rights to all non-Indian men, becomes part of the US Constitution. Back in the days when America had a constitution.

1869 -- US: Last Rites? Women shoemakers in Lynn, Massachusetts demand equal pay.

Emile Masson, French anarchiste; source
1869 -- France: Emile Masson lives (1869-1923), in Brest. Breton militant, professor, writer & libertarian socialist propagandist.

Masson frequented the revolutionary milieu of socialists, anarchists & antimilitarists while a student of philosophy & English at the Sorbonne. A passionate advocate of Breton language, culture & history, publisher of the bilingual monthly, "Brug" (Breton-Français).

spinnning image, animated
1887 -- Dada post-artist Marcel Duchamp lives, Blaineville, France.

"The individual, man as a man, man as a brain, if you like, interests me more than what he makes because I've noticed that most artists only repeat themselves."

1890 --

"Toutes les lois sont oppressives et criminelles. Elles ne protègent que les riches et les heureux." "All laws are oppressive & criminal. They only protect the rich & happy. "

anarchist circle a Octave Mirbeau, 28 juillet 1890.

1892 -- US: Queen Emma placidly reads amidst de Choking Smoke of her Cobwebbed Tool Shed ...

Anarchy's Den.
. . . .
Emma Goldman, Its Queen, Rules with a Nod the Savage Reds.
. . . .
Peukert, the Silent Autonomist, the Power Behind Her.
. . . .
Berkman, the Assassin, the Tool of These Leaders.
. . . .
Their Headquarters in a Cheap Flat on Fifth Street.
. . . .

[. . .] & Here Was Emma Goldman.

In the far right-hand corner of the second room, near a dusty, cobwebbed window, sat a woman. Alone in that gathering of hard-faced, half clad men, enveloped in a dense atmosphere of choking smoke, she reclined placidly in a barroom chair, reading...

— excerpted, interview in the "New York World," July 28, 1892


1894 -- anarchist diamond dingbatFrance: The last of the "lois scélérates" ("villainous laws") is passed, condemning any individual or publication using anarchist propaganda.

1898 -- Start of Sherlock Holmes' "The Adventure of The Retired Colourman" (Thur, Jul 28 to Sat, Jul 30; "Liberty" December, 1926 "Strand Magazine" January, 1927).

1900 -- US: Got Meat? The Hamburger is created by Louis Lassing in Connecticut.

1902 -- Kenneth Fearing lives (1902-1961) Oak Park, Illinois. American journalist, poet, & radical novelist.

In his fictional works, Fearing satirized the middle class, often using savage dialogue.

The Big Clock, (1946) is Fearing's best known book. Other Works: Angel Arms, 1929 ,Poems, 1935, Dead Reckoning: A Book of Poetry, 1938, Collected Poems of Kenneth Fearing, 1940, The Dagger of the Mind, 1941, Sherlock Spends a Day in the Country, 1944, The Generous Heart: A Novel, 1954, Stranger at Coney Island & Other Poems, The Complete Poems, 1997.

The Big Clock was filmed as The Big Clock (1948) & No Way Out (1987) & dramatized on radio as Desperate Witness, an episode of Mutual's The Zero Hour, hosted by Rod Serling.

Fearing was Contributing editor of "New Masses" (until 1933), cofounder of the "Partisan Review". Member of John Reed Club & later member of executive committee of New York chapter (till about 1935). Last contribution to the "New Masses" was in 1938.

Albert Halper's novel Union Square (1933), includes a character modeled on Fearing. Leslie River's protagonist in Death of a Young Man (1922), is modeled on Fearing (Rivers was a high school friend).

1907 -- Emma Goldman, anarchist feministUS: Labor honcho & IWW activist Big Bill Haywood acquitted; Emma Goldman & associates send telegram to Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Teddy Roosevelt to express their joy.

"The worst foe of the poor man is the labor leader...who tries to teach him he is a victim of conspiracy & injustice."

— Teddy Roosevelt

1907 -- France: In Raon-l'Etape during a peaceful demonstration by strikers, the forces of "order" open fire on the procession, killing two workers. Barricades now appear high in the streets & the black flag is raised. Francis Boudoux (Jules Sellenet), anarchiste & secretary of the l'union des syndicats de Meurthe-et-Moselle, delivers a speech at the funeral services for the two workmen.

1909 -- Novelist & poet Malcolm Lowry lives, Birkenhead, Chesire, England.

Lived & wrote in a squatter's shack near Vancouver. Chronic alcoholism & mental disorders were finally treated with lobotomy. Of his death, the coroner reported "death by misadventure." Gus Hellthaler & his ol' sidekick pre-BleedMeister Dave visited the location in the early 1970s. The shack was gone, we passed on the lobotomy, prefering to pass the bottle of Old OverCoat.

Under the Volcano is often called one of the great novels of the 20th century.

Further reading: Lowry: The Man & His Work by critic/anarchist George Woodcock; Lowry, a Biography by D. Day; Malcolm Lowry: a Preface to His Fiction by R.K. Cross.

War Against War
1914 -- Austria-Hungary attacks Serbia — WWI is off to a fine start, with most so-described "civilized" western nations joining in the festivities. This is the last war of the 20th century.

US Factoid
1915 -- Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Wilson sends Marines to Haiti, where Haitians are in revolt against the US-backed regime. Marines take benevolent control of the benevolent government & massive benevolent repression of grass roots organizations follows. Haiti thereafter became a virtual protectorate of the benevolent US under a benevolent treaty signed in September.

1918 -- US: National Mooney Day; Governor Stephens grants labor activist Tom Mooney a reprieve until December. Framed, along with Warren Billings, by the government for the "Preparedness Day" bombing in San Francisco, July 22, 1916.

1919 --
Amsterdam, Netherlands

July 28-August 2, 1919

celebra la conferència de reconstitució de la FIS (Federació Sindical Internacional). Francisco Largo Caballero i Julián Besteiro, represent la UGT.

[Source: Congressos Obrers]

1920 -- Argentina & Uruguay: Congress of the Operários Chapeleiros Sul-Americano (South American hat-makers), held this month.

Anarcho-syndicalist participation &/or a marked presence at this congress is evident.
red & black arrowThroughout most of South America in the early 20th century, in addition to their own congresses, anarchists & anarcho-syndicalists are often on the front lines of the various workers' actions, meetings, unions, conferences & congresses.

[I don't have exact dates or details; not clear if two separate gatherings are held, or a joint congress — ed.]
Source: [ Arquivo de História Social ]

1920 -- Italy: Pasquale Binazzi is arrested in Spezio, charged with forming an armed gang during social disturbances in the city last month. Binazzi, as a trade union militant & director of the anarchist magazine "Il Libertario", is often the target of exercised authorities. In response to his arrest workers initiate a General Strike.
Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1927 -- US: In the Sacco & Vanzetti case, after being interviewed for several hours by Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Governor Fuller, Vanzetti writes a letter to him providing more complete answers to the Governor's questions & asking him to stop the scheduled executions. Fuller announces his refusal to intervene on Aug. 3rd.

See Heroes & Martyrs: Emma Goldman, Sacco & Vanzetti, & the Revolutionary Struggle, an audio CD by Howard Zinn.

1927 -- American poet John Ashbery lives.

1929 -- Jacqueline Onassis, redecorator, lives.

1932 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Herbie Hoover forcibly evicts bonus marchers from their encampment. Two killed when US Army attacks encampment of 20,000 World War I veterans gathered in Washington D.C. to demand their bonus benefit payments.
"I have released in my day more than one community
which had been held in the grip
of a foreign enemy."

— Douglas MacArthur

As the flames destroy the shantytown, people stream into Maryland. Behind them they leave the wounded & little Bernard Myers who dies in a Washington hospital from tear-gas inhalation.

During this month: As Hoover begins traveling the country for his re-election campaign, he is met with unexpected hatred. In St. Paul when he tells the audience,
"Thank God we still have a government
that knows how to deal with the mob,"

angry murmurs begin to roll up from the crowd in front of him. The Secret Service men guarding Hoover become alarmed. The President loses his place in the speech he is giving, nearly collapses, & retreats from the auditorium badly shaken.

Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1937 -- Joseph Lee, father of the "Playground Movement," cannot come out to play anymore.

1940 -- "The exploitation of the poor can be extinguished not by effecting the destruction of a few millionaires but by removing the ignorance of the poor & teaching them to noncooperate with the exploiters."

— Mohandas K. Gandhi, Haryan, July 28, 1940

1943 -- US: Johnny Come Latte? Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President FDR announces end of coffee rationing, effectively quelling the "Starbucks Riots."

1943 -- Italy: L'ex-fascista Pietro Badoglio emana un decreto per lo scioglimento del partito nazionale fascista.

King Kong
1945 -- US: Going Down? Army twin-engined B-25 light bomber crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building, setting it afire, killing 13, & injuring 26.

Pieces of the plane & building fell like hail. A gaping hole was gouged in the building, & one of the plane's engines hurtled through seven walls & came out the opposite side of the building; the other engine shot through an elevator shaft, severing the cables & sending the car plummeting to the basement.

When the plane's fuel tank exploded, six floors were engulfed in flame, & burning gasoline streamed down the sides of the building. Blame for the crash was laid to the pilot, Lt. Colonel William F. Smith, Jr., who disregarded the advice of the LaGuardia Airport to land, & decided instead to continue his flight over fog-shrouded New York City.

1945 -- England: 6,000 at 'Peace & the People' rally, Trafalgar Square, London.

1949 -- Marilyn Quayle, backbone of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader US Vice President Dan, lives.

1958 -- Billboard reports on a claim from the Esso Research Center:

"...tuning in rock & roll music on a car radio can cost a motorist money," because the rhythm can cause a driver to unconsciously jiggle the gas pedal, thus wasting fuel.

1958 -- US: Saxe Commins (1892-1958) dies, New York.

anarchist diamond

Saxe Commins was an anarchist activist, a speaker, & Emma Goldman's nephew (Stella Ballantine's brother); his activities in his early years included collaborating on & editing Emma Goldman's newspaper, "Mother Earth."

He married the pianist Dorothy Berliner in 1927, & was senior editor at Random House from 1933-1958, working with many of the major American writers of this century, including William Faulkner, Eugene O'Neill (a close friend), Sinclair Lewis, & Theodore Dreiser, among others. He also directed Random House's Modern Library series.

For a fascinating look at the editing of some of the great American books of the 20th century, see What Is an Editor: Saxe Commins at Work by Dorothy Berliner Commins.

1959 -- Author William T. Vollmann lives.

1962 -- Wet Aliens?: Mariner I launched to Mars falls into Atlantic Ocean, injuring I mariner.

bridge in Vietnam
1965 -- US: Double or Nothing? Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Johnson announces that draft calls for the Vietnam conflict will be doubled.

1966 -- US: Riots break out in black sections of Baltimore.

1973 -- One of the largest rock festivals of all time is held at the Watkins Glen raceway. More than 600,000 show up for one day of music with the Grateful Dead, the Band & the Allman Brothers.

1976 -- China: 242,000 die in 8.2 earthquake, Tientsin-Tangshan.

1981 -- England: American astrologist Nancy Reagan — giddy to be in London for the Royal Wedding — announces, "I'm off to see the King & Queen," — though there hasn't been a King of England in 27 years. British press detests her on sight. Writes one paper of the First Lady's propensity for toppling over,Chesire cat grin

"Maybe she'll fall again & break her hair."

1983 -- US: Hatchet Job? Robert Paul Yarrington, who collected $210,000 for the loss of his left foot in a motorcycle accident, is convicted of insurance fraud in San Jose. He had hired two pals to stage the accident & hack off his foot with a hatchet.

missile flyout
1986 -- US: NASA releases transcript from doomed Challenger; pilot Michael Smith's famous last words, as the spacecraft disintegrates:

Nike shoe: Riot! Just Do It
1987 -- Fit To Be Tied?: The Beatles sue Nike to stop the shoe company from using "Revolution" in it's sneaker ads.

1988 -- Jordan: Government cancels $1.3 billion development plan in the West Bank. Don't know how Michael's fellow golfers Charles Barkeley or Dennis Rodman feel about this.

1995 -- A settlement returns the rights to Jimi Hendrix's estate to his father. Includes unmastered tapes, concert recordings, photographs & other personal possessions.

2000 -- Peru: Riot police in Lima fire bullets in the air, use water canons, & fire tear gas canisters into crowds of anti-government demonstrators as pitched street battles mar the inauguration of President Alberto Fujimori to an unprecedented third term.

The protesters eventually bring Fujimori down & send him fleeing to Japan.

2002 -- anarchist diamond dingbatFrance: A No Borders camp organized by Autonomes, in Strasbourg, to protest against anti-immigration policies, closes.

2006 -- US: American anarchist illustrator Richard Mock dies, Brooklyn, New York. Best known for his linocut illustrations on the Op-Ed page of The New York Timesfrom 1980 through 1996. Mock's art frequently appeared on the covers of the magazines Fifth Estate, Alternative Press Review & Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed. His work has been cited as an influence by a number of contemporary American printmakers.

Wendo Kolosoy
2008 -- Papa Wendo Kolosoy dies.

Daily Bleed Patron Saint May 25, 2011
Congolese rumba musician, prisoner, cultural activist.

Skeletons arguing
3000 --


n. A by-product of the arts of peace. The most menacing political condition is a period of international amity. The student of history who has not been taught to expect the unexpected may justly boast himself inaccessible to the light. "In time of peace prepare for war" has a deeper meaning than is commonly discerned; it means, not merely that all things earthly have an end — that change is the one immutable & eternal law — but that the soil of peace is thickly sown with the seeds of war & singularly suited to their germination & growth.

It was when Kubla Khan had decreed his "stately pleasure dome" — when, that is to say, there were peace & fat feasting in Xanadu — that he

heard from afar
Ancestral voices prophesying war.

One of the greatest of poets, Coleridge was one of the wisest of men, & it was not for nothing that he read us this parable. Let us have a little less of "hands across the sea," & a little more of that elemental distrust that is the security of nations. War loves to come like a thief in the night; professions of eternal amity provide the night.

— Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

Skeletons still arguing
3500 --

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