Monday, February 28, 2011

Anastacia Tolbert Poetry Reading Saturday March 5th @ 8:00 pm

Anastacia Tolbert is a multifarious mix of grit, sunshine, alphabet juice & butterflies. She is a writer, performance artist, documentarian, teacher and workshop facilitator.

Anastacia Tolbert is a writer of poetry, prose, plays, and journalism. She is a graduate of the Cave Canem program for African American poets and holds an undergraduate degree in English and Creative Writing from the University of Missouri at Kansas City. She is currently Resident Writer and 8th Grade Teacher at the Seattle Girls School.

She received a 2004 San Diego Journalism Press Club Award for her article “War Torn.” In 2007, she wrote, co-produced and co-directed GOTBREAST?, a documentary about women and body image. She is a 2010 Hedgebrook Writer in Residence.

She has taught writing, poetry and performance workshops to students of all ages at schools, literary centers, battered women’s shelters, youth camps, and libraries. She has facilitated creative writing workshops for adults at Seattle's Richard Hugo House, the country's third-largest literary center.

Anastacia’s poetry and prose have appeared in many journals and magazines, including Essence, Saltwater Quarterly (April 2011), and San Diego City Beat, as well as in the anthologies, Things Lost, Cave Canem XI,  Alehouse Journal, The Drunken Boat, Reverie, Check the Rhyme: An Anthology of Female Poets & Emcees (which was nominated for the 2007 NAACP Award), and I Woke Up and Put My Crown On: 76 Voices of African American Women. She has performed her poetry in more than fifty venues, including colleges, writers’ conferences, and art museums, and as a featured artist on six radio stations.

Anastacia says of her work:

When I was growing up in the Midwest in the late 70s and 80s, women writers were typically stereotyped as "gifted" but poor, wishful bohemians -- people proud to be labeled writers while suffering from acute cases of “starving artist syndrome.” I distinctly remember a journalism professor telling me in front of an ambitious class of fifty that I would never be able to do anything with my creative writing skills, except maybe copy editing... if I was lucky, and that I should immediately come to the realization that I would never generate income doing creative writing...and no one outside of my family would ever read my work.

Fortunately, I don’t believe in luck and I’ve been an active participant in manifesting my writing goals.

My poetic form uses white space as narrator and seeks to be a drum for feminism, race, sexuality, trauma and grief. My poems often reflect on a succinct moment, using voice or character development as catalysts to tell a story in the progression of stanzas.

EXTRA! EXTRA! Daily Bleed for February 29th

"What! all those children perched on my wall?"
With eight shots, Mr. Olive, a Toulon
property-owner made them scramble down,
covered with blood.

— Félix Fénéon's news item,
translated by Edward Morris for
Evergreen Review, no.13, 1960

No there is no 29th this year, but every Daily
publishes an "Extra, Extra!" now & zen.

February 29

A Day Without a Saint!
(Think of it as a vacancy reserved just for you)

LEAP YEAR DAY — to remind us that all calendars, like maps,
are particularist interpretations of subjective 'realities'.


"Gimme a pigfoot & a bottle of beer..."
"Gimme a reefer & a gang of gin..."


-12 -- The day before the last February 30th in the Roman
(Julian) calendar.

Hey, take the day off, it's on us!!

486 -- Pope Hilarius, calendar reformer, dies laughing.

1788 -- Australia: Flower Power? James Freeman, Sydney, is
pardoned for stealing flour, on condition he become
public executioner.

1800 -- This is the second February 29 dropped by the Gregorian calendar.

Hey, take the day off, it's on us!!

1900 -- This is the third February 29 dropped by the Gregorian calendar.

Hey, take the day off, it's on us!!

1920 -- France: Le Libertaire annonce la mort du chansonnier
anarchiste Paul Paillette.

1944 -- Félix Fénéon dies. Art critic,
anarchist & friend of Seurat, Paul Signac, Theo van
Rysselberghe, Henri-Edmond Cross, André Gide, et al.

1956 -- Mexico: Simón Radowitzky (Szymon Radowicki) dies. Legendary
Polish anarchist who killed police chief Ramon Falcon & his
secretary with a bomb in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2000 -- Some computer software may not recognize this date.

(Especially those of you trying to read the Daily Bleed
without a monitor. Also helpful if'n you plug your computer
in one of these days.)

2100 -- This is the 4th February 29 dropped by the Gregorian calendar.

Hey, take the day off, it's on us!

2200 -- This is the 5th February 29 dropped by the Gregorian calendar.

Hey, take the day off, it's on us! We'll see you TOMORROW on the 30th!


— Away from this kingdom, from this last undefiled
place, I would keep our governments, our civilization,
& all other spirit-forsaken & corrupt institutions.

— Kenneth Patchen, excerpt from
"There Are Not Many Kingdoms Left",
The Love Poems of Kenneth Patchen

— Anti-31st of February, 1997-February 32nd 3000

Daily Bleed for February 28th

The last full moon of February
stalks the fields; barbed wire casts a

— Jane Cooper, 'Hunger Moon'

Daily Bleed web page in full,

February 28
Brilliant Soviet semiotic theorist,
philosopher of culture.


1533 -- French essayist Michel de Montaigne lives.
French courtier & author of Essaies, which established a
new literary form. In 1588 he was arrested in Paris & spent
a few hours in the Bastille.
See Kenneth Rexroth's essay on Montaigne in his
Classics Revisited.

1574 -- First New World victims of Spanish Inquisition
burned at the stake.

Moe to Curley: "How would you like to die,
burnt at the stake or your head chopped off?"

Curley: "I'd rather have steak than cold cuts."

1877 -- US Government, worse than a common thief, seizes
the Black Hills from Lakota Sioux in violation of treaty.

1887 -- France: The anarchist burglar & member of the
"Panthers of Batignolles", Clément Duval, has his death
sentence commuted to life by the President.

"Theft exists only through the exploitation of man
by man...when Society refuses you the right to exist,
you must take it..."

Duval attempted escape 20 times, & after finally succeeding,
reached New York, where he lived until age 85, surrounded
by Italian anarchist comrades.

1901 -- American chemist, geneticist activist Linus Pauling
lives for vitamin C, Portland, Oregon. Double Nobel Prize
winner &, when he came up with an alternative cure for
cancer, 'madman' & 'quack'.
Daily Bleed Saint 2004.

"Young people should always listen to their elders,
but not necessarily believe what they say."

1921 -- Russia: Kronstadt Revolt. It is here Trotsky utters
his infamous line,

"Shoot them down like partridges."

...[Kronstadt] shocked the intelligent & honest minds of Europe
& America into a critical examination of Bolshevik theories &
practices. It exploded the Bolshevik myth of the Communist
State being the "Workers' & Peasants' Government."

— Alexander Berkman, The Kronstadt Rebellion (Berlin:
Der Syndikalist, 1922), pp. 41-42.

Poet Kenneth Rexroth ("From the Paris
Commune to the Kronstadt Rebellion"), was
one of those few Americans who saw through
Bolshevik pretenses as early as 1921, when
Trotsky & Lenin crushed the libertarian
revolt of the Kronstadt Soviet.

While clearly opposing all forms of
"Communism" he did not, like so many others of
his generation, react into supporting Western
capitalism or becoming a "Cold War Warrior".

The Kronstadt Revolt was a topic at meetings
he helped organize with the San Francisco
Libertarian Circle in the 1940s.

I am far better aware of
The evils of Stalinism
Than you are, you ex-Trotskyite
Warmonger. But it won't get you
Anywhere to tell me I should
Welcome the beast who devours me
Just because a bigger lion
Is eating somebody else on
The other side of the arena.

1937 -- England: 1,000 rally against war, Hyde Park, London.

1937 -- England: With novelist Ethel Mannin, Emma Goldman
speaks in Bristol on the Revolution in Spain.

1941 -- Happy birthday Alice Brock. Who is Alice Brock?
You know the song "Alice's Restaurant" by Arlo Guthrie?

Oh, that Alice!

"What the hell are all these freaking forks
doing on the forking floor?!" — Mrs. G.

1958 -- England: Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
(CND) founded in London. SciFi writer John Brunner
authored their theme song.

1959 -- The playwright most known for his verse tragedy,
Maxwell Anderson dies in Stamford, Connecticut. His
tragedy Winterset (1935), a poetic drama inspired by the
Sacco & Vanzetti anarchist case is his most famous.

1970 -- US: Bicycles permitted to cross Golden Gate Bridge
in Frisco. A new escape route!

1993 -- US: Feds storm Branch Davidians cult compound
near Whacko, Texass, starting a 7-week siege that ends in
a wienie roast.

2004: Permaculturalist, Dreamtime Villager, poet, Lyx Ish
(b.1956) dies, LaForge, Wisconsin. Aka Elizabeth Perl Nasaw
aka Elizabeth Was.


"We must have research for peace...

It would embrace the outstanding problems of
morality. The time has come for man's intellect, his
scientific method, to win over the immoral brutality &
irrationality of war & militarism...

Now we are forced to eliminate from the world forever
this vestige of prehistoric barbarism, this curse to the
human race."

— Linus Pauling


— anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Daily Bleed for February 26th

...... no one has
more thirst for earth, for blood, & for
ferocious sexuality than the creatures who
inhabit cold mirrors.

— Alejandra Pizarnik, The Bloody Countess

Daily Bleed updated, web page in full,


American salonista, feminist, pacifist, bohemian.

Burgsonndeg, Luxembourg: a movable FIRE FESTIVAL
to greet the returning sun.

So sorry, Seattle...


1802 -- Victor Hugo (1802-1885) lives.
Poet/playwright/novelist, leader of the French Romantic movement.
Wrote The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Nietzsche refers to him as
"The lighthouse in a sea of absurdity."

Exiled French republican, romantic, great novelist.

"There is one thing stronger than all the armies
in the world, & that is an idea whose
time has come."

1808 -- French social satirist Honore Daumier lives.

1848 -- England: In London, 29 year old Karl Marx
publishes The Communist Manifesto.

1861 --

The father is silent...

Oh God, there is no God!

— Multatuli

alias Eduard Douwes Dekker,
from "The Prayer of the Ignorant",
The Hague, 26 February 1861,
published in De Dageraad,

1870 -- US: New York's first subway line opens.

The people all filled the station, a million head or more
George used his elbows & his knees until he reached the door
But when he reached those portals, he could not take the gaff
The conductor shut the door on him & cut poor George in half

The train pulled out of Times Square, the swiftest on the line
It carried poor George's head along, but it left his body behind
Poor Georgie died a hero's death, a legend [martyr] plain to see
& the very last words poor Georgie said were "Screw the IRT"

Now when you ride the IRT & you approach Times Square
Incline your head a few degrees & say a silent prayer
For his body it lies between the ties, amidst the dust & dew
& his head it rides the IRT to Flatbush Avenue.

— Dave Van Ronk , excerpt, Georgie on the IRT

1894 -- France: Jean Grave is charged for writing & publishing
La société mourante et l'anarchie.

Octave Mirbeau, who wrote the preface, testified in
Grave's behalf, as did Élisée Reclus, Paul Adam, &
Bernard Lazare — but to no avail.

For his dastardly crime Grave was sent to prison
for two years & the court ordered his book destroyed.

1911 -- US: Emma Goldman speaks in St. Louis,
February 26 through March 3.

With the help of William Marion Reedy, her
lectures are widely attended. Here she meets political
artist Robert Minor, & Roger Baldwin arranges two
speaking engagements for Goldman at the exclusive
Wednesday Ladies' Club.

Reedy was a literary entrepreneur who played a large
role in breaking down the genteel literary tradition,
developing a native poetry, & helping to form some fifty
significant poets.

Emily Dickinson, Stephen Crane, Ezra Pound, Edwin
Arlington Robinson, Amy Lowell, Sara Teasdale, Carl
Sandburg, & Vachel Lindsay are just a few of the writers
whose works Reedy featured in his weekly magazine,
the Mirror.

1915 -- England: Armed & Dangerous? Armaments workers
on the Clyde strike for more pay.

1920 -- Italy: Last appearance of Umanita Nova, anarchist
daily paper published in Milan & Rome (circulation 50,000).
Founded by Errico Malatesta, with many contributors, including
Luigi (Gigi) Damiani, Luigi Fabbri, Camillo Berneri, Nella
Giacometti, etc.

1940 -- Russia: Innovative movement theorist Vsevolod
Meyerhold (1874-1940) executed — on or about — today.

Founding member of the Moscow Art Theater. Symbolist, talented
experimental director of the 1920s & 1930s, whose work inspired
revolutionary artists & filmmakers of his era. A victim of Stalin's
terror, arrested & imprisoned in 1939 until today.

Daily Bleed Saint, February 9

1991 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader
Big Bush is just another crook, admitting supporting Khmer
Rouge (The Killing Fields) in Cambodia — an illegal act.

1991 -- Iraq: US air forces, in the infamous "turkey shoot,"
drop fuel-air bombs & massacre thousands of retreating Iraqi
personnel on the Basra road from Kuwait.

Victors are not
charged with "crimes against humanity"...

Nor is it politically
correct to call Americans "terrorists".

1993 -- US: Terrorist bomb blast rips though seven floors of
New York City's World Trade Center, killing 6, injuring 1,000.
By the following day, over 40 groups claim responsibility. A
prelude to September 11, 2001 & all the political loony Bins.

1998 -- US: Saddam? International weapons inspection
team, including Canadian MP Libby Davies, is not allowed to
determine the presence of weapons of mass destruction at the
Bangor (Washington) nuclear submarine base. Aerial photos
the same day, however, suggest the odds of such heinous
weapons are pretty damn high.


Let us have compassion for those under
chastisement. Alas, who are we ourselves?
Who am I & who are you? Whence do we
come & is it quite certain that we did
nothing before we were born? This earth is
not without some resemblance to a jail. Who
knows but that man is a victim of divine
justice? Look closely at life. It is so
constituted that one senses punishment

— Victor Hugo


— anti-Chastisement, 1997-2011 or thereabouts

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Daily Bleed for February 24th

& cold madness wandered
aimlessly about the house.

— Czeslaw Milosz

Web page in full:



German Marxist world systems theorist, committed historian.

Early Rome: FEAT OF REGIFUGIUM (The Flight of
Kings) involving changing (& ritual sacrifice?) of
annual kings.


1809 -- England: New Drury Lane Theatre burns to the ground while
owner Richard Sheridan (The School for Scandal), is having a drink
at a neighboring coffeehouse. With characteristic calm Sheridan

"A man may surely be allowed to take a glass
of wine by his own fireside."

1821 -- Mexico declares independence from Spain.
The US will soon partake the opportunity to rip-off a huge
hunk of that bloated fledgling nation...
"Manifest Destiny" doncha know...

1852 -- Irish novelist/poet George Moore lives. Oscar Wilde
later complains:

"Know him? I know him so well that
I haven't spoken to him in 10 years."

1889 -- France: Emile Pouget's "Le Pere Peinard" begins publishing.
A signatory to the "Charter of Amiens" (1906), endorsed by the CGT,
Pouget also wrote numerous books & pamphlets, including Direct
Action (1910), & Sabotage.

1912 -- US: Labor activist Elizabeth Gurley Flynn heads
"Bread & Roses" Lawrence Textile Strike of 20,000 women
in Lawrence, Massachusetts. Police attack 150 children &
their parents at the town railroad station.

As we go marching, marching
In the beauty of the day
A million darkened kitchens
A thousand mill lofts grey
Are touched with all the radiance
That a sudden sun discloses
For the people hear us singing
Bread & Roses, Bread & Roses...

— James Oppenheim (1912)

1917 -- Russia: February Revolution: a Petrograd bread riot turns to
revolution as soldiers refuse to fire on demonstrators & instead turn
on their officers. The arsenal is taken; 20,000 automatic pistols are
handed out; the police stations are torched, & the prisons stormed
& liberated.

1944 -- Great pianist to the Beatles, the Stones, Jefferson Airplane, Steve
Miller, & Quicksilver Messenger Service, & others — Nicky Hopkins lives.
Died at age 50 in 1994 of complications from intestinal surgery, presumably
related to Hopkins' Crohn's Disease.

1966 -- US: Barry Bondhus dumps 10 pounds of his own poop
on draft files... "Along with wheelbarrows of desire, buckets
of shit will stop the war in Vietnam".


"I've been floating in this river of shit/
Over 20 years & I'm gettin' tired of it/
But I've got to keep swimming in this river of shit, 'cause
I don't want to die.../
Who was it that set up this system/
This supposedly democratic system/
Where we're always voting for the lesser of two evils/
Was George Washington the lesser of two evils?/
Sometimes I wonder. Some politicians say we've got to stop violence
in this country/
While he's spending 15,000 dollars a second snuffing gooks.../
River of shit, bringing health, wealth, & prosperity to every man,
women, & child."

— Tuli Kupferberg, songster, poet, Fug


1968 -- US: Pete Seeger is allowed to sing his previously
censored "Waist Deep in the Big Muddy" on the "Smothers
Brothers Comedy Hour". The show itself is eventually axed.

Waist deep, neck deep
We'll be drowning before too long
We're neck deep in the Big Muddy
& the damn fools keep yelling to push on

1971 -- Japan: Children battle riot police at Sanrizuka. They
receive an education no school can provide, in study groups —
as they & their families fight for their lives.

"How can we go to school when our land is about to be taken?"

1984 -- England: Dirty Dishes? Nine "char-women" enter a
communications base to "clean" satellite dishes, in Cornwall.

1991 -- US-led coalition begins ground war against Iraqi troops.
There is great concern Iraq will launch biological weapons based
on anthrax & botulism which a US company has sold them with
approval of the US Commerce Department against Pentagon opposition.

2001 -- Mexico: Zapatistas march on Mexico City.

2003 -- England: British Marxist historian Christopher Hill dies, Oxfordshire.

Daily Bleed Saint 2003-2005
Dean of British Marxist historians, worlds turned upside down.


Your problem is not your life as it is
in America, not that your hands, as you
tell me, are tied to do something. It is
that you were born to an island of greed
and grace where you have this sense
of yourself as apart from others. It is
not your right to feel powerless. Better
people than you were powerless."

— from "Return" in
The Country Between Us
by Carolyn Forche


— anti-copyRite 1997-3666 or thereabouts

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Daily Bleed for February 22nd

Unblemished fruit, untouched by worm or frost,
whose firm, polished skin cries out to be bitten!

— Baudelaire

Bleed Web page, with a buncha clickerdoodles:

Some few excerpts:


Founder of Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich. Dada genius.
See our Daily Bleed Saint Page.


the Red God, God of racing.


1860 -- US: Barefoot In The Park? Nationwide shoemakers' strike.

1886 -- Dada cabaret founder & poet Hugo Ball lives, Pirmasens,
Germany. A staunch pacifist, leaves Germany during World War I
for neutral Switzerland in 1916.

"Everybody their own Football."

1892 -- Edna St. Vincent Millay lives (1892-1950), Rockland,
Maryland. Pulitzer Prize-winning poet. (See yesterday's
closing poem)

1900 -- Surrealist filmmaker/director Luis Buñuel lives,
Calanda, Spain. Noted for his early Surrealist films & his work in the
Mexican commercial cinema. Bunuel is distinguished for his highly
personal style & controversial obsession with social injustice,
religious excess, gratuitous cruelty, & eroticism.

1900 -- Meridel Le Sueur (1900-1996), writer about working-class
women, & justice seeker, lives. See Constance Coiner, "Better Red:
The Writing & Resistance of Tillie Olsen & Meridel Le Sueur".

1930 -- Italy: Camillo Berneri sentenced to six months in prison.

1937 -- Tomás Herreros Miguel dies. Writer, gifted speaker, organizer,
& a street activist. Spanish militant frequently jailed — it was while cooling
his heels in a Madrid jail that he introduced Diego Abad de Santillán to anarquismo.

CNT militant, editor of "Solidaridad Obrera" & "Tierra y Libertad,"
Herreros' high profile accounts for his having been harassed & even
targeted for murder (rightwing gunmen stabbed him with
a stiletto as he stood in front of his book stand).

1942 -- Suicide of Stefan & Lotte Zweig. State funeral at Petropolis
cemetery. German poet/translator/biographer, short-story
writer/novelist, Stefan achieved fame with his interpretations of
many imaginary & historical characters.

1965 -- US: Sam Lovejoy cuts down a weather tower for
a proposed nuclear plant, Montague, Massachusetts. First act
of civil disobedience against nuclear power in America.

1977 -- Italy: Following a trade-union open meeting in Naples,
luxury shops are plundered.

1999 -- American poet William Bronk (1918-1999) dies, some
time at night, apparently peacefully.

2001 -- John Fahey (1939-2001), eccentric folk guitarist heralded
as a unique alchemist of American roots music & a powerful influence
on his peers, dies, aged 61.

2003 -- Canada: Rooting Out Evil sends a team of volunteer weapons
inspectors into that greatest of rogue nations, the United States of

The campaign gathered the support from more than 25,000
virtual weapons inspectors who supported the team (which
found proof of their existence).

"We have selected the US as our first priority based on
criteria provided by the Bush administration.

According to those criteria, the most dangerous states
are those run by leaders who:

1) have massive stockpiles of chemical, biological,
& nuclear weapons;
2) ignore due process at the United Nations;
3) refuse to sign and honour international treaties; &
4) have come to power through illegitimate means.

The then current US administration fulfills all these criteria...

2003 -- Anarchist, artist & bus conductor Arthur Moyse
dies, ripe young age of 88.

2004 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Education
Secretary Rod Paige calls the nation's largest teachers union,
National Education Association (NEA), a "terrorist organization"
during a White House meeting with state governors. Everyone
but this fool knows, of course, it's the students who are the real

The Bush administration maintains it has the right to imprison
citizens or non-citizens indefinitely without trial or access to lawyers,
family members or journalists, as long as they are suspected terrorists.

"Every Child Left Behind" will make a catchy a new education motto.



In these hands, the cities; in my weather, the armies
Of better things than die
To the scaly music of war.

The different men, who are dead,
Had cunning; they sought green lives
In a world blacker than your world;
But you have nourished the taste of sickness
Until all other tastes are dull in your mouths;
It is only we who stand outside the steaming tents
Of hypocrisy & murder
Who are "sick" —
This is the health you want.

Yours is the health of the pig which roots up
The vines that would give him food;
Ours is the sickness of the deer which is shot
Because it is the activity of hunters to shoot him.

In your hands, the cities, in my world, the marching
of nobler feet than walk down a road
Deep with the corpses of every sane & beautiful thing.

— Kenneth Patchen


— Auntie Up, 1997-3666, more or less, sooner or later

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Daily Bleed for February 20th

What a b what a b what a beauty
What a b what a b what a a
What a beauty beauty be
What a beauty beauty be
What a beauty beauty beauty be be be
What a be what a b what a beauty
What a b what a b what a a
What a be be be be be
What a be be be be be
What a be be be be be be be a beauty be be be
What a beauty.

— Kurt Schwitters, "What a b what a b what a beauty"

Web thing, in full

Some selections:

Great orator, writer, Black emancipationist.


South Asian Immigrants.


1725 -- North America: 10 sleeping Indians scalped by Capt.
Lovewell & troops at Wakefield (in what will be New Hampshire)
for scalp bounty. First recorded instance of scalping.

"Any white person who brought the element of
civilization had the right to take over this continent."

— Ayn Rand, bladdermouth

1834 -- US: Oneida Community founded in upstate New York,
as a communistic community in which work & life are to be
shared. Friendly cooperation with the surrounding Indian tribes
is actively sought & achieved.

1839 -- US: Congress prohibits dueling in District of Columbia.
Population of politicians explodes, rivaling sewer rats.

1882 -- Margarethe Faas-Hardegger lives (1882-1963). Studied law,
& was in contact with Munich bohemian & Berlin anarchist circles.
Preached & practiced free love & was lovers with Gustav
Landauer & Erich Mühsam.

1890 -- Italy: In Genoa, a group of Italian anarchists, including
Giovanni Rossi (aka Cardias) embarks on a boat to Brazil, to
found the experimental Cecilia Colony.

1892 -- Oscar Wilde play "Lady Windermere's Fan" opens in London.

1895 -- US: Frederick Douglass escaped slave, antislavery leader,
adviser to Lincoln, dies at 78.

In an 1857 address Douglass proclaims:

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess
to favor freedom, & yet deprecate agitation, are men who want
crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without
thunder & lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar
of its many waters. Power concedes nothing without a demand.
It never did & it never will."

1897 -- Painter Ivan Albright lives.

1898 -- Anton Ciliga lives; philosopher, activist, anarchist. Active in
the Russian Revolution. Wrote Crise d'Etat dans la Yougoslavie de Tito
(1974), L'insurrection de Cronstadt et la destinée de la révolution
russe (1983), etc.

"Neither God nor Master, a
voice from the depths of my
subconscious whispered.
Perceptible, firm, imperative.
The portrait of Lenin from the
table of my cell was torn in
thousand pieces & tossed into the
trash can... "

— Anton Ciliga, Dix ans au pays du
mensonge déconcertant

1902 -- Nature photographer Ansel Adams lives, Frisco,
Daily Bleed Saint April 22, 2003-05
Sensitive photographer of natural beauty, celebrant of wild(er)ness.

1915 -- US: Mother Earth "Red Revel" Ball takes place in New York
City; attended by close to 800 people of many nationalities.
Them anarchists do know how to party!

1924 -- France: Ernesto Bonomini kills Nicola Bonservizi,
a fascist propagandist & personal friend of Mussolini's. A
sympathetic court gives him eight years in prison.

1929 -- "American" Samoa is organized as a US territory.
Free, Free at last!

1934 -- US: Utopian Society in Los Angeles starts chain-letter
campaign informing US citizens that "Profit is the root of all evil."
Pass the word...

1934 -- Virgil Thomson's opera "Four Saints in Three Acts" opens in NYC.
Gertrude Stein, the librettist, attends, after years abroad.

1950 -- Dylan Thomas arrives in New York for his first series of
American poetry readings. Welsh poet, drunk, high-liver, lifestyle

Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

1967 -- Kurt Cobain, of Seattle grunge band Nirvana, lives.

1968 -- US: The Fugs exorcise the grave of Beloved & Respected
Comrade Leader Senator Joe "I have here in my hand..." McCarthy.

[Due to the Daily Bleed's High Family Decency Standards,
we cannot speculate on what part of his anatomy was in hand.]

2005 -- US: Gonzo-journalist Hunter Thompson dies, 67, a suicide.

November 2004:

"We have become a Nazi monster in the eyes of the whole world,
a nation of bullies & bastards who would rather kill than live

"We are not just Whores for power & oil, but killer whores
with hate & fear in our hearts. We are human scum, & that is
how history will judge us.

"No redeeming social value. Just whores...."


"We have heard that a half million children
have died," said 60 Minutes reporter Lesley
Stahl, speaking of US sanctions against Iraq.

"I mean, that's more children than died in
Hiroshima. & — and you know, is the price
worth it?"

Her guest, May 1996, U.N. Ambassador
Madeleine Albright, a great liberal, responds:

"I think this is a very hard choice, but the price
— we think the price is worth it."

— "Los Angeles Times"


— anti-Price 1997-3666-2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Daily Bleed for February 18th

Then came days of regret upholstered in grey silk. I
twisted my ring frantically around my finger. I drank
too much coffee. I was a bag of nerves & Mother,
driven by the craziest illusions, prowled around me
like a crow in the festooned vines. She was hoping
I'd leave. I didn't care to leave her alone. With my
head on her knees, I'd listen to time falling, drop
by drop, into the sink..

— Joyce Mansour, "Infinitely . . . on the Grass"

Daily Bleed web page, in full, 77 entries,

A few excerpts,


Lesbian poet, gay emancipationist, jubilator.


1861 -- US: Arapaho & Cheyenne cede most of eastern Colorado —
land guaranteed to them "forever" in an 1851 treaty. Yup. Grand
American tradition.

1884 -- Russia: Moscow police seize all copies of anarchist Leo
Tolstoy's "What I Believe In" at the printers.

1895 -- England: Lord Queensberry leaves a card for Oscar Wilde
at the Albemarle Club calling him a "somdomite"
(the basis of Oscar's libel suit).

1896 -- André Breton (1896-1966) lives. Poet, essayist,
critic, editor, communist, surrealist, promoter.

Artaud: Does Surrealism still hold
the same importance in the
organization & disorganization
of our lives?

Breton: It is all mud, almost
entirely composed
of flowers.

1905 -- Frank Wedekind play "Hidada" premiers, Munchen.

1916 -- US: The brothers Enrique & Ricardo Flores Magón
arrested at their Community Farm near Los Angeles.

Enrique is beaten by the Officer Friendlies & hospitalized.
Both are charged with mailing articles inciting "murder,
arson & treason," & hustled off to prison. Ricardo will die
in Leavenworth under mysterious circumstances.

1930 -- Poet Joel Oppenheimer lives (The Great American Desert).
Attended Black Mountain College where he was a student of Charles
Olson & Paul Goodman. He lived among the poets & artists
of Greenwich Village, & was a columnist for "The Village Voice"
from 1969-1978.

1933 -- Yoko Ono, author (Grapefruit) / performance
artist / composer, lives.

1934 -- Audre Lorde lives. African-American
poet/essayist/autobiographer, passionate writer on lesbian feminism
& racial issues. Author of the highly praised poetry in The Black

1961 -- England: 20,000 — including 89-year-old Bertrand Russell —
march against nuclear weapons & 5,000 stage a sit-down at Ministry of
Defense in the Committee of 100's first public demonstration,
London. That desperado Russell is jailed for seven days.

"Don't you hear the H-bomb's thunder /
Echo like the crack of doom?"

— John Brunner, science fiction author,
wrote the CND's marching song

From 1940 to 1996, expenditures for nuclear weapons
exceeded the combined total federal spending on education,
training, employment, & social services; agriculture;
natural resources & the environment; general science
& space research; community & regional development
(including disaster relief); law enforcement; &
energy production & regulation.

"You ask for decent houses & they give you bombs instead,
A six-foot hole to house you in & a medal when you're dead."

— Songster Ewan McColl, "Join in the Line"

1970 -- US: Federal jury finds the "Chicago 7" innocent of conspiring
to incite riots during the 1968 Democratic National Convention.
However, five are convicted of crossing state lines with intent
to incite riots.

1972 -- Plastered...
Italy: Letters to an Editor, the collected correspondence between
the Situationist International & the Italian publishing house Feltrinelli,
is published during this month by Gianfranco Sanguinetti, in poster
form, & plastered around Milan.

1992 -- México City announces plans to build
giant antipollution fans.

¡Oh, crap! ¡¿De end of WWE wrestling smackdown!?!

2003 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader G.W. Bush
says he will ignore protests over war against Iraq.
Better believe it...for once (unfortunately) a truth
slips from the White House.

"All Hat & No Cattle" is no longer an operative
appellation for this TexassLongHorn.


"When we try to pick
out anything by
itself, we find it
hitched to everything
else in the universe."

— John Muir, 1869


— anticopyRite 1997-2782078 (more(dantly) or less)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Daily Bleed for February 16th

If we feel the least degradation in being amorous,
or merry or hungry, or sleepy, we are so far
bad animals & miserable men.

— William Morris

Daily Bleed web page, 57 events



Dean of American anarchist historians.

1848 -- Octave Mirbeau (1848-1917) lives. Prolific short story
writer (1,200!), novelist, anarchiste, antimilitarist, dramatist. A
founding member of the Académie Goncourt.

1916 -- US: In the Land of the Free, the Emma Goldman is
arrested in New York City for lecturing on birth control.

When a law has outgrown time &
necessity, it must go
& the only way to get
rid of the law is to
awaken the public to
the fact that it has
outlived its purpose
& that is precisely
what I have been doing
& mean to do in the

— Emma Goldman to the Press, a
few days after her arrest

1916 -- US: On or about this day in Chicago
Chef Jean Crones (pseudonym for Nestor Dondoglio)
discovers he needs to refine one of the recipes
in his cookbook.

A chef by profession, Crones poisoned some 200
guests at a banquet to honor Archbishop Mundelein
by lacing the soup with arsenic.

None of the guests died — Chef Crones had used
too much poison, which prompted the victims to
vomit it back up.

After leaving a series of taunts for police, he skedaddled to
the East Coast, where he was hidden by other anarchist
"Galleanists" until his death in 1932.

Chef Crones-Dondoglio was never apprehended...

[& thus his goose was never cooked!!]

1934 -- US: Thousands of Socialists battle Communists
at a rally in New York's Madison Square Garden.

1952 -- Jan Kerouac lives. Beatster Jack Kerouac's
daughter with Joan Haverty. Meanwhile, during
this month, Jack K. & Carolyn Cassady get intimate. Also during
this period Kerouac has first psychedelic experience when
anarcho-surrealist poet Philip Lamantia gives him peyote.

1970 -- Mexico: Pedro Vallina Martinez (1879-1970) dies.
Outstanding figure of Andalusian anarchism. Medical doctor,
labor movement militant, imprisoned & exiled for his opposition
to Spanish fascism.

1977 -- "Italian Spring," thousands reject authority, universities
occupied throughout Italy. Students eject Communist union bosses
from Rome campus. Started as a protest against university reform,
evolved into generalized criticism of all forms of alienation —
especially bureaucrats, unionists, & political parties.

1996 -- Brownie McGhee dies at 80. Blues Performer,
Singer/Guitarist, Pianist, Kazoo, Songwriter, of Brownie & Sonny.

2001 -- US:

NY City's #1 art critic is at it again. Mayor Rudolph
Giuliani, a noted adulterer who married his cousin,
& dumped his second wife on live television, parades
about town with his mistress at taxpayer expense &
violates the US Constitution — as if doing so was a form
of yoga — now wants to create a decency task force to
police the Big Apple's art museums.

From his first days as Mayor Giuliani has engaged in
a relentless attack on artists & free speech. This creep
should run for President. (He did in 2008.)

2006 -- US: Paul Avrich (1931-2006) dies this evening.
Devoted & sympathetic biographer & historian of anarchism.
Among many notable books, Anarchist Voices gathered 200
interviews over a 30-year period, allowing "anonymous" militants
to avoid oblivion, opening the way for innumerable works of
research & reflection. Avrich was a trusted friend to many of the
older members of the movement, putting them in touch with each
other, following their reunions, & visiting them regularly.


If you dream alone, it's just
a dream.
If you dream together, it's

— Brazilian folk song


— anti-copyRite 1997-2011 more or less

Monday, February 14, 2011

Daily Bleed for February 14th

The State is the organization
Of the evil instincts of mankind.
History is the penalty
We pay for original sin.
In the conflict of appetite
And desire, the person finally
Loses; either the technology
Of the choice of the lesser evil
Overwhelms him; or a universe
Where the stars in their courses move
To ends that justify their means
Dissolves him in its elements.

— Kenneth Rexroth

Daily Bleed, web page updated, 65+
clickerdoodles, dash-a-local color,


Romantic Bulgarian anarchist theorist, orator.
He of the wonderful slouch hat.

Portland, Dorset: BINDING DAY (more or less; this ain't horseshoes)

Moveable holiday, probably not today if you're keeping up
with the rest of the human race, but this will have to do:

the 7th Wednesday after Christmas, according to a fine
tradition, you burgle your neighbours' house & ransom
the stuff back.

This commemorates a successful counter-attack by locals
who manage to remain hidden whilst raiders slew
local men & carried off the women.

St. Valentine is the patron saint of prisoners.
The day birds & animals choose their mates.


1819 -- England: Joshua Norton I, Dei Gratia Emperor of the
United States & Protector of Mexico lives, London, England.

Greatest Beloved & Respected
Comrade Leader the US has ever had.

"Everybody understands Mickey Mouse. Few understand
Hermann Hesse. Hardly anybody understands Einstein.

& nobody understands Emperor Norton."

— Malaclypse the Younger, K.S.C.

1895 -- Oscar Wilde's comedy "The Importance of Being
Earnest" opens in London at the St. James's Theatre.

"Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history,
is man's original virtue. It is through disobedience that
progress has been made, through disobedience & through

"An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy
of being called an idea at all."

1896 -- Bulgaria: George Cheitanov lives. Writer,
speaker, theorist of the Bulgarian anarchist movement.

1910 -- US: Bern Porter lives, just south of Houlton, Maine,
a human child, & works on the atomic bomb as a human adult,
(freely creating however, yes). So be it. &, the question now
is, where would Porter suggest we go on this website?

When war came, Bern was drafted for uranium
separation work on the Manhattan Project, a job he quit after
the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in August of 1945.

From 1944-1948, Porter & George Leite published the literary
magazine "Circle 10". Bern also published Henry Miller's
anti-war tract, "Murder the Murderers", becoming the first US
publisher of Miller.

He actively promoted & published other writers under the
Bern Porter Books imprint while developing his own art,
which included found poetry...

1919 -- Colombia: Fabric workers' strike, in Medellín, with the
worker Betsabé Espinoza as director & negotiator.

Women's "swarms" are formed to protect strikers from police attacks.

1921 -- US: In New York, Jane Heap & Margaret Anderson
face obscenity charges for publishing a portion of James Joyce's
Ulysses in the Little Review. Fined 50 buckaroonies.

1923 -- US: American-Italian anarchist Nicola Sacco goes
on prison hunger strike.

1925 -- A close-up of a lottery list shows the winning
numbers drawn in the Mexican National Lottery, dated

February 14, 1925.

The camera pulls back to the hands of a man holding a
lottery ticket.

The scraggly-looking bum, a dirty, ragged scrounger [later
identified as Fred C. Dobbs "Dobbsie" (Humphrey Bogart)],
tears his losing ticket to pieces.

— From John Huston's film script of B. Traven's book,
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

1937 -- Spain: 14 y 15 de febrero, "Congreso Extraordinario de
Colectividades de Aragón donde se funda la Federación de Colectividades
de Aragón." 456 delegates represent 150,000 to 300,000 colectivistas,
& some 275 to 500 active collectives.

1942 -- Jamake Highwater lives. Native American novelist / writer.
Co-founder of the San Francisco Contemporary Dancers.

1945 -- Germany: Allied fire-bombing of Dresden, killing
more than 200,000 German citizens, enters into its second day.

Many die of suffocation as fire storms, unleashed by
the raids, consume all the oxygen over large areas of the city.

To the victor goes more than the spoils, but also the cover-up
of its own crimes & atrocities. The US & other Allies & its
media divert attention from these by focusing on German atrocities,
& especially the Holocaust.

& "so it goes"

1968 --
Ideas improve. The meaning of words takes part in it.




Let it be said ! ! !


— Special printing-shop of the Enraged,
Nanterre, [France], 2/14/1968

1990 -- Universal Commie Plot?: Space probe Voyager 1 takes
photograph of entire solar system. Scientists are shocked to discover
"it's not a system, it's a collective."

1991 -- Iraq: With the military & American press agog with their
proclamations of "precision" bombing, US war planes bomb a civilian
shelter, killing at least 500, in Baghdad.

1996 -- Huck?: Eva Hart, Titanic survivor, dies at 90, river rafting.

1997 -- Palestine: Last remaining Jahalin Bedouin families, living in
the Abu-Dis area for over 40 years, forcibly removed to make way
for new Jewish settlements (illegal under the Oslo accords & Israeli law).

2009 -- Luís Andrés Edo dies. Anarquista who fought the repressions
of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Franco's Spain. An untiring
militant & author of two books (2002 & 2006).


Sheltered in an underground meat storage
locker, the Hoosier soldier managed to survive a
combined American/British firebombing raid that
devastated the city & killed an estimated 135,000
people -- more than the number of deaths in the
atomic bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

After the bombing, the soldier wrote his father,

"We were put to work carrying corpses from Air-Raid
shelters; women, children, old men; dead from concussion,
fire or suffocation. Civilians cursed us & threw rocks as we
carried bodies to huge funeral pyres in the city."

Re: Slaughterhouse Five


— Anti-Slew 2011 + last year too, more or less

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Daily Bleed for February 10th

Oh, shining tree!
Oh, silver rivers of the soul!

In a whirling cabaret
Six long-headed jazzers play.

— A text by Langston Hughes being analyzed by
students in the courses "Culture in the Jazz Age"
at the University of Texass

Daily Bleed in full,


Great German political dramatist & poet,
inventor of modern "epic theater," the
"gest," & the "alienation effect."

Tampa, Florida: GASPARILLA DAY.
Spanish pirate defeated by US Navy in 1821.
Beginning of week long festival.
Someone playing Gasparilla is crowned
Pirate King, given keys to city, etc.


1794 -- France: Suicide of Jacques Roux (1752-1794)
in his Paris prison cell.

French revolutionist, known as the pitiless & sometimes cruel "Red
Priest," but also a precursor of socialism & modern anarchism. He
denounced those monopolizing the revolution, the speculator, the
merchant — & also government & the whole apparatus of the
parliamentary state.

"Liberty is no more than an empty shell when one class of
men is allowed to condemn another to starvation without
any measures being taken against them. & equality is also
an empty shell when the rich, by exercising their economic
monopolies, have the power of life or death over other
members of the community."

1837 -- Black Russian poet Aleksandr Pushkin, 37,
dies of wounds received in a duel.

1846 -- The first edition of Edward Lear's A Book of Nonsense
published. Buncha tosh. Lear may be considered the inventor of the
term 'snail mail' & has a jet named after him.

1863 -- P.T. Barnum stages wedding of Tom Thumb &
Mercy Lavinia Warren. The ceremony ends with their
duet of "Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues":

Now if you see Saint Annie
Please tell her thanks a lot
I cannot move
My fingers are all in a knot
I don't have the strength
To get up & take another shot
& my best friend, my doctor
Won't even say what it is I've got

— Bob Dylan

1888 -- Giuseppe Pasotti (1888-1951) lives. Italian anarcho-
syndicalist & member of the Italian League of Human Rights.

1890 -- Boris Pasternak lives, Moscow. Librarian, translator,
novelist (Doctor Zhivago), poet.

1896 -- Home Colony Co-Operative (Mutual
Association) founded on Van Geldern Cove
near Seattle & Tacoma, Washington.

The Home Colony was a peculiar combination of
communism & anarchism, organized by a group who
had already been in the Glennis Co-operative
Industrial Company, a Bellamy colony...

See Brian Avery's article, in the Stan Iverson Archives,

1898 -- Marxist playwright Bertolt Brecht
lives, Augsburg, Germany. Doctor, poet,
playwright, theatrical reformer. Fled
rightwing Nazis. After moving to
the US, fled from the Land of the Free
when HUAC's right wingnuts come after
him during the Cold War.

1920 -- England: Alex Comfort lives. British anarchist, poet,
& author of the ever-popular Joy of Sex. Oh, Joy!, Oh, Joy!

"You have only to speak for once — they will melt like the dust:
you have only to spit in their faces — they will go
howling like devils to swindle somebody else

but if you choose to obey, we shall not blame you
for every lesson is new. We will make room for you
in the cold hall were every cause is just.

Perhaps you'll go with us to frosty windows
putting the same choice as the years go round
or sit debating 'When will they disobey?'

wrapped in our coats against the impartial cold."
All this I think the buried me would say,
clutching their white ribs & their rusted helmets

nationless bones, under the still ground.

— Alex Comfort
excerpt from "The Soldiers"

1931 -- US: Karl Yoneda, attends a demonstration in Los
Angeles, where the Red Squad beat him severely &
toss him into a cell.

"'Come & pick up this goddamn Jap, he's dying
anyway' he told me," Black recalled in her biography
The Red Angel.

"He was a bloody mess. The bandages
hadn't been changed on his head.
Everything was covered with blood."

As a student Yoneda read the works of Marx & the Russian
anarchist Vasily Eroshenko. Yoneda later became
an organizer for the Communist Party in Los Angeles.

1948 -- Great Soviet filmmaker Sergei
Eisenstein dies ("Potemkin," "Ivan the
Terrible," "Ten Days That Shook the

1949 -- "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller opens at the
Morosco Theater in NY.

1957 -- Laura Ingalls Wilder, author & the last surviving member
of the pioneering Ingalls family, dies in her Rocky Ridge home.
Laura's daughter Rose became a noted author & right-wing libertarian.

1967 -- "Tribute to J. Edgar Hoover" at
California Hall. Music by the
Jook Savages, Blue Cheer &
the Mojo Men. John H. Myers
Blues Project, Jimmy Reed &
John Lee Hooker at the
Fillmore Auditorium.

1992 -- Spain: During this month the TV film, A Matar Franco
(To Kill Franco) is made, telling in full for the first time of various,
mostly unpublicized, attempts to kill Franco by the Spanish CNT,
the Basque ETA & various international anarchists (Spanish,
Mexican, Belgian, French, Italian & British).

2001 -- US: Tribes of the Cass Corridor founded, Motor City, Michigan;
buncha ice skaters without skates: "Think where man's glory most begins
& ends, / & say my glory was I had such friends." — William Butler Yeats


"Faith may be defined briefly as an illogical belief in the
occurrence of the improbable.... A man full of faith is
simply one who has lost (or never had) the capacity for
clear & realistic thought. He is not a mere ass: he is
actually ill."

— H.L. Mencken


— anti-CopyRite 1997-6000, more or less

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Daily Bleed for February 8th

. . . I heard the song
Of the world's last whale
As I rocked in the moonlight
& reefed the sail.
It'll happen to you
Also without fail
If it happens to me
Sang the world's last whale.

— Pete Seeger

Today's Bleed updated, web page in full,


Utopianist, Saint-Simonian "Pope",
gender egalitarian.

Japan: MASS FOR BROKEN NEEDLES. Day of rest for needles.
(Don't leave them in your arm, puleeeze!)

NIRVANA DAY (Buddhist).



1878 -- Austria-Hungary: Jewish theologist Martin Buber lives.

"During one of our discussions a classmate pulled
out a copy of Kenneth Rexroth's "Bird in the Bush"
& read some passages from his essay on Buber. I
immediately borrowed it, devoured it, &
was never quite the same again."

— Ken Knabb, Confessions of a Mild-Mannered
Enemy of the State

1906 -- Henry Roth (1906-) lives. American author who gained
international fame with his novel Call It Sleep (1934).

Other forgotten writers from the 1930s who have been
"rediscovered": Nathanael West, Daniel Fuchs, Edward
Dahlberg, John Peale Bishop, Jack Conroy, Tess Slesinger,
Nelson Algren, Meyer Levin, Albert Halper.

1910 -- Norway: Hans Henrik Jæger, (1854-1910),
writer & anarchist, dies.

"Your face holds all the love in
the world. Moonlight steals across
your face so full of Earthly
beauty & Grief. For now Death
extends her hands of Life & a
band is made between the
thousands of generations who are
dead & the thousands of
generations who are to come"
— Edvard Munch

Nature writhes at a too early dying,
behind the palace the sun hangs ruby red—
We sniffle at the sharp perfume of winter,
and shiver slightly: Hans Jæger is in the air!

— Jens Bjørneboe, excerpt, "Before the Solstice:
Hans Jæger in Memoriam"

1912 -- US: IWW free speech fight; vigilantes beat Industrial
Workers of the World organizers for exercising free speech
rights in San Diego, California. Some are tarred & feathered,
forced to kiss the American flag & run out of town by the good

1917 -- US: Igal Roodenko, nonviolent activist, lives.
A regular contributor to WIN Magazine.

Roodenko was instrumental in abolishing the chain gang
system when he wrote an expose of it for the New York
Post. Through the years, Roodenko continued to protest
racism & militarism (in 1963 he organized what turned out
to be the first demonstration against U.S. military
involvement in Vietnam) & was arrested at least 10 times
for his stands, even being deported from Poland in 1987.

Biographical piece on Roodenko at Swathmore Library,

1921 -- Russia: The "Anarchist Prince," geographer, theorist,
& militant, Peter Kropotkin dies.

Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Lenin offers
a state funeral & burial in Kremlin Wall, which is refused.

100,000 people attend Kropotkin's funeral procession on
Feb. 13 — organized by Alexandre Atabekian & others —
& it is the last non-state-sponsored mass assembly in the
Bolshevik Worker's Paradise for the next 70 years.

I remember, said Emma, the cairn on the mountain ridge
a heap of broken stones & broken branches
with tokens attached of horsehair or rag
& the cry: "The waters before us
flow now to the Amur.
No mountains more to cross."

— excerpt from the poem,
"The Death of Kropotkin," by Sir Herbert Read


1926 -- US: Neal Cassady (The First Third) lives,
Salt Lick City, Utah. All Mormons seek to emulate him.

1969 -- Leopoldo Méndez (1902-1969) dies.

Méndez was a printmaker, painter &
muralist. Like Posada, he is known
primarily for his politically charged
prints depicting the horrors of war,
struggles of laborers and parodies
of capitalist greed & fascism. He
helped found the long-lived Taller
de Gráfica Popular (TGP) in 1937.

1988 -- Make Room for the USofA! Withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan
announced by USSR.

1998 -- Novelist Halldor Laxness, 95, dies, at
a nursing home northwest of Reykjavik, Iceland.

1998 -- Bill Gates has his (free!) pie & eats it too.

The ol' Pie Brigade, it "delivers."

2005 -- US: ARTerror? Austrian artist Robert Jelinek —
founder of the artist's collective "Sabotage" — flies in carrying
art & literature for an exhibition at the Cincinnati Contemporary
Arts Center.

Homeland Security (de Fine Arts Dept.?) confiscates 33
passport-works by artist Heimo Zobernig, educational
leaflets, & personal items from Jelinek.

Officials justify seizing the art because it is "produced by
an anarchy group called Sabotage which does not believe
in international borders."

2006 -- Spain: Ricardo Taddei, an Argentine policeman wanted
for 161 cases of kidnapping & torturing "leftist" dissidents during
Argentina's Dirty War, is arrested after 20-years, in Madrid.


"To live outside the law, you
must be honest."

— Bob Dylan


People are treated like passive objects, not active subjects.
After degrading being into having, the society of the spectacle
has further transformed having into merely appearing.

The result is an appalling contrast between cultural poverty
& economic wealth, between what is & what could be.

"Who wants a world in which the guarantee that we shall not
die of starvation," Vaneigem asks, "entails the risk of dying of

— anti-Entrails, 2011 more or less than more

Friday, February 04, 2011

Daily Bleed for February 4th

Winds & tides
Two little waves to drown me.

— Jacques Prévert, excerpt, "Quicksand"

Daily Bleed web page, 83 entries in full,


Pioneer American feminist writer, critic, agitator.

Somebody call the CIA.

1819 -- Monarchy for the People!

Emperor Norton I, true ruler of these United States, lives...

& well he lives!

He ate without paying at whatever restaurant, lunchroom,
or saloon took his fancy. Created his own money, which
was honored all over Frisco Bay.

The Emperor called for a world of leisure & creativity, a
country of the mind without borders, in which all were
engaged in their most creative work.

1869 -- Wobbly "Big Bill" Haywood lives, in Salt Lake City, Utah
— where all good Mormons try to emulate him. Industrial Workers
of the World (IWW) honcho.

Carl Sandburg wrote a piece for the "International Socialist
Review" casting IWW leader William "Big Bill" Haywood,
imprisoned along with the rest of the IWW leadership on
wartime sedition charges, as a kind of 20th-century John
Brown, & another piece on Haywood for the "Chicago
Daily News".

1894 -- Adolphe Sax, inventor of the saxophone, dies in poverty.

This bent metal serpent/
holy horn with lids like beer
mug/ with phallic tail why did they invent you
before Coleman Hawkins was born ?

excerpt, 'The Sax Bit' by Ted Joans

1899 -- Philippines: Revolt against the non-imperialist benevolent peace-loving
US occupation forces begins. The American genocide of Filipinos follows;
Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader president of the Philippine
Commission notes

"We propose to stay there indefinitely
in working out this good
that we propose to do them."

This "good" would be called terrorism by any decent people.

"In November 1901, the Manila correspondent
of the "Philadelphia Ledger" reported:

'The present war is no bloodless, opera bouffe engagement;
our men have been relentless, have killed to exterminate men,
women, children, prisoners & captives, active insurgents &
suspected people from lads of ten up, the idea prevailing that
the Filipino as such was little better than a dog...."

4,165 US troops, 10,000-20,000 guerrillas & 200,000+
civilians are killed in the next four years.

1900 -- Jacques Prévert, (1900-1977) lives. Poet, surrealist,

Worshiped freedom & glorified the spirit of rebellion
& revolt. Participated with the surrealists, but refused to
join the Communist Party with Andre Breton, whom he
made fun of in "Mort d'un monsieur". A talented screen
writer, his credits include "The Children of Paradise."

1921 -- Chile: Massacre at San Gregorio leaves 565 nitrate
miners dead. Hot on the heels of the 1920 post-war depression
the employers are on the offensive & from 1921 to 1923 are
successful in beating back the unions.

1922 -- US: Capablanca plays 103 simultaneous chess games,
in Cleveland (102-0-1).

1957 -- Hey, You Maroons!
Joseph Hardaway, creator of Bugs Bunny, dies.

That's all folks!

1957 -- Writer, painter, book illustrator, Miguel Covarrubias dies.

1957 -- L'Art brut
Talks by Ralph Rumney (L'Art brut de vivre
[The Outsider Art of Living]) & Asger Jorn (Industrie et
beaux-arts, extrêmes de l'unité situationniste [Industry &
Fine Art: The Two Extremes of Situationist Unity]), Taptoe
Gallery, Brussels (a "monosonorous talk" is presented by
Yves Klein two days later).

1962 -- Russia: Take Me Out to the ol' Gulag?

Newspaper "Izvestia" reports baseball
is an old Russian game.

Babe Ruthsky, Mickski Mantle,
Barry Bondkaslavsky Bondkaslavsky...yeh!

1968 -- The inspirational genius of the Beat writers, Prankster
Neal Cassady, pulls his last prank — collapses & dies along
railroad tracks, San Miguel De Allende, Mexico.

who poverty & tatters & hollow-eyed & high sat up
smoking in the supernatural darkness of cold-water flats
floating across the tops of cities contemplating jazz ...


Cassady: cultural renegade, your
ultimate school bus driver.

"The bus came by & I got on, that's when it all began
There was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to

— 'The Other One', The Grateful Dead

1982 -- Erica Roe, a busty bookseller, streaks topless
at Twickenham at the rugby international between
England & Australia, capturing headlines with her
40-inch bust during the height of the Falklands War.

"I was supposed to be at work in my bookshop..."

Her streak has been voted into the top (sic)
100 Greatest Moments in Sports.

1979 -- Peru: Six workers are killed in the massacre
of Cromotex, Lima.

1981 -- Guatemala: 68 campesinos are killed in the massacre
of Chimaltenango.

1991 -- Canada: Eleven arrested for spraying blood on war
supplier Litton Systems, Toronto. Damn terrorists!

1995 -- Australia: Barricade Bookstore opens, Melbourne.

1998 -- Brussels: International Pie Brigade commandos, created by
pie-throwing anarchist Noël Godin, delivers a pie to Bill Gates
(Seattle boy makes good: "the richest man of the world") to cries of :

"Entartons, entartons le polluant pognon!"

1999 -- US: In NYC plainclothes police officers fire 41 shots
at Amadou Diallo (22), a Bronx street peddler & immigrant from
Guinea, who was unarmed in front of his Bronx home.

Daillo died from 19 gunshot wounds (great shots these cops).
The four shooters were later indicted for 2nd degree murder.
Surprisingly most cops who murder their victims are never

& these four are — surprise! — acquitted.

2005 -- US: We can't make stuff up like this department:

Its fun to shoot people... It's a hoot...

"You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around
for five years because they didn't wear a veil," Mattis said.
"You know, guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway. So
it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them."

Adopt a sniper...shot down:

Students were selling bracelets bearing the motto
"1 Shot 1 Kill No Remorse I Decide."


"When you give food to the poor, they
call you a saint.

When you ask why the poor have no
food, they call you a communist."

— Archbishop Helder Camara,
Brazilian liberation theologist


— anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Daily Bleed for February 2nd

History, Stephen said, is a nightmare
                     from which I am trying to awake.

                     — James Joyce

Daily Bleed web page updated,

Choice morsels,


Irish modernist writer, experimental novelist.


BEAR CHASE FESTIVAL, Pyrénées: a pretend bear chases
men dressed as women. After an amorous interlude, the
bear is 'killed', revived, shaved & killed again — paradoxical
play & sexual inversion to contend hierarchies of gender.


1848 -- Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends US war with Mexico.

    After invasion by peace-loving US, Mexico cedes parts of
    California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Colorado
    & Texas Mexico to the US.

1859 -- Havelock Ellis, American sex reformer, lives.

Daily Bleed Saint, 2004
Pioneer sexologist, closet pervert, liberated a full
generation of uptight Americans.

            "The place where optimism most
            flourishes is the lunatic asylum."

1869 -- Burma Shave?: James Oliver invents the removable
tempered steel plow blade.

1872 -- This month Joshua Norton I, greatest Leader America
has ever known, "Dei Gratia" Emperor
of the United States & Protector of Mexico,

                 "Fires All Public Officials"

                 — 1872 (exact day unknown)

1876 -- US: National Baseball League forms, consisting of
Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, New York, Philadelphia,
St. Louis, Louisville & Hartford.

& the right field bleechers go mad with Chicanos & blacks
                  & Brooklyn beer-drinkers,
             "Tito! Sock it to him, sweet Tito!"
        & sweet Tito puts his foot in the bucket
       & smacks one that don't come back at all,
                & flees around the bases
      like he's escaping from the United Fruit Company.
         As the gringo dollar beats out the pound.
     & sweet Tito beats it out like he's beating out usury,
            not to mention fascism & anti-semitism.
                  & Juan Marichal comes up,
       & the Chicano bleechers go loco again...

    — excerpt, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, "Baseball Canto"

1882 -- James Joyce lives, Dublin, Ireland.

1894 -- Roman Delgado lives, (1894-1952). Spanish
anarchist who emigrated to America at 16 & joined
a Magoniste group in San Antonio, Texass.

1905 -- Russian-born Joan Rivers/Phyllis Diller wanna-be
& American writer whose work fronts her philosophy of
objectivism (moralizing autocrats), Ayn Rand lives.

    Wrote a pot-boiler, The Fountainhead, extolling greed &
    individual acts without conscience. Important film critic &
    so-called defender of the individual against the state &
    collectivism, who slavishly adopted the missionary position
    before that august governmental body, HUAC (investigating
    Hollywood actor-communists plotting to take over the world),
    as a voluntary & friendly long-winded gas-bag of a witness.

    Also a blatant racist & defender of genocide of Native Americans.

1931 -- The first US citizens are "repatriated" from the nation
as Los Angeles Chicanos are deported to Mexico.

    Within four years 400,000 Mexican-Americans,
    many US citizens living here as long as 40 years,
    are "repatriated".

1938 -- US: Firebrand Emma Tenayuca
leads pecan shellers strike, San Antonio, Texass.

1938 -- England: During this month Emma Goldman plans a spring
benefit for the SIA (International Antifascist Solidarity); sponsors
include art critic Herbert Read, Laurence Housman, Havelock
Ellis, John Cowper Powys, George Orwell, & Rebecca West,
among others.

1939 -- England: This month Emma Goldman is frantic with
worry until she receives firm news of the whereabouts of
anarchists who have escaped from Catalonia after the collapse
of the resistance in Spain. Also this month, IISH informs Emma
that her archive has been sent to England in case the Nazis invade
the Netherlands.

1948 -- Radio broadcast of Antonin Artaud's "Pour En
Finir Avec le Judgement de Dieu" is canceled. A heretic's
scatological tirade at the extreme of the linguistic lunatic fringe,
it was perhaps Artaud's electronic revenge against his incarcerators
— an invective broadcast from the end of the mind.

1962 -- US: Land of the Free? Not in the Halls: University of Washington
bans campus speech by Gus Hall, head of Communist Party USA.

1970 -- England: Philosopher/activist Bertrand Russell dies.
His War Crimes Tribunal was instrumental in providing a
world forum which could not be ignored (even by US media),
revealing US lies & atrocities perpetrated during the Vietnam War years.

1972 -- Tribute for the anarchist poet/author Kenneth Patchen
held at City Lights Poets Theater.


          "The governors of the world believe, & have
         always believed, that virtue can only be taught
            by teaching falsehood, & that any man who
          knew the truth would be wicked. I disbelieve
        this, absolutely & entirely. I believe that love of
            truth is the basis of all real virtue, & that
           virtues based upon lies can only do harm."

                                   — Bertrand Russell


— anticopyRite 1997-666999. Yepadoodle.