Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Daily Bleed for March 30th

[...] of homespun of oatmeal gray
without a blazon is the flag
that I hold up & do not wag.

— Paul Goodman, excerpt, "Little Te Deum"

Radical French decadent symbolist poet.




1746 -- Spanish painter Francisco Goya lives.
Former Daily Bleed Saint.
Politically persecuted painter of the disasters of war

1844 -- Poet Paul Verlaine (Bonheur; Elegies) lives, Metz, France.
Opens the way for free verse.

1853 -- Patent granted to Hyman Lipman for a pencil with an ERASER!

1867 -- US: Alaska purchased from Russia for $7,200,000. Fortunately,
this includes Sarah Palin's porch (for defensive purposes).

1869 -- Lithuania: Anarchist writer/activist & feminist Emma Goldman lives.

1900 -- Nicolas Faucier lives. French anarchist, trade unionist & pacifist.
Ran the bookshop "La librairie sociale," & with Louis Lecoin formed the
"Comité pour l'Espagne libre," (later the SIA [solidarité internationale antifasciste])
& did a many stints in prison for his anti-war activities & only an escape during
WWII saved him from the German camps.

1915 -- Spain: Francisco Sabaté (El Quico), anarchist guérilla
extraordinaire, lives, in Barcelona.

1928 -- Carl Solomon lives, Bronx, New York.

"... who threw potato salad at CCNY lecturers on Dadaism &
subsequently presented themselves on the granite steps of the
madhouse with shaven heads & harlequin speech of suicide,
demanding instantaneous lobotomy ..."

— From 'Howl (for Carl Solomon)' by Allen Ginsberg

1945 -- Ezra Pound is turned over to the American Army by
Italian partisans.

Meanwhile the US government is rehabbing Nazi's (especially
police & spies) all over Europe & helping others escape to
South America & the US with new identities.

"Go swallow a bottle of Coke & let it fizz out your ears."

— William Carlos Williams, to fellow poet Ezra Pound

1970 -- US: After years of struggle & a nationwide boycott, the United
Farm Workers sign the first table-grape contract with two of California's
largest grape growers.

1978 -- Philippines: 10,000 demonstrate against Marcos.

1980 -- Henry Poulaille dies.
French author, anarchist, director of éditions Grasset, where he published
proletarian authors, & the journal "Le nouvel âge littéraire," promoting worker
literature & gained him the enmity of the Communist Party.

1987 -- Vincent van Gogh's "Sunflowers" sells for 39.9 million.

During his lifetime, van Gogh sold one painting.
Inspires a resurgence in sunflower seed sales.

2001 -- Seattle raconteur & Blue Mooner Ross Lavroff (1936-2001),
"voice" of the historic 1975 Apollo-Soyuz docking among other
assignments as an interpreter, dies.

Ukraine-born interpreter who served numerous US government &
international agencies. A regular at the Blue Moon Tavern,
where he delighted in entertaining Soviet guests & annoying
the KGB.


"You know the world is going crazy
when the best rapper is a white guy,
the best golfer is a black guy,
France is accusing the US of arrogance,
& Germany doesn't want to go to war."

— Alexandre de Oliveira Kappaun,
Central European University,
Department of Gender Studies

— Anti-Potato Salad fizzing out your ears, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Daily Bleed for March 28th

This is her pilgrimage, as moslems go to mecca, as jews to
the western wall, as japanese to mona lisa in the louvre, she
has come to Corcovado walking in the steps of enchantment.

— Brenda Flanagan, "The Girl From Bahia"

Web Stick:

Excerpts, March 28:

Classic clown of the bindlestiffian, hobo tradition.


193 - E-Bay?: Didius Julianus, highest bidder in Praetorian
auction, becomes Emperor of Rome. Hey, America!.

1849 -- France: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon gets three years in
prison & is fined 3,000 francs for one of his lampoons published
in "Le Peuple". The unhappy tribunal explains the reasons for
his harsh sentence:

"D'excitation, provocation, attaque"

1° Stirring up hatred against the government
2° Provoking civil war
3° Attacking the Constitution & property!

1868 - Maxim Gorky (1868-1936) lives.Russian short story
writer, novelist, autobiographer & essayist.

"To an old man any place that's warm is homeland."

1871 - France: Paris Commune, over 200,000 people turn
out at the City Hall to see the Central Committee of the
National Guard abolished by their newly elected officials,
members whose names are read to to the crowd which
acclaims them, making this day a revolutionary festival.
The red flag, raised over all public buildings, emblem
of the Commune.

1892 -- France: Ravachol is arrested in Paris for having blown
up the homes of Benoit, the judge of the Supreme Court of
Appeal, & Bulot, the deputy prosecutor of the republic.

Sentenced to death by the tribunal for the murder of a
rich beggar Ravachol climbs the scaffold singing at the
top of his voice the anticlerical song "Pere Duchene."

1909 - Novelist Nelson Algren (A Walk on the Wild Side)
lives (1909-1981). Grew up in Chicago in a poor Polish
neighborhood, served a four-month jail term for stealing a
typewriter. Algren joined John Reed Club & was editor of the
"New Anvil," an experimental magazine. Heavy drinker & gambler,
involved with Simone de Beauvoir.

"Never play cards with a man called Doc. Never eat at a
place called Moms. Never sleep with a woman whose
troubles are worse than your own."

1911 - Bonnot — gang bandit — caught & killed by cops
after months of joyous bank robbing & other escapades.
Many letters had been sent publicizing their actions &
taunting the police.

1915 - Emma Goldman lectures again on "Limitation
of Offspring—Why & How Small Families are Preferable"
in New York.

Margaret Anderson of "The Little Review" observed,

"Emma Goldman was sent to prison
for advocating that women need not always
keep their mouths shut & their wombs open."

1918 - Canada: 2,000 demonstrate against conscription, in
Quebec; police are forced to retreat into the police station.

1960 - Scotland: Belt of Scotch?: 20 firemen trying to put out
a fire in a warehouse full of scotch whiskey are crushed by a
collapsing wall after the whiskey explodes, Glasgow.

1968 -- France: In Nanterre, suspension of all school
courses until April 1 because of student unrest.

1969 - Anna Louise Strong, former Seattle School Board
member & organizer during the 1919 Seattle General Strike,
dies in China.

1976 - US: Organized Crime? FBI, largest & highest US police
agency, discloses it burglarized the Socialist Party 92+ times
between 1960 & 1966.

1979 - US: A Three Mile Island cooling unit fails, leading
to a meltdown. Amid the worst nuclear disaster in US history,
it takes authorities three days to advise pregnant women &
children to evacuate. Thousands flee, but the men — apparently
born macho mutants — hang around for their daily dose.

"No nuclear reactor is an island."

2006 -- "Don't let the System Get You Down. Cheer Up!"

In the Land of Jeb Bush & Katherine Harris (Florida):
Cara Jennings, Anarchist Cheerleader, is elected Lake
Worth City Commissioner. Jennings wins a stunning 61.7%
of the vote, whopping her incumbent opponent, a businessman
heavily weighted down toting the bags for developers &
outside moneyed interests. Neo-ConArtists scratch their
fuzzy heads.


"Jehovah the bearded & angry god, gave his worshipers
the supreme example of ideal laziness; after six days of
work, he rests for all eternity."

— Paul LaFargue's The Right to be Lazy & Other
(Chicago: Charles H. Kerr, 1907)

— Auntie-Something, Stick or No-Stick, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Daily Bleed for March 26th

We shall not cease from
exploration & the end of
all our exploring will be
to arrive where we
started... & know the place
for the first time.

— T.S. Eliot

Web Grubbers, in full,
some 66 entries with pictures in color...

Text excerpts:


Anarcho-adventure writer, revolutionary, true identity muddy,
most likely Ret Marut of Munich Soviet fame.





1827 - German classical composer Ludwig von Beethoven
begins de-composing.

1850 - Edward Bellamy, author of Looking Backwards, lives.

American utopianist, his tract Looking Backward prophesied
a socialist paradise in the year 2000. Bullseye!

1889 -- Russia: Jacques Doubinsky lives (1889-1959). As a young
labor radical he joined the Ukrainian peasant uprising in 1918,
fighting with the famed insurrectionary Makhnovist army.
Involved in many publishing enterprises & assisting Bulgarian refugees.

1890 - Raymond Callemin, member of the anarchist Bonnot
Gang, lives. Guillotined 1913.

1892 - Great American poet Walt Whitman mows no more,
age 72, Camden, New Jersey. Constantly revising &
augmenting his Leaves of Grass, he receives the final,
ninth, edition on his deathbed.

I saw you, Walt Whitman, childless, lonely old grubber,
poking among the meats in the refrigerator
& eyeing the grocery boys.

I heard you asking questions of each:
Who killed the pork chops?
What price bananas?...

1897 - Oscar Wilde's wife writes about her husband's
arrest & imprisonment:

"I think his fate is rather like Humpty
Dumpty's, quite as tragic & quite as impossible
to put right."

1910 - Making Amends? US Congress bars paupers, anarchists,
criminals, & the (other) diseased from the US; Immigration Act
of 1907 amended.

Martin Gudell's grandson sent this anecdote
to the Daily Bleed:

"After he fled France (during WWII) he came
to the U.S. since there was no place safe for him & his
wife in Europe. He did not have documentation that he was
born in the U.S. [apparently in Rochester, NY],
but he managed to convince the immigration officers that
he was a citizen by singing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star."
He told me he remembered learning the song in

Imagine a 30-something-year-old anarchist singing
"Twinkle Twinkle" to bureaucrats!

1916 - Birdman of Alcatraz receives solitary, for giving a
guard the bird.

1918 - US: Anarchist draft resister, Philip Grosser, reports
from Alcatraz Prison that he & other opponents of World
War I are being tortured.

Minneapolis is the scene of the first
so-called "Slacker Raid," a dragnet of
men without draft cards.

During WWI, the raids will seize more
than 40,000 non-registrants across
the country ( On July 15th, 1919, the
U.S. War Department announces it
has classified more than 337,000
American men as "draft dodgers.")

1923 - Bulgaria: In Yambol, during an anarchist protest
against the government decision to disarm the people, the
army shoots into the crowd, wounding the speaker Atanas
Stoitchev & massacre others. About 30 are murdered,
as are others tomorrow at the Yambol barracks.

1930 - American poet & leading member of the Beats, Gregory
Corso, lives. Convicted of theft at 17, he discovers literature
in prison & later meets Allen Ginsberg & publishes his first book,
The Vestal Lady on Brattle in 1955.

You too can support a prison literature program, nurture some
new reader or writer; AuntieDave's favorite is Books to Prisoners,
which he helped found in the late 1970s:

1959 - Raymond Chandler dies.

Master of hard-boiled school of crime fiction. His best
known character is the tough but honest private detective
Philip Marlowe (from the violent tempered 15th century
writer Christopher Marlowe). Wrote for "Black Mask",
which also published Dashiell Hammett.

Other American writers in Hollywood in the 1930s & 1940s:
William Faulkner, Ben Hecht, Nathanael West, James M.
Cain, John Fante, Daniel Fuchs, Horace McCoy, Clifford
Odets, Maxwell Anderson, Dorothy Parker, John Dos
Passos, Theodore Dreiser, Dashiell Hammett,
F. Scott Fitzgerald.

1967 - New York City Central Park Love-In, 10,000 show up.

1969 -- John & Yoko Ono-Lennon start seven day
bed-in against the Vietnam War.

wonsaponatime therewas two Ballons called Jock & Yono.
They were strictly love-bound to happen in a million years.
They werer together man. Unfortunatimetable they both
seemed to have previous experience-which kept calling them
one way oranother.(you know howitis). But they battled on
against overwhelming oddities, includo some of there beast
friends ...
Being in love they cloong even the more together man —
but some of the posionessmonster of outrated
buslodedshithrowers did stick slightly & occasionaly had to
resort to the drycleaners. Luckily this did not kill them & the
werent banned from the olympic games. They lived hopefully
ever after, & who could blame them.

1969 - Mexico: Anarchist novelist B. Traven dies. Wrote one
of the great travel ship novels, The Death Ship. Makes the
Titanic blush...

1996 -- Germany: During the Squatter's Movement, which
comes under heavy government attack for the next two years,
The Palisadenstrasse 49 is evicted.

2000 -- Alex Comfort dies. British physician, sexologist,
anarchist, poet, novelist, etc.

"You have only to speak for once —
they will melt like the dust:
you have only to spit in their faces — they will go
howling like devils to swindle somebody else..."

— Alex Comfort (1920-2000),
excerpt from "The Soldiers"

2005 -- Antonio Téllez (1921-2005) dies. Anarchist, guerrilla,
historian. Author of, among other works, Sabaté, guérilla urbaine
en Espagne 1945-1960
, (translated by Stuart Christie).


A Supermarket in California

What thoughts I have of you tonight, Walt Whitman, for I
walked down the side streets under the trees with a
headache self-conscious looking at the full moon.

In my hungry fatigue, & shopping for images, I went into
the neon fruit supermarket, dreaming of your enumerations!

What peaches & what penumbras! Whole families shopping at
night! Aisles full of husbands! Wives in the avocados,
babies in the tomatoes!--& you, Garcia Lorca, what were you doing
down by the watermelons?

I saw you, Walt Whitman, childless, lonely old grubber,
poking among the meats in the refrigerator & eyeing the grocery

I heard you asking questions of each: Who killed the pork
chops? What price bananas?...

— Allen Ginsberg (excerpt)


— Auntie-Enumerations 1997-8311

"Free thought, necessarily involving freedom of speech &
press, I may tersely define thus: no opinion a law — no
opinion a crime."

—Alexander Berkman

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Daily Bleed for March 24th

Let me tell you something about meditation. At the absolute
center, is the vortex we are spun from like clay, there is a
shaping hand which is neither Godlike nor peaceful as you

— Forrest Gander, "The Violence Of The Egg"

Web Bleechers:


Way beyond Freud & Jung, the SexPol dynamo.

Ancient Rome: DAY OF BLOOD, part of the FESTIVAL
OF ATTIS (Hilaria). Priests gash themselves with knives
in frenzied dancing to wild music, an offering to the
resurrected Attis.


1638 - Deep Ecology?: Rhode Island purchased from the
Indians for 40 fathoms of beads. Reds in deed.

1788 - Commie Ingrates?: People of Rhode Island, in a
special referendum, reject the new United States
Constitution by a 10-to-1 margin. Reds in deed.

1834 - Utopian William Morris (1834-1896) lives,
England. Poet/artist/socialist/
designer/printer whose
designs generated the Arts & Crafts Movement in the later
half of the 19th century. Best known for his utopian
News From Nowhere (1890).

1874 - Escapologist Harry Houdini lives, Budapest, Hungary.

1897 - SexPol revolutionary Wilhelm Reich lives,
Dobrzynica,Galicia. Reich wrote The Mass Psychology
of Fascism
, Sex-Pol Essays, Function of the Orgasm, etc.


US: Russell Blackwell (aka Rosario Negrete) lives (d.1969).
Cartographer, community activist, a Wobbly, anarchist &
co-founder of the Libertarian League.

1905 - Jules Verne, father of modern science fiction,
journeys no further, dies, Amiens, France.

1906 -- US: Dwight Macdonald lives (1906-82). American social
critic, philosopher, combative journalist & anarchist.

1919 - Poet/painter/beat/publisher/anarchist & founder of
City Lights Bookstore in Frisco, Lawrence Ferlinghetti
lives, Yonkers, New York.

Ferlinghetti opened a bookshop called the City Lights
Pocket Book Shop. He described City Lights "as a place
you could go in, sit down, & read books without being
pestered to buy something."
The store became a home
for the Beat Generation of poets & writers, & Ferlinghetti
also turned it into a publishing house — the first to publish
Allen Ginsberg's poem "Howl". City Lights published it in
1957 & Ferlinghetti was immediately arrested on obscenity
charges. He won the trial & went on to publish William S.
Burroughs, Jack Kerouac & Paul Bowles. He wrote a pair
of novels, two volumes of plays & over 10 books of poetry.

1919 - Spain: "La Canadienne" strike in Barcelona ended
8 February; but in the face of the refusal of the army to
release a score of still imprisoned militants, they strike
again today in a beautiful show of solidarity.

The government had imprisoned 3000 strikers of the
the CNT & declared martial law in its attempt to
crush the workers.

1926 - Italian playwright, manager-director-actor-mime
Dario Fo lives, Leggiuno-Sangiamo, Italy.

In 1997, the Nobel committee awarded Dario Fo the
Literature Prize, noting he "emulates the jesters of
the Middle Ages in scourging authority & upholding
the dignity of the downtrodden."

Dario Fo´s career started in small cabarets, theatres.
In 1968 Dario founded the acting group Nuova Scena,
which had ties to the Italian Communist Party, but his
satirical views aroused much criticism from the
Communist Press — like earlier from the Catholic

In 1970 Fo started Colletivo Teatrale La Comune.
Among Fo´s most famous works are "Accidental
Death of an Anarchist" & "We Can't Pay? We Won't Pay!"

1935 -- Poet William Witherup lives (d.2009). Raised in Richland,
Washington in the shadow of the Hanford Atomic Energy facility.
Author of Down Wind, Down River: New & Selected Poems; Black
Ash, Orange Fire: Collected Poems 1959-1985
; Men at Work.

Bill Witherup, aka Bear Dog.
Here's barking atcha, 000r00r0000r0000roooo.

He cleans himself; rests,
But keeps a wary eye-
The bone is now "just right."

— excerpt, "The Poet as Hornet"

"Skeptical of civilization, disgusted with its discontents,
in him the reformist vein in West Coast writing finds outlet
through an occasional tirade against polluters of every stripe…."

— William Everson

1962 - England: 1,172 arrested in sit-down against nuclear
weapons, Parliament Square.

1965 - US: First Vietnam teach-in, University of Michigan.
(Organized by SDS?) 500 participants were expected, but
3,000 showed up for an all-nighter.

1969 - Lennox Raphael's play "Che" is busted for obscenity
two days after opening at the Free Store Theatre in Manhattan.

1973 - Lou Reed is bitten on his fanny by a fan at a
concert in Buffalo, New York.

1977 - Argentina: Yet another government can only
stammer the speech of death: Rodolfo Walsh writes an
open letter to the Military junta regards its infamous
crimes; a day later, the dictatorship assassinates him.

The naked word is scandalous where fear rules,
the naked word dangerous where the great
dance of disguises is danced.

1980 - El Salvador: Archbishop Oscar Romero assassinated
during mass, San Salvador, by US-armed & supported rightist
goon squads. Romero has exhorted the police & soldiers to
disobey orders to kill innocent people, refuses to be
silenced by those in power. The town has interrupted,
with ovations, his homilies condemning the terrorism of the

Those in power deliver the only ovation they know —
a hail of bullets.

2003 -- US: Michael Moore is in the Hollywood shithouse, following
last nights Academy Awards, for denouncing Beloved & Respected
Comrade Illegitimate President Bush II for his war on his former
Bush Crime Family pal Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader
Saddam Hussein.

While Moore was roundly booed & jeered by the
bulk of Hollywood's finest patriots, the Daily Bleed
rates this segment Five Stars & Two Thumbs up.

One of the finest Academy Awards moments ever
broadcast, this is sure to be an underground cult
classic overnight!

Baseball Canto
Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Watching baseball, sitting in the sun, eating popcorn,
reading Ezra Pound,
and wishing that Juan Marichal would hit a hole right
through the

Anglo-Saxon tradition in the first Canto
and demolish the barbarian invaders.
When the San Francisco Giants take the field
and everybody stands up for the National Anthem,
with some Irish tenor's voice piped over the loudspeakers,
with all the players struck dead in their places
and the white umpires like Irish cops in their black suits
black caps pressed over their hearts,
Standing straight and still like at some funeral of a
and all facing east,
as if expecting some Great White Hope or the Founding
Fathers to
appear on the horizon like 1066 or 1776.

But Willie Mays appears instead,
in the bottom of the first,
and a roar goes up as he clouts the first one into the sun
off, like a footrunner from Thebes.
The ball is lost in the sun and maidens wail after him
as he keeps running through the Anglo-Saxon epic.
And Tito Fuentes comes up looking like a bullfighter
in his tight pants and small pointy shoes.
And the right field bleechers go mad with Chicanos and
and Brooklyn beer-drinkers,
"Tito! Sock it to him, sweet Tito!"
And sweet Tito puts his foot in the bucket
and smacks one that don't come back at all,
and flees around the bases
like he's escaping from the United Fruit Company.
As the gringo dollar beats out the pound.
And sweet Tito beats it out like he's beating out usury,
not to mention fascism and anti-semitism.
And Juan Marichal comes up,
and the Chicano bleechers go loco again,
as Juan belts the first ball out of sight,
and rounds first and keeps going
and rounds second and rounds third,
and keeps going and hits paydirt
to the roars of the grungy populace.
As some nut presses the backstage panic button
for the tape-recorded National Anthem again,
to save the situation.

But it don't stop nobody this time,
in their revolution round the loaded white bases,
in this last of the great Anglo-Saxon epics,
in the territorio libre of Baseball.


— Auntie-Epics 0001-9999

"Free thought, necessarily involving freedom of speech &
press, I may tersely define thus: no opinion a law —
no opinion a crime."

— Alexander Berkman

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Daily Bleed for March 20th

here are some aliens camped near us in blue denim suits

— Martians I think —

& I visit them.

— William S. Burroughs,
My Education: A Book of Dreams

Web page, quite fulsome,


Intellectual rebel, champion of the Cuban Revolution,
patron saint of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).


When a young person's fancy turns to...............


1812 -- England: Luddites. Frame-Breaking Act made a
capital felony, criticized by Sheridan, Whitbread, Romilly
& Lord Byron, et al, opposed by Lamb, Lord Liverpool.

1828 - Playwright Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) lives.

1852 - Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin
published, provoking a wave of hatred against slavery.
The first novel to sell a million copies.

1896 - US Marines invade Nicaragua for
the first of many times.

1903 -- England: "Arbeter Fraint" begins republishing under
the administration of the Arbeter Fraint group & editorship
of Rudolf Rocker, but now as the organ of the "Federation
of Yiddish-Speaking Anarchist Groups in Great Britain &

1907 - Hugh MacLennan, novelist/essayist whose books
offer an incisive critique of Canadian life, lives,
Nova Scotia. His first novel, Barometer Rising
(1941), is based upon an actual explosion of a munitions
ship that partly destroyed the city of Halifax in 1917.

1916 -- Private Aby Harris, no. 111799, shot by firing
squad for desertion in 1916.

1921 -- Germany: On or about this date, some Roman Catholic
priests begin spreading rumors about Jehovah's Witnesses,
charging that they are financed by the Jews & are working to
overthrow the state.

1924 -- Walter Morrison lives. Scottish community activist
in Glasgow.

Morrison's pacifism grew from his army experiences in India.
During the Gandhi demonstrations in 1942, the troops were
briefed that they would be facing women & children protesters.

The 18-year-old asked what they would be expected to do if
they refused to halt. Open fire, was the curt answer. Walter
promptly stood up & said he would be the first to open fire:
he would personally shoot any soldier who turned their gun
on a woman or a child, & he would then shoot the officer who
gave the order.

His feet scarcely touched the ground on the way to the glasshouse.

1933 - Germany: Nazis open their first concentration camp in

1937 US: Detroit police evict labor strikers from the Newton
Packing Company; three hours later 150 police attack sitdowners
at a tobacco plant.

1944 -- US: Forty-three Japanese American soldiers are arrested
for refusing to participate in combat training at Fort McClellan,
Alabama. Eventually, 106 are arrested for their refusal -
undertaken to protest the treatment of their families in American
concentration camps.

1946 -- US: Tule Lake (a US concentration camp for Japanese
Americans) closes, culminating "an incredible mass evacuation
in reverse." In the month prior to the closing, some 5,000
internees had had to be moved, many of whom were elderly,
impoverished, or mentally ill & with no place to go (many had
their homes, businesses & property stolen by American
"patriots"). Of the 554 persons left there at the beginning of the
day, 450 are moved to Crystal City, 60 are released, & the rest
are "relocated."

1960 - Cuba: Big Belly Ache? Anarchist-syndicalist
workers' papers — including "Solidaridad Gastronomico"
— forced to cease publishing by Castro's commie regime.

1964 - Irish writer, bad boy, political rebel Brendan Behan
dies. Wrote Borstal Boy; The Quare Fellow; The Hostage.

1969 - John & Yoko fly to Gibraltar & get married then fly
to Amsterdam for one week "lie-in" for peace

1976 - Patricia "Tania" Hearst convicted of bank robbery.

"I wasn't with a bunch of Cub Scouts."

1983 - Australia: 150,000 (1% of the population)
demonstrate in anti-nuclear rallies.

1985 -- US: Benefit for anarchist Stan Iverson (1927-1985),
at Seattle's Left Bank Books. One of many fund raising
efforts to aid Stan in his fight against cancer.

1995 -- Japan: Scores die, thousands injured as an
obscure religious cult releases nerve gas into the Tokyo
subway system.

1996 -- US: 25 arrested at Department of Justice in Washington
D.C., 27 others in San Francisco, during protests demanding
freedom for Leonard Peltier.

1998 -- France: Agustin Gomez Arcos (1939-1998) dies from
cancer, Paris. Spanish anarchist dramatist/novelist.
Because of censorship he took refuge in England, then Paris,
where he wrote many novels about Franco's Spain.

Often in winter the end of the
day is like the final metaphor in
a poem celebrating death:

there is no way out.

— Agustin Gomez-Arcos,
A Bird Burned Alive, 1988

2003 -- Iraq: 24 Tomahawk missiles & four 2,000 lb "bunker buster"
bombs, with "pin point accuracy" land "on top" of Saddam Hussein.

Bush & Blair attack, in violation of international law &
the UN mandate (Iraq time); why Bush needs war crimes
impunity for Americans? Bush & Blair rationalize their
war by noting Iraq violations of UN mandates, but
conveniently fail to cite their own violations.

Unfazed, Bunker Buster Saddam appears on TV to denounce
American "crimes against Iraq & humanity".

American "intelligence" insists Saddam is not Saddam.

Meanwhile, US media & the CIA fiercely debates whether the
George Bush seemingly appearing on TV is in fact Bush, or
his stand-in double?!

2004 -- US: US: Global Day of Action Against War & Occupation.
One year ago, tens of millions around the world protested
the impending US war on Iraq & other US government acts
of aggression. This year, concerned people again
join the global day of protest.

. . . Abroad, killing thousands
of innocent civilians in
Afghanistan & Iraq;
overthrowing democratically
elected governments
(Venezuela & Haiti);
incarcerating 650+ without
legal recourse in Guantanamo;
bullying & retaliating against
governments that disagree;
reneging on fundamental international treaties . . .

. . . At home, mass roundups; diminished access to jobs,
health care, & education; unprecedented budget deficits;
threats to Social Security & Medicare; characterizing
anyone who disagrees—teachers & librarians—as
terrorists & supporters of terrorism; destroying the
environment; sending first our young people, &
increasingly our mothers, fathers & grandparents
(National Guard) to war, all while giving huge tax cuts to
the rich & corporations, & subsidizing Halliburton &
Eli Lilly with taxpayer dollars . . .

2004-- Italy: Nummer 1 Son's first day in Florence.

Hey! Sveglili buon marcio sporco per niente di bum!!
Hanno cronometrato sprecare!

2009 -- Spring has sprung, done done it again. Mazing.


"If most people were to be born twice they'd improbably
call it dying."

— e.e. cummings

— anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less

"Free thought, necessarily involving freedom of speech &
press, I may tersely define thus: no opinion a law —
no opinion a crime."

— Alexander Berkman

Friday, March 18, 2011

Daily Bleed for March 18th

she digs in yr sand

she gets her claws in
& then catapults from
your arms leaves

you just small scars

— Lyn Lifshin, "Tiger Madonna"
Uzzano Number Four. Winter, 1977.

Daily Bleed web page,


Proto-ecologist, nomadic provider of apples.

SHEELAH'S DAY (traditional): her identity is none too clear,
& those who celebrate "are not anxious to determine who
'Sheelah' was, as they are earnest in their celebration. All
agree that her immortal memory is to be maintained by
potations of whiskey".




1871 -- France: Paris Commune begins. Starts as resistance
to occupying German troops & betrayal by big bourgeois.

1,000 women successfully blockade cannons. The
Commune is the first real experiment in worker
self-management, occurring with the sympathetic
cooperation of the petty bourgeoisie.

"The Commune was the biggest festival of the
19th century..."

— Debord, Kotanyi & Vaneigem,
"Theses on the Paris Commune", March 18,

1894 -- Egypt: The newspaper Al-Hilal reports the arrest
of a Greek worker in Alexandria for distributing
"anarchist leaflets".

The leaflets call for workers to celebrate the
anniversary of the Paris Commune.

1915 -- American novelist/playwright/crime writer Richard
Condon lives; best known for his thrillers The Manchurian
& Prizzi's Honor — both adapted to screen.

"Politics is a form of high entertainment & low comedy.
It has everything: it's melodramatic, it's sinister &
it has wonderful villains."

1917 -- Hugo Ball: "Together with Tzara I took over the rooms
of gallery Corray & yesterday we opened the gallery DADA ..."

1918 -- US: Mexican anarchist Ricardo Flores Magón is
arrested for the final time on March 18, 1918 under the
Espionage Act.

Ricardo died in prison under highly suspicious
circumstances, supposedly of a "heart attack," but at the
hands of prison guards, according to Chicano inmates who
rioted & killed his principal "murderer".

1921 -- Russia: Kronstadt fell yesterday. Thousands of sailors
& workers lie dead in the streets. Summary execution of
prisoners & hostages continues.

Today the victorious Bolsheviks are celebrating
the anniversary of the Paris Commune of 1871.

Trotsky & Zinoviev, without shame, denounce Thiers &
Gallifet for the slaughter of the Paris rebels.

1937 -- Spain: Battles in Guadalajara (March 8 through 18) end
in victory for the Republican forces (the International Brigades &
a division controlled by Cipriano Mera).

1953 -- US: In response to an investigation by Beloved &
Respected Comrade Leader Senator Joseph McCarthy, the
State Department bars from its overseas information libraries
the works of all authors whose loyalty to the US was "suspect."

Books by such writers as Franklin P. Adams, John
Dewey, Edna Ferber, Dashiell Hammett, Theodore White,
Edmund Wilson, & even Beloved & Respected comrade
Leader Secretary Dulles' own cousin Foster were thus
withdrawn; some were publicly burned.

1970 -- US: F***?: Country Joe McDonald is convicted for
obscenity & find $500 for leading a crowd in his infamous
Fish Cheer ("Gimme an F..!") at a concert in Massachusetts.

1972 -- US: Congressional study announces that the income gap
in the US between the richest 20% & the poorest 20% has doubled
in the past 20 years (since 1952). It gets worse under the Bush

1986 -- US: William F. Buckley Jr. suggests in the NY Times
that everyone found to have AIDS "should be tattooed in the upper
forearm to protect common-needle users, & on the buttocks, to
prevent the victimization of other homosexuals."

2003 -- US: While some bums paint the town red, Beloved Respected
Comrade "I Was Not Elected President" George Bush paints the nation
Democracy Orange.

A handy color-coded guide is provided here, developed by the
Office of Homeland Security, to help you quickly & easily
determine just how far the government wants you to bend over.

Now available in a Mall Near You: the New Rightwing Christan
program of One Market Under God: Extreme Capitalism,
Market Populism, & the End of Economic Democracy.

Buy or Die. Save a sinking economy. Privatization plus
deregulation plus globalization plus turbo-capitalism
plus never ending war equals prosperity.

Practice democracy & you too can become a card carrying
enemy of the future.

2004 -- Nummer One Son flies to Italy, for two months of college,
Spring Quarter, in Florence, before wandering around Europe for two
months this summer (Germany, France, Spain, Greece). Rotten
Bum...ain't even turned 18 yet...& much worser, he forgot to take
DadMeister with him!!

2006 -- France: Youth riots in the streets of Paris,
cop cars burn, bricks fly.


"We aren't here to rule.
We aren't here to bring chaos or anarchy.
We're here to end the reign of criminals."

— Batman

— anti-AgentOrange 1997-3000, more or less

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Combating Radiation with Herbs & Why Not to Take Potassium Iodine (yet)

This is a nice piece from Santa Cruz Natural Health. I have detailed some important points in red below:

Nuclear Fallout, Radiation, Japan, & the West Coast

In the past week I have been bombarded by questions from clients and loved ones about how to deal with potential radiation fallout from nuclear disaster in Japan. As of Wednesday, new, worsening problems are being reported in 2 more out of 6 reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant, and it is being considered a very serious problem in Japan, due to leaking of radioactive material into the environment. Attempts to cool the reactors with seawater to prevent them from melting seem to be failing. Radioactive Iodine and Ceasium have been detected in the region surrounding the plant; iodine accumulates in receptor sites in the thyroid gland, and ceasium affects soft tissues. Radioactive iodine decays pretty quickly—most of it will be gone within a month. Radioactive ceasium clears from the body within about a week, but can stay in the environment for 30 years and continue to cause problems. Levels of radiation as high as 400 millisieverts per hour have been recorded at the plant itself, but most reports are showing that on average the level at the plant since the earthquake have been around 10 millisieverts or less.—15 millisieverts is equal to one abdominal CT scan. Exposure to levels around 400 millisieverts for several hours could cause radiation sickness.

At this point, while there is risk for leaked radiation to cross the pacific and reach us here on the California coast, in order for the levels that reach us to be high enough to warrant alarm, there would have to be catastrophic release of radiation in Japan. Even then, it would take 5-15 days to migrate here, and would still dissipate largely in it’s migration across the water. That said, Dr. James Thrall, radiologist-in-chief at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and president of the American College of Radiology, said recently that “anything more than about 50 millisieverts may be cause for alarm, including the use of potassium iodide pills to mitigate exposure.” The radiologist claims that studies conducted after the atomic bombing of Japan during World War II showed those exposed to 50 millisieverts or more of radiation were at increased risk for leukemia and cancer.

As of 3 days ago, health food stores throughout the west coast have completely sold out of Potassium Iodide due to the rush of people wanting to protect themselves. As a health care practitioner, this is concerning to me, because while it is a “natural” substance, available over the counter, it should also not be administered in the doses needed for this kind of radiation protection without the observation of a medical professional. Here are some of the reasons why:

The doses needed (taken daily for up to 2 weeks) to protect your thyroid from taking up radioactive iodine are as follows:

Birth to 1 year 65mg daily (1/2 IOSAT tablet)

Age 1 to Adult 130mg daily (One IOSAT tablet)

The reason this works is basically that if all the receptor sites in your thyroid gland are saturated with iodine, they can’t take up the radioactive iodine that would compete for the same sites.

(Here is an explanation of why Iodine Tablets are distributed by the government when radiation toxicity is a danger:)

However, it is not natural for our thyroid to have every site filled with iodine molecules, and this can rapidly promote overstimulation of the gland and too much thyroid hormone activity in our bodies. “Taking high doses of iodine can itself have adverse effects, including causing abnormalities of thyroid function,” said Dr. Alan Gaby, the author of the textbook, “Nutritional Medicine.” “Personally, I would not take a large dose of iodine without any clear evidence of radiation exposure.

For people with hyperthyroidism, this is a big, big problem. For most people with low thyroid, which happens from a variety of causes, this can actually be a really destructive thing as well. For people with thyroid disease in their family, who don’t yet exhibit signs of thyroid disorder, or who haven’t yet been diagnosed, this can trigger the onset of symptoms related to thyroid problems. In short, there are a huge number of undiagnosed people that these types of problems affect, walking around in the general public, who may chose to preemptively dose themselves with Potassium Iodide without understanding the proper time to use it or proper dosage guidelines, and may inadvertently cause themselves some problems!

The second issue is that the doses mentioned above are about 10-100 times the doses recommended on products available thru your natural food store. 1 Milligram equals 1000 micrograms. So, in the event that radiation levels rise here on the west coast to the point that we do need to take Potassium iodide as radiation protection, it is important to understand how much to take and for how long. Food sources, such as iodized salt or sea vegetables, simply don’t contain enough actual iodine molecules to thoroughly and continuously saturate the receptors in your thyroid gland.

The other issue is that while Potassium iodide will protect you from radioactive iodine, in the event of a nuclear disaster, there are many other types of radioactive isotopes that are released into the atmosphere:

The final issue is side effects!

Here are some of the possible side effects from taking iodine at these doses: acne, loss of appetite, or upset stomach (especially during the first several days, as the body adjusts to the medication), fever, weakness, unusual tiredness, swelling in the neck or throat, mouth sores, skin rash, nausea, vomiting, stomach pains, irregular heartbeat, numbness or tingling of the hands or feet, or a metallic taste in the mouth.

Everyone is exposed to some amount of radiation, daily. If you fly on airplanes, use a cell phone, or lay in the sunshine, you are absorbing radiation. Short of an emergency with actual reported high levels of measured radiation, I do not advise starting KI at this time. In the meantime, there are things we can do that in my opinion are more reasonable, to protect ourselves from radiation in general. Believe it or not, hot, soapy water, rinses radioactivity acquired from the air, off of your skin. One of the first things they do with people near the plants who they measure and find high levels of exposure, is wash them off with soap and hot water, (in a shower, not a bath) so the water rinses off of their body.

Eleuthero, or Siberian Ginseng, lessens the effects of radiation on the body. This is used often with people who are undergoing radiation or chemo to protect their bodies from the toxic side effects, and in fact, was handed out to citizens during the catastrophic nuclear spill at Chernobyl to help protect them.

Reishi mushroom prevents cellular damage. Besides having profound anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, tumor & cancer preventive actions, it also has radio protective properties.

In studies in Japan, mice treated with a compound found in shiitake mushrooms prior to radiation exposure were found to have complete protection from lowered blood cell counts normally caused by radiation exposure.

And Cordyceps has been proven to protect bone marrow and intestinal lining specifically from the effects of radiation exposure.

Supplementing with these botanicals and increasing the amount of seaweeds you eat in the next several weeks will offer you a good deal of protection from low level drift, and in the unlikely event that the west coast ends up in a crisis where Potassium iodide dosing is necessary, these herbs will offer you multifaceted extra defense. Please call my office if you need assistance getting a hold of any of these

Bogus Nuclear Fallout Map Fans Flames Regarding Fear of Fallout on West Coast of U.S.

This is bullshit and bad fear-mongering. DO NOT TAKE POTASSIUM IODIDE/IODINE UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO. It can cause serious health risks and should only be taken as a last resort.

I have linked to the Snopes article debunking this fraudulent piece. The mere fact that someone would spread misinformation or disinformation at a time like this is very disheartening to me. While the world praises Japan's lack of looting and ability to act calmly with dignity and compassion during a time of tremendous pressure and mounting crisis, what do the rest of us do? Watch T.V., loot or think about looting, buy stuff we don't really need for ridiculously inflated prices... and try to scare the shit out of each other unnecessarily. What else is new?

Oh, and don't worry so much people. If it gets serious over here, we'll be able to find more Potassium Iodide... so don't mortgage the farm yet just to get yer hands on 14 days worth of pills.

Speaking of which... how many of you have two weeks worth of food, water and medicine stored up?

Nice Letter from Seattle Naturopath on Radiation

I'm just going to post the best information I can find as this develops. - Sky Cosby

Emerald City Clinic Family and Friends,

It has become obvious that many would like some clear guidelines and information about how to protect yourself against the radiation that may come over from Japan. The most common medical recommendation is taking iodine- proper levels of iodide in the body leave no room for radioactive iodine to be absorbed. Iodine is excreted and recycled through the body in 24-48h cycles so it is most important that you have good iodine stores on board at the time that the radiation comes to the west coast, if and when it makes it here. The threat of radioactive iodine is thyroid cancer; taking iodine has been proven to prevent thyroid cancers caused by radiation exposure but it will not reduce your risk of all cancers and all side effects of radiation exposure. Our prevention preferences are listed as follows:

A) Eat Seaweed

As Naturopaths, we believe in using the least invasive and most natural therapies first. Taking iodine supplementation alone will cause a disturbance in thyroid functioning for about 15% of the population; eating FOODS with iodine will not do this. We recommend incorporating seaweed into your diet as best you can- kelp, nori, bladderwrack, wakame and other sea vegetables. Nori, specifically, is available in seasoned sheets for easy snacking and are even in certain varieties of crackers. The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission recommends that adults (150lbs) consume two to three ounces (wet weight) of sea vegetables per week, or two tablespoons daily to protect from radiation toxicity. This should be increased fourfold during or after direct exposure to radiation. Recommendations should be adjusted appropriately for weight in treating children.

B) Seaweed extract

We are dispensing a bladderwrack seaweed extract, Fucus, in tincture form for those who prefer or would like to give to their young children who are seaweed averse. Fucus tincture should be taken 2 droppersful 3x a day for an adult and 1 dropperful 3x a day for children under 12 years of age, as the dose is weight dependent. Please consult your physician about dosing if you are pregnant or treating children under the age of 2.

Proper dosing for kelp tablets: 10 tabs per day for adults, 5 tabs for children.

C) Iodine

If you wish to take potassium iodine, we have drops available but please dose carefully! The current recommendation is:

One 130mg tablet a day for adults, ½ tablet a day for kids 3-12

But this is ONLY appropriate before or during direct exposure to radiation in the event of an accident- not for prophylactic or maintenance use. These doses are unsafe for thyroid health under normal conditions.

A safer iodine dose, if radiation starts to travel here is:

Adults: ½ Iodizyme tablet per day or 1 drop Potassium iodine/TriQuench

Children 2-12: ¼ Iodizyme tablet or 1 drop i Potassium iodine/TriQuench in a tablespoon of water- give child ½ tablespoon of the mixture.

Other tips:

Rosemary: the oils and anti-oxidant properties of rosemary have been shown to reduce the ill effects that radiation has on our cells. This can easily be added into your diet as an herb or can safely be taken in tincture extract amounts of 3 droppersful per day in adults, 1 full dropper for children 2-12.

Caffeic acid: found in apples, citrus fruits and cruciferous vegetables. Also found to mediate ill effects of radiation. We often ask that you all eat your fresh fruits and vegetables daily and now there is another reason. Caffeic acid is not available in supplement form.

Epsom salt baths is another way to keep your body balanced after general radiation exposure:

Dissolve 1 pound of sea salt or rock salt and 1 pound of baking soda in a hot bath — as hot as can be tolerated — and soak into the water until the bath becomes cool. This usually takes about 20-25 minutes. Adding bentonite clay or baking soda to the bath adds to the radiation detoxification effect.


A) eat seaweed/kelp as described above

B) Fucus/Bladderwrack tincture

C) Iodine in various forms (adult dose)

Iodizyme: ½ tab per day or 1 tab every other day

TriQuench- 1 drops per day

Topical Lugol’s iodine. A short office visit (15 mins) is required to teach proper administration.

Iodine testing is available upon request.


We will continue to update you all with our guidelines about iodine necessity as the situation changes.


The Physicians of Emerald City Clinic

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Daily Bleed for March 16th

When I die
let the black rag fly
raven falling
from the sky...

For out of black
soul's night have stirred
dawn's cold gleam,
morning's singing bird.

— Excerpt, "Black Flag", by George Woodcock

Web Thing in full:



Brazilian radical theorist of Theater of the Oppressed.



1521 - Nicolas Storch, medieval anarchist communist, lives.

NICOLAS STORCH, former Bleed Saint
With Thomas Muntzer, a leader of the Peasant Wars,
to whom the angel Gabriel promised full religious communism...

1811 -- England: Luddites attack machines designed to replace them.

1892 - César Vallejo, Peruvian hermetic poet, communist,
lives, Santiago de Chuco. A major voice of social change in
Latin-American literature. Of mixed blood, his early work
reflects firsthand experience of hunger, poverty, & injustices
suffered by the Indians.
Daily Bleed Saint 2002-2003

1904 - James Joyce, 22, awarded a bronze medal in a Dublin
singing contest, promptly throws it into a river.

1918 - US: "Regeneracion" publishes a proclamation, "With the
anarchists of the world & the workers in general." The
authors, Librado Rivera & Ricardo Flores Magon, argue that the
social revolution approaches & that all anarchists must infuse
it with their energies & possibilities. This text gets the
paper seized in the land of the free, & this is its last
published appearance in the US.

1921 - War Resisters International founded.

1921 - Bolsheviks stage the final bloody assault on rebellious
Kronstadt sailors. Izvestia n°14 of the Provisional
Revolutionary Committee of the Sailors, Soldier & Workers of
Kronstadt, having tossed off the yoke of party rule, notes its
refusal to surrender.

1931 -- Brazil: Radical theater theorist Augusto Boal lives.

1933 - Last appearance of FAUD's newspaper for the unemployed
in Dresden, serving as the unofficial organ of the German anarcho-
syndicalist movement after the Nazi's banned their two previous papers.

1950 - US: G.P. Maximov, Russian anarcho-syndicalist, dies.
Author of a history of Leninism in Russia, The Guillotine at Work.

1968 - Vietnam: My Lai Massacre, American soldiers
liberate civilians.

Carrying on the tradition of 'teaching' American
values to the godless & the communist, Captain
Medina leads a 'victorious' attack on the village
of Xom Lang, near My Lai in South Vietnam.

While the upper brass circles overhead in helicopters,
Charlie Company enters the hamlet of My Lai 4 &
methodically & ruthlessly murders an estimated 347
civilians over an 8-hour period.

Most are women, children & old men. Some are slain by
bullets fired into their houses, others herded into small
groups & mowed down, & still more die when they are
hurled into a ditch & sprayed with automatic rifle fire.

The Army will first try to cover it up & the US media will
refuse to report it. Later they will portray it as an aberration,
one bad guy (Calley), one good guy (who stops it). Calley
is later convicted, sent to his room for being a bad boy,
then released.

(You neglected the role of Colin Powell who whitewashed
reports of the My Lai massacre.....

--- Bleedster Scott W. Langill, 2009)

1988 -- Massacre of Kurds with mustard & nerve gases,
Halabja, Iraq. US & European weapons & chemical
companies are supplying Iraq with the ok of the US.

1998 -- In response to reported Serbian massacres in
Drenica, in the ethnically Albanian province of Kosovo,
12,000 women, carrying loaves of bread, attempt to
march 50 km to Drenica from the capital of Prishtina.
They are turned back by police.

2001 -- World Premiere of Anton Coppola's opera, "Sacco &
Vanzetti," Tampa Opera (16-18, 2001). Based on music he wrote
for a film his nephew Francis Ford Coppola had planned to make
but never did.

2003 -- US: Protests continue across the nation against Beloved
& Respected Comrade Lord George Bush's God-given Right to
destroy any regime he & his close pal, God, dislikes. In 2006 he
affirms his intention to keep a "First Strike" option despite all these
loony protesters. Ascension is just a button away.

2006 -- US: "My Name is Rachel Corrie," a one-act play due to open this
month at the New York Theater Workshop, was canceled six weeks ago.

The theater’s artistic director made his decision after talking
to leaders in the Jewish community; he later told "The New York
Times," “It seemed as though if we proceeded, we would be taking
a stand we didn’t want to take.”

The London producers called the cancellation "censorship".

In the fall of of this year it opens instead at the Minetta Lane
Theatre, to an extended run, to an outpouring of critical acclaim —
the best reviewed new play of the season.


"Mere factual innocence is no reason not to carry out a death
sentence properly reached."

— One of the more enlightened utterances by Beloved &
Respected Comrade Leader US Supreme Court Justice
Antonin "Benito" Scalia


— anti-CopyRite 1997-4000, more or less

Monday, March 14, 2011

Daily Bleed for March 14th

The storm-wind is howling, the thunder is roaring; with flame blue and
lambent the cloud-masses glow
o'er the fathomless ocean; it catches the lightnings, and quenches them
deep in its whirlpool below.

Like serpents of fire in the dark ocean writhing, the lightnings
reflected there quiver and shake as into the
blackness they vanish forever. The tempest! Now quickly the tempest
will break!

The storm-finch soars fearless and proud 'mid the lightnings, above the
wild waves that the roaring winds
fret; and what is the prophet of victory saying? "Oh, let the storm
burst! Fiercer yet-fiercer yet!"

Maxim Gorky, from "Songs of Russia," rendered into English
by Alice Stone Blackwell (Appeared in "Mother Earth",
Vol.1 No. 1, March, 1906)

Poem in full,
in the Stan Iverson Memorial Library

Daily Bleed web page updated, in full,


New York free-radio ethnomusicologist, Wretched Refuser.

to wash the dust from the thousand Buddhas within.

1851 -- Czechoslovakia: Mikhail Bakunin, after first being
jailed in Prague, is sent today to the Olmütz fortress
in Austria, where he is sentenced in May to hang.

1879 -- Relativity theorist, peace activist Albert Einstein
probably lives, more or less, Ulm, Germany. Charter member
of the American Federation of Teachers local 552 at Princeton
University in 1938.

1883 -- Karl Marx dies, in genteel poverty, worked to death,
London, age 64.

1887 -- The founder of the bookstore Shakespeare & Company,
Sylvia Beach, lives, in her father's parsonage in Baltimore.

1897 -- Italy: Malatesta clandestinely re-enters the country,
at Ancône, & begins publishing the anarchist newspaper "L'agitazione".

1904 -- Armas Äikiä (1904-1965) lives. Finnish writer,
poet, Communist & journalist.

1907 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President
BullTooth Roosevelt excludes Japanese laborers from the
continental US.

1912 -- US: IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) agrees to
terms granting wage increases as 10,000 strikers gather & vote,
successfully ending the "Bread & Roses" Lawrence Textile
Strike of 32,000-people against wool mills. The strike was
precipitated by wage cuts & horrendous working

"They are always marching & singing.

"The tired, gray crowds ebbing & flowing perpetually
into the mills had waked & opened their mouths to sing."

— Mary Heaton Vorse

1962 -- Giovanna Caleffi Berneri dies. Married to
Camillo Berneri (murdered by the Communists in Spain), mother
of Marie Louise Berneri, Giliana Berneri. (Anarchists all!)

1969 -- Graphic artist & social conscience Ben Shahn
dies, New York City.

1977 -- US: Mississippi's angriest woman, Fannie Lou Hamer,
dies in Ruleville, Mississippi, at age 69.

"I'm sick & tired of
being sick & tired."

1989 -- No More Monkeying Around: American naturalist novelist,
anarchist, xenophobe, Cactus Ed Abbey Lives! Died, more or less, today.

"It's a fools life, a rogue's life, & a good life if
you keep laughing all the way to the grave."

1993 -- "Gay Talese raised the
question, "Where are the Italian
American Novelists?" on the front
page of the March 14, 1993 "New
York Times Book Review" ...
hindered by his lack of familiarity
with the vast body of literature
created by American writers of
Italian descent, Talese reduced
the experience of
Italian-American writers to his

In John Fante I found the
Italian-American Hemingway. He wanted
to be a writer so badly that he sent
stories, accompanied by long letters to
H. L. Mencken, then one of the leading
voices of American literature.

Mencken rejected the stories & published
the letters.

By 1940, Fante had already published
half of his lifetime production of short
stories in national magazines ... & had
also published two novels & a collection
of his stories (Dago Red, 1940). ...

All of Fante's work spoke to me with a
voice that drowned out all the American
literature I had read in school."

1998 -- Pi in the Sky?: At the Exploratorium in San Francisco,
mathematicians assemble, as usual, to celebrate pi (3.14159 etc.).

Moe: "When the roll is called up yonder I'll
eat pie."
Curly: "Pi r²?"
Moe: "No, pie are round; cake are square."
Curly: "Oh."
Moe: "No, O are round, also."

2007 -- Germany: A mass refusal to pay water charges in the city
of Bremen quickly escalates into a series of bitter & widening
conflicts with authorities.

After two demonstrators are killed by police, city workers
go on strike, followed within a few days by most of the rest
of the country.

Deployment of UN troops triggers all-out revolt, which spreads
into France & Italy. 10 days later & Western Europe is in
insurrectionist hands, though it will take more than 3 years &
no little bloodshed before the last of the global capitalist
economy is dismantled, & the period of universal harmony
is inaugurated.

2009 -- Ethnomusicologist "Citizen Kafka" Shulberg dies, Brooklyn, NY.


"Too many of our poets novelists essayists seem to be
taking the side of the State in that ancient & inevitable
conflict between the State & the independent individual.

This is wrong; that is not the natural place for a writer. If it
weren't for all these fools & fanatics running around trying
to make things better, then most certainly things would get
worse. We need this constant pressure against the barriers
to change in order simply to prevent a collapse into total
evil. The tension against wrong. To keep things from
getting worse."

— Ed Abbey


— anti-Wrong 1997-3666, as you may have surmised, more or less

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Daily Bleed for March 12th

The law, cold & aloof by its very nature, has
no access to the passions that might justify
the cruel act of murder.

— Sade

Daily Bleed web page updated...


British anarchist, sexologist, poet, radical psychologist. Oh, Joy!

The worm thinks it strange & foolish
that man does not eat his books.

— Tagore


1650 -- England: Diggers at Wellingborough issue their declaration:

"Then Clubs & Diamonds cast away
For Hearts & Spades must win the day."

1912 -- IWW (I Will Win) union wins the
"Bread & Roses" Lawrence Textile Strike of 1912.

The preachers, cops & money-kings were working hand in hand,
The boys in blue, with stars & stripes were sent by Uncle Sam;
Still things were looking blue 'cause every striker knew
That weaving cloth with bayonets is hard to do.

— Joe Hill, from the song,
"John Golden & the Lawrence Strike."

1922 -- Jack Kerouac (1922-1969) lives, Lowell, Massachusetts.
Novelist/poet, leading figure & a spokesman of the Beat Generation.
Pals with kooks like Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs, Gregory
Corso, & Ted Joans.
Ted Joans page maintained by Recollection Books:

1947 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President
Truman asks Congress for "anticommunist" aid to Greece &
Turkey. The speech is dubbed as the Truman Doctrine & officially
ushers in the Cold War era.

American schools still teach that the Truman Doctrine
advanced the spread of democracy ...

American military support, government
money, & corporate capital flows into Greece to prop up
what Richard Barnet (Intervention & Revolution) calls "a
particularly brutal & backward military dictatorship."

1955 -- Jazz musician Charlie "Bird" Parker dies, 34. "Bird Lives!"
Likely to remain the most brilliant jazz artist ever.

1958 -- Bulgaria: Manol Vassev (1898-1958), dies. Poisoned
by prison guards one day before his scheduled release. A popular
militant anarcho-trade unionist & a living symbol of resistance
of both fascism & Bolshevism.

1976 -- The American Way? CIA plants false story of Cubans
raping Angolan women & the victims shooting the rapists.

1977... Il Movimento

Italy: Massive demonstrations nationwide against the police
for the killing of a militant. In Bologna, Radio Alice is
today suppressed by the government after one year of
broadcasting. In Rome & Bologna armories
are looted & pistols
& ammunition are passed out to protesters.

1992 -- Guatemala: Efrain Bamaca, husband of US activist Jennifer
Harbury, is seized by military in the employ of the CIA; he is later
tortured & killed.

1996 -- Irian Jaya (Indonesia): Rioting erupts again in Timika
disrupting Freeport mine operations.


March 12, 2003, MOUNT RUSHMORE - Thousands of cheering
veterans, anarchists, & anti-war protesters gathered here on
Thursday to listen to Captain America set the record straight.

"I am tired of being called anti-American every time I criticize
the President & his Administration of Evil," the star-spangled
superhero told the crowd.

"George W. Bush is not America. I'm America. I've been
serving this country since before he was born."


"My aim is to agitate &
disturb people.

I'm not selling bread, I'm
selling yeast."

— Unamuno, wall grafitti from Paris, May 1968


— anti-Soup, 1997-2666 or thereabouts

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Daily Bleed for March 8th

Remember now there were others before;
            The sepulchres are full at ford & bridgehead.
            There will be children with flowers there,
            & lambs & golden-eyed lions there,
            & people remembering in the future.

                               — Kenneth Rexroth,

"From the Paris Commune to the Kronstadt Rebellion"

Web page updated, some 88 entries...


"Atomic artist" who fashioned modern sculpture out of atomic
waste from the Los Alamos junk pile.




1872 --  US: NY Times calls baseball players
"worthless, dissipated gladiators; not much above
the professional pugilist in morality & respectability."

     Some things just never change, do they?

1885 -- Argentina: Juan de Dios Filiberto tangos (1885-1964),
in Buenos Aires, in the barrio of La Boca, a known haven for
prostitutes & anarchists...

    One of the most important figures in the history of tango.

    Worked as stevedore in the dock & became an anarchist.
    In his early 20s, while working as a machinist at a theater he
    heard Beethoven's Ninth ... & never tuned back...

    Among those he collaborated with was Augusto Berto, &
    Luis Teisseire, another anarquista of similar background.

1895 --  Colombia: US marines begin fighting in
Boca del Toro (-Mar. 9). To protect US interests.

1906 -- Philippines: US occupation troops massacre an "unruly"
band of hill Moros, mowing the stubborn tribespeople down
with a combination of artillery fire & infantry assaults.

  All these Moros — men, women &
  children — are slaughtered, whereupon
  Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader
  President Theodore Roosevelt,
  congratulates these brave Americans for,

                            "A brilliant
                            feat of arms
                            the honor of
                            the American

   Asked to define the age limit for killing,
   General Smith replied, "Everything over ten."

  "The major [accused of killing 11 defenseless Filipinos]
  said that General Smith instructed him to kill &
  burn, & said that the more he killed &
  burned the better pleased he would be;
  that it was no time to take prisoners..."
  [See the Web page for more detail & many links]

Like most American military forays, the war in the Philippines
remains an obscure episode in American history textbooks, &
Manifest Destiny resurfaces in future years under a variety of
more "sophisticated" guises; following the disastrous Vietnam
War, for example, comes a "New World Order," "WTO,"
"War on Drugs", "War on Terrorism," "Democracy in Iraq," etc.

            Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace.

1911 --  First International Women's Day is celebrated,
in Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany & the US.

1920 -- US: Roberto Elia & Andrea Salsedo, anarchists who
worked for the "Cronaca Sovversiva," kidnapped by the Department
of Justice without a warrant or being arrested. They are
disappeared & beaten until they agree to inform on their comrades.

1921 -- Russia: The Bolsheviks, consolidating their party power over
the workers & peasants, begin an air raid on the peaceful population
of Kronstadt. The Provisional Revolutionary Committee of Kronstadt
appeals by radiotelegram to workers around the world to publicize
their plight.

1951 -- The Honeymoon Killers die in electric chair.

1962 -- Germany: Zenzl Mühsam dies, in East Berlin. Militant
anarchist, companion of poet Erich Mühsam, she wound up in
Stalin's Gulag.

1971 -- Vietnam: Radio Hanoi broadcasts Jimi Hendrix's
"Star Spangled Banner," which was sent by Abbie Hoffman.

1982 -- US: Little Deuce Coup? Two high school boys with
ambition to be mercenaries, arm themselves & attempt a military
"coup d'etat" at their high school.

1983 -- US: Reagan makes his "Evil Empire" speech
     while US employees carry out his policy of murder,
     rape & torture of Central Americans.

1988 -- US: Soap opera scriptwriters' strike.

1998 --  US: Lending a Hand? Daniel Rudolph, brother of
Olympic Games bombing & abortion clinic bombing suspect
Erik Rudolph, videotapes himself cutting off his own hand with
a power saw to "send a message to the FBI".

                          Not your average Pen Pal.

2007 -- US: Vermont Towns Call for Bush, Cheney Impeachment...

     Nearly 30 towns have passed a resolution calling for the
     impeachment of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leaders President
     Bush & Vice President Dick Cheney. The measure says the
     administration misled the country into the invasion of Iraq
     & violated the Constitution. The resolution comes on the heels
     of last month’s call by Vermont’s legislature for the immediate
     withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.


                         "Nunca nada cambia a menos
                         que lo hagamos cambiar"

                                              — Los Crudos

            ["Nothing never changes unless we make it change"]


   — anti-ToothpickIngestion, 1997-3666